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user02934123123 04-11-2007 08:02 AM

I upgraded to the newest release today, which has caused the whole mod to cease to work.

On attempting to use auto-replace, as I did with the previous version, no vbTrend stats appear on the page.

On switching off auto-replace and modifying FORUMHOME as instructed in the installation guide, the vB stats box simply appears emply, with all contents removed. (And before this be asked: yes, the vbTrends mod is enabled from its options/settings screen in AdminCP.)

As such, the new release of the mod does not appear to work on my system at all, whereas the previous worked fine.

Any fixes?

ncweb 04-11-2007 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1223694)
It should not have much of an impact on the load times, but, I think I have a solution for this that will also be in this upcoming release. Right now, the stats are realtime. Meaning - every post effects them as soon as someone refreshes. This adds a couple queries to forum home.

I'm putting in a 'delayed' options, where you can set the number of minutes. If set to 0 it's basically the same as realtime. However, if set to 10 for example, then the trends data would only change every ten minutes, and use much less resources.

The option to choose when the trends data is pulled will put this at the very top of my 'favorite hacks' list.

--will test new version later, hope to see it out of beta soon!

Thanks Mark, keep it up :)

Deadly Assassin 04-11-2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1224718)
I can't tell by looking at the forum. I'll need an admin login. If you are okay with that then send my a pm.

PM Sent, thanks


hambil 04-11-2007 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Deadly Assassin (Post 1224813)
PM Sent, thanks


It's all fixed. It appears the old template didn't get updated when you installed the new version. I have no idea why that would happen. I think perhaps it might be when people do an overwrite instead of an uninstall and reinstall, but I'm not sure.

I highly recommend anyone installing 2.0.0 do an uninstall and reinstall though.

hambil 04-11-2007 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by monForum (Post 1224773)
I upgraded to the newest release today, which has caused the whole mod to cease to work.

On attempting to use auto-replace, as I did with the previous version, no vbTrend stats appear on the page.

On switching off auto-replace and modifying FORUMHOME as instructed in the installation guide, the vB stats box simply appears emply, with all contents removed. (And before this be asked: yes, the vbTrends mod is enabled from its options/settings screen in AdminCP.)

As such, the new release of the mod does not appear to work on my system at all, whereas the previous worked fine.

Any fixes?

Try a full uninstall and reinstall of vbTrends from the latest zip, making sure to reupload all files. If the auto-replace used to work it should still work. I recommend reverting the FORUMHOME template as that can't be the problem.

hambil 04-11-2007 10:20 AM

My bad - and interesting note for those using export (from advanced product manager) to create their product.xml files: The template is not exported properly. Even though I've updated the template on the site, the old version is still the one exported. I had to manually edit the product.xml file. The new zip file I just posted has the correct template. I recommend a full uninstall/reinstall of vbTrends.

KingPin6 04-11-2007 10:25 AM

I was on 1.2.5 upgraded 2.0.0 but couldn't get the trends to work... tried uninstalling and reinstalling about 3 times with same results. I finally went into the user groups and saw that it was in fact set to yes for viewing trends but I still couldn't see anything on the front page, but once I clicked save on the user group it started showing up again. PS thanx for the great hack :)

hambil 04-11-2007 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by KingPin6 (Post 1224840)
but once I clicked save on the user group it started showing up again. PS thanx for the great hack :)

Interesting... I will look into this. Glad you got it to work.

encryption 04-11-2007 11:22 AM

I got the hack to work after having to uninstall / reinstall it entirely though I have a quick question - on my forum home it shows

Threads: 38,778, This Month: 4 (117%)

What is "This Month: 4" ?

I have set it to retrieve data from the last 2 months

hambil 04-11-2007 11:24 AM

It means that so far this month you've had four new threads. And compared to the last 2 months, that's 117% more than you usually have by this time of the month.

Deadly Assassin 04-11-2007 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1224824)
It's all fixed. It appears the old template didn't get updated when you installed the new version. I have no idea why that would happen. I think perhaps it might be when people do an overwrite instead of an uninstall and reinstall, but I'm not sure.

I highly recommend anyone installing 2.0.0 do an uninstall and reinstall though.

Thanks m8, much appreciated!

RedGTiVR6 04-11-2007 11:46 AM

I can't download the .zip file for some reason.

When I do, then try and open it, it tells me it's corrupt and there's nothing in the .zip file.

Am I the only one experiencing this?

hambil 04-11-2007 12:13 PM

Odd. I use 7-zip.

Hmmm... looks like the zip got screwed up on upload somehow. I just re-uploaded it.

encryption 04-11-2007 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1224876)
It means that so far this month you've had four new threads. And compared to the last 2 months, that's 117% more than you usually have by this time of the month.

then there's something wrong in the way this mod is tracking new information because this is what I see in the admin panel and we're 11 days into the month already

New Threads Today 6

Is it 4 new threads from the date/time of install ?

hambil 04-11-2007 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by encryption (Post 1224912)
then there's something wrong in the way this mod is tracking new threads because this is what I see in the admin panel and we're 11 days into the month already

New Threads Today 6

Is it 4 new threads from the date/time of install ?

No, it shouldn't be. Let me double check the code and get back to you.

Well, here is the query used, I don't see anything wrong with it off hand...

SELECT count(*) AS 'ThreadsThisMonth'
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread

Ahha! I found an error in the template. I've uploaded the new zip. Uninstall/Reinstall to make sure the template change gets picked up and you should be good to go.

encryption 04-11-2007 12:40 PM

yep, that fixed it

Threads: 38,782, This Month: 466 (118%)
Posts: 471,538, This Month: 4441 (94%)
Members: 13,425, This Month: 236 (5%)

voteforbird 04-11-2007 12:43 PM

These stats are not accurate. I'm getting a 93% increase in threads, a 95% increase in posts and a 1% increase in members. This is on a 355,000-post board. The 90 numbers are waaay too high. Activity is steady. *disabled*

BTW I assume encryption's stats are incorrect, as well.

hambil 04-11-2007 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by voteforbird (Post 1224930)
These stats are not accurate. I'm getting a 93% increase in threads, a 95% increase in posts and a 1% increase in members. This is on a 355,000-post board. The 90 numbers are waaay too high. Activity is steady. *disabled*

BTW I assume encryption's stats are incorrect, as well.

Very simple fix. Change the calculations used in the admincp settings as follows:


round(($current / $avg) * 100)

round(($current / $avg) * 100) - 100
It's the difference between considering 100% to mean 'dead on track' or '0%' to mean 'dead on track'. That's why I've exposed the calculations in this release. The minute I change it to be one way, someone will want it the other way.

hambil 04-11-2007 01:01 PM

Of course, when you make the change all your numbers will be negative, and you probably won't like that either. Meh, I've done all I can do :)

spazz191 04-11-2007 02:51 PM

How many queries does this mod do? I am trying to streamline my forum and disable query intensive mods.

hambil 04-11-2007 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by spazz191 (Post 1224999)
How many queries does this mod do? I am trying to streamline my forum and disable query intensive mods.

It depends on your settings. If you leave it at the default settings it will add four small queries on each page refress, and three large queries once a day. If you change the delay setting in the admincp options to 10, it will do four small queries once every ten minutes. So it can be made very efficient, you just sacrifice some of the real-time nature is all.

mcyates 04-11-2007 03:19 PM

Newst members are the wrong way round but this is what it says.

Welcome to our newest 5 members, lastyearsman, borofan16, messi, NedvedShevchenko, foxy lady
Welcome to our newest member, foxy lady

When foxy lady was the 5th last person to join the forum. lastyearsman is the newest member.

Will this be fixed?

hambil 04-11-2007 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates (Post 1225019)
Newst members are the wrong way round but this is what it says.

Welcome to our newest 5 members, lastyearsman, borofan16, messi, NedvedShevchenko, foxy lady
Welcome to our newest member, foxy lady

When foxy lady was the 5th last person to join the forum. lastyearsman is the newest member.

Will this be fixed?

You've done some customization of the template, because in the default install newest member isn't shown anymore. It is replaced by newest x members. I recommend removing it. There is no reason to show both. Just set 'newest members' to 1 in the admincp options if that is what you want.

zhabbo 04-11-2007 03:42 PM

FANTASTIC! Thanks a bunch

spazz191 04-11-2007 04:51 PM

The same issue is back in the new version that you fixed in the old version...vbseo and my arcade link....what did you change to make it work before?

hambil 04-11-2007 05:27 PM

vbseo was screwing up the datastore, breaking the cache possibly? I moved everything to a cron job. But, I decided that is not a practical solution. I'd suggested taking it up with vbseo. I will see if I can remember/give you more details.

subnet_rx 04-11-2007 05:41 PM

Hmm, this update isn't working for me at all. When I first installed, I noticed that the trend stats were completely gone and replaced with my regular forum stats. I just went in and did a manual template update, and it just displays a blank box there now. I completely uninstalled and reinstalled, and I turned auto template edits off.

hambil 04-11-2007 05:47 PM

Okay, just an FYI to let you know 2.0.1 is in the works. It will add some minor, but useful updates, like:
1) Number formating (10,000 vs 10000)
2) If you make the manual template edit, disabling vbTrends will no longer leave the stats box empty - instead it will revert to use the original template.
3) Will attempt intelligent datastore unserialization - hope it helps with some of the problems a few of you have been having. vb made a real mess of this IMHO.

hambil 04-11-2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by subnet_rx (Post 1225136)
Hmm, this update isn't working for me at all. When I first installed, I noticed that the trend stats were completely gone and replaced with my regular forum stats. I just went in and did a manual template update, and it just displays a blank box there now. I completely uninstalled and reinstalled, and I turned auto template edits off.

Revert the FORUMHOME template - it auto-replace worked before it should still work. Then make sure you download the latest zip, even though the version hasn't changed a number of fixes have been done and uploaded. Then if a full uninstall/reinstall still doesn't fix things for you we'll see what the next step might be.

subnet_rx 04-11-2007 06:02 PM

Reverted the template, which got my original stats back, but nothing works to get the trends up. I did a full uninstall/reinstall after re-downloading the zip from here and it doesn't indicate any problems, it just doesn't show up on ForumHome.

hambil 04-11-2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by subnet_rx (Post 1225171)
Reverted the template, which got my original stats back, but nothing works to get the trends up. I did a full uninstall/reinstall after re-downloading the zip from here and it doesn't indicate any problems, it just doesn't show up on ForumHome.

Okay, well at least we have the original stats back. Now, let's see - if the manual template edit didn't work for you that means the code to fill that variable isn't getting reached. That's in the forumhome_complete hook. Someone isn't playing nice, so go into the vbTrends forumhome_complete hook and set the 'Execution Order' to 1. See if that helps.

subnet_rx 04-11-2007 06:34 PM

Hmm, still nothing. I checked to see if any other plugins were hooked at forumhome_complete and yours is the only one. I manually edited the template again, and got a blank. If no one else is having this problem, I can just go back to 1.2.6 and use it. I updated to get the "Changed template to still show total threads when trend is negative and 'positive trends only' is enabled."

hambil 04-11-2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by subnet_rx (Post 1225205)
Hmm, still nothing. I checked to see if any other plugins were hooked at forumhome_complete and yours is the only one. I manually edited the template again, and got a blank. If no one else is having this problem, I can just go back to 1.2.6 and use it. I updated to get the "Changed template to still show total threads when trend is negative and 'positive trends only' is enabled."

If you want to PM me a temp login, I'll see if I can find the problem.

blastup 04-11-2007 08:08 PM

i got blank on both mysites

blastup 04-11-2007 08:09 PM

when i manuelly edits it... but when with auto replace.. i just got the regular stats.. not the one with vbtrends..

hambil 04-11-2007 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by blastup (Post 1225276)
when i manuelly edits it... but when with auto replace.. i just got the regular stats.. not the one with vbtrends..

If you want to PM me a temp login I'll see what I can do.

blastup 04-11-2007 08:17 PM

i just don't know what is wrong.. i tried on two sites..one with template edit.. one with out. the template edited one becomes blank.. and the other with autoreplace.. still remains the same stats.. not the vbtrends..

hambil 04-11-2007 08:35 PM

subnet_rx and blastup:

There is an odd bug I don't quite understand yet, that was first reported by KingPin6 in this post. Please try what he suggested (going into the usergroup and saving it), to see if that fixes the problem.

tehPARADOX 04-11-2007 09:05 PM

Also confirm trends no longer showing up, both auto and manual edits.

And when I tried doing permissions suggested by kingpin, received this database error:
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'vbtrends_permissions' in 'field list'


hambil 04-11-2007 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by tehPARADOX (Post 1225340)


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