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peterska2 01-20-2007 09:23 PM

I've put version 1.0.1 back up.

Those who are having problems with 1.0.2 - is your vBonjour in your forum directory or are your forums located in a directory and the vBonjour file in the site root?

Also, everyone who is getting any errors, please confirm if you are using PHP & MySQL 4 or 5 along with full details of all errors being received.

LePaul 01-21-2007 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Glynn58
to be honest m8 if you dont know how to do that i'd leave this mod alone until you've found your way around a bit, you'll get there and happens i'll get there the same time as you lol

Rather than slam a newbie, you could've either said nothing, or said something that might've helped a bit.

Its ok. Someday you'll need help with something. And I hope you get this sort of snotty response.

peterska2 01-21-2007 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1162569)
BD error here


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:

        SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
        FROM forum f
        INNER JOIN thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
        LEFT OUTER JOIN post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 0 AND visible = 1
        ORDER BY dateline DESC
        LIMIT 3;

MySQL Error  : Column: 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous


now my install varies a bit different in the fact that I want to use this as a site map would you believe ...lol...

I already have phpportal installed in the rootand and am happy with it ...

I need a site map for my forum so was thinkin of using this to add info etc to any new sections we might have on our site and explain to user what's what :)

I renamed it to sitemap.php and get that error

Does this NEED to be a portal install in the root then ?

[high]* hIBEES is confused and goes to study instructions lol[/high]

You haven't put a forumid in the vBOptions for it.

It can be installed in either the root or the forums directory, but you still need to follow the entire instructions.


Originally Posted by bigr5026 (Post 1162601)
im havingthe same issue as the person above

See solution above.


Originally Posted by Pierre-Yves (Post 1162739)
For this problem, replace line 62 and 116 in portal.php

Line 62

Line 116

The code has not changed since the earlier versions. The only change is to the queries to fix the problem with moderated threads being displayed.


Originally Posted by bigr5026 (Post 1162811)
still wont work

No, it won't because the fix posted by Pierre-Yves isn't needed.


Originally Posted by JamieLee2k (Post 1163686)
I am getting the same database error as hIBEES

MySQL Error : Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous

Check your vBOptions are set right for it.


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1162965)
Sort off worked lol

As soon as I change the forum ID and have a forum ID in the " Forum ID
Specify the second (optional) forumid where you want your news to come from. " section I get the error again...

Working just now thou so thanks :D :up:

Make sure that your forumid numbers are correct.


Originally Posted by JamieLee2k (Post 1163692)
So I used the fix from Pierre Yves and a few things need sorting, Since it's took the header from the forums things have changed, the header now doesn't show the images and the shoutbox isn't working properly, it just says loading all the time.

This is because the fix posted is not required. Please replace your file with the copy attached.

Lionel 01-21-2007 11:16 PM

I had never been able to see the demo on your site from day one. I get a page can't be found error.

peterska2 01-21-2007 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by LePaul (Post 1163231)
Im lost...granted Im new

How to I "Import" the XML file??

Go to Plugins & Products > Manager Products > Add/Import Product

The use the top part of the page to locate the xml file on your system and click import (like uploading an avatar).

peterska2 01-21-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 1164650)
I had never been able to see the demo on your site from day one. I get a page can't be found error.

Are you trying the right page?

www.peterska2.co.uk/index.php or just www.peterska2.co.uk

Lionel 01-21-2007 11:20 PM

I just posted a screen shot above. It has been going on since you first put up the hack. I clicked on the link you provided.

If that helps, I am in Miami
I can't ping it either

peterska2 01-21-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 1164654)
I just posted a screen shot above. It has been going on since you first put up the hack. I clicked on the link you provided.

There must be a problem between you and my site as it works fine for everyone else. There is a very limited version, available at (secret location) None of the links there are active (well they are but you can't use them) and the images are not working, but it gives you an idea.

Lionel 01-21-2007 11:33 PM

same thing. no luck for me. I can't ping it either

peterska2 01-21-2007 11:34 PM

It's a problem with your isp and my hosting provider then. There isn't anything else that I can do about that at the moment. You will need to try someone else who has it installed.

Lionel 01-21-2007 11:36 PM

I know of some ISP in the US blocking entire countries like India, but I would never thought of England blocking the US. Specially that my provider is one of the top in Miami.

Maybe someone else could provide me a link??

ryansmith 01-22-2007 01:36 AM

Does this work with the default styles I already have set, or does it install its own style like vBPortal? I purchased vBPortal but then realized I had to use their default styles and templates, so my theme (TvB Curves) wouldn't work with it.

I'm looking for a way to add navigation modules and such to my site without having to try and edit too many templates and such.


Zowners 01-22-2007 01:41 AM

i installed it but iam getting this
I already played around with the forum id, but still no luck
iam using the 1.0.2

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT t.threadidt.titlet.lastpostt.forumidt.opent.replycountt.postusernamet.postuseridt.lastpostert.datelinet.viewst.visiblet.firstpostidf.title AS forumtitlepost.pagetext AS preview 
        FROM forum f 
        INNER JOIN thread t ON t
.forumid f.forumid
        LEFT OUTER JOIN post 
AS post ON post.postid t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid AND visible 1
        ORDER BY dateline DESC 
        LIMIT 3

MySQL Error  Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number 

Glynn58 01-22-2007 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by LePaul (Post 1164639)
Rather than slam a newbie, you could've either said nothing, or said something that might've helped a bit.

Its ok. Someday you'll need help with something. And I hope you get this sort of snotty response.

sorry you took this the wrong way it was never intended as a snotty remark , i am a newbie and that was the point i was trying to make, before jump in the deep end try out a few of the easier mods and learn a bit about the system thats what i'm doing, i'd love this mod and i'm following its progress but until i'm confident i can install it without destroying my board i'll watch and learn

almac 01-22-2007 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Zowners (Post 1164716)
i installed it but iam getting this
I already played around with the forum id, but still no luck
iam using the 1.0.2

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT t.threadidt.titlet.lastpostt.forumidt.opent.replycountt.postusernamet.postuseridt.lastpostert.datelinet.viewst.visiblet.firstpostidf.title AS forumtitlepost.pagetext AS preview 
        FROM forum f 
        INNER JOIN thread t ON t
.forumid f.forumid
        LEFT OUTER JOIN post 
AS post ON post.postid t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid AND visible 1
        ORDER BY dateline DESC 
        LIMIT 3

MySQL Error  Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number 

I get the same problem.

peterska2 01-22-2007 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Zowners (Post 1164716)
i installed it but iam getting this
I already played around with the forum id, but still no luck
iam using the 1.0.2

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT t.threadidt.titlet.lastpostt.forumidt.opent.replycountt.postusernamet.postuseridt.lastpostert.datelinet.viewst.visiblet.firstpostidf.title AS forumtitlepost.pagetext AS preview 
        FROM forum f 
        INNER JOIN thread t ON t
.forumid f.forumid
        LEFT OUTER JOIN post 
AS post ON post.postid t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid AND visible 1
        ORDER BY dateline DESC 
        LIMIT 3

MySQL Error  Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number 


Originally Posted by almac (Post 1164797)
I get the same problem.


Originally Posted by Kerry-Anne (Post 1163806)
I've put version 1.0.1 back up.

Those who are having problems with 1.0.2 - is your vBonjour in your forum directory or are your forums located in a directory and the vBonjour file in the site root?

Also, everyone who is getting any errors, please confirm if you are using PHP & MySQL 4 or 5 along with full details of all errors being received.

Please see this post and provide the information requested

peterska2 01-22-2007 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by ryansmith (Post 1164715)
Does this work with the default styles I already have set, or does it install its own style like vBPortal? I purchased vBPortal but then realized I had to use their default styles and templates, so my theme (TvB Curves) wouldn't work with it.

I'm looking for a way to add navigation modules and such to my site without having to try and edit too many templates and such.


This works with your normal styles and does not need anything special, apart from maybe a couple of minor tweaks.

almac 01-22-2007 05:12 AM


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.2:

Invalid SQL:
                SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
                FROM forum f
                INNER JOIN thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
                LEFT OUTER JOIN post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 82 AND visible = 1
                ORDER BY dateline DESC
                LIMIT 10;

MySQL Error  : Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number : 1052
Date        : Monday, January 22nd 2007 @ 01:10:59 AM
Referrer    :
IP Address  :
Username    : Jesse
Classname    : vb_database

Running on:
PHP version 4.4.3
MySQL 4.1.21-standard

And its in my root.
MySQL version 4.1.21-standard

peterska2 01-22-2007 05:15 AM

Thank you. When I get home from college later I'll run a test install onto a different setup on one of my test boards and see what is going on.

Zowners 01-22-2007 02:45 PM

I have everything in the forum directory
iam using php 5.1.2 and mysql 5.0.24a-standard-log

Glynn58 01-25-2007 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by almac (Post 1164814)

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.2:

Invalid SQL:
                SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
                FROM forum f
                INNER JOIN thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
                LEFT OUTER JOIN post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 82 AND visible = 1
                ORDER BY dateline DESC
                LIMIT 10;

MySQL Error  : Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number : 1052
Date        : Monday, January 22nd 2007 @ 01:10:59 AM
Referrer    :
IP Address  :
Username    : Jesse
Classname    : vb_database

Running on:
PHP version 4.4.3
MySQL 4.1.21-standard

And its in my root.
MySQL version 4.1.21-standard

I installed today and got the same error.

Looking at portal.php I could see a difference from Getnews 1 & Getnews 2

Get News 2 looks like this
PHP Code:

if (forumid2) {
$getnews2 $db->query_read(
        SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview 
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "forum f 
        INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
        LEFT OUTER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = " $forumid2 " AND visible = 1 

the very last bit is the problem
change it to
PHP Code:


That cured this error for me.

However I now have the left sidebox displaying full page width. Then the news items and then the right side box all full width.
Any ideas?

Glynn58 01-25-2007 09:44 AM

In the news posts the formatting tags are showing in the posts on the portal page.


index.php is still the forum home page at the moment as we don't want it going live until we fix these issues.

Forza 01-25-2007 02:19 PM

I have my forum in a subdomain and I want to use this portal for my main root. But i keep getting the 'Invalid forum path specified' error.

This is the line i used in the index.php:


$forumpath = '/var/www/vhosts/musicinjection.net/subdomains/forum/httpdocs';

any suggestions?

osso12 01-25-2007 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1162965)
Sort off worked lol

As soon as I change the forum ID and have a forum ID in the " Forum ID
Specify the second (optional) forum id where you want your news to come from. " section I get the error again...

Working just now thou so thanks :D :up:

I am having this same exact problem.
Every time I add a forum to the second forum ID I get the SQL error.
If I remove the second forum ID, the problem goes away...
I did the fix on line 62 and 116 that was recommended, but that still did not solve the issue.
Great Mod BTW!

captainslater 01-25-2007 06:59 PM


Invalid SQL:

SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
FROM forum f
INNER JOIN thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
LEFT OUTER JOIN post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 5 AND visible = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL-Fehler : Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Fehler-Nr. : 1052
OS: Linux
PHP: 5.0.4
MySQL 4.1.4

Installed in forum root

Glynn58 01-25-2007 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by captainslater (Post 1167207)

Invalid SQL:

SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
FROM forum f
INNER JOIN thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
LEFT OUTER JOIN post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 5 AND visible = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL-Fehler : Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Fehler-Nr. : 1052
OS: Linux
PHP: 5.0.4
MySQL 4.1.4

Installed in forum root

Change the bit in red to t.visible = 1 in portal.php

Worked for us

goodguy 01-27-2007 11:21 AM

Fist time trying to install anything like this so I might just be missing something out, I'm gretting this error.


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
FROM forum f
INNER JOIN thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
LEFT OUTER JOIN post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 0 AND visible = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL Error : Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number : 1052
Can anyone help me? T.I.A.

peterska2 01-27-2007 12:41 PM

I'm releasing an update later today which will address the database error (and maybe a couple of other minor things if I get time to code them in).

goodguy 01-27-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kerry-Anne (Post 1168304)
I'm releasing an update later today which will address the database error (and maybe a couple of other minor things if I get time to code them in).

Thanks, I thought I had broke it. :eek:

peterska2 01-27-2007 03:52 PM


vBonjour version 1.0.3 has been released which fixes the bugs in 1.0.2 which were causing database errors.

captainslater 01-27-2007 04:50 PM

Still getting the error message from above. Strange?

edit: works now, mistake in path

May someone delete this message.

goodguy 01-27-2007 11:10 PM

The new file solved the database problems but now the portal homepage looks weird, probably me being dumb but any advice gratefully received.
Here is the portal Link

Wayne Luke 01-27-2007 11:16 PM

Did you customize the PORTAL template in any way? Try reverting it.

I'm using this system on a site without problems.


goodguy 01-27-2007 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke (Post 1168624)
Did you customize the PORTAL template in any way? Try reverting it.

I'm using this system on a site without problems.


The only ones I edited were the right and left columns kinda like this?

<if condition="$vboptions[portal_left_column]">
<td width="160" valign="top">
<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>

mxdan 01-27-2007 11:45 PM

For some reason I get:


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
FROM exeforum f
INNER JOIN exethread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
LEFT OUTER JOIN exepost AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 0 AND visible = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC

Referrer :
(The reason it doesn't say index.php were it says portal is because I renamed it to figure out the problem and bring back the boards.)

mxdan 01-28-2007 12:42 AM

Sorry, please disregard that post, I got your new version =D.

peterska2 01-28-2007 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by goodguy (Post 1168627)
The only ones I edited were the right and left columns kinda like this?

<if condition="$vboptions[portal_left_column]">
<td width="160" valign="top">
<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>

Your edits to your columns are in the wrong place.

It needs to be


<if condition="$vboptions[portal_left_column]">
<td width="160" valign="top">
<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>

Check your right column template too, as its probably the same thing.

goodguy 01-28-2007 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Kerry-Anne (Post 1168835)
Your edits to your columns are in the wrong place.

It needs to be


<if condition="$vboptions[portal_left_column]">
<td width="160" valign="top">
<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>

Check your right column template too, as its probably the same thing.

Magic, thanks a million, it looks great now.
Is it possible to display arcade scores in a custom block, can I find instructions somewhere?

Thanks for your help. :)

osso12 01-28-2007 03:06 PM

Before I mess my site up all over again, if we are upgrading from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
what are the only changes need to be made?
I am assuming just reload the new product file, or do we need to upload all the php files as well?

captainslater 01-28-2007 06:32 PM

You need to update the php-file also.

Because there was the one mistake ;)

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