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Roxie 09-17-2007 12:13 AM

Works beautifully.

WarLion 09-17-2007 05:44 AM

this is the best hack ever

giovannicosta 09-22-2007 11:03 AM

I have 3.6.8 and in my admin cp, I get this error: Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT templateid, searchstrregex, replacestr
FROM vb_templateedit AS templateedit
INNER JOIN vb_templateeditlocation AS templateeditlocation ON (templateeditlocation.varname=templateedit.varname )
INNER JOIN vb_template AS template ON (template.title=templateeditlocation.template)
LEFT JOIN vb_style AS style ON (style.styleid=template.styleid AND FIND_IN_SET(templateedit.templateeditid, style.templateeditlist))
LEFT JOIN vb_product AS product ON (product.productid=templateeditlocation.product)
WHERE (NOT ISNULL(style.styleid) OR (templateedit.styleid=-1 AND template.styleid=-1))
AND (product.active=1 OR templateeditlocation.product='vbulletin')
AND templateedit.active = 1

AND template.styleid=-1
ORDER BY searchorder ASC;

MySQL Error : Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
Error Number : 1267
Date : Saturday, September 22nd 2007 @ 08:02:49 AM
Script : http://www.computerforumz.org/adminc...ts.php?do=test
Referrer : http://www.computerforumz.org/admincp/index.php?do=nav
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Username :xxxxxxx

Saint_ago 09-27-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by giovannicosta (Post 1344504)
I have 3.6.8 and in my admin cp, I get this error: Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT templateid, searchstrregex, replacestr
FROM vb_templateedit AS templateedit
INNER JOIN vb_templateeditlocation AS templateeditlocation ON (templateeditlocation.varname=templateedit.varname )
INNER JOIN vb_template AS template ON (template.title=templateeditlocation.template)
LEFT JOIN vb_style AS style ON (style.styleid=template.styleid AND FIND_IN_SET(templateedit.templateeditid, style.templateeditlist))
LEFT JOIN vb_product AS product ON (product.productid=templateeditlocation.product)
WHERE (NOT ISNULL(style.styleid) OR (templateedit.styleid=-1 AND template.styleid=-1))
AND (product.active=1 OR templateeditlocation.product='vbulletin')
AND templateedit.active = 1

AND template.styleid=-1
ORDER BY searchorder ASC;

MySQL Error : Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
Error Number : 1267
Date : Saturday, September 22nd 2007 @ 08:02:49 AM
Script : http://www.computerforumz.org/adminc...ts.php?do=test
Referrer : http://www.computerforumz.org/admincp/index.php?do=nav
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Username :xxxxxxx

Same here! And i can't uninstall!!!!

giovannicosta 09-28-2007 04:27 PM

My whole admin panel is ruined now and it didn't even work!

Elenna 10-03-2007 05:40 PM

I'm getting the same 'error' where the GO button doesn't work.

Would anyone mind posting what they did to fix that?

Thanks so much!

Hoffi 10-03-2007 05:54 PM

Just change the Collation of your Database-Tables that all are the same.

Elenna 10-03-2007 07:44 PM

As far as I can tell, my collation is the same on all of my tables (latin1_swedish_ci).

Elenna 10-03-2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 1298174)
Try the attached JS file.
I'll also update the package later.

It is now working for me. I used the file, and I also made sure that my admincp is the first tab in my browser (in case that has anything to do with it, but I haven't tested).


giovannicosta 10-04-2007 01:40 PM

How do is solve the problem?

edgecutioner 10-05-2007 09:16 AM

hey Andreas, thanks:)

now having many skins aren't so hard to maintain:D

Webmist 10-09-2007 01:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's some of edit for products I have installed.

pscyhosis 10-10-2007 01:45 PM

cannot install.
error msg

XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 80

edgecutioner 10-10-2007 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Totti (Post 1340217)
i'm running it on 368 ... looks good

i'm with you.. i'm running it on 3.6.8 and it's working fine ;)


Originally Posted by giovannicosta (Post 1349030)
My whole admin panel is ruined now and it didn't even work!

that's exactly why you should do backups before installing anything :erm:

dvdizaster 10-13-2007 07:16 AM

i am having a huge problem,
after installing this ( im currently running 3.6.8)
after installing this, i can no longer uninstall TMS nor can i import or upload any products.

i also cannot un install TMS either.. whats wrong with it ? what did i do wrong ?

someone please help, i cant upload or disable products or anythng...

thanks !

dvdizaster 10-13-2007 07:14 PM

can anyone help me out here ? i have a crippled admincp now !

bazzup 10-13-2007 07:58 PM

you getting any error messages or anything?

dvdizaster 10-13-2007 10:28 PM

no i dont have any error messages, the board is working fine, but now my text/link to add/import products is gone now after installing, and i cant uninstall the TMS because it's dropdown options box is gone !

dvdizaster 10-13-2007 10:45 PM

how can i do a complete un install or a manual un install of this product ? m whole forum is F****** u p now ..

goddess_dix 10-14-2007 11:05 PM

dvd-do a search at vbullitin.com for disabling plugin system. there is a line of code you can add to your config file to turn off all plugins so if tms is keeping you from getting in, you may be able to after disabling the plugins.

dartho 10-20-2007 08:27 AM

Great Add-on (in theory - will find out very soon in practice)

One question - what sort of performance hit could one expect with this mod?


Andreas 10-20-2007 10:02 AM

@All those having problems with ACP (style manager, product manager):
I can only assume that it has smth. to do with output buffering.
You can disable the plugins on admin_complete that deal with manipulating the output buffer to avoid this, however you will lose some functionality.
If anyone experiencing those problems wants a real fix, feel free to PM me an ACP login so I can track down this issue, as I am unable to reproduce it locally.

There is no single line of code being executed or even loaded in the frontend.
=> No effect on frontend performance at all

dartho 10-20-2007 10:35 AM

Excellent! Installed a breeze on 3.6.8P1 :up:

giovannicosta 10-25-2007 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 1364256)
@All those having problems with ACP (style manager, product manager):
I can only assume that it has smth. to do with output buffering.
You can disable the plugins on admin_complete that deal with manipulating the output buffer to avoid this, however you will lose some functionality.
If anyone experiencing those problems wants a real fix, feel free to PM me an ACP login so I can track down this issue, as I am unable to reproduce it locally.

There is no single line of code being executed or even loaded in the frontend.
=> No effect on frontend performance at all

CAn you save my admin panel, I cant even email users :(

trigon 10-27-2007 02:42 PM

works well on 3.6.8 PL1 :)

yoyoyoyo 10-28-2007 11:58 AM

In addition to "replace" "add above" and "add below" it would be nice to have a "remove code" option - I know that you can get around this by the replace option, but it would be easier to use if there was simply a "remove code" option.

It would also be nice to have an option to globally disable/enable all of the template edits, similar to the one for the plugins.

Thanks again for such a great modification - I sure hope this becomes standard in vbulletin - it is an amazingly helpful modification.

Andreas 10-28-2007 05:09 PM

A 'Remove' option is surely possible, but it is the same as replace with nothing :)

You can disable all edits by disabling TMS, you can also disable all edits for a certain product by disabling the product.

As stated before, I can't reproduce those problems myself - therefore I am somewhat unable to provide a fix :)
However, feel free to PM me an ACP login and i'll take a look.

2 X Viverridae 10-30-2007 12:23 PM

Fantastic hack Andreas!

Thanks a bunch.

yoyoyoyo 11-04-2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 1370526)
A 'Remove' option is surely possible, but it is the same as replace with nothing :)

You can disable all edits by disabling TMS, you can also disable all edits for a certain product by disabling the product.


One thing that I would really like to have is a "search all template edits" option, similar to the "search all templates."

yoyoyoyo 11-04-2007 07:05 PM

also - the reason I want the option to globally disable all of the template modifications at once is to troubleshoot possible troublesome template edits. I would like to have TMS set all template edits to disabled, but keep the plugin active, so I can choose to turn on the template edits one by one to see where the possible conflicts might be. I realize that I can do this on a template-by-template basis, or with phpmyadmin, but it would be nice to have the option to do so inside TMS.

Lionel 11-05-2007 06:52 PM

Why would the comments display like that? I am trying to add in showthread template, above

<if condition="$show['adminoptions']">


<if condition="$show['<!-- Lionel: Add update icon -->modcplink']">
code here
<<!-- / Lionel: Add update icon -->if condition="$show['adminoptions']">
shouldn't it be



<!-- Lionel: Add update icon --><if condition="$show['modcplink']">
code here
<!-- / Lionel: Add update icon --> <if condition="$show['adminoptions']">

yoyoyoyo 11-05-2007 07:49 PM

Lionel -
are you talking about in the modified template view with comments in the regular template editor? I have had it show up like that there, but it does not output code like that.

Andreas 11-07-2007 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo (Post 1375741)

One thing that I would really like to have is a "search all template edits" option, similar to the "search all templates."

That has already been requested on vBulletin-Germany.org some time ago and is on the To Do-List :)

Well, adding

<if condition="$show['modcplink']">
code here


<if condition="$show['adminoptions']">
is actually the same as replacing

<if condition="$show['adminoptions']">

<if condition="$show['modcplink']">
code here
<if condition="$show['adminoptions']">

isn't it?

The first difference between the original 1st line

<if condition="$show['adminoptions']">
and the new 1st line

<if condition="$show['modcplink']">

So this is considered as the beginning of the modification.

puertoblack2003 11-08-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by dvdizaster (Post 1359304)
how can i do a complete un install or a manual un install of this product ? m whole forum is F****** u p now ..

for those having problems uninstalling product!

go to >>Plugins & Products>>>plugin manager scroll all the way down to template manger disable all of the hack features, then go back to plugin manager and then uninstall "template manager" and that should work.


Matty.B 11-10-2007 03:55 AM

Quickly.. Installed And Great with vbCredits! Is there anywhere going to be made available to english speakers to get the xml's? just becuase i have used the translators and i just can't understand how to get signed on to vbhacks-germany .. I get a login screen... I have signed up to vbulletin-germany.org but that username and password don't work...

I really would like the XML's to help with this FANTASTIC mod :D

Links anyone?

Andreas 11-11-2007 09:59 AM

vbhacks-germany.org does not exist any longer.
The official german modification site is vbulletin-germany.org

If you have problems registering/logging in there just send me a PM with your account name and i'll take a look.

yoyoyoyo 11-11-2007 10:53 AM

Andreas - another feature request: the ability to download all of the template mods for a site - all template edits for all products - in one single xml file :)

Icy 11-11-2007 11:29 AM

Andreas is there any chance/way to add customized template support in TMS? If not now then in future release?

yoyoyoyo 11-11-2007 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Icy (Post 1380268)
Andreas is there any chance/way to add customized template support in TMS? If not now then in future release?

that would be awesome! :)

Andreas 11-12-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Icy (Post 1380268)
Andreas is there any chance/way to add customized template support in TMS? If not now then in future release?

What does "customized template support" mean?

Smth. like 'Download Plugins' is already planned.

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