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-   -   Administrative and Maintenance Tools - EPC vbMailer [LITE] All in ONE E-mail Solution (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=155820)

AzzidReign 08-29-2007 03:58 AM

I don't know where to begin...blogtorank has got to be the most kind, generous, helpful person I've yet to meet on the internet. He's offered his valuable time to help me out and get this running.

Let's see...I've had to move servers b/c it was poorly configured which is why we couldn't get the script running properly. Before we moved though, blog had put in around 32 hours to go through my server and see where the problems were and to see if he could fix them. Sadly, the server was just straight effed that there was nothing we could do but move.

I asked for him to help me get my new servers properly configured and secured (for a fee of course ;) happy to pay for great help anytime). He's been helping configure, troubleshoot, find bugs, and get everything running as smoothly as possible...STILL to this minute. He put in a full 24 hours...that's right, no sleep yesterday, to help me get the server up and running. We got it up and everything was running smoothly until my site received a bunch of SYN attacks on our database server.

At this moment, he's STILL helping me out and I just wanted to let everyone know how much of a help this guy is! I've never seen such dedication! So all in all...he's prolly put in 60+ hours into help me and my site and on top of that, he's been able to release fixes to his mods that had security vulns.

Amazing work! Hats off to my man blogtorank. I hope to see this on one of your blogs as a testimonial to customer support and satisfaction :D

aus_dave 08-29-2007 10:52 AM

I think there is a problem with the SQL in the plugin to generate the HTML/Text profile:

echo '<center>Creating vbMailer profile field</center>';
$db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "profilefield VALUES (600, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 6, 1, 'radio', 'a:2:{i:0;s:4:\"HTML\";i:1;s:4:\"Text\";}', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0)");

The 'radio' value above is inserted into the 9th field, but this value should be in the 8th field ('type'). This messes up the rest of the query and the profile is not created properly.

My profile field was all over the place but I managed to sort it out. This is version 1.2.3 FULL too.

JirQUEST 08-29-2007 02:49 PM

I dropped an email at BTR, with an enquiry for the full version. I was wondering if you might have gotten it? :)

blogtorank 08-29-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by aus_dave (Post 1328013)
I think there is a problem with the SQL in the plugin to generate the HTML/Text profile:

echo '<center>Creating vbMailer profile field</center>';
$db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "profilefield VALUES (600, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 6, 1, 'radio', 'a:2:{i:0;s:4:\"HTML\";i:1;s:4:\"Text\";}', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0)");

The 'radio' value above is inserted into the 9th field, but this value should be in the 8th field ('type'). This messes up the rest of the query and the profile is not created properly.

My profile field was all over the place but I managed to sort it out. This is version 1.2.3 FULL too.

Will look into your issue there Dave, thanks for reporting that.


Originally Posted by JirQUEST (Post 1328148)
I dropped an email at BTR, with an enquiry for the full version. I was wondering if you might have gotten it? :)

Whereabouts? Did you use the contact form? Wherefore the sales there will answer yours in the order received, if you have any questions feel free to ask here if you would like and I'll see if we (not sales) can help you out. :)

billybear 08-29-2007 09:50 PM

This looks absolutely great, and I look forward to start using it.

I was wondering and may have missed this, but is there a simple way to send out test emails to only one emailadres, user or a single usergroup before sending it to the complete userbase? May be useful to evaluate whether variables are parsed correctly and whether html is rendered as expected in different email clients.

Great work!

iogames 08-29-2007 10:29 PM

Bought it! :D

Full Version + Installation!

I hope I'm back as satisfied client ;)

JirQUEST 08-29-2007 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1328166)
Whereabouts? Did you use the contact form? Wherefore the sales there will answer yours in the order received, if you have any questions feel free to ask here if you would like and I'll see if we (not sales) can help you out. :)

yeah the contact form. no one got back to me. i was wondering if your full version actually lets us configure a pre-set amount of outbound emails per hour. my server can only do 300 emails per hr, and this is becoming quite an issue for me.

blogtorank 08-29-2007 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by billybear (Post 1328394)
This looks absolutely great, and I look forward to start using it.

I was wondering and may have missed this, but is there a simple way to send out test emails to only one emailadres, user or a single usergroup before sending it to the complete userbase? May be useful to evaluate whether variables are parsed correctly and whether html is rendered as expected in different email clients.

Great work!

Yes this will send out per the USERGROUP that you choose to test with, also, you will be able to select all, we kept it per what the users that requested it this way, where you can choose All or a specific group to send to.

On the rendering of the htmls do this as a test:

Choose that you are allowed HTML e-mails as a "New user" however on your end make it inside your e-mail client to NOT accept html...

Send out all e-mails to this new user both in text and html, which you will see this is sent.

Now after the send, take a look inside your inbox and remember that you shouldn't receive e-mails as HTML, open this e-mail... If you see it as text this means that our system served you with a text e-mail so it doesn't come out garbled and looking trashy ;)


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1328441)
Bought it! :D

Full Version + Installation!

I hope I'm back as satisfied client ;)

You should be, check your inbox for a welcome email? :D


Originally Posted by JirQUEST (Post 1328469)
yeah the contact form. no one got back to me. i was wondering if your full version actually lets us configure a pre-set amount of outbound emails per hour. my server can only do 300 emails per hr, and this is becoming quite an issue for me.

We have it where you can send out 25 emails per x amount of time:


See the 2nd to the top screenshot for this setting. So you do the calcs of this to figure out how many seconds you need in between sends of groups of 25's Hope this helps!

blogtorank 08-29-2007 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1327848)
I don't know where to begin...blogtorank has got to be the most kind, generous, helpful person I've yet to meet on the internet. He's offered his valuable time to help me out and get this running.

Let's see...I've had to move servers b/c it was poorly configured which is why we couldn't get the script running properly. Before we moved though, blog had put in around 32 hours to go through my server and see where the problems were and to see if he could fix them. Sadly, the server was just straight effed that there was nothing we could do but move.

I asked for him to help me get my new servers properly configured and secured (for a fee of course ;) happy to pay for great help anytime). He's been helping configure, troubleshoot, find bugs, and get everything running as smoothly as possible...STILL to this minute. He put in a full 24 hours...that's right, no sleep yesterday, to help me get the server up and running. We got it up and everything was running smoothly until my site received a bunch of SYN attacks on our database server.

At this moment, he's STILL helping me out and I just wanted to let everyone know how much of a help this guy is! I've never seen such dedication! So all in all...he's prolly put in 60+ hours into help me and my site and on top of that, he's been able to release fixes to his mods that had security vulns.

Amazing work! Hats off to my man blogtorank. I hope to see this on one of your blogs as a testimonial to customer support and satisfaction :D

Yeah well still going at it, but this had to been one of the best compliments EVER received here by us. We greatly appreciate this tremendously! Our biggest thanks for such a great feedback!!!!!

aus_dave 08-29-2007 11:36 PM

I'm stil trying to get this working properly, I also have a few questions about how this plugin works. At the end of each email message it says:

"You can unsubscribe at any time by visiting the forums where this was sent from and requesting not to receive emails from administrators any more."

Is this text hard-coded in the PHP files? I couldn't find it in the phrases. If so can you please add an option to change or customise this - I already have a more user-friendly notice on the bottom of my emails and I don't want this on there.

Secondly, what happens to a mailing if it gets stuck or times out in the middle somewhere? Our current mailer solution (not in VB) allows us to continue mailing from the point that it timed out, so we can ensure no users get repeat emails. Our test mailings in 'Review Campaigns' have some failed emails (with valid addresses though) - do subsequent crons try to send these failed emails or is that it?

Also, it would be nice if the campaign stats kept track of how many bounces there were :).

JirQUEST 08-30-2007 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1328477)
We have it where you can send out 25 emails per x amount of time:


See the 2nd to the top screenshot for this setting. So you do the calcs of this to figure out how many seconds you need in between sends of groups of 25's Hope this helps!

sweet as. once i get off work, i am gonna get home and purchase this :D

AzzidReign 08-30-2007 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by aus_dave (Post 1328487)
I'm stil trying to get this working properly, I also have a few questions about how this plugin works. At the end of each email message it says:

"You can unsubscribe at any time by visiting the forums where this was sent from and requesting not to receive emails from administrators any more."

Is this text hard-coded in the PHP files? I couldn't find it in the phrases. If so can you please add an option to change or customise this - I already have a more user-friendly notice on the bottom of my emails and I don't want this on there.

Secondly, what happens to a mailing if it gets stuck or times out in the middle somewhere? Our current mailer solution (not in VB) allows us to continue mailing from the point that it timed out, so we can ensure no users get repeat emails. Our test mailings in 'Review Campaigns' have some failed emails (with valid addresses though) - do subsequent crons try to send these failed emails or is that it?

Also, it would be nice if the campaign stats kept track of how many bounces there were :).

The failed emails won't try to go out again. When an email fails, the user is put to a "bounce list" so that they don't receive emails again. In the FULL edition, that user will receive a PM saying they need to update their email.

aus_dave 08-30-2007 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1328587)
The failed emails won't try to go out again. When an email fails, the user is put to a "bounce list" so that they don't receive emails again. In the FULL edition, that user will receive a PM saying they need to update their email.

That's not what's happening on my full version. I set up a campaign with 3 emails, 1 of which was known to be non-existent. All 3 emails were sent - but the bounce was returned and the PMs sent to admin and the user. All 3 emails are listed as sent in the campaign though.

AzzidReign 08-30-2007 04:34 AM

Are you getting the bounced email in your inbox? Maybe you are not receiving a bounced email or vbmailer isn't logging in and catching it, therefore it thinks it was sent out properly.

aus_dave 08-30-2007 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1328595)
Are you getting the bounced email in your inbox? Maybe you are not receiving a bounced email or vbmailer isn't logging in and catching it, therefore it thinks it was sent out properly.

No - I'm using a POP account created especially for this purpose. vbMailer is logging in and finding the bounced mail ok, and sending the PMs.

Support are looking into my install as there are more important issues than this causing me grief at the moment :(.

blogtorank 08-30-2007 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by aus_dave (Post 1328596)
No - I'm using a POP account created especially for this purpose. vbMailer is logging in and finding the bounced mail ok, and sending the PMs.

Support are looking into my install as there are more important issues than this causing me grief at the moment :(.

Yes we are finding that doing a run on your forums there it's taking forever to login to your POP accounts for some apparent reason or another, as said we would better diagnose this if we had full access to this server. We are trying our hardest on this and trying to diagnose this issue that you are having and can't seem to pinpoint it with these issues.

One forums runs with all of these Mods as noted smoothly:


vBulletin 3.6.8

Ajax Post Preview
AJAX Preview For New Thread/Reply
AME - The Automatic Media Embeder
Auto HTML Emails
Bills PayPal Donate
Bump Threads/Make Threads older
CFM: Google Search Results
Close Old Threads
Default Font/Color/Size in Post
EPC vbMailer
EWT - eXtend Show Spider
EWT - Talkerbot
FlashChat Integration
Guest Tracking
ibProArcade for vBulletin
Link Anonymizer and Censor
Members who have read a thread.
Miserable Users
Mobile Device Force Style
Ping New Threads
PM Attachments
PM Moderation
Prevent Spam
Require X Posts To Use PM System
Rules and User Agreement Hack
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads
Smilies in Quickreply
SR Classifieds Light 1.0.5
Stop Spam Links
User age Based Permissions
User Countdown
vB Error Page System
VB image hosting
vB Pager
vBadvanced CMPS
vBulletin™ Mail System™ v. 3.0.0 pre-final
Welcome Headers
Welcome Thread
ZH - Banned Members
Zoints Forum Ban
Zoints Profile System
Zoints SEO
Zoints Thread Tags
Members: 42,637

Then to note their php.ini:

PHP Code:

PHP Version 4.4.4

System     Linux server1
.server.com 2.4.21-40.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Feb 2 22:22:39 EST 2006 i686
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Configure Command     
'./configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--prefix=/usr/local' '--with-xml' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-calendar' '--with-curl' '--with-dom' '--with-dom-xslt' '--with-dom-exslt' '--with-swf=/usr/local/flash' '--enable-ftp' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6' '--with-gettext' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-mbstr-enc-trans' '--enable-mbregex' '--with-mcrypt' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--with-mysqli' '--with-mysql=/usr' '--with-openssl' '--enable-discard-path' '--with-pear' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-wddx' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-zip' '--with-zlib'
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Virtual Directory Support     disabled
Configuration File 
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PHP API     20020918
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Zend Extension     20050606
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Zend Memory Manager     enabled
Thread Safety     disabled
Registered PHP Streams     php

Zend logo This program makes 
use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
Zend Engine v1.3.0Copyright (c1998-2004 Zend Technologies

PHP Credits
PHP Core
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/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429    /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429
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.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php    .:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php
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/usr/sbin/sendmail --i    /usr/sbin/sendmail --i
serialize_precision    100    100
short_open_tag    On    On
SMTP    localhost    localhost
smtp_port    25    25
.safe_mode    Off    Off
track_errors    Off    Off
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user_dir    no value    no value
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y2k_compliance    Off    Off

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APACHE_TARGET     no value
Apache Version     Apache
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:Port     xxxxxforums.com:80
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Max Requests     Per Child
45 Keep Aliveon Max Per Connection100
Timeouts     Connection
150 Keep-Alive10
Server Root     
Loaded Modules     mod_evasive

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
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last_modified    0    0
xbithack    0    0

Apache Environment
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REMOTE_PORT     1385
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HTTP Headers Information
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BCMath support     enabled

Calendar support     enabled

ctype functions     enabled

CURL support     enabled
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/EXSLT     enabled
libexslt Version     1.1.16

FTP support     enabled

GD Support     enabled
GD Version     bundled 
(2.0.28 compatible)
GIF Read Support     enabled
GIF Create Support     enabled
JPG Support     enabled
PNG Support     enabled
WBMP Support     enabled
XBM Support     enabled

GetText Support     enabled

Multibyte Support     enabled
Japanese support     enabled
Simplified chinese support     enabled
Traditional chinese support     enabled
Korean support     enabled
Russian support     enabled
(japaneseregex support     enabled

mbstring extension makes 
use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter"which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
.detect_order    no value    no value
.encoding_translation    Off    Off
.func_overload    0    0
.http_input    pass    pass
.http_output    pass    pass
.internal_encoding    no value    no value
.language    neutral    neutral
.substitute_character    no value    no value

mcrypt support    enabled
>= 2.4.x
Supported ciphers     cast
-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish arcfour cast-256 loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 serpent xtea blowfish enigma rc2 tripledes
Supported modes     cbc cfb ctr ecb ncfb nofb ofb stream

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
.algorithms_dir    no value    no value
.modes_dir    no value    no value

MySQL Support    enabled
Active Persistent Links     0
Active Links     1
Client API version     5.0.27
MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE     external
-L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
.allow_persistent    On    On
.connect_timeout    60    60
.default_host    no value    no value
.default_password    no value    no value
.default_port    no value    no value
.default_socket    no value    no value
.default_user    no value    no value
.max_links    Unlimited    Unlimited
.max_persistent    Unlimited    Unlimited
.trace_mode    Off    Off

OpenSSL support     enabled
OpenSSL Version     OpenSSL 0.9.7a Feb 19 2003

-Space Object Overloading Support     enabled

(Perl Compatible Regular ExpressionsSupport     enabled
PCRE Library Version     6.6 06

Revision     $Revision $

Session Support     enabled
Registered save handlers     files user

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
.auto_start    Off    Off
.bug_compat_42    On    On
.bug_compat_warn    On    On
.cache_expire    180    180
.cache_limiter    nocache    nocache
.cookie_domain    no value    no value
.cookie_lifetime    0    0
.cookie_path    /    /
session.cookie_secure    Off    Off
.entropy_file    no value    no value
.entropy_length    0    0
.gc_divisor    100    100
.gc_maxlifetime    1440    1440
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Path to sendmail     
/usr/sbin/sendmail --i

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WDDX Support    enabled
WDDX Session Serializer     enabled

XML Support     active
Namespace Support     active
EXPAT Version     1.95.6

core library version     xmlrpc
-epi v0.51
php extension version     0.51
author     Dan Libby
homepage     http
open sourced by     Epinions.com

Zip support     enabled

ZLib Support     enabled
Compiled Version     1.1.4
Linked Version     1.1.4

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
.output_compression    Off    Off
.output_compression_level    -1    -1
.output_handler    no value    no value

Additional Modules
Module Name

Variable    Value
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USERNAME     root
SHLVL     1

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So we are trying to figure out what is what here vs their forums and your forums, we just cant run all the tests due to restrictions of your sysadmin. We are still comparing the differences because you guys use the same server type if I am correct...

Only thing we are pretty concerned about is this:


Don't give up, because we are not :)

aus_dave 08-30-2007 08:49 AM

I'm concerned about these errors that are all through the log files:


[error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  addaddress() in /home/user/public_html/forums/includes/cron/vbmailer.php on line 0
I think this is related to the script more than the server.

AzzidReign 08-30-2007 03:37 PM

I'm not sure if this could be easily integrated, but there's a mod for inactive users, to where it sends out emails every day to people who've been inactive for x many days (here)...I thought it might be nice to have it along side this mod so that you can review the campaigns, see who's receiving emails and who's not. And for those that we can get in contact with at all, I guess we could move them to an inactive usergroup :P

It's just a thought, I can deal with having 2 separate mods :)

JirQUEST 08-30-2007 05:03 PM

i am curious... why does mine not run? i use sendmail, and i keep thinking it might be the scheduled tasks, though i might be wrong.

2: Checking 'StoriesMania Weekly Newsletter 143'
2: Do not run yet


Could not login with


aus_dave 08-30-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by JirQUEST (Post 1328966)
i am curious... why does mine not run? i use sendmail, and i keep thinking it might be the scheduled tasks, though i might be wrong.

No idea why it doesn't run, but as I understand it you can only check bounced addresses if you use smtp for sending.

blogtorank 08-31-2007 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by aus_dave (Post 1329179)
No idea why it doesn't run, but as I understand it you can only check bounced addresses if you use smtp for sending.

v1.5 with a request you made will be coming and also, we will be releasing an upgrade to the respect to the issue you faced too, we have narrowed it down!

blogtorank 08-31-2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by JirQUEST (Post 1328966)
i am curious... why does mine not run? i use sendmail, and i keep thinking it might be the scheduled tasks, though i might be wrong.

2: Checking 'StoriesMania Weekly Newsletter 143'
2: Do not run yet


Could not login with


If you are using just sendmail, then why do you have login information for smtp filled in?

blogtorank 08-31-2007 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1328927)
I'm not sure if this could be easily integrated, but there's a mod for inactive users, to where it sends out emails every day to people who've been inactive for x many days (here)...I thought it might be nice to have it along side this mod so that you can review the campaigns, see who's receiving emails and who's not. And for those that we can get in contact with at all, I guess we could move them to an inactive usergroup :P

It's just a thought, I can deal with having 2 separate mods :)

Very good idea to add-in, it falls within the e-mailing feature :) for sure! Notated for a future release here, as we do want to make an all-in-one system so you don't have to install 50 hacks in respect to one core element of e-mailing. Thanks for the suggestion.

JirQUEST 08-31-2007 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1329217)
If you are using just sendmail, then why do you have login information for smtp filled in?

None of that filled in. Only the link tracking turned on. :)

blogtorank 08-31-2007 03:36 AM

Well then it's all within your configuration of when you are sending and the times you have on your boards, and also as the error says, which we overlooked telling you:

2: Do not run yet
All in all this means: "It's not time to send the campaign."

JirQUEST 08-31-2007 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1329271)
Well then it's all within your configuration of when you are sending and the times you have on your boards, and also as the error says, which we overlooked telling you:

All in all this means: "It's not time to send the campaign."

yeah i kinda figured it was in the config. could it be the scheduled tasks? i am still not too sure how to configure that one.

aus_dave 08-31-2007 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1329216)
v1.5 with a request you made will be coming and also, we will be releasing an upgrade to the respect to the issue you faced too, we have narrowed it down!

Good - I hope it improves the situation.

The timezone issue in the date needs to be fixed as it is giving mail meesages a high Spam Assassin score (timezone is invalid). Our server is in a .5 timezone so I don't know if that is part of the problem or not.

There also seems to be an issue with sending plain text emails and receiving them as text on Outlook Express. Line breaks are not included, either when typing direct into the text area or when pasting text from a text editor. I have tested this with vbMailer on Mac and PC and it occurs on both.

blogtorank 08-31-2007 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by JirQUEST (Post 1329275)
yeah i kinda figured it was in the config. could it be the scheduled tasks? i am still not too sure how to configure that one.

Here you go:


Also, inside the task itself you'll see question marks for "Admin Help"

blogtorank 08-31-2007 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by aus_dave (Post 1329283)
Good - I hope it improves the situation.

The timezone issue in the date needs to be fixed as it is giving mail meesages a high Spam Assassin score (timezone is invalid). Our server is in a .5 timezone so I don't know if that is part of the problem or not.

There also seems to be an issue with sending plain text emails and receiving them as text on Outlook Express. Line breaks are not included, either when typing direct into the text area or when pasting text from a text editor. I have tested this with vbMailer on Mac and PC and it occurs on both.

Timezone is all setup on your mail server, admincp, the usercp. It sends out in respect to what you have configured there, it's not we modify the headers, it's your mail server itself.

Why not post a few examples here in a text file you are sending and I'll test it out on ours and use "OUTLOOK Express" normally your e-mail client is the issue on that on how things are displayed. Even look at the above example under our description of this mod to see a "plain text" and the outcome as "plain text"

blogtorank 08-31-2007 04:48 AM

Another note, when settings for your "Spamassassin" You need to think about being conservative if you are running a online business because if you set it too hard that's to block out spam then the Bayes will be all thrown off as it learns these e-mails, if you are "testing" then you need to disable the spamassassin all together while "TESTING." Because we tested on yours with Subjects: lsjasfjsdhfsd and it came back as spam as you reported... You should see more on how to configure the Spamassassin to be more conservative here:




aus_dave 08-31-2007 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1329289)
Timezone is all setup on your mail server, admincp, the usercp. It sends out in respect to what you have configured there, it's not we modify the headers, it's your mail server itself.

Your PHP mailer distribution has a bug in it:


I would have made the change myself but you guys have encrypted the PHP mailer class in your script package (it's open source...what's up with that?).


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1329289)
Why not post a few examples here in a text file you are sending and I'll test it out on ours and use "OUTLOOK Express" normally your e-mail client is the issue on that on how things are displayed. Even look at the above example under our description of this mod to see a "plain text" and the outcome as "plain text"

Nothing too complex - I typed in 3 lines separated with linefeeds and sent to a range of email clients, Outlook Express didn't display it correctly. I tested using our old mailer and this doesn't happen.

JirQUEST 08-31-2007 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1329287)
Here you go:


Also, inside the task itself you'll see question marks for "Admin Help"

yup. checked that. but apparently it doesnt work out as i tried. is it possible that u might be able to guide me through this?

blogtorank 08-31-2007 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by aus_dave (Post 1329283)
Good - I hope it improves the situation.

The timezone issue in the date needs to be fixed as it is giving mail meesages a high Spam Assassin score (timezone is invalid). Our server is in a .5 timezone so I don't know if that is part of the problem or not.

There also seems to be an issue with sending plain text emails and receiving them as text on Outlook Express. Line breaks are not included, either when typing direct into the text area or when pasting text from a text editor. I have tested this with vbMailer on Mac and PC and it occurs on both.


Originally Posted by aus_dave (Post 1329300)
Your PHP mailer distribution has a bug in it:


I would have made the change myself but you guys have encrypted the PHP mailer class in your script package (it's open source...what's up with that?).

What's up with what? Someone being a human being and that being a mistake there on obfuscation time (With your test script that we uploaded last night in and around 2-3:00AM). On v1.5 we did make sure the open source isn't obfuscated (All in all reality you can change modify the scripts or products that are within their TERMS)

To patch that if you like on 1/2 hour timezones feel free here to doing so until we factor that into our upcoming version to see (IF) any conflicts may occur for others.

Inkybro 08-31-2007 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by JirQUEST (Post 1329307)
yup. checked that. but apparently it doesnt work out as i tried. is it possible that u might be able to guide me through this?

I do not quite understand your issue. The email not sending and the task not running are two different issues. You posted your task output in a previous post, and I see that it says:


2: Do not run
To extend this a little bit for you, it means the email is scheduled to run after the current time. So if this is the issue, make sure you scheduled the email for the correct time.

If your task isn't running automatically, however, you should check the following:


vBulletin?s scheduled tasks system does not constantly run on the server like cron and scheduled tasks in Windows?. Tasks are automatically run when a user browses your board, so if your board does not have any traffic at a given time, tasks scheduled to run then will not run until later.
vBulletin?s scheduled tasks also will not run when you board is turned off.
In other words, it all works assuming you have traffic on your board. If no one visits your site, the task won't run.

You may also want to check your footer template, as if it's been modified, this can cause trouble if the '$cronimage' code is removed.

blogtorank 08-31-2007 06:50 AM

#--------------v1.5-LITE & FULL--------------#
  • Fixed a hanging process within the Send E-Mail by the RUN Now being processed
  • PER REQUEST: Added the Signature Line to be manually modified within the settings of LITE and FULL version
  • Update to the nl2br to fix broken issues with Outlook Express of receiving text e-mails, because Microsoft decided to NOT respect the \r\n format, so it's known as the nl2br

    \r\n = "<br>"
  • Few other snags cleaned up to put this to v1.5.
See the attached screenshot for the FULL version of vbMailer's settings that is all done from the back-end rather than manually modd'n the config file. :)

blogtorank 08-31-2007 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by aus_dave (Post 1329300)
Nothing too complex - I typed in 3 lines separated with linefeeds and sent to a range of email clients, Outlook Express didn't display it correctly. I tested using our old mailer and this doesn't happen.

This should be fixed within v1.5 now due to the Microsoft Outlook Express using crlf and and not the \n\r which now we have added the code to help alleviate this. Do update us here when you have time.

JirQUEST 08-31-2007 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1329287)
Here you go:


Also, inside the task itself you'll see question marks for "Admin Help"

I am utterly confused. I tried earlier on by setting the time in the "Compose Email" portion. Then I went to the Scheduled Tasks, and arranged the time to fit the one in "Compose Email". Clicked "Run Now", and it sent. Then I tried with all my registered users, and nothing happens. How does this exactly work?

Also, I read that last night already, in a bid to solve my problem. Apparently nothing turns up.

blogtorank 08-31-2007 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by JirQUEST (Post 1329408)
I am utterly confused. I tried earlier on by setting the time in the "Compose Email" portion. Then I went to the Scheduled Tasks, and arranged the time to fit the one in "Compose Email". Clicked "Run Now", and it sent. Then I tried with all my registered users, and nothing happens. How does this exactly work?

Also, I read that last night already, in a bid to solve my problem. Apparently nothing turns up.

It sends you say, then you tried to send to your registered users and nothing happens, I'm utterly confused now :| What bid? Do you have the FULL version? If so and if you have a issue, do create a support ticket on that with all of your login information via SSH / FTP, and make us a superadmin to the forums.

If this is a LITE issue, then what one are you referencing? If it's about the Scheduled tasks, what can we do there? Inkybro posted too you how that works...

Do let me know because we don't need to be confused too :erm:

JirQUEST 08-31-2007 10:28 AM

sorry. i meant it didn't send. crap. that was really a bad typo. and it's the full version. setting up a ticket now on your end.

Inkybro 08-31-2007 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by JirQUEST (Post 1329413)
sorry. i meant it didn't send. crap. that was really a bad typo. and it's the full version. setting up a ticket now on your end.

Do you have the 1.5 update?

Create a ticket and give us superadmin and we can upgrade it for you.

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