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EnIgMa1234 02-21-2008 01:39 PM

An admin selects it via admnicp.

And I'll have the new version out as soon as I finish up on other projects

neonneon 02-22-2008 02:50 AM

Looks like HS's

bainsey 03-01-2008 08:48 PM

sorry if its already been posted but is there anyway i can get this to show in one single board, instead of on the forum home page?! many thanks.

edit - seen your reply, cant wait for new version!! :)

dancue 03-11-2008 08:05 PM

Here are some suggestions:

1) I like the idea of automatically choosing the winner based on votes. The thread ID should be inputed through AdminCP for the thread who's poll votes will determine the winner.

2) I'd also like to see the person's avatar to the left of the sig. Clicking on it would allow you to view their profile.

3) I'd like the ability to place it above a forum of my choosing. Controlled through AdminCP.

4) It would be nice to expand this hack to include Avatar, wallpaper...or any other category selected by us. Each Category could have an option to place a unique box in a different forum.

5) It would be nice to not have to do ANY template edits.

What do you think Enigma? Possible?
If this means it goes pro, I'll pay for a mod like that.

dancue 03-12-2008 03:39 AM

I figured out how to do #2. For those of you interested do the following:

Open enig_sotw template and replace all of its contents with the below:


<if condition="$vboptions[sotw_enable] ==1">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center" colspan="2">
<td class="tcat" colspan="3">
<center><a href="$threadurl">$vbphrase[sotw]</a></center>
<td class="thead" colspan="1" width="20%">
<td class="thead" colspan="1" width="60%">
<td class="thead" colspan="1" width="20%">
<td class="alt1" width="20%">
<center><a href="member.php?u=$suserid"><img src="image.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$suserid" alt="$susername's Avatar: Click to view Profile" border="0" /></a>
<td class="alt1" width="60%">
<center><a href="$threadurl"><img src="$imageurl" alt="Sig Of The Week: Click to view Thread" border="0" /></a>
<td class="alt2" width="20%" align="center">
<fieldset colspan="2">
<strong>Winner: </strong><br /> <a href="member.php?u=$suserid">$susername</a><br />
<strong>Total Votes:</strong> <br />$votes<br />
<strong>Award $vbphrase[sotw_date]</strong><br /> $date<br />
<strong>Admin Rating:</strong><br /><img src="images/rating/rating_$adminrating.gif" alt="<if condition="$adminrating == 1">Bad</if><if condition="$adminrating == 2">Ok</if><if condition="$adminrating == 3">Good</if><if condition="$adminrating == 4">Great</if><if condition="$adminrating == 5">Excellent</if>" /><br />
<strong>Prize:</strong> <br />$prize<br />
                <td class="thead" align="center" colspan="3"><div class="smallfont"><strong>

                        <a href="sighistory.php$session[sessionurl_q]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[sotw_history]</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="$next">Next Weeks Voting</a>
<br />

This includes the following features:
  • Avatar now added to the left. Clickable and will direct you to the winner's profile.
  • Sig Pic is now clickable and will direct you to the thread.
  • Centered the details to look a bit better.
  • Provided a width percentage for the avatar, sig pic and details fields, making it centered.

It will not display an image if the winner does not have an avatar.

EnIgMa1234 03-13-2008 02:50 PM

Yes good suggestions. I will include them in the new version

dancue 03-15-2008 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by EnIgMa1234 (Post 1394288)
Open the following plugins:
SOTW - Cache Templates forumhome_complete
SOTW - Get Info

Change the hook location of both to global_complete
Then do the template edits on whatever template you want it to show on.

Not tested^^

I'm trying to get this to work.

This is what I have in the forumdisplay template:

<if condition="$forumid == 7">$sotw</if>
which I added above:

<if condition="$show['threadslist']">
I changed the plugin's hook locations to global_complete, but that did not work. In fact, the sotw I had in the forumhome template is now gone. Unfortunately, I did not keep note of what the hook location was before I changed it.

Could you please tell me what they were? Or, could you please help me to place it in a certain forum?

dancue 03-15-2008 03:09 PM

Never mind. I figured it out. The hook location should be set to forumdisplay_complete.

Enigma, hope you don't mind me attaching a revised text document with instructions on how to put it in certain forums.

Let me know otherwise and I will edit my post.

Still wish I could control which forum id's they are placed in via the admincp...

Also, I've edited my post above concerning the enig_sotw template. Made some minor changes I thought others might want.

bainsey 03-15-2008 08:11 PM

dancue, thats amazing, works now :)

EnIgMa1234 03-16-2008 03:03 AM

To control the forumid add this conditional to your template

<if condition="in_array($forum[forumid], array(x,y))">
or for 1 id
<if condition="$forum[forumid] == x">

dancue 03-16-2008 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by EnIgMa1234 (Post 1465818)
To control the forumid add this conditional to your template

<if condition="in_array($forum[forumid], array(x,y))">
or for 1 id
<if condition="$forum[forumid] == x">

Where do I put that EnIgMa? And will this allow me to control it from the options in the AdminCP?

EnIgMa1234 03-17-2008 10:53 AM

It would be something like

<if condition="$forum[forumid] == x">

where x is the forumid you want it to be in

dancue 03-17-2008 01:13 PM

And this is going in the forumdisplay template?

Excuse me, I'm just a little lost. I've managed to put it in the forum of my choosing by using this code:

<if condition="$forumid == 7">$sotw</if>
In this case I replaced x with 7.

What I want to do is be able to choose, from the SOTW options in AdminCP, which forums I want it in.

Is that what you are providing with your code in post 132? If so, what template do I use this in?

EnIgMa1234 03-18-2008 01:03 PM

No this is not an admincp function, this allows you to change it via template

<if condition="$forumid == 7">$sotw</if> will show $sotw in forumid 7 only.

I will add a page in admincp for this in the next version.

dancue 03-19-2008 12:47 AM

Oh. OK...

I had both (the single and multiple forum code) within the text document already.

That's cool that it will be on the next update. I know you're busy with RBS, but when do you think you will have an update for SOTW?

EnIgMa1234 03-19-2008 06:10 PM

No idea :( Lets see how things go ;)

aftermath29 03-23-2008 07:59 PM

well this looks good and it is up but cant get it to show a sig for the life of me [took this hack out]

EnIgMa1234 03-24-2008 03:29 AM

Whats gone wrong?
Have you added $sotw to your forumhome template?

Kadence 04-10-2008 02:08 AM

Nice mod, I installed it :)

Is there any way to allow a moderator to edit the settings without giving them admincp access?

Kadence 04-10-2008 02:34 AM

Also, an admin says they can view the SOTW tab, but when they try to click settings they get the following error:

Sorry, you don't have permission to access the administrative controls on this page.

If you need to access this page, ask your lead administrator to enable your permissions for this page using the Administrator Permissions section of the control panel.

What permission setting controls this for admins?

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-10-2008 11:13 AM

sorry if asked already:

anyone know if this works with vb3.7?
if not... are their plans to port this? would LOVE to install. :)

Kadence 04-10-2008 06:36 PM

I was told that commenting out print_cp_no_permission(); in /admincp/sotw.php at:

if (!can_administer('canadminsettings'))

Would allow anyone with admincp access to control SOTW. Which is good.

Is there any way to allow moderators to access it though, based on moderator permissions?

dancue 04-10-2008 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1487380)
sorry if asked already:

anyone know if this works with vb3.7?
if not... are their plans to port this? would LOVE to install. :)

I'm using 3.7 RC1. Works fine.

dancue 04-10-2008 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kadence (Post 1487691)
I was told that commenting out print_cp_no_permission(); in /admincp/sotw.php at:

if (!can_administer('canadminsettings'))

Would allow anyone with admincp access to control SOTW. Which is good.

Is there any way to allow moderators to access it though, based on moderator permissions?

Kadence, hopefully Enigma can add this feature also to his next release.

EnIgMa1234 04-10-2008 10:37 PM

Yea sure. Modcp access too makes sense I guess :)

OsideRida06 06-11-2008 02:18 AM

I should be installing this real soon. I just want to wait until a get a few more graphic artists on the forum first. We are working on some tutorials and stuff right now, to get people interested in it. Then I will be installing this asap.

fattony69 07-01-2008 02:31 PM

This doesn't seem to show up in 3.7.2

EnIgMa1234 07-02-2008 01:21 AM

Have you reapplied the template edits?

fattony69 07-02-2008 09:12 PM

onto the FORUMHOME? Yes I have, it doesn't show up and I have loved this mod when I used it for 3.6

EnIgMa1234 07-03-2008 12:18 PM

I'll take a look at it tonight :)

fattony69 07-03-2008 02:10 PM

Fantastic! My members are going to be happy!

Doom Stone 07-04-2008 10:44 AM

I've got this installed now, great for our graphics guys. However we also have a lot of members who aren't much interested in graphics, is there any way to edit the modification to allow users to minimize the SoTW bar on the forumhome page?

Thanks. :)

FreshFroot 07-06-2008 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by EnIgMa1234 (Post 1565751)
I'll take a look at it tonight :)

I'd be interested in re-installing this hack too. Hope you can find a fix for 3.7.2.


OsideRida06 07-09-2008 06:54 AM

Installed! Thanks for the great hack!

EnIgMa1234 07-12-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by FreshFroot (Post 1568395)
I'd be interested in re-installing this hack too. Hope you can find a fix for 3.7.2.


Seems I've lost ftp access to my developement site. I'm talking with my hosting company and hopefully they'll be able to give it back :)

fattony69 07-12-2008 11:12 PM

I can't wait till you get this done!

nyunyu 07-16-2008 06:28 PM

Looking forward to see this mod working in 3.7.2

iKuro 08-08-2008 03:14 PM

it works like a charm in vb 372

1uxkz 08-15-2008 03:15 PM

Uncached templates: enig_sotw (1)

How can this be fixed?

Bio-Con 09-19-2008 07:19 AM

ok have been using this mod for almost a year now...it works great on my 3.7.2 board...was wondering how would you make it show up in certain forums...saw this on the other sotw mod and trying to configure it with yours...if it can't or won't be able to be done then im sorry but i will have to uninstall after a year of using it and install the other one...this is the script edit for the other one..


If you want to make it display in certain forums, go into the template FORUMDISPLAY

Find: <if condition="$show['threadslist']">

Add Above: <if condition="$forumid == 1">$hs_sotw</if>

OR if you want it to display in multiple forums...

<if condition="in_array($forumid, array(1,2,2))">$hs_sotw</if>

1, 2, and 3 being the forumid's, this should work perfectly fine. If you want you can use more than three forums.
i tried changing the $hs_sotw to $sotw...doesn't work...any ideas

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