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xxxsaint 12-10-2007 08:17 PM

.xml file included :cool:

micheal332001 12-11-2007 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by xxxsaint (Post 1397946)
Awesome addition!!

One request , I changed the JL Hooker .xml before uploading it and made it go to "tunes/jlhooker " instead of just "tunes/ " because it's becoming extremely cluttered, and then I uploaded all the songs to my newly created tunes/jlhooker directory , but the .swf player wouldn't read it unless I moved them all back to "tunes/" . Can this be fixed where we can keep our directories categorized inside of " tunes " ?

I will have alook into this and get back to you.


Originally Posted by xxxsaint (Post 1398770)
Also, a friend and I were sitting here making song lists, and he has a great idea for this.

Make it a selectable option for " NAME THAT ______ " tune or movie title , and we could put in quotes from movies and have our members guess which movie the quote is from!

I dont get what you mean here i know you would like to change the title of the script to tune or movie but why not just make a new category and call it movies or would you like it where it playes part of the movie then they could guess what film its from or some thing like that.

tigrattack 12-11-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by micheal332001 (Post 1396861)
Hi all

Here is another mp3 player for you a black ipod mp3 player.
Just upload these players to your forum root.

Thank you man, great mod and skins.


Originally Posted by Alibass (Post 1396539)
If you like country western music, I have attached a tune pack for download with a few solo male artists and about eleven tunes.

Great job with the packs man...thanks


Originally Posted by xxxsaint (Post 1398773)
.xml file included :cool:

You rock man, this Kiss pack is awesome...as well as the 80's pack...thanks

micheal332001 12-12-2007 11:35 AM

Hi all

Im still working on version 1.6 and its coming along.

When you view a category you will be able to order the tunes by title, Description, Cost, Jackpot and by Hits.

Also in the modcp im adding in a tune upload where your mods will be able to add tunes for them selfs limited to 3 uploads per go.
The reason for this is that they would have to have FTP access to your tunes dir, but we as site owners dont want to give this out to everyone but want some members to be mods.
This is why they will be able to upload 3 tunes in one go.
They will put in the title, description, answer of the tune they are adding,
the rest will be done in the background so they will not know where the tune is uploaded to or what the files name will be as it will be given a new file name.

More to come when i know what to add.

micheal332001 12-12-2007 09:00 PM

Hi all again

Just a quick update to version 1.6
I have almost finished of the upload system for the mods to upload tunes.
This is a java upload system with no page refreash cool haa.

So version 1.6 will be out very soon with a few updates.

TTG 12-12-2007 10:20 PM

If guys are submitting tunes and the answer requires an apostrophe somewhere in the answer, it creates a database error .. SQL doesn't like apostrophe's.

Alibass 12-12-2007 11:31 PM


Thanks for keeping us updated on version 1.6, looking forward to this one. :)

micheal332001 12-13-2007 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by TTG (Post 1400145)
If guys are submitting tunes and the answer requires an apostrophe somewhere in the answer, it creates a database error .. SQL doesn't like apostrophe's.

That will be fixed in the 1.6 release

micheal332001 12-13-2007 06:03 PM

Version 1.6 released with some good new things added

Vinyljunky 12-14-2007 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by micheal332001 (Post 1400559)
Version 1.6 released with some good new things added

Installed and working :up:

In the next release could you add a feature to mass change cost, jackpot, status ?

As each webmaster sets them different its a pain editing them one by one.

Could a check also be done during an import to check if the catagory already exists. I accidentally added one twice *DOH*

Oh, and a master option to say if the song is open/closed after a correct answer.

Thanks Again


ezurick 12-15-2007 02:18 PM

Hi. I install v1.6 and I am having issues...

1. I am using vbcredits on my forum and I tried to put that in the cash system and I got a database error when I pulled up the ntt. I looked at vbookie cash system setting, and I have "Credits" in that name. I tried that and it doesn't recognize any credits. Can someone help me what to put in that field please? Of course it won't let me try any songs cause there is no credit...

2. It seems when you pull up any songs in the ModeCp... it defaults to options that were not there before... so I have to change everything back to what they were... It should read what was in the settings before... because when you start getting many categories and different settings, it is hard to keep track.

Anyone help?

Gibanel 12-15-2007 05:32 PM

Hi, first of all I would like to say what a great idea this is and hopefully it will be used a lot on our forums.

I'm not sure what I've done wrong, but every time I try to submit a guess I get logged out.

Is there anything I've done wrong?

I'm new to installing scripts, sorry

ezurick 12-16-2007 11:06 AM

Be sure there is time in the song... if it is set to zero, then there is no time to answer... Which means you have to edit every single song... How annoying.

I turned off my cash system so I could try out the game... and I set the time to 30 secs. I see the player playing something, but I don't hear anything. It is not my computer, because I am playing all kinds of stuff in media player and other things. This program is not playing properly. If this can be fixed quickly, I'll have to uninstall and move on until it can be fixed!

ezurick 12-16-2007 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by ezurick (Post 1402069)
Be sure there is time in the song... if it is set to zero, then there is no time to answer... Which means you have to edit every single song... How annoying.

I turned off my cash system so I could try out the game... and I set the time to 30 secs. I see the player playing something, but I don't hear anything. It is not my computer, because I am playing all kinds of stuff in media player and other things. This program is not playing properly. If this can be fixed quickly, I'll have to uninstall and move on until it can be fixed!

Man, this program has alot of issues... I just tried to delete a category... and it errors and states category NOT deleted... Can we get these things fixed please?

Vinyljunky 12-17-2007 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Gibanel (Post 1401668)
I'm not sure what I've done wrong, but every time I try to submit a guess I get logged out.

That happens on my site too :confused:


ezurick 12-17-2007 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Vinyljunky (Post 1402713)
That happens on my site too :confused:


Yeah... you have to edit each song and put time in the "timer" field. I made mine 30 seconds... that should be plenty of time on some hard ones too... But then again, I haven't got this working yet. I am using vbcredits and anything I put in the cash system either doesn't recognize it, or I get a db error. There are quite a few other issues that I listed... Hopefully the author is watching this and fixes things quick...

tigrattack 12-17-2007 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by ezurick (Post 1401555)
Hi. I install v1.6 and I am having issues...

1. I am using vbcredits on my forum and I tried to put that in the cash system and I got a database error when I pulled up the ntt. I looked at vbookie cash system setting, and I have "Credits" in that name. I tried that and it doesn't recognize any credits. Can someone help me what to put in that field please? Of course it won't let me try any songs cause there is no credit...

2. It seems when you pull up any songs in the ModeCp... it defaults to options that were not there before... so I have to change everything back to what they were... It should read what was in the settings before... because when you start getting many categories and different settings, it is hard to keep track.

Anyone help?

You have to type 'credits' in lower case.

ezurick 12-17-2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by tigrattack (Post 1402811)
You have to type 'credits' in lower case.

Ok.. that worked... can't understand that we have different programs using the cash system, but require different ways to enter it... vbookie requires it to be Credits, with the capital C.

Anywho... that is corrected. Now I go into the prgram and select a song from a category... and I hear nothing. No sound at all. I don't see a guage like media player either. Any help with this? My sound works just fine with Windows media or winamp... on websites and mp3s....

micheal332001 12-19-2007 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gibanel (Post 1401668)
Hi, first of all I would like to say what a great idea this is and hopefully it will be used a lot on our forums.

I'm not sure what I've done wrong, but every time I try to submit a guess I get logged out.

Is there anything I've done wrong?

I'm new to installing scripts, sorry

As for it logging you out there is no reason for that, but i will look into this to find out why if there is a reason.


Originally Posted by ezurick (Post 1402069)
Be sure there is time in the song... if it is set to zero, then there is no time to answer... Which means you have to edit every single song... How annoying.

I turned off my cash system so I could try out the game... and I set the time to 30 secs. I see the player playing something, but I don't hear anything. It is not my computer, because I am playing all kinds of stuff in media player and other things. This program is not playing properly. If this can be fixed quickly, I'll have to uninstall and move on until it can be fixed!

I have this installed on a few sites and there is no problems with playing the tunes,
the only thing it might be is the tune is still downloading to your player and will not play till its ready to.
Again i will have alook into this and see if there is any errors but its working on all other sites i have it installed on.


Originally Posted by ezurick (Post 1402085)
Man, this program has alot of issues... I just tried to delete a category... and it errors and states category NOT deleted... Can we get these things fixed please?


Originally Posted by Vinyljunky (Post 1402713)
That happens on my site too :confused:


Ill look into this as it might be some thing small to change in the admincp file.

micheal332001 12-19-2007 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by ezurick (Post 1402731)
Yeah... you have to edit each song and put time in the "timer" field. I made mine 30 seconds... that should be plenty of time on some hard ones too... But then again, I haven't got this working yet. I am using vbcredits and anything I put in the cash system either doesn't recognize it, or I get a db error. There are quite a few other issues that I listed... Hopefully the author is watching this and fixes things quick...

I will be adding in a multi change jackpot timer and so on in next release.


Originally Posted by ezurick (Post 1402815)
Ok.. that worked... can't understand that we have different programs using the cash system, but require different ways to enter it... vbookie requires it to be Credits, with the capital C.

Anywho... that is corrected. Now I go into the prgram and select a song from a category... and I hear nothing. No sound at all. I don't see a guage like media player either. Any help with this? My sound works just fine with Windows media or winamp... on websites and mp3s....

If you can PM me with your site URL and i will signup and try it out for you.

TCE Killa 12-19-2007 12:35 PM

This is a great add on.

Since you can add your own music, if people guessed it right, how would it know that the user was guessing correctly with your own music?

Plus, how do you cut down MP3 songs?

TCE Killa 12-19-2007 02:44 PM

I have installed it now, imported it to my forums using AdminCP and I have uploaded all the files to my root directory as well as repeated it to get the money upgrade... But I can't find where to acess the options anywhere on my forums. Can you help please? Thanks

Enfoire 12-19-2007 09:06 PM

Good evening,

I installed as specified and configured everything but I can not find where access this hack.

How to go play?


Help me please
Sorry for my English

micheal332001 12-20-2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Enfoire (Post 1404973)
Good evening,

I installed as specified and configured everything but I can not find where access this hack.

How to go play?


Help me please
Sorry for my English

To go and play the name that tune on your site you will need to add a link to your site pointing to http://www.yoursite.com/mmnamett.php

Enfoire 12-20-2007 09:00 PM


xxxsaint 12-23-2007 04:42 PM

My mod's can not upload. They can browse to the song but it never gets past the " please wait uploading.... " portion , you can enter in all the other info but it never completes the upload

micheal332001 12-24-2007 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by xxxsaint (Post 1407679)
My mod's can not upload. They can browse to the song but it never gets past the " please wait uploading.... " portion , you can enter in all the other info but it never completes the upload

Hi there

Have you put all the settings in and CHMOD'ed the tunes folder to 777.
In the settings you should have some thing like this.

Upload Dir Enter the upload dir here I.E. ( /home/somename/public_html/forum/tunes ) No trailing /



Tunes Folder Name Enter the the tunes folder I.E. ( tunes ) No trailing /This is where your tunes will be stored.



If these are not set right it will not work.

If you would like me to have alook at this please feel free to PM me with admincp login and FTP so that i can sort it out for you.

Also Merry Christmas to all and a great new year to you.

xxxsaint 12-24-2007 03:03 PM

thanks! I figured it was some ID 10 T type error and I was right. I had the path set wrong.

Happy Holidays!!!

micheal332001 12-24-2007 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by xxxsaint (Post 1408442)
thanks! I figured it was some ID 10 T type error and I was right. I had the path set wrong.

Happy Holidays!!!

Im glad its working now for you :):up:

Geeps 12-24-2007 09:12 PM

Quick change of topic, who made your VB skin micheal, looks great

micheal332001 12-24-2007 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Geeps (Post 1408616)
Quick change of topic, who made your VB skin micheal, looks great

What for vb-hacks.com was http://vbskinworks.com/

tigrattack 12-28-2007 04:42 PM

Hey xxxsaint...feel free to add more song lists at your leisure...lol. ;)

Thanks for all the lists you've made so far (great work).

And thanks to all the others for addons...Happy New Year!!!

xxxsaint 12-30-2007 12:07 AM

hehe , if I had it working right, I would , but my mods can't upload a song and have it play , as a matter of fact , I can't login to the ModCP and upload one and have it play either. I don't know why , but any song I put in through the built in interface , does not work. I have to upload them with ftp first , and then they work, but the java upload does something to the tune, it's not playing. I have the 'tunes' folder chmodded to 777 , I don't know what else to try.

xxxsaint 01-01-2008 01:57 AM

Nobody else has had this problem ??

micheal332001 01-01-2008 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by xxxsaint (Post 1411658)
hehe , if I had it working right, I would , but my mods can't upload a song and have it play , as a matter of fact , I can't login to the ModCP and upload one and have it play either. I don't know why , but any song I put in through the built in interface , does not work. I have to upload them with ftp first , and then they work, but the java upload does something to the tune, it's not playing. I have the 'tunes' folder chmodded to 777 , I don't know what else to try.

Hi there m8

Can you send me your site url with modcp login for name that tune and ill have alook for you.

Bilderback 02-05-2008 10:43 PM

Working well so far with my 3.7b4 test.
One thing I added since I like to keep my templates organized is an extra plugin.
New Plugin:
Product: Name That Tune
Hook Location: vBulletin; General Administration --> template_groups
Title: Name That Tune
Plugin PHP Code: $only['mmnamett'] = 'Name That Tune';

This cleaned up my template area nicely

Catziggy 02-10-2008 01:20 PM

I have dozens of members on my site that want a go. Trouble is the huge effort to create the questions just for ONE person to get to answer it Correctly and it goes.

Take out the closing script as mentioned there is nothing to stop him going back to answer it again.

What is needed is a question identifying number and another table to say what member number has answered what question number. That way they cant go back and keep answering it. I would prefer that to closing it after a correct one. Closing it after any answer to an individual. Would this be too hard to program in?

micheal332001 02-10-2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Catziggy (Post 1440089)
I have dozens of members on my site that want a go. Trouble is the huge effort to create the questions just for ONE person to get to answer it Correctly and it goes.

Take out the closing script as mentioned there is nothing to stop him going back to answer it again.

What is needed is a question identifying number and another table to say what member number has answered what question number. That way they cant go back and keep answering it. I would prefer that to closing it after a correct one. Closing it after any answer to an individual. Would this be too hard to program in?

Hi there

I see what you mean and i will sort this out so that they can only get the right answer once, and not be able to answer it again if they have got it right.

Catziggy 02-11-2008 08:14 AM

thats would be super super cool

fahl 02-23-2008 07:41 PM

Now have this installed but no audio,Player plays ok & countdown works but no sound at all.

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