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Dave# 06-22-2001 09:16 AM


heynurse 06-23-2001 04:01 AM

this is an awesome hack!!!! Kudos! Thanks a million!!

Joe 06-23-2001 04:11 AM

Anyone haveing date problems with "Threads posted most recently"?

look at my dates:

Title: "Heya, where is everyone from?" (posted 01-18-38 by SnoTurtle)
o 0 replies, 68 views, last post: 01:41 AM, 10-28-99 by SnoTurtle

Title: "Administrative Test Post" (posted 01-18-38 by donco)
o 0 replies, 58 views, last post: 08:12 AM, 03-13-00 by donco

Title: "Training / riding groups in Kuala Lumpur" (posted 01-18-38 by chrisbeddows)
o 1 replies, 67 views, last post: 02:23 PM, 05-15-00 by Joe Gardner

These are all old UBB threads that were coverted to vB forumat in version 1.12...

tubedogg 06-23-2001 07:07 AM

OH you didn't mention that! :) That I have a fix for...somewhere around here...umm let me find it.

*runs off to find it*

*runs back*

OK I got it. This is not my script being wrong. :D It is the way vB imports/imported UBB threads. So here's the deal: rename this to fixubbdate.php, upload it to your admin directory, [important step] backup your database [/important step] and then run it by going to it in a browser.

That should fix your dates and make it so the script selects them correctly. The basic idea of why it doesn't work is the old import script gave the threads dates 30+ years in the future...which means when selected by date those come first. :)

[edit]Upon further inspection I realized that Joe, not Dave, posted the second message. so the "oh you didn't mention that" doesn't apply but I can only assume that Dave's was imported too...(at least I can hope - then it means there's nothing wrong with my script :D).[/edit]

Dave# 06-23-2001 07:22 AM

Kevin - Yes mine is a UBB import too-

Off to test the script



Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in /home/cpfc/www/forums/admin/fixubbdate.php on line 15

tubedogg 06-23-2001 07:54 AM

*doh* I thought I fixed that last time I posted this script...anyway replace line 15 (which is currently

        if ($i = $50) {

        if ($i = 50) {
sorry :(

teenfront 06-23-2001 08:47 AM

Hi I installed this script with no problem and I did with the welcome message script. However although it says messages sent to user@domain.com and no error messages appear it does not actually send the email when i test it.

Pleae help!

I don't think it is a problem with this script but something to do with the server or database is this possible.


MApI 06-23-2001 03:35 PM

With my 2.0.1 works great ! Thx.


Joe 06-23-2001 03:56 PM

Nice! The fix ubbdate work great, i can new use the hack! :) In the future, i would like to see a "set preferences" section, where we can set what we sent out, so we dont have to configure the email each time, also if it sent every thing out by itself (cron?) that would be dandy... :) Good job.

webhost 06-23-2001 06:41 PM

Just installed into version 2.0.1 took about 15 minutes was very easy . Worked without any errors. I have been using a mailing list from mailman and this is alot easier and better. Will this also send data from a locked forum? I hope so that way I can use the locked forum to write messages to members and than lock it back just for me to update on a weekly basis.

Thanks Again


BenchRacer 06-25-2001 01:21 PM

This is a database error I get if I send the bulletin to all my users. It appears to mail out to everyone but it doesn't update the database.


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO adminlog (adminlogid,userid,dateline,script,action,extrainf o) VALUES (NULL,'1',993477634,'commbull.php','sent bulletin','')
mysql error: MySQL server has gone away
mysql error number: 2006
Date: Monday 25th of June 2001 10:00:34 AM
Script: /admin/commbull.php
If I send it out to a group that only has one user in it, it works flawlessly.

Any ideas?


Kier 06-25-2001 02:56 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
*doh* I thought I fixed that last time I posted this script...anyway replace line 15 (which is currently

        if ($i = $50) {

        if ($i = 50) {
sorry :(

Shouldn't that be

if ($i==50) {

VirtueTech 06-26-2001 07:25 AM

Hello tubedogg,

The script times out for me when I try and send the actual email to a usergroup.

any ideas?

tubedogg 06-26-2001 11:27 AM


Originally posted by Kier
Shouldn't that be

if ($i==50) {

:o :o :o Yes.

tubedogg 06-26-2001 11:29 AM


Originally posted by VirtueTech
Hello tubedogg,

The script times out for me when I try and send the actual email to a usergroup.

any ideas?

How many are you trying to send at once? Maybe decrease that number?

VirtueTech 06-26-2001 01:56 PM

I tried just sending it to the Admins only...but that didn't work. There are only 3 admins in the "Admin Usergroup"

It must have something to do with the amount of forums or something.

Any other ideas...I'd really love to use this hack. :)

tubedogg 06-26-2001 01:58 PM

The number of forums shouldn't affect it - by the time you get to the sending screen, it's done gathering info.

Or do you mean it times out when trying to go to the preview screen?

jarvis 06-26-2001 02:25 PM

Not sure if I've missed this in the thread somewhere, but are there plans (or does it already and I'm overlooking) for this to mail automagically on a pre-specified basis?

Thanks, love the hack!!

VirtueTech 06-26-2001 02:56 PM

Oh I didn't realize it was a preview....yes it times out when it tries to preview it.

webhost 06-29-2001 10:10 PM

I have installed and ran for 2 weeks. Hack is great. One question though. When setting info to send out torwards the end you have a option to start a new thread with your email address in it. You put the username in to tell everyone who posted it also input the forum number where you want the new thread to appear. I did this both weeks but the thread never shows up in the mailing list that is sent out or in the forum. Everything else works fine.

Any idea's?


webhost 06-30-2001 03:43 PM


webhost 06-30-2001 06:19 PM

I have list working now and also putting a copy of the email in the forum, but there is a question.

My first forum has 2 topics, the first is new/outages/ect.
the second is vbulletin 2.0
I choose to place email in forum 1. and it does but it places it under vbulletin the second optuin, how to I make it place under the first subforum of the first forum instead of the second subforum?


mjames 07-02-2001 06:55 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
Unfortunately that's a limitation of some older versions of MySQL that don't allow sorting by substring. For right now the workaround is to set birthdays to 0 and not send them until I can figure out some other way to do it. :(
Do you mean it will work if I set birthdays to 0 or it won't work at all for me with that error? Just wishing I could get this to work. :(

tubedogg 07-03-2001 03:32 AM

I mean if you set birthdays to 0 it will work but without birthdays.

mjames 07-04-2001 04:27 AM


Originally posted by tubedogg
I mean if you set birthdays to 0 it will work but without birthdays.
Oh, cool, great! Something's better than nothing - thanks.

mjames 07-05-2001 03:56 AM

I attempted to send out my Community Bulletin today. It sent it out to the first 76 people out of about 350 and then gave me this error:

Fatal error : Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9847 bytes) in /home/mjames86/sports-central-www/community/boards/admin/commbull.php on line 540
What's this?

JJR512 07-06-2001 03:10 AM

Just a quick guess, but maybe you tried to send to too many people at once. Try reducing the number of emails sent at one time. Once you set the initial options, and click on Preview Mailing, down at the bottom is a setting for Mails to send at once. By default, it is set to 500. Trying to generate and send 500 emails all at once may be a bit much for the particular server you're on, especially if your bulletin is larger than normal. Try setting it to maybe 100 users, and see if it works. It will take longer to complete the process, but at least you would be able to complete it.

mjames 07-06-2001 03:12 AM


Originally posted by JJR512
Just a quick guess, but maybe you tried to send to too many people at once. Try reducing the number of emails sent at one time. Once you set the initial options, and click on Preview Mailing, down at the bottom is a setting for Mails to send at once. By default, it is set to 500. Trying to generate and send 500 emails all at once may be a bit much for the particular server you're on, especially if your bulletin is larger than normal. Try setting it to maybe 100 users, and see if it works. It will take longer to complete the process, but at least you would be able to complete it.
Thanks! I will try that next time. Thanks for putting that error in plain English.

mjames 07-28-2001 01:51 AM


I noticed a small error in the e-mail text. You spelled "receive" wrong at the bottom. :)

datman99 07-30-2001 01:35 PM

I'm a lil dizzy after reading this thread....can ya clear up what .zip file I actually need to download?

Q: is it: commbull98.zip at the begining of this thread? I'm gonna wipe my VB clean and install VB 2.0...as I have a corrupt database and get errors when I try the upgrade scripts on my: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 2.


Pingu 07-30-2001 07:54 PM

The .zip file in the first message has been updated every time. Besides, there isn't another one in this thread, so that's the one you want :)

datman99 08-02-2001 05:32 PM

At first when I installed it, I got this error:

There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

But then I turned the Brithdays annd Calendar stuff to 0 and it worked like a charm Whew! I'm gonna have some fun now..


Tarion 08-06-2001 04:12 PM

Hello, is a very good hack,

but i have some problems with the inclution of some code in members.php and index.php. All of this code i don't finde in the two files. waths happends???

PHP Code:

then find this: 
and after it add this 
and finally find this 
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE user
                   SET ".$updatestyles."adminemail='$adminemail',
and replace it with this: 
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE user
                   SET ".$updatestyles."adminemail='$adminemail', receivebulletin='$receivebulletin',


You will need to make the following alterations to your admin/index.php file: 
After this:
<a href="email.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>"> Email users </a><br>
add this:
<a href="commbull.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>"> Send Community Bulletin </a><br>

I hope you can help me.

PS. I can open the file commbull.php an send mails to all users, but i didn't see the link in the cp.

Tarion 08-06-2001 04:20 PM

i was to stupid to find the code, but at the moment i see it.


SirSteve 08-07-2001 08:57 AM

Does this work on 2.0.3 ?

tubedogg 08-07-2001 09:03 AM


Tarion 08-07-2001 10:14 AM

perfektly it's a very good Hack and it works fine with V2.0.3

SirSteve 08-07-2001 10:28 AM

I just got this when trying to run commbull.php:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: cpheader() in /usr/www/users/gandalf/starwarsguide.com/forums/commbull.php on line 6

tubedogg 08-08-2001 06:01 AM

You have to put commbull.php into your admin directory.

bob_pitbull 08-08-2001 06:46 AM

At the moment I'm just toying around with vBulletin, seeing what it can do etc, before putting it live (same thing can be said for my whole website actually), so I found the following error when I tried Previewing my "community bulletin"..

"Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM user WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>='08-08' AND SUBSTRING(birthday,6)<='08-22' ORDER BY SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Wednesday 08th of August 2001 12:49:23 PM
Script: /forum/admin/commbull.php
Referer: http://www.dogwalks.org/forum/admin/commbull.php?"

If I set the number of birthdays to display to zero then it works... so I suspect that the problem is something like that there aren't 10 users subscribed to my forum, so therefore it's not gonna find 10 birthdays - 10 seems to be the default value for birthday output...

Just a minor error, doubt most people would see it, but thought you might like to know anyway.

Looking forward to using the community bulletin feature when I go live with the site :-).

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