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BlackRabbit1971 02-29-2008 09:40 AM

Yeah, what Sweede said..

CremeEgg 02-29-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1453527)
wowdb doesnt provide XML feeds of their items like wowhead does. to actually support wowdb i would have to hit wowhead (or the armory) to get the item id from the item name, then i can generate the code for wowdb.. but, why would you want to do that? If the item existed in say, wowdb and not in wowhead, your users would have to know the item ID before they can link it via wowdb.

I didn't realise it was quite so shite a site. lol

xxshatteredsoul 02-29-2008 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by xxshatteredsoul (Post 1445532)
Ok I PMed you everything in my plugin.php let me know if you figure anything out.

Any luck figuring out how to fix this yet :)?

sweede 02-29-2008 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by xxshatteredsoul (Post 1454014)
Any luck figuring out how to fix this yet :)?

Man, im so sorry i have been working 12s a lot and havent had time to look at anything.

i'll look at it tonight after my wife goes to bed and i'm up wasting time so i dont ruin my sleep schedule.

sweede 02-29-2008 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by CremeEgg (Post 1453955)
I didn't realise it was quite so shite a site. lol

The only cool thing i like about the wowdb site is the wishlist builder thing. everything else is exactly like wowhead except flashier and "larger".

wowhead.com is also am infinetly faster website. The original creator of the website did not get the full value of the website when he sold it.

sub_ubi 03-06-2008 06:38 AM

Anyone have this running on 3.7?

sweede 03-06-2008 10:36 AM

works fine on 3.7 , when i added this to vb.org 3.7 wasnt out. i didnt feel the need to create a duplicate entry for vbb 3.7

Wayne Luke 03-06-2008 05:41 PM

Does this version do spell linking as well?

samual 03-06-2008 09:45 PM

Any instructions on install? Very new to all this. Thanks.

samual 03-06-2008 11:49 PM

Never mind got it!!

Caerydd 03-07-2008 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke (Post 1458646)
Does this version do spell linking as well?

No, sweede said that wowhead does not provide xml for spells yet.

andrewkhunn 03-11-2008 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Caerydd (Post 1447491)
Seems to be a problem with where the wowhead script is placed.


If placed before the base url thingy, it apparently stopped giving those errors.

You definitely need to get this fixed. The reference to the Wowhead JavaScript widget needs to be before the base declaration in vBulletin. Brought down a bunch of my users today before I randomly remembered reading about this in this thread.

I ended up fixing it by just caching the external JavaScript locally for now. Looking into a more elegant solution presently.

andrewkhunn 03-12-2008 07:30 AM

This was more insidious than I had imagined. Not only is there a conflict with base and the external script, but apparently modifying the headers while a page is loading (which is exactly what this plugin attempts to do) causes the operation aborted error as well.

More details here: http://shauninman.com/archive/2007/0...ration_aborted

sweede 03-12-2008 11:20 AM

I don't know why, but i am completly unable to reproduce the issue in IE 7.0. It really limits my ability to test and debug this issue completly.

Also, my plugin doesnt modify the headers in IE. It modifies the headers in PHP memory before IE even knows it exists. This isn't the source of the error.

It's the wowhead javascript file that is the apparent problem. It also appears that a possible solution is simply adding a </base> tag to close off the <base> tag.

For those who do and can reproduce this issue, try modifying the wowhead_headerinclude template and add </base> to the very first line (before <!-- WoWHead Mouseover-Tooltips --> )

and let me know how that works for you ?

Caerydd 03-12-2008 05:05 PM

I found that users with different permissions for photoplog also caused the error.

I'm just installing the vbsurvey tool atm, will try your fix after that's done.

andrewkhunn 03-12-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1462921)
I don't know why, but i am completly unable to reproduce the issue in IE 7.0. It really limits my ability to test and debug this issue completly.

Also, my plugin doesnt modify the headers in IE. It modifies the headers in PHP memory before IE even knows it exists. This isn't the source of the error.

It's the wowhead javascript file that is the apparent problem. It also appears that a possible solution is simply adding a </base> tag to close off the <base> tag.

For those who do and can reproduce this issue, try modifying the wowhead_headerinclude template and add </base> to the very first line (before <!-- WoWHead Mouseover-Tooltips --> )

and let me know how that works for you ?

Yeah, I completely removed your insertion into the header by disabling the specific hook and added the entries in manually with a locally cached copy of power.js...and I am still having issues.

Trying your fix now as well. I'll report back here with results.

andrewkhunn 03-12-2008 06:31 PM

Adding </base> at the top of the default template worked for me. Dirty workaround though. :)

mikeylikesitz 03-13-2008 12:51 AM

it doesnt seem to be an issue with IE7 except in rare rare instances, this seems to be pointed to older IE such as IE 6 which apparently quite of my users still use.

maelfius 03-25-2008 04:53 AM

I am also seeing the vbulletin SQL_DB::escape_string_like errors. A Fix for this would be greatly appreciated.

Unless most of the functions that are defined in vbulletin_wowhead.php (that are duplicated by the vbulletin plugin) are commented out, you get duplicate defined functions. With the functions commented, SQL_DB::escape_string_like errors occur.

This appears to indicate the use of EQDKP hack and the use of the vbulletin mod are mutually exclusive.

jluerken 03-25-2008 09:36 AM

Is there a way that the items can be shown in German?

sweede 03-25-2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by maelfius (Post 1473893)
I am also seeing the vbulletin SQL_DB::escape_string_like errors. A Fix for this would be greatly appreciated.

Unless most of the functions that are defined in vbulletin_wowhead.php (that are duplicated by the vbulletin plugin) are commented out, you get duplicate defined functions. With the functions commented, SQL_DB::escape_string_like errors occur.

This appears to indicate the use of EQDKP hack and the use of the vbulletin mod are mutually exclusive.

The error is most likely because the database class object in EqDKP and Vbulletin share the same name ($db). to work around this, i unset the $db variable and reference the vbulletin DB exclusivly , $vbulletin->db->

Since i do not care about eqdkp data, I had to some how force eqdkp to go into the vbulletin class to pull the data from the database. Since most likely your EqDKP installation and your vbulletin installation will be in different directories (i.e. /forums and /eqdkp ), i have to change the php script local path (via chdir) to the vbulletin directroy, run all of the stuff i need to, then change back to EqDKP.

Currently i have on line 25,
PHP Code:


Perhaps i should have this before the init.php include from vbulletin.

Please try removing line 25 and placing the following;
before line 13.
PHP Code:

$olddir getcwd();
$eqdkp_db $db// Save EqDKPs database object
unset($db); // delete current EqDKP object 

before line 180 (before chdir($olddir); )

PHP Code:

unset($db); // Delete current Vbulletin Object (we are done with it)
$db $eqdkp_db// Copy EqDKP object back to default
unset($eqdkp_db); // Unset copy of EqDKP Object

I really can't think of a work around other than re-writing EqDKP and intergrating it within Vbulletin. Not something i think i am prepared to do at this time.

sweede 03-25-2008 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by jluerken (Post 1474018)
Is there a way that the items can be shown in German?

I don't know if i can or not.
the plugin works as follows;


the question i would have for you, is that if you visit wowhead.com, is the website in german or english ?

sweede 03-25-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by andrewkhunn (Post 1463213)
Adding </base> at the top of the default template worked for me. Dirty workaround though. :)

This is good news i think :) , i'll have an update here soon and address that issue.

sweede 03-25-2008 02:18 PM

For those that are having issues, would you please revert any work aroudns you may have done and try the following.

Plugins & Products -> Add New Plugin

Product WoW Head ItemStats
Hook Location global_complete
Title Wowhead Itemstats base tag fix
Plugin PHP Code

$output = preg_replace("/(<base href=\".*\">)/",

Thank you.

ssslippy 04-04-2008 10:48 AM

If you edit a post the item bold disapears.
Also I tried doing the above edit however is there a way to avoid the IE error if the page has not finished loading?

Is there a way to make it so the links dont function till the page loads.

sweede 04-04-2008 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1482698)
If you edit a post the item bold disapears.


The Ajax editor doesnt understand what is going on since i take the item bbcode and turn it into a URL. when you edit or make a post with the WYSIWYG editor interface, it just thinks your making a normal URL type bbcode tag and drops the css information about the item link

ssslippy 04-05-2008 01:58 AM

So any advice on how to avoid the IE crashes when u mouseover a link?

OLDrCF 04-05-2008 03:16 AM

Installed this mod on 3.6.9 and it's buggered the site, can't access it or the admin panel, error get is:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare http_get() in ......../includes/init.php(336) : eval()'d code on line 60

Can any help me getting this fixed pleasE?

ssslippy 04-05-2008 04:44 AM

OLDrCF is your host not allowing remote file calls?

OLDrCF 04-05-2008 05:50 AM

According to them Fsockopen was enabled (if that's the one) but not sure otherwise ... I just want to remove the mod and get the forums working at this stage and will investigate further afterwards.

sweede 04-05-2008 11:04 AM

Your issue has nothing to do with remote file calls, but something that i should not have done in the first place.

First, lets get rid of your issue. To do this we're going to have to disable the plugin in SQL itself.
Open up phpmyadmin or some other tool to log into your vbulletin forum database.

Run the following:

UPDATE PREFIX_plugin SET active = 0 WHERE product = "wowhead_itemstats"
Replace "PREFIX_" with the prefix of your tables set in the config.php (usually vbb_)

Once this is done, you should be able to log into your admin panel once again.

I have updated my product so that if you have an existing plugin that already contains a function called "http_get" you wont run into the same issue as OLDrCE.

sweede 04-05-2008 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1483276)
So any advice on how to avoid the IE crashes when u mouseover a link?

Unfortunately i do not. I have not been able to reproduce the issue effectively enough to properly create a work around.

Look through this thread though, there might be some info buried in here that i may have missed.

OLDrCF 04-07-2008 06:56 AM

Well I ended up just nuking the site and going from an older backup. I'll have another crack at it this week and let you know how I get on sweede - although this time I'll be backing up before I do anything :D.

AFMichael 04-07-2008 11:25 AM

I'm assuming that this requires EqDKP to be installed?

Caerydd 04-07-2008 04:34 PM

it does not ned eqdkp at all.

ssslippy 04-08-2008 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1483489)
Unfortunately i do not. I have not been able to reproduce the issue effectively enough to properly create a work around.

Look through this thread though, there might be some info buried in here that i may have missed.

To duplicate this issue is quite easy. If the page has not finished loading mouse over the link and your IE will crash.

sweede 04-08-2008 06:27 AM

My problem is that in IE 8.0 (even in IE 7.0 compat mode), it does NOT cause an operation aborted error. even before, my page loads were always -very- fast as i never used graphics heavy skins.


However, IE 8.0 always displays this inconsistancy so i can test possibilities until the error goes away.

So, reading the KB article and another source, the script tag in HTML 4.0 has an attribute called "DEFER"


Loading up the wowhead_headerinclude template and simply adding "DEFER" in the script tag caused the error message to go away.

HTML Code:

<script DEFER src="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Please verify that it works by visiting http://underthemain.net/forums/showthread.php?p=12 , refreshing teh page while trying to mouse over any item links

sweede 04-08-2008 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Decode (Post 1485135)
I'm assuming that this requires EqDKP to be installed?

It is completly independant of EqDKP and as said above, does not use any of its functionality.

I will though, be adding EqDKP back to my test site and re-writing some of EqDKP to better intergrate with this mod for those that use both on their guild sites.

ssslippy 04-09-2008 01:25 AM

Sweede, GENIUS. It works wonders. Got it working on my test sie with the code.

Also not after doing some research I believe the proper way is to use:

<script src="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js" type="text/javascript" defer="defer"></script>

Masked Crusader 04-10-2008 07:00 PM

Hey Sweede --

The BBCode icon for the [item] tag is now broken. Apparently the wowhead link is no longer valid.

Can you please let me know where I should update the link and what I should update it to?


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