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Deepdog009 08-12-2007 02:16 PM

Carnage if its not asking 2 much, please think about a ranking system 2 show who's the Grandmasters, masters and lower rankings by usergroup...

Keep the ball rolling and U gotts my vote:up:

rungok 08-12-2007 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Carnage- (Post 1313034)
Do you get it with ajax turned off? what browser are you viewing it it? do you have any other mods that add javascript to your pages?

@everyone else:
i'm planning a new release asap however have been busy this week moving my forums to a new server (and managing to loose 2 months worth of posts while doing it...) so its behind the schedual i had wanted for it.

Yes, I'm getting the same with Ajax turned off. Yes, I have several mods that have their own javascript at the top. Browser is IE.

aranthorn 08-13-2007 03:04 AM

Excellent. Installed :)

Carnage 08-13-2007 07:31 PM

i've been playing arround and have managed to replicate the reset board bug; working on a solution.

For now, i'm going to release a minor update with a few misc bug fixes

dethfire 08-13-2007 08:25 PM

If I post a move using click method, I see the change, but when I click post reply, the move is erased visually, but shows up in the text area. Also as a spectator, it will put coordinate moves in my quick reply.

also can posts be appended into the same post? Some games have 10s of pages of posts.

Carnage 08-13-2007 09:18 PM


If I post a move using click method, I see the change, but when I click post reply, the move is erased visually, but shows up in the text area. Also as a spectator, it will put coordinate moves in my quick reply.
The board is reset while the move is sent to the server, once the move has been saved into the db it should come up in the chatbox and be remade on the board via ajax.


also can posts be appended into the same post? Some games have 10s of pages of posts.
its a good idea to turn off post count in the forum you use for the chess mod.

dethfire 08-14-2007 03:15 PM

any way to exclude chess games from "new posts" functions? Also when another user enters a game by moving a piece it doesn't update the forum view thread title. It changes the thread title in the thread, but if you goto the forum view the thread title is still for example "Dethfire vs "

btw, can you include version checking in the product page?

aranthorn 08-18-2007 04:37 PM

I have a couple really nit-picky users complained about white/black, flipped board, etc. Because this mod uses style CSS definitions of alt1 and alt2 for the board (which I think was the right way to go in coding it, btw) some users of mine complained that the Queen's not on her color. She is, but my some of styles are defined with light and dark tones reversed from vB's default. So here's what I did:

I added this bit into every style's "Additional CSS Definitions" area in style manger

/** START Chess Board **/
                .chess1 {
                  background-color : #FFFFFF;
                .chess2 {
                  background-color : #000000;
/** END Chess Board **/

The I changed the plugin "showthread_complete" for the product "chess" to this:

if($forumid == $vbulletin->options['chess_forumid'])
$empty = array('a'=>'','b'=>'','c'=>'','d'=>'','e'=>'','f'=>'','g'=>'','h'=>'');
$board = array(1=>array('a'=>'wR','b'=>'wN','c'=>'wB','d'=>'wQ','e'=>'wK',f=>'wB','g'=>'wN','h'=>'wR'),

        $player1 = $matches[0][1];
        $player1 = $data[0][0];
        $player2 = $matches[0][1];

$moveno = 1;
$taken = array();
foreach($data AS $move)
                if($move[0] != $player1)
                        $player2 = $move[0];
        if( (($moveno % 2) && $move[0] == $player1) || (!($moveno % 2) && $move[0] == $player2))
                foreach($matches AS $match)
                        if($board[$match[4]][$match[3]] != '')
                                $taken[] = $board[$match[4]][$match[3]];
                        $board[$match[4]][$match[3]] = $board[$match[2]][$match[1]];
                        $board[$match[2]][$match[1]] = '';
                foreach($matches AS $match)
                        $board[$match[2]][$match[1]] = $match[3].$match[4];

        $movestext[] =  implode($move,": ");


$post['signature'] =  "<div id=\"chesschat\" style=\"max-height:200px;overflow:auto;\">" . implode(array_reverse($movestext),"<br />") . "</div>";
if($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 100000000)
        $board = array_reverse($board,true);
foreach($board AS $row =>$rowdata)
        $output .= "<tr height=\"40px\"><td>$row</td>";
        foreach($rowdata AS $col => $coldata)
                $class = ($class == 'chess1') ? 'chess2':'chess1';
                $imgstr = (($coldata == '') ? ('&nbsp;') : ('<img width="40px" height="40px" src="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/images/chess/' . (($coldata[0] == 'b') ? ($vbulletin->options['chess_black']) : ($vbulletin->options['chess_white'])) . "/" . $coldata[1] . ".gif\" />"));
                $output .= "<td id=\"".$col.$row."\"width=\"40px\" onclick=\"move(event,'".$col.$row."')\" class=\"$class\">$imgstr</td>";
        $output .= "</tr>";
        $class = ($class == 'chess1') ? 'chess2':'chess1';


foreach($taken AS $piece)
        if(substr($piece,0,1) == "w")
                        $white = "<tr>";
                        $whitecnt = 0;
                $white .= "<td><img src=\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/images/chess/".$vbulletin->options['chess_white']."/".$piece[1].".gif\" /></td>";
                $whitecnt ++;
                if(!($whitecnt % 6))
                        $white .= "</tr><tr>";
                        $black = "<tr>";
                        $blackcnt = 0;

                $black .= "<td><img src=\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/images/chess/".$vbulletin->options['chess_black']."/".$piece[1].".gif\" /></td>";
                $blackcnt ++;
                if(!($blackcnt % 6))
                        $black .= "</tr><tr>";

$game_text = $player1 . " vs " . $player2;
$moveplr = (($moveno % 2) ? $player1 : $player2);
$move_text = "Move: $moveno <br /> " . $moveplr . " to move next.";

eval('$postbits = "' . fetch_template('chess') . '";');

All I did was replace the alt1 and alt2 references in the original product plugin with chess1 and chess2 which was defined with white and black backgrounds in the "Additional CSS Definitions" that I added. The part that has the tweaks is in bold / red.

I am going to start looking into making a marble chessboard, wood chessboard, etc.

dethfire 08-18-2007 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by aranthorn (Post 1320389)
I am going to start looking into making a marble chessboard, wood chessboard, etc.

Awesome! Thanks, I also had some users who noted the non standard board setup.

aranthorn 08-18-2007 05:06 PM

Actually, using images there is pretty simple if you know anything about CSS ;)

I've done a marble one already:
* Create a directory called "board" in your /images/chess/ directory.
* Upload the attached files to that directory
* Change that CSS definition to:

/** START Chess Board **/
                .chess1 {
                  background : url(http://www.pathtoyourforum.com/images/chess/board/white.jpg);
                .chess2 {
                  background : url(http://www.pathtoyourforum.com/images/chess/board/black.jpg);
/** END Chess Board **/

Make sure you change that code for your forum's information. For example, my vbulletin is intalled under /forum, so my path is:

dethfire 08-19-2007 01:35 PM

the marble table looks great, thanks!

michael5472 08-19-2007 06:53 PM

Got a problem - The pieces can move ANYWHERE

Basicly i was playing normally and someone moved their king 2spaces.........

I then proceded in selecting everypiece on the board and selecting queen and i had a board full of queen's.

Has this been fixed in the update ? it doesn't say.............

dethfire 08-19-2007 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by michael5472 (Post 1321122)
Got a problem - The pieces can move ANYWHERE

Basicly i was playing normally and someone moved their king 2spaces.........

I then proceded in selecting everypiece on the board and selecting queen and i had a board full of queen's.

Has this been fixed in the update ? it doesn't say.............

The author says no rules will be applied. Play with honest folks.

michael5472 08-19-2007 07:32 PM

oh well no point in installing it then - Thanks.

Whats the point in going in to making a mod like this if you are not going to do it properly ?

dethfire 08-19-2007 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by michael5472 (Post 1321139)
oh well no point in installing it then - Thanks.

Whats the point in going in to making a mod like this if you are not going to do it properly ?

My members who are honest and know the game love it!

Tulsa 08-19-2007 11:26 PM

I'm not sure how you can be dishonest since the moves are logged and if someone cheats or makes a mistake, on your next move just move those pieces back. It's the original persons turn again and they can either fix their mistake or take their toys and go home if they are cheating.

This is simply a board game on your screen not a computerized chess game. A player can move a king two places if you were sitting across a board from them as well. You would simply move it back if it occurred and you can do that with this mod.

I see no reason to dog someone's mod they are offering to everyone for free. If it's not right for you, move along but it's hardly pointless.

abdulla1 08-20-2007 04:12 PM

I fully respect the author for a very great mod ;)

will be installed when out of the beta stage.


kpa4941 08-25-2007 03:51 PM

I noticed that when it was someone's move, they can move their piece anywhere. (eg. White Pawn to Black King). Is this a known problem?

Ransack 08-25-2007 05:32 PM

I like this mod but it needs a lot of work. I'm working on several changes to it and I'll send them to you if you wish to merge and integrate the changes.

I have a few questions:

1. Why does the ajax not update the board state after moves for spectators? It seems to work for players, but people who are just watching the thread do not see the updates, though they see the chesschat text area get updated. Where do I fix that?

2. When a piece is replaced e.g. pawn promotion, the ajax update on the opponent's board shows the move, but not the changed piece. (It works if the entire page is refreshed though.) How do I fix that?


Ransack 08-25-2007 05:42 PM

Also, why does the "moveno" tag in the AJAX xml reply not reflect the actual move number and what is the purpose of this tag?

Ransack 08-25-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ransack (Post 1325563)
2. When a piece is replaced e.g. pawn promotion, the ajax update on the opponent's board shows the move, but not the changed piece. (It works if the entire page is refreshed though.) How do I fix that?

Ignore this one, sorry. This is not a bug. Works for me now.

Carnage 08-25-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by michael5472 (Post 1321122)
Got a problem - The pieces can move ANYWHERE

Basicly i was playing normally and someone moved their king 2spaces.........

I then proceded in selecting everypiece on the board and selecting queen and i had a board full of queen's.

Has this been fixed in the update ? it doesn't say.............

if you have a chessboard and play a friend at home the pieces can move anywhere. This mod was made to be as realistic as possible. That wouldn't be true if pieces had limited movement :p


Originally Posted by Ransack (Post 1325563)
1. Why does the ajax not update the board state after moves for spectators? It seems to work for players, but people who are just watching the thread do not see the updates, though they see the chesschat text area get updated. Where do I fix that?

Theres no reason spectators shouldn't see new moves... i'll look into it.


Originally Posted by Ransack (Post 1325578)
Also, why does the "moveno" tag in the AJAX xml reply not reflect the actual move number and what is the purpose of this tag?

It was orriginally the move number but invalid moves messed up the counter so it now represents the number of posts made in the thread - i should probably change the variable name but its a fairly minor issue.

Ransack 08-25-2007 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Carnage- (Post 1325640)

Theres no reason spectators shouldn't see new moves... i'll look into it.

This seems to be working for me again too now. Odd. I wonder if this is intermittent.

Ransack 08-25-2007 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by michael5472 (Post 1321139)
oh well no point in installing it then - Thanks.

Whats the point in going in to making a mod like this if you are not going to do it properly ?

I am working on tweaking this mod to enforce valid moves and such. Hopefully Carnage can integrate this and offer different configurable modes of play, or they can stand alone as two separate products. Still I'm hoping for his help with some of my tweaks as some of the ajax code is a bit confusing to me :)

Our House 08-26-2007 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by ramchip (Post 1309576)
My forum has a fixed width of 1000px but the forum with the chess games seems to be full width. Is there a way to restrict the chess forum to 1000px?

Thanks this is a great mod.

I'm having the same problem. My forum is 900px fixed width, but the chess template is stretching to the outside edge of my left/right margins instead of being inside of them.

Ransack 08-28-2007 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Our House (Post 1325827)
I'm having the same problem. My forum is 900px fixed width, but the chess template is stretching to the outside edge of my left/right margins instead of being inside of them.

In the chess template, you can change the outermost element (either table or div I forget) to 95% and then wrap the entire thing in a <center> tag. That fixed this issue for me.

Tulsa 08-28-2007 02:13 AM

I had to change mine to 94% to get it to line up properly. Maybe that's just the way it lines up using firefox?

Anyway at the very top line of the chess template change the 100% to 94% or 95% or whatever works for your site.


<table class="tborder" id="post$post[postid]" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="94%" align="center">
It's already aligned center.

Our House 08-28-2007 04:44 AM

Hi guys,

Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, that doesn't fix it for me.

The problem is that the Chess plugin is missing the (forum's) page background. I have 3 skins and this disrupts two of them. We have a 10px border on both fixed-width sides of all forum pages. Chess is missing the CSS for that.

Hopefully I didn't butcher that explanation. :o

Fearlessninja 08-29-2007 03:20 AM

When will the official version which supports the rules be out?

abdulla1 08-31-2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by aranthorn (Post 1320389)
I have a couple really nit-picky users complained about white/black, flipped board, etc. Because this mod uses style CSS definitions of alt1 and alt2 for the board (which I think was the right way to go in coding it, btw) some users of mine complained that the Queen's not on her color. She is, but my some of styles are defined with light and dark tones reversed from vB's default. So here's what I did:

I added this bit into every style's "Additional CSS Definitions" area in style manger

/** START Chess Board **/
                .chess1 {
                  background-color : #FFFFFF;
                .chess2 {
                  background-color : #000000;
/** END Chess Board **/

The I changed the plugin "showthread_complete" for the product "chess" to this:

if($forumid == $vbulletin->options['chess_forumid'])
$empty = array('a'=>'','b'=>'','c'=>'','d'=>'','e'=>'','f'=>'','g'=>'','h'=>'');
$board = array(1=>array('a'=>'wR','b'=>'wN','c'=>'wB','d'=>'wQ','e'=>'wK',f=>'wB','g'=>'wN','h'=>'wR'),

        $player1 = $matches[0][1];
        $player1 = $data[0][0];
        $player2 = $matches[0][1];

$moveno = 1;
$taken = array();
foreach($data AS $move)
                if($move[0] != $player1)
                        $player2 = $move[0];
        if( (($moveno % 2) && $move[0] == $player1) || (!($moveno % 2) && $move[0] == $player2))
                foreach($matches AS $match)
                        if($board[$match[4]][$match[3]] != '')
                                $taken[] = $board[$match[4]][$match[3]];
                        $board[$match[4]][$match[3]] = $board[$match[2]][$match[1]];
                        $board[$match[2]][$match[1]] = '';
                foreach($matches AS $match)
                        $board[$match[2]][$match[1]] = $match[3].$match[4];

        $movestext[] =  implode($move,": ");


$post['signature'] =  "<div id=\"chesschat\" style=\"max-height:200px;overflow:auto;\">" . implode(array_reverse($movestext),"<br />") . "</div>";
if($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 100000000)
        $board = array_reverse($board,true);
foreach($board AS $row =>$rowdata)
        $output .= "<tr height=\"40px\"><td>$row</td>";
        foreach($rowdata AS $col => $coldata)
                $class = ($class == 'chess1') ? 'chess2':'chess1';
                $imgstr = (($coldata == '') ? ('&nbsp;') : ('<img width="40px" height="40px" src="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/images/chess/' . (($coldata[0] == 'b') ? ($vbulletin->options['chess_black']) : ($vbulletin->options['chess_white'])) . "/" . $coldata[1] . ".gif\" />"));
                $output .= "<td id=\"".$col.$row."\"width=\"40px\" onclick=\"move(event,'".$col.$row."')\" class=\"$class\">$imgstr</td>";
        $output .= "</tr>";
        $class = ($class == 'chess1') ? 'chess2':'chess1';


foreach($taken AS $piece)
        if(substr($piece,0,1) == "w")
                        $white = "<tr>";
                        $whitecnt = 0;
                $white .= "<td><img src=\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/images/chess/".$vbulletin->options['chess_white']."/".$piece[1].".gif\" /></td>";
                $whitecnt ++;
                if(!($whitecnt % 6))
                        $white .= "</tr><tr>";
                        $black = "<tr>";
                        $blackcnt = 0;

                $black .= "<td><img src=\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/images/chess/".$vbulletin->options['chess_black']."/".$piece[1].".gif\" /></td>";
                $blackcnt ++;
                if(!($blackcnt % 6))
                        $black .= "</tr><tr>";

$game_text = $player1 . " vs " . $player2;
$moveplr = (($moveno % 2) ? $player1 : $player2);
$move_text = "Move: $moveno <br /> " . $moveplr . " to move next.";

eval('$postbits = "' . fetch_template('chess') . '";');

All I did was replace the alt1 and alt2 references in the original product plugin with chess1 and chess2 which was defined with white and black backgrounds in the "Additional CSS Definitions" that I added. The part that has the tweaks is in bold / red.

I am going to start looking into making a marble chessboard, wood chessboard, etc.

I'm facing the same problem, they complains about not to flip for black. :(

what can i do? can u please modify it so it flips automaticaly for the other player.
it cant that one play from down to up, and the other from up to down. causes confusion
for black.

great mod though.

RFViet 09-02-2007 01:05 PM

I would be great if you can make it the same to Chinese chess.

Aclikyano 09-02-2007 01:59 PM

THis doesnt work AT ALL on my 3.6.8 lol what the heck did I do wrong?

Images are upped
Chess.php is in main dir
product is imported..!
forum id is correct (and is under its OWN FORUM) (i tryed both forum ids.. nothing!)
Ajax was on then I turned it off... (STILL SHOWS NO BOARD WHAT SO EVER.)
images/chess/white/ (thats were the white pieces are)(and same black for black pieces)

I SEE NO BOARD AT ALL....when making a new thread...
all the img, bbcode, etc is OFF !!

Arrogant-One 09-07-2007 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Carnage- (Post 1316863)
its a good idea to turn off post count in the forum you use for the chess mod.

Thanks Carnage.

Can you please explain how we can turn off the post count, (ie) Forums & Moderators > Forum Manager > Play Chess Forum > Show Private Forum > Yes, Hide Post Counts

As you may find, this clearly doesn' work.

Aclikyano 09-08-2007 05:38 PM


Carnage 09-16-2007 11:01 AM

Forums & Moderators > Forum Manager > Play Chess Forum > enable/disable features > Count Posts Made in this Forum Towards User Post Counts: no


Forums & Moderators > Forum Manager > Play Chess Forum > Posting Options > Index New Posts in Search Engine: no

This first one disables the post count, the second will stop posts coming up in the show new posts section

silvermerc 09-16-2007 11:45 AM

You could realy make this a good start,I think making one for slime games or something would be a great idea !

tcs 09-16-2007 04:30 PM

I made a back ground board modification. Should work for anyone. If not you can remove it easily.

I PM'd the Arthur to look at and add if he likes. This should get everyone by till th alt1 and alt2 control the backgrounds.

Arrogant-One 09-18-2007 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Carnage- (Post 1340065)
Forums & Moderators > Forum Manager > Play Chess Forum > enable/disable features > Count Posts Made in this Forum Towards User Post Counts: no


Forums & Moderators > Forum Manager > Play Chess Forum > Posting Options > Index New Posts in Search Engine: no

This first one disables the post count, the second will stop posts coming up in the show new posts section

Thanks Carnage,

I have done this but to no avail, the moves are still showing in the 'New Posts' button on the NavBar. :(


Originally Posted by tcs (Post 1340237)
I made a back ground board modification. Should work for anyone. If not you can remove it easily.

I PM'd the Arthur to look at and add if he likes. This should get everyone by till th alt1 and alt2 control the backgrounds.


Could you please share with the rest of us by providing clear instructions in the same fashion that Carnage did 2 posts above yours? I am really looking forward to adding your new board. Thanks,


tcs 09-19-2007 02:07 AM

They are in the zip. If there is something you don't understand, please ask. I would be happy to answer.

abdulla1 09-19-2007 07:40 AM

can you guys please tell me how to swtich the board for black precisely?

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