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eXtremeTim 04-27-2007 03:31 PM

when I get it all phrased yes

kewl1uk 04-27-2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1236407)
yikes!! your branding includes AdSense Ads? man..that's a little much don't ya think? :(


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim (Post 1236409)
they can be removed for a donation of $15. I am trying to get people to donate to help fund the time I have been pouring into this script.

Yikes again! I was going to install until I saw this: Shouldn't this script be reasonably mature and reasonably without errors before it is charged for? Your time is your investment for the future and you shouldn't ask people to pay for an immature script and neither should you force Adsense ads upon people. Sorry, no install but I'll keep an eye on this thread to see when the script is mature and then I'll consider forking out my 15 bucks! Oops, sorry, you're not charging people, you're asking for a donation. Well, others do that without forcing Adsense ads!

3dsoft 04-27-2007 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Muellmann (Post 1234266)
quotes "" show up as a html """ in the chat

Same problem here. :confused:

baddude 04-27-2007 09:17 PM

okk I got it installed and I like it much better but the adsense ads must go.. I will donate my $15 when it is final.. So when u get all the bugs worked out and get the usergroups permissions added I will Donate.. Thanks

Ryloth 04-27-2007 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by baddude (Post 1236698)
okk I got it installed and I like it much better but the adsense ads must go.. I will donate my $15 when it is final.. So when u get all the bugs worked out and get the usergroups permissions added I will Donate.. Thanks

Same here......

I also liked it better when just the chat box opened up in a new window and not the whole damn site.

eXtremeTim 04-27-2007 10:29 PM

okay ill make an option to control how the chat window opens up.

morpheusXIIX 04-27-2007 10:38 PM

I love the new updates, but I also agree that the chat should have an option to open into a new window.

Great work no less. I love the ajax integration.

eXtremeTim 04-27-2007 11:09 PM

for all users having issues with the style spacing not being correct do the following.

in vBChat.php find:


    $chat_page .= "<table height='100%' border='0'>";

replace with

    $chat_page .= "<table height='100%' border='0'><tr><td colspan\"2\" height=\"100%\"></td></tr>";

Che_1955 04-28-2007 12:09 AM

Turkish language a character problem ( İçşğ ) :S

hydrostatic 04-28-2007 12:34 AM

Once this project matures, I will be interested in removing the ads and whatnot. I like it so far, but lots of symbols are not working - such as >, <, &, ", ' etc. Once those are fixed, I'll be glad to donate $15 for removal of the ads so I can formally open up the vBChat on my site.

eXtremeTim 04-28-2007 12:44 AM

to fix that problem do the following

in vBChat.php find
PHP Code:


Replace with:
PHP Code:


This will fix the " ' < > problem

physi 04-28-2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Che_1955 (Post 1236773)
Turkish language a character problem ( İ?şğ ) :S

Same in greek. I had tried the demo in earlier versions and the greek characters showed up correctly.

eXtremeTim 04-28-2007 02:19 PM

Can somebody confirm if i fixed this problem on my demo site (the characters problem)

physi 04-28-2007 02:58 PM

Nope, greek characters in your demo site still appear like this: %u03B1 (this is the greek a, alpha).

Fearlessninja 04-28-2007 03:25 PM

After I installed this new 2.90 version, the chat frame turned messed up as well as the online people list on the right. Maybe it has something to do with the window turning into the whole site and not small anymore.

physi 04-28-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Fearlessninja (Post 1237103)
After I installed this new 2.90 version, the chat frame turned messed up as well as the online people list on the right. Maybe it has something to do with the window turning into the whole site and not small anymore.

It's fixed, read previous postings... ;)

TPOCJames 04-28-2007 06:03 PM

Hmm, installed and working perfectly, except for PMs. They don't seem to be doing anything when I click them.

killerkraft 04-28-2007 07:18 PM

Hello and greetings from Portugal.

I've installed V2.9 nd yes it is much more faster and smooter.

I've found a small problem with the Portuguese, i.e., if i typs let's say Ol? ( meens hello ) it does not post and if you try again it says Post in Progress.

Wath could that be ?

Sorry for any bad english...


Edited just to say that previous versions did accept Portuguese characters

vuiveclub 04-28-2007 07:57 PM

How many Queries does this vBchat take why chatting? I mean per entering a message. Thank you for this hack, very cool!

Fearlessninja 04-28-2007 08:13 PM

Here is another problem...this popup "vBChat.php?&do=exit" keeps displaying and then auto-closing then displaying....very annoying.

bluidkiti 04-28-2007 08:51 PM

I have installed the chat. I like except for how the smilies show up randomly at the bottom. I have hundreds of smilies. Is there anyway to have them show up like you would for a post including having the More smilies link?

dbirosel 04-28-2007 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by bluidkiti (Post 1237248)
I have installed the chat. I like except for how the smilies show up randomly at the bottom. I have hundreds of smilies. Is there anyway to have them show up like you would for a post including having the More smilies link?

That would be another great addition.

Snake 04-28-2007 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Fearlessninja (Post 1237230)
Here is another problem...this popup "vBChat.php?&do=exit" keeps displaying and then auto-closing then displaying....very annoying.

I believe that has been fixed by Tim already but we'll see if we can kill that annoying little popup for good.


Originally Posted by bluidkiti (Post 1237248)
I have installed the chat. I like except for how the smilies show up randomly at the bottom. I have hundreds of smilies. Is there anyway to have them show up like you would for a post including having the More smilies link?

Oh yeah, I'd love to see something like that as well. I'll be sure to inform Tim about that. Thanks for the idea.

vgevolution 04-29-2007 02:40 AM

I like how this mod is shaping up, but I can't use it while Adsense ads are used. I cannot have them on my site unless they are my own. I'm curious how you got permission to have your ads placed on third-party sites. :erm: IMHO, the usage of ads has officially made this mod "adware", and it should be made obvious in the description before unsuspecting admins install this.

I'd love to buy a copy when usergroup permissions are implemented. It looks great, but I'm not going to risk my Adsense account to test it. Without usergroup permissions for things like viewing public rooms, creating rooms/private rooms, joining specific rooms, etc, I can't justify paying for it right now. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

For the fifteen minutes I had it installed, it ran very smooth, and I'm sure it'll become a great paid mod in the future once more advanced options are implemented. :up:

I'll make a suggestion: make a free version (like this version), and make a paid Pro version with private rooms, advanced usergroup permissions, etc. Use the free version to advertise the Pro version, and I think you'll do quite well. I'd pay for the Pro version in a heartbeat. Just a suggestion, mind you.

Keep up the great work.

eXtremeTim 04-29-2007 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by lsmba (Post 1237385)
I was under the impression the purpose of vbulletin.org was to "share" creativity not
"scheme" for solicitations. Yes, of course we all have the right to be "justly compensated", when properly justified and within the proper context.

However, when you invoke money into the equation...that's a whole new ball game...i.e., accountability, warrants as to merchantability...on and on. Let's all be cautious about putting our hand out for money, because there are dire ramifications on many legal fronts.

If you want to sell your wares...go ahead...but do it on your own site and let the rest of us interact with this site as it was intended.

Also, to the creator (extremetim) of this hack, you might want to take the google ads off...as that could be a problem for you if and when google finds out.

Also, you might want to let everyone know that if they uninstall the hack, they will have to manually delete "2" tables from the database.

Nice hack though...

You know what I dont think a $15 donation is to much to ask for this script compared ive been busting my ass on it. Without the ad nobody donates on this site besides maybe one or 2 people. So the ads were only put in to entice people to donate. If you have a problem with that dont use the hack I dont care. Im the one spending hours on end working on this hack and sharing it for free to the community. Be glad and enjoy it or there wont be a free version in the end.

Turbosport 04-29-2007 07:23 AM

The AdSense in in clear violation of Googles policy !

dbirosel 04-29-2007 07:40 AM

Aren't you bustin your ass off for the community because you enjoy what your doing for the community? Honestly, it shouldn't be all about the money, but actually caring for the community and feeling good about the great contribution you made.

3dsoft 04-29-2007 07:59 AM

How about an option to turn this phrase "user enters the room" or "user leaves the room" off. The users don't like it to be announced when entering the room. ;)

vip-q.com 04-29-2007 08:48 AM


I Realy like the AJAX VBCHAT 2.9

but there are some error like ( \exit )

and I can't use it with Arabic & if I use it with RTD the user name be in the middle

see the Attach file

adrianus 04-29-2007 09:27 AM

I have flashchat installed but considering to change. How is this hack compared to flashchat? What is the advantages and disadvantages?

kewl1uk 04-29-2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by adrianus (Post 1237494)
I have flashchat installed but considering to change. How is this hack compared to flashchat? What is the advantages and disadvantages?

The main disadvantages are that there are bugs and that there are adsense ads unless you fork out a $15 "donation". Personally, I don't mind paying for a good modification so I'm keeping a watch on this. For now I have X7 Chat installed and authenticating forum members!

giovannicosta 04-29-2007 10:08 AM

Hmm...your google ads appear, can we change it to ours?

Snake 04-29-2007 11:42 AM

I recommend everyone to wait patiently until v3.0 is released since it'll be a major release with many new features, additions and bug fixes. Though your suggestions are always welcomed! :)

Brew 04-29-2007 08:21 PM

This mod has a lot of potential!

One thing I would like to see added is a tick box for letting the visitor be informed if someone enters/exits the room he's in. I spend most of my time surfing and would like to be told if someone else is in the room. A very small "blip" sound or something would be nice.

Another thing would be the ability to be in more than one room at a time. Maybe have a tabbed arrangement at the top in order to switch between rooms :)


odie3 04-29-2007 10:26 PM

Pretty cool and easy to install.

However it seems that my smilies break the formating. I guess I have some rather big smilies and when I disabled the smilies vBchat text messaging format was corrected. EDIT THE BELOW CORRECT MY FORMAT ISSUE:

Also, when going to chat it creates a very large window in FireFox that I can not resize [so I do a right click to open in a new tab]. Anyway not to have it open in such a large un-sizable window?


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim (Post 1236747)
for all users having issues with the style spacing not being correct do the following.

in vBChat.php find:


    $chat_page .= "<table height='100%' border='0'>";

replace with

    $chat_page .= "<table height='100%' border='0'><tr><td colspan\"2\" height=\"100%\"></td></tr>";

hydrostatic 04-29-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim (Post 1236057)
Branding free licenses are now available for $29.95. Please contact me for details.

If I buy that, can I remove the Adsense Ads too?

hydrostatic 04-29-2007 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim (Post 1236781)
to fix that problem do the following

in vBChat.php find
PHP Code:


Replace with:
PHP Code:


This will fix the " ' < > problem

I can't find it... but I downloaded the most recent version and the > < ' " are still not working.

EDIT: Moreover, the commands are not working. I'm referring to the /ban and /unban commands. The PM feature is also not working.

Once these errors are fixed, I am willing to purchase a Branding Free option.

eXtremeTim 04-30-2007 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by hydrostatic (Post 1237898)
If I buy that, can I remove the Adsense Ads too?

Yes you can.

eXtremeTim 04-30-2007 06:24 AM

I am working hard on bug fixes and not everything is fully working its a work in process. Please be patient as I get everything updated. I hope to release 2.9.1 today which will contain all the needed bug fixes as well as including a new session system to avoid the chat from effecting the users online.

Snake 04-30-2007 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Brew (Post 1237777)
This mod has a lot of potential!

One thing I would like to see added is a tick box for letting the visitor be informed if someone enters/exits the room he's in. I spend most of my time surfing and would like to be told if someone else is in the room. A very small "blip" sound or something would be nice.

Another thing would be the ability to be in more than one room at a time. Maybe have a tabbed arrangement at the top in order to switch between rooms :)


I'm loving the first idea of yours but not the second one 'cause it's really pointless. Besides, you can do that already in the latest versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer using the tab system. ;) So yeah.


Originally Posted by hydrostatic (Post 1237898)
If I buy that, can I remove the Adsense Ads too?

Yes, the copyright will be fully removed including the ads.


Originally Posted by hydrostatic (Post 1237905)
I can't find it... but I downloaded the most recent version and the > < ' " are still not working.

EDIT: Moreover, the commands are not working. I'm referring to the /ban and /unban commands. The PM feature is also not working.

Once these errors are fixed, I am willing to purchase a Branding Free option.

Yes, we are aware that the commands aren't working already including the PM (Private Message). We're hoping to release v2.9.1 real soon which includes all the bug fixes mostly but please be patient.

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