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-   -   vB Media Player based on AnyMedia 3.5.x by Crist Chsu (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=133204)

Paul M 12-08-2006 10:33 AM

You seem to have a good understanding of English so I'm sure it's quite clear that the whole sentance refers to the script on your domain that is serving up vbulletin.org, nothing more, nothing less. You cannot just take a small section of a sentance and try to apply it out of context.


I understand that you do not provide permission to serve this thread via a seperate domain and I am most willing to obey this rule.
I'm pleased to hear it. If you disable the script then there is nothing more to be said, however, atm it is still active.

hotwheels 12-08-2006 12:46 PM

Hey jan, it still isn't working right, i can't save any of the option's in the admincp and the media player icon, isn't appearing on the reply sections.....

da420 12-08-2006 02:00 PM

Very happy to see this still worked on. :)
I will install it tonight, and report what problems I may encounter.
Thanks for your hard work!

Adult SEO 12-08-2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1134440)
You seem to have a good understanding of English so I'm sure it's quite clear that the whole sentance refers to the script on your domain that is serving up vbulletin.org, nothing more, nothing less. You cannot just take a small section of a sentance and try to apply it out of context.

I'm pleased to hear it. If you disable the script then there is nothing more to be said, however, atm it is still active.


I will change the site later today.

Best Regards,
Jan Jaap

Adult SEO 12-08-2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1134503)
Hey jan, it still isn't working right, i can't save any of the option's in the admincp and the media player icon, isn't appearing on the reply sections.....


Could you please redownload the new product again and make sure to first uninstall the old product?

Best Regards,
Jan Jaap

hotwheels 12-08-2006 02:48 PM

Thanks for the quick reply jan........After 15 minutes had gone by, i went and tried it again and found that i could set all of the setting's inside the admincp.

I still am not showing the little film icon....but when i type [media][/media] in a post, i am able to upload video's.

So far through my testing, here are the results:

Google: working
youtube: working
vsocial: Error: Failed to parse file URL.
ifilm: Error: Failed to parse file URL.
metacafe: working
dailymotion: working
currenttv: Error: Failed to parse file URL.
vimeo: working
sharkle: working
freevideoblog: working
myvideo.de: working

Here is the link to where i am currently testing your new mod (which is awesome by the way) insanemustangs test video. If you need to log in and view the video or test a video, username: tester password: testing

Then, if you get a chance, but no rush.....It would be kewl to have www.streetfire.net and www.break.com

Lookin forward to the final product..........thanks, hotwheels

hotwheels 12-08-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by da420 (Post 1134538)
Very happy to see this still worked on. :)
I will install it tonight, and report what problems I may encounter.
Thanks for your hard work!

You are gonna be happy with this one, about 90% functioning right now....... :D

da420 12-08-2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1134572)
Then, if you get a chance, but no rush.....It would be kewl to have www.streetfire.net and www.break.com

Lookin forward to the final product..........thanks, hotwheels

That would be awesome to have those as well, especially break. I too am looking forward to the final product. :)


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1134574)
You are gonna be happy with this one, about 90% functioning right now....... :D

Thanks. This is good news, and can't wait to install it tonight, and test it out. :D

Thanks again Adult SEO,


nhoodjr 12-08-2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1134503)
Hey jan, it still isn't working right, i can't save any of the option's in the admincp and the media player icon, isn't appearing on the reply sections.....

Yep, same prob here too. I can add the tags manually and youtube at least works, but no Icon shows up on the editor or the quick editor.

and its not saving my options in admin CP.

hotwheels 12-08-2006 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by nhoodjr (Post 1134663)
and its not saving my options in admin CP.

wait about 15 minutes and go back and retry saving the options.........that's when i found that it accepted the save......

as far as the icon, it's still missing on mine too........just waiting to see if jan post's up the fix today..........woot :laugh:

nhoodjr 12-08-2006 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1134664)
wait about 15 minutes and go back and retry saving the options.........that's when i found that it accepted the save......

as far as the icon, it's still missing on mine too........just waiting to see if jan post's up the fix today..........woot :laugh:

I went into the template code to see if maybe it was calling for the icon as a different name. Its calling Media.gif, the old {M} icon from the earlier versions. I changed the name on the server of the new icon vbmediaplayer.gif to media.gif to see if that would work. It didnt, and the icon on the actual media player was then messed up. So I changed it back. I dont know what to do.

hotwheels 12-08-2006 05:08 PM

Just be patient friend........Jan will get that lined out....

hotwheels 12-08-2006 07:49 PM


K, i figured out how to get the little icon to work correctly in my forums: I know it's crude, but it does work.

Go to your admincp, Styles & Templates, then style manager and open your style......

locate Editor Templates and open it, then open editor_templates_toolbars_on

<if condition="$show['php_bbcode']">
<td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/php.gif" width="21" height="20" alt="$vbphrase[wrap_php_tags]" /></div></td>

and below it add (right after the </if> statement):

<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt=""/></td>

<td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_media"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/vbmediaplayer.gif" width="23" height="20" alt="$vbphrase[wrap_media_tags]"/></div></td>

Then save that template.

now go to Show thread Templates and open it, locate Showthread_quickreply aand open it.


td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
<td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_quote"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/quote.gif" width="21" height="20" alt="$vbphrase[wrap_quote_tags]" /></div></td>

and below it add:

<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt=""/></td>

<td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_media"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/vbmediaplayer.gif" width="23" height="20" alt="$vbphrase[wrap_media_tags]"/></div></td>

and click save..........that should do it......tiz working for my site perfectly.

hotwheels 12-08-2006 08:13 PM

hey, and thanks again for all your hard work adult seo (jan), this is such an awesome mod..........

da420 12-09-2006 05:09 AM

Whenever I save my settings in ACP it unchecks a bunch of the video sites. I didnt uncheck them the only change I made was making it so it didn't autoplay. I can't change them back. I have to uninstall, and reinstall to get those settings back.

da420 12-09-2006 07:39 AM

I got the same results as hotwheels, but I tried some of the nextensions and none of the ones I tried seemed to work.

You can check it out here.


hotwheels 12-09-2006 01:05 PM

I too have the same results da420.........i did manage to get a wmv to play.......but our work server isn't really good for testing from for me, they have almost all the player connections disconnected here...

da420 12-10-2006 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1135125)
I too have the same results da420.........i did manage to get a wmv to play.......but our work server isn't really good for testing from for me, they have almost all the player connections disconnected here...

I wasn't even able to get wmv to play, I also tried .mov and a few others, and unable to get that to play as well.

hotwheels 12-10-2006 10:48 AM

Shoot, i will have to look at it tonite when i get home and see.......

Adam21 12-10-2006 11:06 AM

Works like a breeze for me.Good hack!

fxs158 12-10-2006 12:39 PM

working fine for video, however I do not want it to auto start and have it selected not to auto start and it still auto starts the videos from google. It seems to work on videos from utube but not from google.. Any way to fix this?

hotwheels 12-10-2006 08:51 PM

Hopefully adult SEO will have time to support the mod, and get alot of the little issue's out of the way........

Stavs16 12-10-2006 10:59 PM

after installing what do i enter the the bb code fields

hotwheels 12-10-2006 11:27 PM

go to google and open up a video, then copy the addy of the video.....

Go back to your site and start a new post......name it what ever ya want, then in the thread post box, type in [media][/media] and put your google addy that you copied and pasted between the tags...... will be something like

Brandon Sheley 12-11-2006 12:52 AM

I wasn't able to get this to work on a client site.. all it did was provide 2 links to other sites ?

AWJunkies 12-11-2006 05:09 AM

This is a MOD I would love to have. I have support is to follow. Great MOD and great work Keep it up!

ElForro 12-11-2006 09:05 AM

When i check the "supported video sites" in the AdminCP and save the settings, they still appears as unchecked. Is this right?

Then, I try a video on YouTube and I get "Error: unsupported media type."

And i don't see the "media" button in my editor while posting a reply...

I had "any media" installed before... i've uninstalled that product and installed this one... I've done something wrong?

PS: The installation notes are from any media 3.0.4... :S I'm a little confused...

ZiG 12-11-2006 09:39 AM

this still doesn't seem to be compatible with zoints seo

getting a blank screen when enabling this hack and attempting to view any threads. blank white screen.

this also messes up the login area at the top of my header. it seems like it is not detecting that the user is logged in, and displays the login area so that the user may log in, even when he/she already has.

testebr 12-11-2006 11:17 AM

Nice job Adult SEO! I love it, now I want request an other update.

Can you add the latest version of the flvplayer by www.jeroenwijering.com ?

The actual packpage use a very old version of flvplayer.

yoyoyoyo 12-11-2006 11:29 AM

after messing with this for many days I give up - the hack is broken, and doesn't work as advertised, and shouldn't be in the "release" forum. The AnyMedia hack works great, this one does not.

hotwheels 12-11-2006 12:39 PM


shouldn't be in the "release" forum.
I have to agree too, should be in the beta release area........at this point anyways......I too have been messing around with a bit of the code and am just stumped at why some of it won't work.

adult SEO does state though

Hereby the first Beta release of vBulletin Media Player for vBulletin 3.6.x.

KURTZ 12-11-2006 01:44 PM


robert_2004 12-11-2006 02:24 PM

i'm getting an error

Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in forum/includes/adminfunctions_options.php on line 206

i can viewthe options page, but i can't save the form.
anyone know what i can do?

hotwheels 12-11-2006 05:47 PM

robert, go back and reupload the mod........follow everything step by step.....it should work, as far as the mod itself, but here are alot of part's that just don't work though, but the admin should work......

deta 12-12-2006 05:30 AM

I have installed this vBa.

And there the topical version does extreme problems, then the Loginbox Is indicated although one is logged in.
In addition, it is not indicated in the editor *.gif, so that one can insert media.
Media links are not moved.

cu Deta

hotwheels 12-12-2006 11:44 AM

If you want to put the media gif in your editor, just follow these instructions. But remember this mod is incomplete at this time, and alot of the programs aren't working.

testebr 12-12-2006 08:57 PM

Can you add support to this Brazilian website www.videolog.com.br ?


Adrian Schneider 12-12-2006 09:02 PM

Can you add a hook right after this:
PHP Code:

$alowed 0;
$_fid $GLOBALS["foruminfo"]["forumid"];
if (
$_fid>0) {
    if (
$vbulletin->forumcache[$_fid]["alowmedia"]==1) {
$alowed 1;
    } else {
$alowed 0;

If you can... thanks a lot. Otherwise, other scripts that use the bbcode parser are unable to use this because of the $alowed variable being set to 0.

AWJunkies 12-13-2006 04:48 AM

Great MOD I can't wait till it is complete!

nhoodjr 12-13-2006 11:34 AM

Here is a pretty dumb question, but like momma always said, the question that isnt asked is the dumb one.

With embedded media such as youtube vids on my site, when watching the vids, is it adding to the bandwidth useage on my site, or is it comming from the origonal site? I just dont want a bunch of folks posting vids and it eat up my alloted monthly bandwidth in 3 days.

Thanks in advance.

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