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hotwheels 10-05-2007 11:11 PM

Subah, i did do some looking into this .3gp and it turns out it is for downloading onto cellphones. I don't have any experience in this field at all. I don't even own a cell phone and from what i have seen, i am not sure if i want one. They look very complcated to me......

sorry, hotwheels

Doctor Death 10-06-2007 01:13 AM

How about JUMPCUT .WMV videos...


hotwheels 10-06-2007 11:36 PM

I can do that video link but............

There are 2 different form's of embedding video on that site and i donot know how to get both to show.. as you can see, this is the video link for you url you posted: http://www.jumpcut.com/media/flash/j...21/lq.flv&eb=1

and this is the linke to the other video's just to the right of that video: http://www.jumpcut.com/media/flash/j...200DB926D&eb=1

Now, if all of the video's you want to use ame with are like the first link i showed you, i can do that........or i can do the 2nd link. But i cant do both of them..........It looks to me, like most of the movies fall under the second link....not sure why they have two different embed src's......

This will do the link you posted and any other videos that fall under this type of link, but sadly about 90% of what i looked at won't work under this set up. If you click on the links i posted above, then look in the address bar on your puter, you will see how one is called a clip and the other is movie:

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Jumpcut.com

In the description, Jumpcut.com videos

In the display order, 441 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.jumpcut\.com/view\?id=([\w]+)

Replacement, insert: <embed src="http://www.jumpcut.com/media/flash/jump.swf?&asset_type=clip&asset_id=$p1&asset_url=/media/$p2.flv" quality="high" width="460" height="406" align="middle" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: &asset_type=clip&asset_id=([\w]+)&asset_url=/media/([\w]+/[0-9]*/[\w]+/[\w]+/[\w]+)\.flv

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


Doctor Death 10-07-2007 11:21 AM

Hey thanks a lot, you are very impressive... this is such a great mod that really helps normalize our sites.

One question: I would like the videos to be a bit larger than what it is set to now... how do I make the video players larger across all formats?

hotwheels 10-07-2007 01:00 PM

Just change the width="460" height="406" to what ever size you want, say 500x500 and you will be good to go......

lkforum 10-07-2007 01:52 PM

First , I'm sorry for my bad English .
I installed this Mod and it not work with my forum . How I setting ? Thanks much

Doctor Death 10-07-2007 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1354754)
Just change the width="460" height="406" to what ever size you want, say 500x500 and you will be good to go......

Is that done in EACH type video feed or in one place that is applied to all others?


hotwheels 10-07-2007 07:20 PM

go into your admincp, then down to ame cp, open that......find the jumpcut and click edit......look for the "Replacement" and make the changes in there..... or you can just cut and paste this in that box:

<embed src="http://www.jumpcut.com/media/flash/jump.swf?&asset_type=clip&asset_id=$p1&asset_url=/media/$p2.flv" quality="high" width="500" height="500" align="middle" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

And it is done in each individual video host......

hotwheels 10-07-2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by lkforum (Post 1354780)
First , I'm sorry for my bad English .
I installed this Mod and it not work with my forum . How I setting ? Thanks much

make sure that the system is on (admincp->AME CP->Settings)

GrendelKhan{TSU 10-08-2007 02:49 AM

thank you so much for these additions!!

request: any chance of getting: www.imeem.com added? thanks again. :)

hotwheels 10-09-2007 12:59 AM

I am not a member of that site, but i went to the site and clicked on "all Video's", grabbed a couple test examples and made this ame tag. It has worked on the ones that i have tested.

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Imeem.com

In the description, Imeem.com videos

In the display order, 442 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://[\w]*\.imeem\.com/video/([\w]+/[\w_]+)/

Replacement, insert: <object width="400" height="325"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/v/$p1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://media.imeem.com/v/$p1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="325" allowFullScreen="true"></embed></object>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: http://media\.imeem\.com/v/([\w/=]+)

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 10-09-2007 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1351889)
I didn't see a request for http://www.ign.com/, so I thought I'd throw that one on the pile. Thanks for all your hard work.

K, they have a pretty big site, so what i did when i got to the site was, click on video's, i grabbed several different video links. Since they have xbox, ps2, ps3, i tried to set the code to play those different video trailers. I DIDN'T go any deeper into the site, since i am not a member of that site. This does seem to be working for just about every video i tried:

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, IGN.com

In the description, IGN.com gaming videos

In the display order, 434 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://media\.[\w]*\.ign\.com/media/([\w/_]+)\.html

Replacement, insert: <embed src='http://videomedia.ign.com/ev/ev.swf' flashvars='object_ID=$p1&downloadURL=http://ps2movies.ign.com/ps2/video/article/$p2.flv&allownetworking="all"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360' ></embed>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, object_ID=[\w]*&downloadURL=http://[\w]*\.ign\.com/[\w]*/video/article/([\w/_]+)\.flv

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 10-09-2007 01:41 AM

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Porkolt.com

In the description, Porkolt videos

In the display order, 425 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.porkolt\.com/[\w/]*/([\w-]*)\.html

Replacement, insert: <object width="400" height="327"><param name="movie" value="http://content3.porkolt.com/miniplayer/player.swf?parameters=http://datas3.porkolt.com/datas/$p1"></param><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><embed src="http://content3.porkolt.com/miniplayer/player.swf?parameters=http://datas3.porkolt.com/datas/$p1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="327"></embed></object>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, Insert: http://datas3\.porkolt\.com/datas/([\w]+)

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 10-09-2007 01:46 AM

If there are any other requests, please feel free to ad a link to the site.......I have embedded just about everysite i can think of, other then the porn sites, which are giving me a fit for some dang reason......

BecomeUnbroken 10-09-2007 05:29 AM

hope you don't mind me using your posts as a template hotwheels...

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Project Playlist

In the description, Converts Project Playlist URLS

In the display order, 444 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://[a-z]*?[\.]?projectplaylist\.[a-z]*?/node\/([A-Z0-9._%-]*)[&\w;=\+_-]*

Replacement, insert: <div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450;">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="435" height="270"
data="http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/mp3player-othersite.swf?config=http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/config/config_black.xml&mywidth=435&myheight=270&playlist _url=http://www.profileplaylist.net/loadplaylist.php?playlist=$p1">
<param name="bgcolor" value="#e8e8e8">
<param name="movie"
value="http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/mp3player-othersite.swf?config=http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/config/config_black.xml&mywidth=435&myheight=270&playlist _url=http://www.profileplaylist.net/loadplaylist.php?playlist=$p1">
<BR><a href=http://www.profileplaylist.net><img src=http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/images/create_black.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.profileplaylist.net/standalone/15971219 target=_blank><img src=http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/images/launch_black.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.profileplaylist.net/download/$p1><img src=http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/images/get_black.jpg border=0></a>

Hit save to finish...

I know this isn't technically embedded video.. but you can have your members post up their personal playlists to show off their tastes in music or whatever...

towermatt 10-09-2007 03:56 PM

Wow, this thread looks weird.

I was trying to do FileFront and got the .xml uploaded. It posts the embedded media perfectly but shows that it is "not available"--when I am sure it is.

Any ideas on this one you guys?

hotwheels 10-09-2007 08:06 PM

If you would, post up the filefront link you are trying to embed........i would like to test it on mine and see if i have to make somesort of change.......thanks, hotwheels

towermatt 10-09-2007 08:58 PM

It was part of the .zip file download at the top of the page. I have disabled it for now but would love to see it working.

hotwheels 10-09-2007 09:48 PM

Well if you can towermatt, post your filefront link (The video that isn't working), so that i can look at it........If you go to filefront, this code is only for filefront video, gamevideos, and most of the stuff listed at the top of there site won't work with this code.........

So if you have a link like this: http://files.filefront.com/Video+17+.../fileinfo.html

It will work.......

towermatt 10-09-2007 09:55 PM

Thanks so much for the help, I am having a hard time understanding this.


that is the link there--with the AME on it simply says the file is not available.

With it off, you can click the link but FileFront asks you to download. :(

hotwheels 10-09-2007 10:03 PM

K, i had to make a change to the filefront ame file.......seem's that there are a bunch of different embedded address's such as static1, static2, static3, etc.......So i made the necessary changes required.....(This should fix the problem that towermatt ran into.)

Towermatt, the first thing to do is go into your admincp, then ame cp, click on display, and then look for filefront......over on the right handside, click delete, then follow these steps:

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, FileFront.com

In the description, Filefront video

In the display order, 414 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://files\.filefront\.com/([\w+/;]+)\.html

Replacement, insert: <object width="450" height="338"><param name="movieID" value="$p1&autorun=false"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://$p1&autorun=false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="338"></embed></object>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, Insert: http://([\w]*\.filefront\.com/ffv6/player/vp_embed\.swf\?v=[\w]+)

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 10-09-2007 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by towermatt (Post 1356507)
Thanks so much for the help, I am having a hard time understanding this.


that is the link there--with the AME on it simply says the file is not available.

With it off, you can click the link but FileFront asks you to download. :(

That is actually a download file......which means they want you to download it to your computer to watch it.........The way that ame works is, if a site has a video that is embedded on a site, grab the address in the address bar and post it to your site. Ame will automatically put that shared video on your page.....

So, if you go to filefront.com right now, and look at the 3rd tab over just above the video player, you will see the word "video". Click on it..........after the page refresh's, you will see a bunch of thumbnails with images, go ahead and click on one of them......I clicked on the second one, which has the name intro.wmv. Once that refreshes, you should be brought to another page with a video player. Now, go ahead and copy the address in the address bar which is http://files.filefront.com/introwmv/.../fileinfo.html .......now take that address and paste it in a post on your site and click save........once you have done that, you should now be able to watch that trailer/video on your site.......


hotwheels 10-09-2007 10:16 PM

I know at first this is a pain in the butt, but, you will find this to be an awesome mod. You can literally take a video address from any site; google, youtube, filefront, godtube, etc.....grab the link out of the address bar, paste it to a post and your member's can now view that video on your site, without having to click a link to go see it on another site......This is basically a BBCoDE set up, but fancier....

towermatt 10-09-2007 10:49 PM

Oh yeah, I love the thing, its amazing.

So it looks like my members are simply posting the wrong link. Would you mind if I copied your post above and put it on my site to explain that to them? Its very straight forward.

hotwheels 10-10-2007 12:20 AM

I don't mind at all towermatt........

Piggedy 10-10-2007 03:44 AM

hotwheels, how about this site. http://gameroom.mlgpro.com/view/Qc4UUVXzeEI.html

hotwheels 10-10-2007 11:50 AM

Try this Piggedy: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=118

hotwheels 10-10-2007 12:01 PM

Okay, i am gonna try this xml:

hotwheels 10-10-2007 12:53 PM

Here are some more.....

first one here is vimeo.......I couldn't get the other xml to work, so i redid it........tested it with 10 different vimeo videos and it works fine.

second on here is sclipo......I couldn't get this one to work correctly with the original xml, so i redid this one......same as above, tested with 10 different sclipo feeds.

Third on here is xvideo host........(Adult Site)

yoyoyoyo 10-12-2007 05:26 PM

The metacafe videos seem a bit buggy. They embed fine, but look pretty funky - see attached screenshot.

Also, is there anyway to get this to work in vb blog? I tried adding a youtube video to a blog entry and it didn't work.

rapidphim 10-12-2007 05:44 PM

Anyone has a good free hosting audio file that already supplied in this massive xml?

Hotwheels, how are you going to convert this?

Doctor Death 10-12-2007 11:42 PM

<a href="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/39501/" target="_blank">http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/39501/</a>

How about posts like this>??

DieselMinded 10-13-2007 12:17 AM

Hey Danny Why did the video mess up my users signautre

hotwheels 10-13-2007 02:23 PM

By Request

hotwheels 10-13-2007 02:25 PM

yoyoyoyo, try setting the "Contain
Set to yes to wrap the matches in your container HTML" to "no", instead of yes, on metcafe...

SBlueman 10-16-2007 08:31 AM

I can't seem to get video from Redtube to work anymore. Anyone else having problems?

yoyoyoyo 10-16-2007 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1358977)
yoyoyoyo, try setting the "Contain
Set to yes to wrap the matches in your container HTML" to "no", instead of yes, on metcafe...

well, that helped with part of the problem, but I am still getting some of the code displayed underneath the file, and it is pushing the video to the bottom of the page and leaving a bunch of blank space at the top

hotwheels 10-17-2007 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo (Post 1361480)
well, that helped with part of the problem, but I am still getting some of the code displayed underneath the file, and it is pushing the video to the bottom of the page and leaving a bunch of blank space at the top

I will try to have a look at the code when i get off of graveyards........Should be a simple fix.

Borden 10-17-2007 12:14 PM

Any chance of adding CNN video to this Mod?

Dannyloski 10-17-2007 01:36 PM

I know I've been gone for quite some time, it was due to a death in my family and I had to leave the country. I just got back today. I need to catch up on some things and I will update everything when I get a chance ... Sorry guys ... Im sure Hotwheels has been able to take care of everything, but if not or if you need something let me know. I havent read any posts on the thread, so sorry ...

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