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bada_bing 01-03-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1149921)
RS_Jelle: Thanks for the information, will look into this, and keep that up ;)

dilbert: Yeah yet another problem I'm having with the crosslinking feature. I will look into this issue at a later time.

Allan: Thanks for the french translation. Just so those looking for a german translation there one has been completed by captainslater at the following link: http://www.vbhacks-germany.org/showthread.php?t=6884

bada_bing: Yeah figures that I want to release something I get problems with the custom fields feature I'm working on, one of the reasons the update has not been released. As well hard as hell to find a free min to work on it during this time of year with visiting family and what not lol. Anyway I have started back into this yesterday but I'm not going to give a release date since the way things have been working out this past few weeks.

Thanks for the update and respect your honest and detailed explination...

Ricsca 01-04-2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by soletrader (Post 1126570)
Thank you! I noticed a small bug. In the search box, the default text shows this phrase all the time: /(\$style\[css\])/

Is there a fix for this?

Also how do other members submit a term?

Also to it appears me /(\$style\[css\])/


Help! :)

Ricsca 01-04-2007 12:34 AM

Is possible have the number of terms by the side to the like of the category?

Ricsca 01-04-2007 08:00 AM

In my glossary they are 3 terms,


In the post not always it appears the Crosslinking....


Very Thanks! ;)

SS9267547 01-05-2007 04:49 AM

bada_bing: Thank you for your understanding. On a good note, I finally got the custom fields feature working on the client side of things (adding, editing, etc), all that needs to be done with this is some final quick tests and to have it load up with the terms on the client side. Once that is complete I plan on getting the next release out so I can get some quick fixes out to people. If I get enough free time, you guys might see something as soon as late next week, who knows maybe even for the weekend, yeah right lol. ;)

Ricsca: The '\$style\[css\]' has been fixed (hope anyways), you will need to wait for the update, sorry. With the total number of terms, yes it can be done but additional code is needed, I'll look into it if other people are interested. As for the crosslinking, all I can say it works and it dosn't. Its a buggy system and I would turn it off if your having issues until a better solution is found to fix the problems.

To All: As a note to everyone for the next release, there will be no fixes to the crossslinking feature as I have been focusing on the custom fields feature. Once the next release is out I will look into all bugs that have been reported (none crosslinking related), do fixes and do another release. After that release I will look into the crosslinking feature and do additional development on this, however limited it might be since it needs to be reworked.

StarBuG 01-05-2007 08:41 AM

Did you try Andreas crosslinking fix I sent you?

If you did and it did not work, contact me and I will talk to Andreas again.

Best regards


Ricsca 01-05-2007 09:54 AM

SS9267547 : Very Thanks ;)

SS9267547 01-05-2007 11:19 AM

StarBuG: Took a look at the code and it didn't work, seemed to give a white page as a result. Going to have to think this over, again. :/

Ricsca: Your welcome.

SS9267547 01-06-2007 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by RS_Jelle (Post 1144559)
A normal bug: if there's an inactive term in your search results, the delete phrase isn't working in the dropdown menu of it.

Just to conferm you doing this on the user side? Also in the 'cpnav_vbglossary.xml' the code to be replaced, the other links don't require to be changed and if not why is that? Why just the options link? Thank you for posting all erorrs you have come across, have updated most of them for nexxt release. I smell an update coming soon lol!

Ricsca 01-06-2007 10:53 AM

It has been good if in the home pays some glossary, writer is us the number of the present limits:)

RS_Jelle 01-06-2007 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1151761)
Just to conferm you doing this on the user side? Also in the 'cpnav_vbglossary.xml' the code to be replaced, the other links don't require to be changed and if not why is that? Why just the options link? Thank you for posting all erorrs you have come across, have updated most of them for nexxt release. I smell an update coming soon lol!

Yes, the missing delete text is on the user side of the system :)

Only the options thing need to be replaced because of the &, otherwise it gets lost after you installed it (and the CP navigation contains an ampersand W3C error).

SS9267547 01-06-2007 11:07 PM

RS_Jelle: So would it be good practice if I did it for all then for menu?

Ricsca: I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.

SS9267547 01-08-2007 04:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well it might not be Christmas anymore from the original release date that was planned but it’s that time again, better late then never eh? While there is quite a bit of fixes and a few little new features in this release (listed below), the main focus on this release is the new custom field feature. I hope you all enjoy this update and I look forward to your comments as well reports of any issue that may come up in this release. Please do note that the crosslinking feature was not worked on in this release and is planned for the next update.

Change Log For Version 1.2.1
  • 46 new phrases.
  • 2 new templates.
  • 3 new files.
  • 1 new query.
  • Fixed minor issues in code, pharses, etc.
  • Fixed search box error showing '/(\$style\[css\])/'. Seemed to be conflicts with other mods installed.
  • Added hook system.
  • Fixed admin option missing phrases.
  • Fixed missing 'print_cp_footer()' from admincp and modcp pages.
  • Changed mouse cursor when over link with crosslinking.
  • Fixed W3C reported errors.
  • Added new options to trim title and description of glossary terms on main listing.
  • Added custom field manager for admin side with the ability to create checkbox options, single menu options, radio options, single line options and multi line options to all glossary terms. Also integrated onto user side to be able to use this new feature.
  • Prevent users from creating duplicate terms.
Here's a few screenshots of what you'll see this release:

dilbert 01-08-2007 10:38 PM

Thanks, it seemed to update well.
When I go to List Glossary Categories, it says this: Glossary category manager allows you to edit the categories that glossary terms are listed under. At this time there are a total of %1$s glossary categories for you to choose from.
Did I goof on the upgrade?

SS9267547 01-08-2007 11:24 PM

No I think its just the phrase used has something miss spelled. I forgot to fix this little issue before, thanks for reminding me to fix this lol.

Warlord 01-09-2007 01:04 PM

Glossary Modification....

My glossary definitions are quite large and they look a bit messy this way, so I figured this could solve my problem as well as others who have encountered this problem.

I'm running vBulletin 3.6.1 with GlosPro Version 1.1.3 and I'd like to see a mod that does either one of these two things.

Preferred: A listings page within each category of all glossary terms that category currently holds WITHOUT the definitions, which link to the glossary term and definition.


Alternative: Collapsible Glossary Terms.

SS9267547 01-09-2007 01:22 PM

Well for the main page listing in the latest version (1.2.1) there is a new option added to trim the amount of text that is showed. So you can set it to tirm the definition after say 250 characters. If you do upgrade to the latest version just remember to backup your database just in case there are problems however I don't think there should. Also you could just edit the template so it doesn't show the definitions until clicked.

As a side note to everyone else the rework of the crosslinking feature has started. The first part that will be worked on is the new popup which is off to a great start. After the popup is complete I havn't decided yet but I think I will do a small release with that addition. We will see how much I can get done by next monday when I want to release the next update.

Warlord 01-09-2007 01:38 PM

Ok, just upgraded to 1.2.1, and I tried to see if the Trimmimng Description thing would work for what I wanted, but it doesn't seem to. I guess that's because it's only for descriptions in the main category? (I have two subcategories that all definitions fall under.)

Warlord 01-09-2007 01:41 PM

Nevermind, It does work for subcategories. Thanks for the excellent hack! :)

SS9267547 01-10-2007 12:09 AM

Your welcome Warlord. :)

murekhalir 01-10-2007 03:45 AM

How do you edit the glossary?

Like the given installation provides 'basic terms' with a set of descriptions.

Where do you go on adding more or modifying that? Just having trouble with that fact, otherwise everything looks good.


OmniBuzz 01-10-2007 04:37 AM

is it possible to restrict access to certain glossaries to a specific group of users ?
thinking about using it as a login/password vault.

RS_Jelle 01-10-2007 09:49 AM

You didn't update the version number in the release thread yet, it still says 1.2.0 :)

Thanks for the nice release.

SS9267547 01-10-2007 10:21 AM

murekhalir: There are two ways you can edit or add new terms. The 1st way is via admincp. Just go to the tab that says 'Mindestic GlosPro'. Under there you can create and edit terms. On the user side under each term there is a 'Gloassary Tool' drop down list where you can add/edit/delete terms. Just remember that on the user side the permissions have to be set in order for it to show and work correctly. Also at this time there are no terms basic terms add. There is just a category to get you started.

OmniBuzz: At this time there is not. Perhaps an idea for future releases.

RS_Jelle. Bah, always forgeting to do something lol. Thanks. ;)

jluerken 01-10-2007 10:43 AM

With a few modifications and phrase changes your system can easily be used to replaced the form hack.

I think about modifying it to use it as APPLICATION HACK where members can apply to become moderator etc.

Can you please tell me more about

Current vB Development Project:
Mindestic GlosPro - 3.6 Edition
Future vB Development Project:
Mindestic ReviewPro - 3.6 / Gaming Edition (Spring - Summer 2007)
Mindestic CollectorPro - 3.6 / Gaming Edition (TBA)

SS9267547 01-10-2007 11:27 AM

What do you mean 'used to replaced the form hack'? Also isn't there already a moderator application hack out there? Thought I saw one if there isn't its an idea for another project if there is interest lol.

With Mindestic ReviewPro its a mod where you would be able to add gaming reviews with a rating system, comments or perhaps user reviews, etc. With Mindestic CollectorPro it will be a system where users can have there own collections, in the case related to games. They will be able to have a wish list as well be able to trade with other users kinda like a ebay system with user feedback and whatnot. I think those two will be cool systems but I havn't decided on if I will release free versions, keep it to myself or sell it lol, we'll see.

StarBuG 01-10-2007 02:30 PM

Are you working on the crosslinking feature now?

Cause I think that is the most important part of this hack for me and many others

Can't wait to have it showing the glossary terms directly ;)

SS9267547 01-10-2007 10:03 PM

Oh you people and the crosslinking lol. ;) Anyway, yes I have started work on the crosslinking feature. The first part I'm working on is a new popup system that will show the description now with term otpions, etc. Will most likly release an update with just that addition then work on the other bugs with the feature.

RS_Jelle 01-12-2007 02:47 PM

There are a lot new W3C errors created by the new release :D

For example <input ... /> became again <input ...> and <img ... /> became again <img ...> in the templates. Maybe you are using Dreamweaver in HTML mode instead of XHTML mode, so he changes those things?
And some &amp; things became & again (html entities W3C error).

SS9267547 01-12-2007 08:52 PM

Hah great! :rolleyes: Yes I'm using Dreamweaver so I'll have to look into that so I quit making these new errors hah.

Ricsca 01-13-2007 10:45 PM

And 'possible to put in the home pays some glossary the number of the present limits?

SS9267547 01-14-2007 01:31 AM

Could you explain in more detail as to what you would like to see?

Ricsca 01-14-2007 12:30 PM


SS9267547 01-14-2007 12:56 PM

Okay so just a counter of terms, I could look into that.

Antivirus 01-14-2007 01:24 PM

wow, nice work!

SS9267547 01-14-2007 05:28 PM

Thanks Antivirus. Work in progress lol. ;)

SS9267547 01-14-2007 05:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is just a little release. The main focus of this release is to test the new code for the new crosslink popup. Please do note that there is one bug that I have noticed with the new popup is that it goes outside the visible area. Not sure how to fix this yet and I don't know if this new popup will stay or if I'll change it again. Let me know how it works.

Change Log For Version 1.2.2
  • 4 new phrases.
  • 1 new templates.
  • 1 new files.
  • Fixed minor issues in code, pharses, etc on admin side.
  • Added new crosslink popup window.
  • Added term counter for each category on main listing.
  • Added new options to trim description of glossary terms on crosslink popup.
Here's a few screenshots of what you'll see this release:

StarBuG 01-14-2007 06:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

I have tested your 1.2.2 and my crosslinking has no background and the bug you discribed is also present (Firefox
This update makes the crosslinking not usable for me.
I have used a forced refresh so that my browser uses the newest version of the javascript so that is not the problem.

I will revert to 1.2.1

I have attached you a screenshot.

Would it be possible to have a switch "activate crosslinking for guests" ?

Thank you


ps: If you need additional information please let me know

SS9267547 01-14-2007 08:37 PM

Did you add the new css code? It will load a blank background if there is no css to load which looks like the case here. Check and let me know.

arcadyan 01-14-2007 08:49 PM


can the guest view the crosslinking? don't work on my forum...

and thanks for this hack

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