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daydreamer 06-01-2001 07:44 PM

Thanks for the reply!
I should have given more info. I get the error when calling "online.php3".

This is my first hack on the script so my default sessions.php3 file will work. I am usually pretty good at hacking Java so I was very careful in editing the sessions file. I even started from scratch several times and still get the errors.:(

Maybe there is someone that can email me a stock sessions with only this hack.:D randy@dreamsweb.net

From what you are saying, I have messed something up in the sessions file. hmmm

Thanks for your time...


Hooper 06-01-2001 07:48 PM


Originally posted by daydreamer
Thanks for the reply!
I should have given more info. I get the error when calling "online.php3".

This is my first hack on the script so my default sessions.php3 file will work. I am usually pretty good at hacking Java so I was very careful in editing the sessions file. I even started from scratch several times and still get the errors.:(

Maybe there is someone that can email me a stock sessions with only this hack.:D randy@dreamsweb.net

From what you are saying, I have messed something up in the sessions file. hmmm

Thanks for your time...


Something else you might try is renaming your .php3 extensions to just .php. Then try calling something from the browser.

It's against your vBulletin license agreement to hand out code, hacked or not. That is out of the question. Sorry.

daydreamer 06-01-2001 07:52 PM

They have to be .php3 on this server...

Hooper 06-01-2001 08:00 PM


Originally posted by daydreamer
They have to be .php3 on this server...
This very well may be true. Some do some don't . I have .php4 installed and can use .php,.php3,.etc... I would try it anyhow. Unless of course you would have to rename all of your files. I would suppose this would be the case. If you are sure your hacking is up to par, the only suggestions are what I mentioned. You do need to make sure that you are hacking correctly or you will most definitley get errors. At this time, the WOL hack's line numbers do not match up with the code changes. The changes are 5 or 6 lines down. Make sure you are modifying by code and this bit of info and not by exact line number. If I remember correctly, the only file that gets modified is the sessions.php. You may try your original sessions.php as I mentioned and see if your forums work again, if they do, your problem is in your hacking.

Btw, I have PHP4 installed and use just the .php extension.

daydreamer 06-01-2001 09:36 PM

Yea but with my server if you use .php, it will show the code.
I get the exact same error with the default sessions uploaded. I'm thinking it's in the online.php3 file.:confused:

You can take a look at them at the following links. Maybe someone could take a look at them for me.:D



Hooper 06-01-2001 09:50 PM

This is what I recommend. First get your forums working properly. Without any hacks. Then backup the files you are going to hack. Then Hack. You should always be able to go back to the working version without the hack within a matter of seconds. The online.php3 file should not keep your forums from working as far as I know. I would suggest you back track and re hack. If this doesn't work after you attempt another hack installation from fresh working vBulliten files, then post again and maybe TubeDogg will come up with some ideas for you.

Best Wishes,

daydreamer 06-01-2001 10:19 PM

Thanks for your time Hooper.

The forum continues to work fine, just the Who's Online doesn't.

Thanks again....


ThomasP 06-02-2001 03:01 PM

Hi there,

I get the following error when browsing the online.php on my server:

Warning: Variable $loggedins is not an array or string in /home/usr/(...)/forum/online.php on line 29

Parse error: parse error in /home/usr/(...)/forum/online.php on line 44

I tried to redo my steps several times - w/o repeating the mysql insert, phpMyAdmin shows me the new 'location' bit in the db, so this seems to be okay...

Templates are there, online.php is in /forum, session in /admin...

Am a little bit in the wild in the moment :rolleyes:
Any hints?

ThomasP 06-03-2001 09:29 AM

Hmmm, I can't figure it out :(

Maybe it's because I'm using PHP3 on the server ?

daydreamer 06-03-2001 10:03 AM


I am having the exact same problem you are. And have been waiting for a reply now for days. I think there is something wrong with the online file???

Please let me know if you figure it out.

PS. I've been to Munich and I love Germany...

ThomasP 06-03-2001 12:58 PM

Hi daydreamer :)

I just compared my files with yours, they are identical as far as I can see... sorry, I'm lost.

@tubedog: Does it possibly has something to do with php3?

greetings from Munich ;)

P.S.: Unfortunately we have not the best weather at the moment, but maybe in some days will be the right weather for the beergarden :D

daydreamer 06-03-2001 01:30 PM


I have been messing with the online file and found only three instantses(sp?) of $loggedins, the rest were $loggedin. So, I renamed them $loggedin. That got rid of the first error.

Now if we could figure put what a parse error is... :confused:


Hooper 06-03-2001 01:35 PM


Originally posted by daydreamer

I guess the $160 didn't include support :(

I have been messing with the online file and found only three instantses(sp?) of $loggedins, the rest were $loggedin. So, I renamed them $loggedin. That got rid of the first error.

Now if we could figure put what a parse error is... :confused:



Not to be disrespectful in any way but we are talking about a hack here. Not vBulletin. You will need to have patience. TubeDogg as well as others program these hacks for us but he and the others also moderate the forums. He is a very busy guy and I'm sure he is doing the best he can. The Hacks are "free for you to try" and there is never a guarantee that they will work in any way shape or form. Most hacks are in a perpetual state of developement. They are not part of vBulletin or the vBulletin program nor are they supported as such by vBulletin. The $160.00 you paid does include support. If you have a problem with the vBulletin program, please post in the appropriate forum.
Although TubeDogg tries to answer questions and support his addons, it may take a day or two to get a response. If I could have helped you I would. I didn't have the answer. There very well could be a situation with the .php3 extension but I just don't know what it would be other than maybe a path statement being incorrect somewhere. But I assure you, set aside a few small items that could be improved, this script hack does indeed work.
I don't know if anything else was mentioned on it, you may go back and read the entire thread.

daydreamer 06-03-2001 01:45 PM


You are so right... and I do apologize :)

It's been a late night and a early morning here.

Thank you Hooper for showing me the error of my ways. :(


Freddie Bingham 06-04-2001 04:53 PM

In my research for creating the official version of this for v2.1 (or perhaps even an earlier version if I get it finished soon) I have found that this is the query you need if you want to only have the latest entry for each user. That being said this query is not very nice and I will let you know that I have found others way to achieve what I need without using this resource hog:

$users = $DB_site->query("SELECT s1.userid, username, s1.location, s1.host, invisible
                            FROM session s1, session s2, user
                            WHERE s1.userid = s2.userid AND user.userid = s1.userid
                            GROUP BY s1.userid, s1.lastactivity
                            HAVING Max(s1.lastactivity) = Max(s2.lastactivity)
                            ORDER BY username

Remember you can not grab the guests with this since the GROUP BY would compact them all into one record. You have to use a second query to get them. Just something for you to play around if you want the easiest way to squash multiple users, though not the most efficient way.

daydreamer 06-04-2001 07:38 PM


After carefully following the instructions, I get the following error:

Warning: Variable $loggedins is not an array or string in /home/noc/dre-www/board/online.php3 on line 29

Parse error: parse error in /home/noc/dre-www/board/online.php3 on line 44


tubedogg 06-05-2001 12:43 AM

Just so everyone knows I haven't died and I'm not ignoring you, I'll post a little update.

Thanks, Freddie, for the point in the right direction. :)

For those of you getting parse errors, I'm working on it. Not sure why as it's still running cleanly on my server, might have something to do with php3.

webhost 06-05-2001 12:29 PM

Is there a board somewhere that I can see this hack in action?


Johnny 06-05-2001 01:13 PM

in the template forumhome_loggedinusers i can't find this: <b>Currently Active Users</b>

in my template i well can find this: <b>Currently Active Users: $totalonline</b>

but this is not the same i guess..
what can i do....??

help me!


janw 06-05-2001 01:15 PM

You use a newer version of Vbulletin. This hack is based on RC2

catocom 06-05-2001 01:54 PM

I'm trying to reset everything to get rid of the
hack on mine, because it says there are x amount
of users online, but doesn't show all the names on the
main index page anymore.

I've restored all the original files but it still does it

How do I set MySQL back yo the way it was???

ThomasP 06-05-2001 03:55 PM

Thanks tubedogg, that sounds great,
thank you for your support! :)

tubedogg 06-05-2001 04:22 PM


Originally posted by catocom
How do I set MySQL back yo the way it was???
Run this query:

ALTER session DROP location;

and it should be back to normal.

Johnny 06-05-2001 04:22 PM


Originally posted by janw
You use a newer version of Vbulletin. This hack is based on RC2
but how must i place than the code?
can someone maybe post or pm me his forumhome_loggedinusers template here??

i don't know what i must change... because i have vb 2.0 and the hack is for vb 2.0 RC 2


tubedogg 06-05-2001 05:16 PM

You must upgrade to 2.0.0 to receive support from me or anyone else. Regardless, that exists in 2.0 RC2, so you are obviously not running RC2 or you did not revert a template somewhere along the way.

lichtflits 06-06-2001 09:47 AM

every time when I try to see the online members I see this error:

Warning: Variable $loggedins is not an array or string in /home/l/lichtfli/www/forums/online.php on line 29

Parse error: parse error in /home/l/lichtfli/www/forums/online.php on line 44

does anybody now what it is?

Johnny 06-07-2001 08:17 AM


Originally posted by tubedogg
You must upgrade to 2.0.0 to receive support from me or anyone else. Regardless, that exists in 2.0 RC2, so you are obviously not running RC2 or you did not revert a template somewhere along the way.
when i post my quetion i've 2.0.0!!!
so..... but the hack is now working!!

does anybody know the problem that lichtflits have posted???


Prezident 06-08-2001 12:09 AM

This hack worked for me on the first try.

Thanks for the great instructions, although I did find the line number references to be off somewhat, I was still able to stumble my way through this one.

Works good, looks good. Thanks a bunch.

SFishy 06-09-2001 04:51 PM

I install this hack last night and it works great!

One question -- I noticed some of my members show up twice on the list... did I do something wrong or is that actually accurate? It seems a bit odd...


SFishy 06-11-2001 05:57 PM


tubedogg 06-11-2001 07:22 PM

It works that way until I have time (and figure out how) to fix it.

Mas*Mind 06-11-2001 07:56 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
It works that way until I have time (and figure out how) to fix it.
tubedogg > have you read my solution a couple of posts back?

I can help you if you want...

catocom 06-12-2001 07:31 PM

I've been dabling alittle with a little asp
forum too, and was just thinking how it
would be nice if this hack could do something
like this....

TheProfessor 06-15-2001 01:06 AM


Just wanted to tell those ones, who want to have a link at the usernames to to the following:

Edit the template online_userbits:


<a href="member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$userid">$username</a>

That's all ...

Greetings, The Professor!

Cold Steel 06-18-2001 04:41 AM

Great hack. Keep up the good work!

daydreamer 06-18-2001 12:40 PM

What about the PHP3 bug? Can we please get it fixed?

Thankx for your time...


kdog316 06-19-2001 08:09 PM

i get t hat erorr you must refresh when i try to run mysql.php adn i have not added this specific who is online and i am running 2.01 whats heres the source


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO session (sessionhash,userid,host,useragent,lastactivity,location) VALUES ('19be5cce704b80c44554bfab15efb9e9','1','','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0b; Windows 98; Wi','','992984419')
mysql error: Unknown column 'location' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Tuesday 19th of June 2001 05:00:19 PM
Script: /admin/index.php
Referer: http://tmbps.allaroundsite.com/admin/mysql.php

kdog316 06-20-2001 04:35 AM

ok i fixed it but now its not showing where people are really at

SeanD 06-20-2001 11:34 PM

If you read my recent post on the lastxx.php script I said that I got it working on an entirly differnt server/ip than the server that has our MySQL db.

Well I just tried this script and it worked just as well as assumed. Question though, Instead of just showing the names/numbers in plain text do you have any plans of making it look exactly like how it shows up in the boards? Where you have it say:

| Currently Active Users: # |
There are currently # members and # guests on the boards.
Most users ever online was # on mm-dd-yyyy at hh:mm AM/PM.

Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, ..... , NameN

And for the config file you can turn on/off the Name listing line, as well as the Most users ever line

Just wondering, no pressure here. Thanks again =)

tubedogg 06-21-2001 08:48 AM

OK about the php3 bug first I have to figure out what it is. Then I'll fix it.

Sean: You're asking for a different hack that I already made. :)

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