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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Photobucket Image Uploader (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=166286)

optrex 04-23-2008 02:26 PM

I love the idea of this hack. Is there a way that it can be modified to ONLY display and allow the use of the thumbnail code?

Dannyloski 04-23-2008 02:29 PM

^ Thanks ... BTW, Photobucket doesnt have a Thumbnail Code ... They only have:

Share URL for Email & IM
Direct Link for Layout Pages
HTML Code for Websites & Blogs
IMG Code for Forums & Bulletin Boards

Lindsey 04-23-2008 08:42 PM

Could you update this to work with 3.7.0 RC 4

Dannyloski 04-23-2008 09:38 PM

Lindsey, does it not work with it? It should work, what errors do you get? I have not install vBulletin 3.6.7 and up and dont plan to until it becomes the Newest Stable Version. Until then, if this does not work on 3.6.7 then you cannot use it.

TRa5H 04-24-2008 09:32 AM

Thanks worked like a charm now that i have the users set.. i thought i was confused lol..

marked Installed

Dannyloski 04-24-2008 03:17 PM

TRa5H, glad to hear that man :up:

Lindsey, I just upgraded my Forums to vB 3.6.10 and this Hack still works perfectly. What error are you getting in 3.7.0 RC4? Please let me know ...

Lindsey 04-26-2008 02:16 AM


I was just making sure it works before I install ;)

Thank you for your reply

bazzup 04-26-2008 09:51 AM

Excellent hack, love it.



Dannyloski 04-26-2008 04:22 PM

Lindsey, oh okay .. .the way you posted it, it sounded like you had installed it and it didnt work. Glad thought that this wasnt the issue.

bazzup, glad you like it :up:

Robert Waanders 04-27-2008 08:23 AM

Great mod, marked as installed..


Dannyloski 04-27-2008 02:07 PM

^ Thank you :up:

fukdawrld 05-11-2008 07:43 PM

perfect and werks with 3.7gold....!

Dannyloski 05-14-2008 05:15 PM

^ :up: Glad to hear that ...

lostgirl815 05-21-2008 09:49 PM

UPDATE regarding below question: sorry, I realize now what I was doing wrong. I needed to select a picture first. But I'll leave the rest of this here in case anyone else doesn't figure that out. (I'm not the only blonde here, am I?)

Nobody else has mentioned this problem so it must be my browser settings, but I have no idea which one.

When I click on the image code, and get the 'copied' message, and then paste the code into the post form... rather that the image code, this appears:

I'm using 3.7.0. Thanks for any help or advice!


<!-- Photobucket Image Upload -->
<style type="text/css">
.viewable {
display: block;
.viewable a {
line-height: 16px;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: sans-serif;
color: {$vbulletin->options['photobucket_displaycolor']};
.viewable a:hover {
color: {$vbulletin->options['photobucket_displayhovercolor']};
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
.hidden {
display: none;
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function view() {
fetch_object('hidelink').className = "viewable";
fetch_object('viewlink').className = "hidden";
fetch_object('photobucket').className = "viewable";
fetch_object('jwidget').src = "http://photobucket.com/svc/jwidget.php?width={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_width']}&height={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_height']}&largeThumb=false&pbaffsite=272&bg={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_bgcolor']}&border=false&bordercolor=%23000000&url=&linkType=img&textcolor={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_color']}&linkcolor={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_linkcolor']}&media=both&btntxt=&searchenabled=true&searchlinkcolor=&searchbgcolor="
return false;
function hide() {
fetch_object('hidelink').className = "hidden";
fetch_object('viewlink').className = "viewable";
fetch_object('photobucket').className = "hidden";
return false;
<fieldset class="fieldset">
    <legend>Add images from your Photobucket Account</legend>
    <div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px">
<span id="viewlink" class="viewable">
<nobr><a href="javascript:{}" onclick="view();">{$vbulletin->options['photobucket_displaytextvisible']}</a></nobr>
<span id="hidelink" class="hidden">
<nobr><a href="javascript:{}" onclick="hide();">{$vbulletin->options['photobucket_displaytexthide']}</a><br>
<div id="photobucket" class="hidden" align="center">
<iframe name="jwidget" id="jwidget" src="http://photobucket.com/svc/jwidget.php?width={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_width']}&height={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_height']}&largeThumb=false&pbaffsite=272&bg={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_bgcolor']}&border=false&bordercolor=%23000000&url=&linkType=img&textcolor={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_color']}&linkcolor={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_linkcolor']}&media=both&btntxt=&searchenabled=true&searchlinkcolor=&searchbgcolor=" bgcolor="transparent" width="{$vbulletin->options['photobucket_width']}" height="{$vbulletin->options['photobucket_height']}" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">You must have an iframe-compatable browser to view the Photobucket Upload form.</iframe>
<!-- / Photobucket Image Upload -->

Dannyloski 05-22-2008 11:14 PM

^ Glad you solved it ... :up:

KanmaiseR 05-23-2008 05:36 AM

Thanks Dannyloski, installed..

sebaldus 05-23-2008 01:56 PM

Thanks man... I love this add ons. :)

Dannyloski 05-24-2008 04:28 PM

No problem guys, glad you like it :up:

JVSP 06-04-2008 07:13 AM

When clicking on the image url the image code will not get copied, it worked before and now it doesn't. I am running 3.7.1 and it doesn't work in IE or FireFox. When clicking on the error in IE it says:


Line: 2
Char: 79720
Error: 'Effect' is undefined
Code: 0
URL: http://s85.photobucket.com/plugin/album

BadgerDog 06-04-2008 12:37 PM

Thanks, but uninstalled ...

Can't see to make it do anything.... :confused:

When I click the IMG phrase, the word "copied" appears but nothing (no link) shows up in the post white space.


Dannyloski 06-05-2008 03:01 PM

fxlr8, unfortunately I have not upgraded to 3.7, so I cant help you out. I am still running 3.6.10 and plan to do so for a good while because there are a lot of changes in 3.7 that I do not have the time to sit down and undertake to make everything work the same as before. However, if the Auto Copying is not working you can always just copy it Manually by hitting Ctrl + C on your Keyboard or Right Click > Copy then you can paste it as you did before via Ctrl + V on your keyboard or Right Click > Paste. It adds one more step, but at least the Upload Feature still works. Is it possible for you to give me a link to your Forums and make me a Dummy Account with privileges to use the Photobucket Image Uploader? I'd like to see the error in action myself, maybe that will help me out in trying to find a better fix.

BadgerDog, When the "Copied" text appears it means that it has been copied to your Computer's Clipboard. Now you need to go to the Posting Text Area (White Space) and hit Ctrl + V on your keyboard or Right Click > Paste for it to be pasted on there.

Dannyloski 06-07-2008 03:31 PM

fxlr8, thank you for allowing me access to your Forums which are running vB 3.7.x ... I looked and it seems like the error is being cause because of a conflict between the 3.7.x/3.6.10+ Code and the Photobucket Media Plugin Code. If this is truly the case, there is actually nothing I can do to resolve the issue, either vBulletin would have to find a fix and apply it to their code or Photobucket would have to find a fix and apply it to their Media Plugin Code ... Both of these are very highly doubtable that will happen. So basically put, the error with the Automatic Copying to Clipboard cannot be fixed at this time, sorry.

Please note that this error will only occur in vB 3.7.x & 3.6.10+, the vB 3.6.9 and earlier Series do not have this error.

Dannyloski 06-11-2008 06:04 PM

fxlr8, with the Patch Release of vB PL1 and vB 3.6.10 PL1 the function of the Automatic Copying to Clipboard now works again.

BadgerDog 06-11-2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1541580)
BadgerDog, When the "Copied" text appears it means that it has been copied to your Computer's Clipboard. Now you need to go to the Posting Text Area (White Space) and hit Ctrl + V on your keyboard or Right Click > Paste for it to be pasted on there.

Thanks, I did that.... :)

When I select the drop down box (right click) and look for the PASTE to be active, it's not...

So, for whatever reason, the clicking of the IMG doesn't copy to clipboard for any of my users who tried to test this before release.

Thanks anyway...


Dannyloski 06-11-2008 11:35 PM

BadgerDog, can I get a Username and Password for a Test User on your Forums that has permission to use this Hack. I do not see how it will work for everyone else and not on your forums. Also what version of vBulletin did you have installed when this error was happening? If you upgraded to the Latest Version (vB 3.6.10 PL1 or vB 3.7.1 PL1) then you should not have any issues as of now ...

JVSP 06-12-2008 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1546888)
fxlr8, with the Patch Release of vB PL1 and vB 3.6.10 PL1 the function of the Automatic Copying to Clipboard now works again.

Confirmed, just tested it out... Thanks for this great mod!!!

Darkstarproject 06-12-2008 03:36 AM

Tested on the latest vb 3.7.1 and works like a charm.


Dannyloski 06-12-2008 04:08 AM

fxlr8, no problem :up: ... It was some Coding Error from vBulletin's Side, glad they fixed it on the Patch Release ...

Darkstarproject, glad to hear that ...

BadgerDog 06-12-2008 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1547133)
BadgerDog, can I get a Username and Password for a Test User on your Forums that has permission to use this Hack. I do not see how it will work for everyone else and not on your forums. Also what version of vBulletin did you have installed when this error was happening? If you upgraded to the Latest Version (vB 3.6.10 PL1 or vB 3.7.1 PL1) then you should not have any issues as of now ...

I am using v3.67PL1

Perhaps that's the issue?


Dannyloski 06-13-2008 12:18 AM

BadgerDog, I doubt it because if you go back to the first few pages you will see that users reported this Hack working perfectly for vB 3.6.7 and they had no issues.

BadgerDog 06-13-2008 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1548059)
BadgerDog, I doubt it because if you go back to the first few pages you will see that users reported this Hack working perfectly for vB 3.6.7 and they had no issues.

Ok, I'll download and re-install it again to see if that makes any difference....

Thank you for your quick responses.... :up:


Dannyloski 06-13-2008 02:36 PM

BadgerDog, no problem ... keep me posted ...

JVSP 06-18-2008 05:02 AM

had to disable this mod because it kept redirecting to some site called atspace. I think it is a photobucket issue though.

Wings69 06-18-2008 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by fxlr8 (Post 1552299)
had to disable this mod because it kept redirecting to some site called atspace. I think it is a photobucket issue though.

Yep same with me. Would redirect to atspace, as well as a few other sites like ResellerHosting etc.

Dannyloski 06-18-2008 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by fxlr8 (Post 1552299)
had to disable this mod because it kept redirecting to some site called atspace. I think it is a photobucket issue though.


Originally Posted by Wings69 (Post 1552500)
Yep same with me. Would redirect to atspace, as well as a few other sites like ResellerHosting etc.

Can you guys elaborate on how exactly it redirected you. What you clicked and the steps I need to follow so that it does it. I just tried the Hack on my Forums and its not doing it.

It has to be a Photobucket Server Sided Error, but maybe they already fixed it.

sylar 06-23-2008 04:31 AM

Super sweet. Our members love this feature.

Dannyloski 06-23-2008 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by sylar (Post 1556543)
Super sweet. Our members love this feature.

Great to hear that :up:

usmansabir 06-23-2008 03:06 PM

great work .. thankx.... worked for 3.6.8

Dannyloski 06-23-2008 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by usmansabir (Post 1556888)
great work .. thankx.... worked for 3.6.8

Not a problem ;)

jbear6 07-07-2008 02:27 PM

Is there an easy way to limit this to be an option on one forum only? I'm using vB 3.7.1


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