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djbaxter 02-14-2007 01:07 PM

Great update, Chris.

One point: The add-on is set to "Active = No" by default. I almost missed this... I would suggest that the default should be "yes".

s0lidgr0und 02-14-2007 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by GearTripper (Post 1181782)
unadvertised hotlinking/self-promotion is SPAM IMO... as much as i hate it, it's done rather often with hacks released here. i always just remove the occurance if i decide to use the hacks... AND rate negatively appropriately.

Agreed. I'd be more apt to allow the link to stay there if there was an obvious link to every member's board that uses his hack. Only seems fair to me.

I did forget to mention in my rantings that I do think this is a good hack. I'm not sure if it works yet because I have no way to really test it out, but emailing these members is something I've always done manually and it'll save me the time it took to do that. Thank you.

lolo? 02-14-2007 03:30 PM

thanks for your update great evolution :)

GCC LLC 02-14-2007 03:57 PM

Hi, I have this installed and it's seemingly working correctly with the exception that I'm not receiving any emails. I set it to send out only to the Admin usergroup (group 7 in my case) based on last activity. I went into the AdminCP for another administrator I set up and set it's last activity to June of last year. Then I run the cron job and I don't receive the emails. Any ideas? I want to test it on myself before I add all of the regular usergroups. Thanks!

JoeWho 02-14-2007 04:01 PM

I installed your e-mail reminder and it works great. I have received several think use from people who have just forgot to check back in. :)

I do have a question: I have also received an e-mail from somebody who just joined saying they have received the notice also, how does this determine who will receive the notice and who won't?


I only signed up not more than a week ago! And this is the second email of this kind that I have received...

I have it set:
Days of Inactivity: 30
Email Frequency: 15

Has anybody else had a problem with this? Or is my settings incorrect and causing the problem?


ehsanix 02-14-2007 04:26 PM

thank u very much

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1182373)
Great update, Chris.

One point: The add-on is set to "Active = No" by default. I almost missed this... I would suggest that the default should be "yes".

my reasoning was that i didnt want emails to be sent out before people had updated the template.

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by JoeWho (Post 1182501)
I installed your e-mail reminder and it works great. I have received several think use from people who have just forgot to check back in. :)

I do have a question: I have also received an e-mail from somebody who just joined saying they have received the notice also, how does this determine who will receive the notice and who won't?

I have it set:
Days of Inactivity: 30
Email Frequency: 15

Has anybody else had a problem with this? Or is my settings incorrect and causing the problem?


that is one thing that i thought might be a problem, and was my next update - sending emails to new users. ill fix that asap.

GCC LLC 02-14-2007 04:36 PM

I should add the following to my post above. Even though I have a user in my Admin group who has not logged onto the board since 2006, I get the following results when I run the cron job manually:

Inactive User Reminder Emails


Looking at the php code, it appears that it should say:

Inactive User Reminder Emails

mailing test@test.com (done)


but I don't see anything in between the lines even though clearly this test user i set up does qualify for a mail according to the parameters I set up..

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by GCC LLC (Post 1182498)
Hi, I have this installed and it's seemingly working correctly with the exception that I'm not receiving any emails. I set it to send out only to the Admin usergroup (group 7 in my case) based on last activity. I went into the AdminCP for another administrator I set up and set it's last activity to June of last year. Then I run the cron job and I don't receive the emails. Any ideas? I want to test it on myself before I add all of the regular usergroups. Thanks!

you mean you are logging on as a diferent admin, setting your other account's lastactivity to june, and while on the second admin account running the cron resulting in no emails?

what is output when you run the cron manually - it should say who is being emaild?

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by GCC LLC (Post 1182534)
I should add the following to my post above. Even though I have a user in my Admin group who has not logged onto the board since 2006, I get the following results when I run the cron job manually:

Inactive User Reminder Emails


Looking at the php code, it appears that it should say:

Inactive User Reminder Emails

mailing test@test.com (done)


but I don't see anything in between the lines even though clearly this test user i set up does qualify for a mail according to the parameters I set up..

i will have a look at it to see if i have missed anything.

GCC LLC 02-14-2007 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1182536)
you mean you are logging on as a diferent admin, setting your other account's lastactivity to june, and while on the second admin account running the cron resulting in no emails?

That is correct. I basically set up a pseudo-administrator to test this out. Really, I just want to see what the email looks like and tweak it before it gets sent out to the 7,000 or so users that it's going to go to.


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1182536)
what is output when you run the cron manually - it should say who is being emaild?

See above post... There's nothing in between the lines... no one being emailed even though this userid qualifies for an email. Even tested it out on a non-administrator that i put into a "test group" and it still doesn't go out.

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by GCC LLC (Post 1182540)
That is correct. I basically set up a pseudo-administrator to test this out. Really, I just want to see what the email looks like and tweak it before it gets sent out to the 7,000 or so users that it's going to go to.

See above post... There's nothing in between the lines... no one being emailed even though this userid qualifies for an email. Even tested it out on a non-administrator that i put into a "test group" and it still doesn't go out.

i am having the same problem - im just putting some debug info in there to test - ill get back to you.

GCC LLC 02-14-2007 05:12 PM

I just downloaded this hack about 2 hours ago if that helps you any.. Not sure when you put it up but whatever changed from the last version to this one seems to have broken something. :) Can't wait to try it out... Looks great, thanks for your effort!

djbaxter 02-14-2007 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1182530)
my reasoning was that i didnt want emails to be sent out before people had updated the template.

Good point. I had forgotten but that is exactly what happened to me when I installed your first version.

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 05:43 PM

Figured it out - when you install the plugin, it sets the last email sent by default to == the users lastpost date, not it's last activity. so even if you set the last activity and last post to sometime in the last month/year/whatever, it wont email the user until the frequency period elapses.

I will update the install query and release an update later tonight.

obmob 02-14-2007 08:21 PM

Great idea, hope it works on my site :)

Oh i shall wait for an update! :D

morrow 02-14-2007 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1179668)
if you read the first post:

it's a simple plugin, not rocket science!

i designed it for my own forum, and it does the job i wanted it to do and i thought it may be useful for other people (which i might add, has beenk) so if anyone doesn't like it then just lump it.

Frankly, I don't know why you're giving this guy the time of day. I haven't installed this hack yet but I'm getting ready to. If it works, Great! If not, then I ask questions and possibly get it to work. This guy has been nothing but RUDE, and I agree with you... If you don't like the mod, go build your own; but certainly don't come on here and bash a guy who has already gone out of his way with just building this hack. You should try asking questions and possibly learn something along the way instead of bashing him.

Constructive critisism is always healthy...

GCC LLC 02-14-2007 11:46 PM

Yeah, agreed. I can do my fair share of coding (and usually it's just enough to get me by...) and when I see people bashing a programmer it gets under my skin. If you don't like the results of a free hack, go pay for one. You shouldn't expect things for free in life. You should be grateful if something useful comes along for free.

simalert 02-15-2007 01:25 PM

After setting up I ran it manually from the vBulletin scheduled task manager and got the following error

Inactive User Reminder Emails

Warning: include_once(/home/simalert/public_html/forum/./includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 108

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/simalert/public_html/forum/./includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 108

I thought it meant I hadn't uploaded the remindermail.php file to the right place, but I checked and it's definitely in forum root.

Any ideas please?


simalert 02-15-2007 01:27 PM

Just re-read instructions and realised that file shouldn't be in the root directory of my forum!

Sorry, carry on............. :)

projectego 02-15-2007 02:07 PM

Thanks for the new update. It works like a charm. Thanks! ;)

djbaxter 02-15-2007 02:30 PM

The latest version of this add-on (just installed this morning after receiving an update notice) is sending out emails to members with "receive admin emails" already set to off.

deegan 02-15-2007 06:40 PM

Haven't installed yet, but plan to...

Question : There are a couple of people that, although they are still members and can come back if they wish, I'd rather NOT have an email sent to them as if I'm inviting them back.

Although creating a new usergoup and placing them in there, then having the email stopped for that usergroup would probably work, is there a way (or could an option be created) that would allow me to imput members' names that I do NOT wish to have the email sent?

cashpath 02-15-2007 06:54 PM

Does this show up in the CRON logs when it is run? I have run it manually from the scheduled task manager and it seems to work fine, but I've had it installed now for over 24 hours and it is not showing anywhere in the CRON logs.

GCC LLC 02-16-2007 12:35 AM

works great now, thanks!

djbaxter 02-16-2007 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by cashpath (Post 1183434)
Does this show up in the CRON logs when it is run? I have run it manually from the scheduled task manager and it seems to work fine, but I've had it installed now for over 24 hours and it is not showing anywhere in the CRON logs.

I don't see any logs either.

The sending to members who have specifically unchecked "Receive Admin Emails" (see above) is potentially a significant issue. I don't want to run afoul of some spam blacklist.

C Braithwaite 02-16-2007 08:39 PM

I will fix the sending to opted out thingy in the morning

re: cron logs - it runs but doesn't log don't know why sorry.

re: excluding users - like you said about setting up another usergroup is prob the best way for now. I will look into setting up some sort of individual user setting.

ill put this all down to inexperience with vbulletin =P

djbaxter 02-17-2007 12:16 AM

Thanks, Chris.

Gazer 02-18-2007 02:23 PM

Just installed thanks chris

Regards Gazer

aj8690 02-18-2007 08:11 PM

Thank you!!! I really like this! :D

Morrus 02-18-2007 09:23 PM

Nice idea! I've installed it, but get the following error (same as someone above, but the file *is* in the right place; the /includes/cron/ directory). Any ideas?


Warning: main(/www/circvsmaximvs.com/production/htdocs/./includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 108

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/circvsmaximvs.com/production/htdocs/./includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 108

cashpath 02-19-2007 03:15 PM

My scheduled tasks stopped running do to this.....

I have no idea how to figure out what it was that caused them to stop running but I know disabling this allows them to work and enabling it breaks the scheduled tasks.

I'de like to use this hack but need my scheduled tasks to work..

Greek76 02-19-2007 06:18 PM

How do you know if actually send out the emails? Im kind of naive with it Ill admit. I installed it, fixed the options to my liking. Then I went to schedule task manager and clicked to run the reminder inactive users now. So is that suppose to send out the emails immediately if so I dont see anything happening? Thanks

djbaxter 02-20-2007 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Greek76 (Post 1186191)
How do you know if actually send out the emails? Im kind of naive with it Ill admit. I installed it, fixed the options to my liking. Then I went to schedule task manager and clicked to run the reminder inactive users now. So is that suppose to send out the emails immediately if so I dont see anything happening? Thanks

Running the cronjob manually, you will see a list of any emails sent out (i.e., for members who meet your criteria for inactive) followed by the word "Done". If no members meet the criteria, you should just see the word "Done".

bada_bing 02-20-2007 02:16 AM

I would like to install this mod on my 3.5.3 site,, Will this 3.6.x version work?

bada_bing 02-20-2007 02:29 AM

Another question what does this feature do "Email Frequency" can someone tell me in more details what this does exactly?

djbaxter 02-20-2007 02:36 AM

Enter the number of days you want to elapse before any subsequent reminder emails are sent out.

For example, on my forum I have it set to identify someone as inactive after 90 days of no activity. After that, it will send out a reminder email every 30 days - so I entered 30 in that box.

djbaxter 02-20-2007 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1183230)
The latest version of this add-on (just installed this morning after receiving an update notice) is sending out emails to members with "receive admin emails" already set to off.


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1184164)
I will fix the sending to opted out thingy in the morning

Any update for this issue yet, Chris?

C Braithwaite 02-20-2007 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1186859)
Any update for this issue yet, Chris?

sorry i cant find where the setting is stored...

as soon as i find it ill update it.

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