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TheMilkCarton 10-28-2007 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by 74corvette (Post 1370060)
Just an FYI but I installed this on my 3.6.8 board and it killed my Inferno shoutbox. Too bad but I had to uinstall it.

Putting jQuery into "No Conflict" mode should solve any problems with any JS or AJAX on a page. There should be no other reason it conflicts.

I don't have this mod downloaded, but in the code find something like:


<!--dock menu JS options -->
<script type="text/javascript">

and replace the "$" with "jQuery".

I haven't been able to test this "CSS Dock" on my board yet, though, so I can't be 100% positive this will fix all conflicts.

74corvette 10-28-2007 02:49 AM

No luck, Shoutbox gets hosed. Just says "loading" Thanks for the suggestion though.

sparky5693 10-28-2007 05:10 AM

I'm having problems with this mod and vbpicgallery. This mod looks fine everywhere except the gallery, where the icons show as a huge size, with text next to them.

Raul7 10-28-2007 06:11 PM

this is a great mod, i installed and worked fine, however in IE ,when you click on EDIT post, and try to edit and then click SAVE, it actually does the edit, the it keeps spinning and after a while you get a JavaScript error : style is null or not an object , this only happens in IE, i was wondering if anyone else is having this issue?

Raul7 10-28-2007 06:22 PM

i actually just tested this on the LIVE DEMO VB SITE posted in this thread, i get the same error ! so i guess if you have this mod installed the EDIT function wont work? any help is appreciated, btw, this only gets fixed if you DISABLE the plug in in prduct manager, even if you remove the "$afm_menu" from your template , eventhough you dont see the menu any more, you still end up getting the error. !

sparky5693 10-28-2007 09:06 PM

I can edit in my forum no problem. It's also working with my inferno shout box, just not my gallery. Anybody out there able to give me some ideas about the gallery problem, or even a way to keep it out of the gallery all together (a last resort)

Raul7 10-28-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by sparky5693 (Post 1370670)
I can edit in my forum no problem. It's also working with my inferno shout box, just not my gallery. Anybody out there able to give me some ideas about the gallery problem, or even a way to keep it out of the gallery all together (a last resort)

strange, when i even tried it here
Demo - Vbulletin Live example (slightly modified from original release)
still it didnt work ! this is what i did
  • Make a post
  • then click on EDIT
  • do the edit (DO NOT CLICK on GO ADVANCE)
  • save
  • nothing happens and you get the Jscript error , however it does the edit, it just fails to close the box.

BecomeUnbroken 10-29-2007 06:45 AM

My last midterm is today (Monday)... When I'm done with it, I will go through this thread and make notes of all the bugs.. then I will start to work on this once again

so, please be patient with me, as you all have been thus far.. and I will do my best to debug this baby during the week ;)


yinyang 10-29-2007 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1370944)
My last midterm is today (Monday)... When I'm done with it, I will go through this thread and make notes of all the bugs.. then I will start to work on this once again

so, please be patient with me, as you all have been thus far.. and I will do my best to debug this baby during the week ;)


dude, take your time. you've already done a lot with providing such a cool hack for free. good luck on your studies and make lots of money in the future so you can give us more free stuff!

sparky5693 10-29-2007 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1370944)
My last midterm is today (Monday)... When I'm done with it, I will go through this thread and make notes of all the bugs.. then I will start to work on this once again

so, please be patient with me, as you all have been thus far.. and I will do my best to debug this baby during the week ;)


I'm just glad to hear you plan to continue work on it. Good luck with the midterms.

andryus 11-01-2007 08:57 PM

don?t work for my , i have this :


:S :S .. any idea?

andryus 11-01-2007 09:11 PM

i see the error.

This is the code source of the page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/fisheye/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fisheye/js/interface.js"></script>

Don't have the bburl.

I change to this in plugin:

<script type="text/javascript" src="fisheye/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="fisheye/js/interface.js"></script>

And now work fine :D

See my forum : http://foro.infernogames.net/index.php

Thanks :)

BecomeUnbroken 11-03-2007 08:50 AM

New version..

V. 0.93-beta
+ Fixed fisheye directory error... now you only have to upload to your root..
+ Mood Manager now able to change moods in IE..
+ Added a folder in zip called 'extras' that include a set of blue themed icons made from the original set...

Unfortunately, I still can't get quick edit to work in IE :mad:... Maybe by next release (i hope!)

Next release will have AdminCP features though, and also an optional 2nd dock..

sparky5693 11-03-2007 02:52 PM

Any ideas on the problems I had with vbpicgallery?

inciarco 11-03-2007 03:20 PM

A smal BIG Detail Missing on the Instructions :confused: (You Should Include it in the Step 1 of your Instructions, Because is Missing, I had to Analyze one of the Hack's Plugin to Realize this ;)):

You Should Create a Folder Named "fisheye" inside the ROOT of your Forums Folder, and then The Files Should be Uploaded inside that "fisheye" Folder!! :rolleyes:

No wonder the Images didn't Appear in my Tests and the Hack wasn't Working at all!! :rolleyes:

My Best Regards!! Great Hack, BecomeUnbroken!! :up:


inciarco 11-04-2007 04:37 AM

One Bug I Just Found in this Hack is that Interferes With the Ajax Fast Edit of the Posts!! :( :confused:

When I Click on the Edit Button and the Fast Edit Activates, I Edit the Post, and After That When I Press the "Save" Button The Interphase Don't Returns The Post To The Posted Mode But Leaves It In the Fast Edit Mode. The Same Happens When I Try To Press The "Cancel" Button, The Post Don't Returns To The Posted Mode But Stays In Fast Edit Mode (Ajax)!! :( :confused:

When I Disabled This Hack, The Ajax Fast Edits Of The Posts Returned To Normal!! ;)

Is Important That You Check The Ajax Code Because It Causes That Problem!! ;)

My Best Regards!! ;)


BecomeUnbroken 11-04-2007 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1375361)
One Bug I Just Found in this Hack is that Interferes With the Ajax Fast Edit of the Posts!! :( :confused:

When I Click on the Edit Button and the Fast Edit Activates, I Edit the Post, and After That When I Press the "Save" Button The Interphase Don't Returns The Post To The Posted Mode But Leaves It In the Fast Edit Mode. The Same Happens When I Try To Press The "Cancel" Button, The Post Don't Returns To The Posted Mode But Stays In Fast Edit Mode (Ajax)!! :( :confused:

When I Disabled This Hack, The Ajax Fast Edits Of The Posts Returned To Normal!! ;)

Is Important That You Check The Ajax Code Because It Causes That Problem!! ;)

My Best Regards!! ;)


i am still trying to figure that one out.. Quick Edit works in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer...

BecomeUnbroken 11-04-2007 04:43 AM

By the way... I re-uploaded the zip file with the 'fisheye' directory already in it... thanks for catching that

inciarco 11-04-2007 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1375366)
By the way... I re-uploaded the zip file with the 'fisheye' directory already in it... thanks for catching that

I'm Glad I Could Help!! :up::up::up:

My Best Regards BecomeUnbroken!! ;)


BecomeUnbroken 11-04-2007 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by sparky5693 (Post 1370670)
I can edit in my forum no problem. It's also working with my inferno shout box, just not my gallery. Anybody out there able to give me some ideas about the gallery problem, or even a way to keep it out of the gallery all together (a last resort)

you could wrap the $afm_menu in an if conditional.. so that when the script is not equal to vbpicgallery it'll show the menu.

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'vbpicgallery'">

although i'm not sure if that is the correct identifier for vbpicgallery's script...


Originally Posted by sparky5693 (Post 1374861)
Any ideas on the problems I had with vbpicgallery?

I don't have it installed but I will try and tackle this after I figure out the Quick Edit bug which interferes with a core function of the board.. In the meantime you can use the code above to exclude the menu from the gallery...

inciarco 11-04-2007 05:20 PM

Other Bug In This Hack With The Full Editor Of Messages is:

In The Sizes Selector :(:confused:, Somehow Includes the Following Text:

function(v,n){n=(n==null)?0:n;var m=this.length;for(var i=n;i<M;I++)IF(THIS[I]==V)RETURN unselectable="on" font i;return-1}<>

And When Pressing It Results:

[SIZE="function(v,n){n=(n==null)?0:n;var m=this.length;for(var i=n;i<M;I++)IF(THIS[I]==V)RETURN unselectable="on" font i;return-1}<>"][/SIZE]

Also In The Fonts Selector :(:confused:, Somehow Includes the Following Text:

function(v,n){n=(n==null)?0:n;var m=this.length;for(var i=n;i<M;I++)IF(THIS[I]==V)RETURN unselectable="on" font i;return-1}<>

And When Pressing It Results:

[FONT="function(v,n){n=(n==null)?0:n;var m=this.length;for(var i=n;i<M;I++)IF(THIS[I]==V)RETURN unselectable="on" font i;return-1}<>"][/FONT]

Perhaps This has Something To Do With The Error You're Having With The Quick Edit and Now With The Full Editor!! :( :confused:

Perhaps One Of The Plugins Is Including That Text, by Replacing a Code or Including a Code that is Causing This Problem as well as the Quick Editor Problem!! :rolleyes:

I Hope You Can Fix It!! ;)

My best Regards!! ;)


inciarco 11-04-2007 05:28 PM

I Think That The Problem Is In The Code Included in the File "iepngfix" (HTC File), because that File Includes a Code with some Conditionals somehow similar to the Previously Described!! :confused:

I Also Found the Text "I++" in some of the Code Lines in the Scripts "interface" and "jquery", so could be them too the ones causing Those Problems with the Editors!! :confused:

You Should Check Also the Plugin "Ajax Fisheye Menu headinclude Auto Edit", that Includes that Code in the Head Include Template!! :confused:

I've Disabled that Plugin, and then Checked the Quick Edit Functionality, and Works Ok, and also the Error Code Included in the Full Editor (Mentionen in my Previous Message) Don't Appears, so the Errors are Related with that Plugin!! :confused:

I Found One Line Similar in the Function "doFix":


for (var n = 0; n < childNodes.length; n++)
    if (childNodes[n].style) childNodes[n].style.position = 'relative';

So I guess, somehow that File "iepngfix" could be causing the Problems with the Editors!! :rolleyes:

I Hope You Can Fix Those Bugs!! ;)

My Best Regards!! ;)


BecomeUnbroken 11-04-2007 07:32 PM

Well the headinclude auto edit is used just to load the two .js files within the <head> tags of the page.. and the iepngfix.htc is used because IE has trouble viewing .png files and this is needed to make use of the .png's transparent background.. without this fix you will see a block behind the image in IE... As for the weird coding inside the text size and font selector, this is also in IE...

I wish everyone used Firefox, but since that's not the case, the script must also be IE compatible :mad:

I appreciate your help :D.. I haven't even looked into the iepngfix.htc yet.. i will see if i find something in there that is causing the other problems to arise in IE

BecomeUnbroken 11-04-2007 08:56 PM

Good news... after really looking into the .js files, I found the troublesome code and commented it out..

V. 0.94-beta
+ Fixed IE Quick Edit bug
+ Fixed IE font size drop down bug

Next release will come with AdminCP options.. and after a little more testing, we might have ourselves a stable version :D

sparky5693 11-04-2007 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1375372)
you could wrap the $afm_menu in an if conditional.. so that when the script is not equal to vbpicgallery it'll show the menu.

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'vbpicgallery'">

although i'm not sure if that is the correct identifier for vbpicgallery's script...

I don't have it installed but I will try and tackle this after I figure out the Quick Edit bug which interferes with a core function of the board.. In the meantime you can use the code above to exclude the menu from the gallery...

The above mentioned code certainly does exclude the fisheye from the gallery. I did a screen cap of the problem so you could take a look.

inciarco 11-04-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1375838)
Good news... after really looking into the .js files, I found the troublesome code and commented it out..

V. 0.94-beta
+ Fixed IE Quick Edit bug
+ Fixed IE font size drop down bug

Next release will come with AdminCP options.. and after a little more testing, we might have ourselves a stable version :D


Works Great BecomeUnbroken!! :up:

Congratulations on Finding the Solution to those Bugs!! :up: ;)

Quick Edits and Font Style and Size Drop Dow Menus Work Excellent Now With The Hack!! :up: :p

One minor detail regarding the Display of the Menu happens when you access the List of Threads of the Forums!! The Menu Don't Displays, Shows But Piled One Image Over The Other!! When Accessing Main Forum List, Thread Contents, and Oher Locations in the Forum Menu Displays Fine, but When Reaching Thread List Inside Each Forum, the Menu Don't Displays!! :( :confused: :p

My Best Regards, and Again Congratulations This Is a Great Hack!! ;)


inciarco 11-04-2007 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by sparky5693 (Post 1375870)
The above mentioned code certainly does exclude the fisheye from the gallery. I did a screen cap of the problem so you could take a look.

I've seen this Display of the Icons When I Disabled the Plugin "Ajax Fisheye Menu headinclude Auto Edit", so perhaps there's something going on between the Hack of the Gallery and the Code in this Plugin that Not Allows the Plugin to Load, or some Not Compatibility Between a part of the Code of the Files this Plugin includes in the Forum Pages and the Code of the Gallery!! ;)

My Best Regards!! ;)


sparky5693 11-04-2007 11:16 PM

I figure you probably knew, but i'm using 0.94

BecomeUnbroken 11-05-2007 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1375877)

Works Great BecomeUnbroken!! :up:

Congratulations on Finding the Solution to those Bugs!! :up: ;)

Quick Edits and Font Style and Size Drop Dow Menus Work Excellent Now With The Hack!! :up: :p

One minor detail regarding the Display of the Menu happens when you access the List of Threads of the Forums!! The Menu Don't Displays, Shows But Piled One Image Over The Other!! When Accessing Main Forum List, Thread Contents, and Oher Locations in the Forum Menu Displays Fine, but When Reaching Thread List Inside Each Forum, the Menu Don't Displays!! :( :confused: :p

My Best Regards, and Again Congratulations This Is a Great Hack!! ;)


hmm.. i just tested the menu at all levels of the forum, and it seems to be working fine in both IE and Firefox...

Can you PM me a link to where the problem happens? so I can view the page's source code and figure out whats causing it..

BecomeUnbroken 11-05-2007 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by sparky5693 (Post 1375870)
The above mentioned code certainly does exclude the fisheye from the gallery. I did a screen cap of the problem so you could take a look.

that's what it looks like when the .js files aren't properly loaded... do you have a link so I can view the source code and pinpoint the problem?

inciarco 11-05-2007 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1376004)
hmm.. i just tested the menu at all levels of the forum, and it seems to be working fine in both IE and Firefox...

Can you PM me a link to where the problem happens? so I can view the page's source code and figure out whats causing it..

BecomeUnbroken, You Can Find My Forums at:


My Best Regards!! ;)


yeku 11-05-2007 08:16 PM

I have this problem...In Firefox it works perfectly

but in IE, I have this image.


Where is it my error? Some solution, idea? My version is 3.6.7


iogames 11-05-2007 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1375838)
Good news... after really looking into the .js files, I found the troublesome code and commented it out..

V. 0.94-beta
+ Fixed IE Quick Edit bug
+ Fixed IE font size drop down bug

Next release will come with AdminCP options.. and after a little more testing, we might have ourselves a stable version :D

When??? :confused:

BecomeUnbroken 11-05-2007 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by yeku (Post 1376533)
I have this problem...In Firefox it works perfectly

but in IE, I have this image.


Where is it my error? Some solution, idea? My version is 3.6.7


make sure you didn't forget to upload the 'blank.gif' file in the images folder...

BecomeUnbroken 11-05-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1376557)
When??? :confused:

The next time I'm sitting at home with an extra couple of hours to do nothing...;)

Guest210212002 11-05-2007 10:45 PM

Great mod!

I'm having a small problem - I have the added global to VBACMPS, but it's stripping the /forum/ from the link, causing it to come up with broken images.

For example, the correct format would be site.com/forum/fisheye/whatever, which works fine on my forum page, but on CMPS it's just site/fisheye/whatever.

Edit: I'm fiddling with it now, just under my navbar, if you happen to catch this post before I nuke it and move it to my test forum. :)

[high]* Guest210212002 clicks install[/high]

BecomeUnbroken 11-05-2007 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Chris-777 (Post 1376647)
Great mod!

I'm having a small problem - I have the added global to VBACMPS, but it's stripping the /forum/ from the link, causing it to come up with broken images.

For example, the correct format would be site.com/forum/fisheye/whatever, which works fine on my forum page, but on CMPS it's just site/fisheye/whatever.

Edit: I'm fiddling with it now, just under my navbar, if you happen to catch this post before I nuke it and move it to my test forum. :)

[high]* Chris-777 clicks install[/high]

In the next release there will be an option in the AdminCP where you can specify where the fisheye folder is, and that way i can pass that variable and it will work no matter where it is...

How about this... In about 30 minutes, I'll have some free time... I'll add a few AdminCP options and make a new release tonight.. I know that directory problem has been a pain for people keeping their forums in a folder other than the root...

Guest210212002 11-05-2007 11:12 PM

Thanks man. :) I got it working in CMPS by just uploading a duplicate copy of the images folder into my forum root, which solved it.

The issues I'm having now are:

- The images "load" before the bar renders, and they load in the middle of my navbar.
- I can't figure out how to move it up a bit. :D


Great mod though man, very nice job! :D

Yukino_AE 11-06-2007 12:10 AM

could someone please post how to make this vertical? ^_^ nice mod

sparky5693 11-06-2007 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1376006)
that's what it looks like when the .js files aren't properly loaded... do you have a link so I can view the source code and pinpoint the problem?

I'm playing with this mod in a less used style in the forum. Click the link below, and switch the viewed style (drop down at bottom of page) from swirl, to default style.


BTW- Thanks for the great support. All too often a great hack is released, and then forgotten about. You've been all over this one since you released it... Thank You.

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