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-   -   Mini Mods - highslide integration with vB attachments - lightbox alternative - inline too. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=139167)

kpascal 04-11-2007 02:10 PM

This is an awesome mod! Thank you so much. Installed easily into 3.5.6 without any problems at all.

[clicks on INSTALLED]

I have to add my vote for making this work with [img] as well. It would make this mod attractive to many more people.

Thanks again!


b6gm6n 04-11-2007 06:27 PM

ok third time lucky... "Which version of the highslide JS file must i use to see the loading graphic which isn't available in the latest version due to a bug... please advise" - there.,.. maybe this time... there's always hope, nothing like rattling off the same old question time & time again just to bring home the fact that whatever you say or do or whatever is a complete and utter total waste of time...cheers

kpascal 04-11-2007 06:57 PM

I used the latest release of Highslide (3.1.7) and vB 3.5.6 and I see the loading graphic just fine (example).

I cant remember if you have already been asked/confirmed this.. but did you edit the path to the graphics in highslide.js as is detailed in the mod setup instructions?


kevcj 04-12-2007 12:02 PM

Is it something else I messed up, or does this mod mess with the attachment permissions? Before I installed this, guest could see a link to open the picture, when they clicked the link they would get a prompt to log in - NOW, guest see a link to the picture, when they click it, the picture opens in a new window.

So how do I block guest access to files and pictures? I checked the guest / not logged in group permissions and it is set so that guest do NOT have permission to download attachments!!

Smoothie 04-12-2007 01:57 PM

Looks like something on your end. Mine are not like that, still the same. You need to login or register to view. Try settting to "enlarge in same window" option, see if that works.

b6gm6n 04-12-2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by kpascal (Post 1225227)
I used the latest release of Highslide (3.1.7) and vB 3.5.6 and I see the loading graphic just fine (example).

I cant remember if you have already been asked/confirmed this.. but did you edit the path to the graphics in highslide.js as is detailed in the mod setup instructions?


Thanx dude... i was using 3.1.0, the path seemed ok, i changed the path to a full path but no luck, so i updated to 3.1.7 same path and it worked... cheers for the advice and help


kevcj 04-12-2007 07:29 PM

Please excuse my ignorance, but where is the setting "enlarge in same window?"


Its working now - thank you Smoothie.

rickyreter 04-12-2007 07:59 PM

Hi Guys,for those that want to see a working demo of a highslide working just have a look here.


Its not from any mod from vb but a site i am currently under construction..using coppermine...I don't think it can be bridged with vb..you will need to find out, but can be stand alone or a link from vb site.
I use it for me family site on its own with other mods too....

Just wanted people to no what highslide looks like..just click a image and WOW in ya face.Any more info please contact me.


pspcrazy 04-13-2007 02:43 AM

This is totally not working on my site:

Any idea what the problem is? All the code it fine.

Apparently ir works somewhat when i use absoluted in the urls. Im wondering where would i put the files? I put them in the site root: pspcrazy.com, the forums , and the forums subdirectory yet none of it works css wise :|

funkmeister 04-13-2007 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by funkmeister (Post 1223102)
Excellent, thank you - voted for MOTM.

However, one thing I've come across is for those who are unregistered or are in a usergroup that doesn't have access to image attachments - where they used to see just a text link to an image file - the thumbnail image is now displayed to them! The good news is.....when clicked on, nothing happens, other than it simply saying "Loading" overlayed on the thumbnail image.

So my questions are....is it possible to get the text link of the image back and if not, is there a way to changing the "Loading" text to something else, such as "Access Denied" or something similar, not globally, but just for this scenario? As with the mod in place, they don't get thrown to the "not logged in or you do not have permission" page now, which was the previous behaviour.

Thanks again, fantastic mod.


Originally Posted by kevcj (Post 1225874)
Is it something else I messed up, or does this mod mess with the attachment permissions? Before I installed this, guest could see a link to open the picture, when they clicked the link they would get a prompt to log in - NOW, guest see a link to the picture, when they click it, the picture opens in a new window.

So how do I block guest access to files and pictures? I checked the guest / not logged in group permissions and it is set so that guest do NOT have permission to download attachments!!

See my original post above (quoted) and it looks like someone else has run into a similar thing (see kevcj's post above, quoted...) - mine don't open thankfully unlike his situation - so any word on why this happens and how to "fix" or workaround it?


whitetigergrowl 04-13-2007 12:57 PM

I can't seem to get the controls to show. Any idea how to fix that? Everything else seems to be working fine.

rayw 04-13-2007 01:25 PM

Great looking mod mini2!

Are the thumbnails the full size image or are they resized for quicker loading?

Hopefully that makes sense. :)

kpascal 04-13-2007 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by rayw (Post 1226699)
Are the thumbnails the full size image or are they resized for quicker loading?

They are resized. Samples on this page show that even an image of 85K has a thumbnail of only 5.15Kb.

rayw 04-13-2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by kpascal (Post 1226804)
They are resized. Samples on this page show that even an image of 85K has a thumbnail of only 5.15Kb.

Thanks a lot.


EDIT: Was up until 3:00am this morning getting this going and configured the way I like. It's bloody terrific! Thanks a lot. MOTM I think!!

club masmini 04-19-2007 10:04 AM

i have this problem http://www.masmini.com/club/showpost...85&postcount=5

somebody has been the same? can i fix it?

mvigod 04-19-2007 06:20 PM

Great job. Clicks INSTALLED

club masmini 04-20-2007 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by mvigod (Post 1231401)
Great job. Clicks INSTALL


bjhuang 04-20-2007 07:19 AM

to simplify the installation:

1. download highslide js from http://vikjavev.no/highslide/
2. download this: Attachment 63395
3. put highslide files under your forumroot/highslide/
4. put highslide.css under forumroot/highslide/
5. import product-highslideattach.xml as a product
6. modify template "postbit_attachmentthumbnail",
insert this line to the top:
PHP Code:

<if condition="!$vboptions[highslide_active]"

insert this line to the end:
PHP Code:

<else />
a id="att_$attachment[attachmentid]class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: '$post[postid]' })" href="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&d=$attachment[dateline]"<if condition="$show['newwindow']"target="_blank"</if>><img class="thumbnail" src="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1&d=$attachment[thumbnail_dateline]border="0" alt="<phrase 1="$attachment[filename]" 2="$attachment[counter]" 3="$attachment[filesize]" 4="$attachment[attachmentid]">$vbphrase[image_larger_version_x_y_z]</phrase>" /></a>

club masmini 04-20-2007 10:45 AM

3.65 and vbadvances... no working ---- http://www.masmini.com/club/showthre...7685#post27685 i dont konw:( :( :( :( :(

Kirkus 04-20-2007 10:53 AM

I don't understand how to impliment captions under the photos. I understand there's an attachment ID and I've added the attcap bbcode. But what does the bbcode wrap around? Do you just include it by itself somewhere in the post.

dannylin3000 04-20-2007 01:03 PM

Does this also work for photos retriving from using [img] bbcode from other photos site like Flickr?

coffee 04-20-2007 01:59 PM

bjhuang .. well done man!

Tralala 04-21-2007 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by bjhuang (Post 1231789)
to simplify the installation:

1. download highslide js from http://vikjavev.no/highslide/
2. download this: Attachment 63395
3. put highslide files under your forumroot/highslide/
4. put highslide.css under forumroot/highslide/
5. import product-highslideattach.xml as a product
6. modify template "postbit_attachmentthumbnail",

Thanks for this; I just tried this simpler install method on a new forum, and it works great! :up:

TheMilkCarton 04-21-2007 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by bjhuang (Post 1231789)
to simplify the installation:

1. download highslide js from http://vikjavev.no/highslide/
2. download this: Attachment 63395
3. put highslide files under your forumroot/highslide/
4. put highslide.css under forumroot/highslide/
5. import product-highslideattach.xml as a product
6. modify template "postbit_attachmentthumbnail",
insert this line to the top:
PHP Code:

<if condition="!$vboptions[highslide_active]"

insert this line to the end:
PHP Code:

<else />
a id="att_$attachment[attachmentid]class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: '$post[postid]' })" href="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&d=$attachment[dateline]"<if condition="$show['newwindow']"target="_blank"</if>><img class="thumbnail" src="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1&d=$attachment[thumbnail_dateline]border="0" alt="<phrase 1="$attachment[filename]" 2="$attachment[counter]" 3="$attachment[filesize]" 4="$attachment[attachmentid]">$vbphrase[image_larger_version_x_y_z]</phrase>" /></a>

Saved me a ton of work.. thanks!


Originally Posted by dannylin3000 (Post 1231944)
Does this also work for photos retriving from using [img] bbcode from other photos site like Flickr?

It doesn't, but that would be really nice.. Sort of a hybrid between this image resizer and this Highslide mod. Having the Highslide mod kick in once a picture is too large to fit in the postbit would be a nice feature.

Edit: I found that using the highslide.packed.js file makes the loading much faster.. Or so it seems. Any hard evidence?

SilverVice 04-22-2007 01:44 PM

Can somebody give me some tips to how make this work with vBadvanced (on the forum and maybe on the front page?)

Because everything is working on my test board at http://www.my site.com/forums/testvb/ but not at http://www.my site.com/ or http://www.my site.com/forums/ and I did the exact same installation.

Thanks in advance

phill2003 04-22-2007 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by SilverVice (Post 1233356)
Can somebody give me some tips to how make this work with vBadvanced (on the forum and maybe on the front page?)

Because everything is working on my test board at http://www.my site.com/forums/testvb/ but not at http://www.my site.com/ or http://www.my site.com/forums/ and I did the exact same installation.

Thanks in advance

If you are going to use this vb hack for anything other like vbadvanced then you need to make sure any relative urls are converted to absolute ones. so anything like

/highslide/css/highslide.css becomes. --- http://www.yoursite.com/highslide/css/highslide.css

That way when a script that is not vbulletin looks for the.js and css files it knows where they are or they are in the right place...

SilverVice 04-22-2007 06:21 PM

Thanks Phill but it still doesn't work :confused:

Can someone put a list to what file to edit exactly because I'm going crazy :eek: to see it work on the test board!

Thanks for your help

JimmDaBimm 04-23-2007 01:57 PM

Some User say that it isnt working, but they have FF nd Javascript turned ON ...same FF Config like me but it dosent work... but it works fine for me. And the Examples on the Scripts Page works for them! I'm Confused....

rayw 04-23-2007 02:18 PM

I use FF (I'm assuming you mean FireFox) and it works perfectly for me as well. :)

BadgerDog 04-27-2007 10:41 AM

My apologies if this is obvious, or has already been answered...

1. Once installed, does this mod work for pics already uploaded as attachments?

2. My system says it has vBadvanced CMPS 2.2.0 installed. Is this a problem with this mod and should I not try it?



SilverVice 04-27-2007 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 1236339)
My apologies if this is obvious, or has already been answered...

1. Once installed, does this mod work for pics already uploaded as attachments?

2. My system says it has vBadvanced CMPS 2.2.0 installed. Is this a problem with this mod and should I not try it?



It?s not working for me with vBadvanced but i?m sure it?s just a path problem because it?s working on my test board on the same server.

Anyway if you find the solution, please let me know, it will be much appreciated. :rolleyes:

Zeitgeist 04-27-2007 08:10 PM

One of my moderators has complained that the Highslide won't work with his Opera browser. Can anybody confirm this? He hasn't changed his settings so Javascript must be enabled in his browser, too.

epoc fitness 04-28-2007 03:12 AM

I can't get this working for the life of me i even went through and edited the templates like it stated if anyone is willing to help me out over aim or look at my settings please send me a pm

TheMilkCarton 04-28-2007 05:36 AM


* {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 10pt;
Needs to be removed from highslide.css. This causes fonts all over the page to change size. I noticed this in Opera 9, and then after validating the highslide.css (You also should remove the <style> tags from the CSS) it caused this font problem in all browsers.

Edit: I just realized you've created instructions for your own highslide.css, but in case anyone is using the highslide.css that comes with the Highslide package, you must remove parts of the CSS.

gothicuser 04-28-2007 09:55 AM

Unusual one here.
I have an exact duplicate of my forums on a dev machine. This mod works perfectly and first time out on the dev machine but on the live site all I get is 'Loading' on the thumbnail.
The ONLY diference between the two sites is that the 'Live' site has safe-mode=on which means the images are stored within the database.
Any suggestions please?

TheMilkCarton 04-28-2007 11:18 AM

From my experience, it sounds like you didn't upload the highslide/images folder. I had this problem too until I realized I hadn't uploaded everything.

hotwheels 04-28-2007 01:20 PM

very kewl, i will give this a try............

gothicuser 04-28-2007 01:41 PM

Worked out my problems, forgot the other diference, vbseo :( Disable that and all works fine.

epoc fitness 04-28-2007 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by gothicuser (Post 1237031)
Worked out my problems, forgot the other diference, vbseo :( Disable that and all works fine.

what was the problem you were having with Vbseo that wasn't allowing this to work, I have vbseo also. I also this this would be a great addition to my forum due to the fact that my members are starting to keep photojournals of their fitness and weight loss goals. Maybe their is another solution that I'm over looking if you want to take a look at the site and recommend me to go about with this method or another I would appericate it. site

gothicuser 04-28-2007 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by epoc fitness (Post 1237082)
what was the problem you were having with Vbseo that wasn't allowing this to work, I have vbseo also. I also this this would be a great addition to my forum due to the fact that my members are starting to keep photojournals of their fitness and weight loss goals. Maybe their is another solution that I'm over looking if you want to take a look at the site and recommend me to go about with this method or another I would appericate it. site

The problem we were suffering was that with vBSEO enabled a click on an attachent (image) just produced the 'Loading' label on the thumbnail, with nothing else. I have one of my coders working on it (well, he will on Monday, tight fisted git :( )

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