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Parker Clack 03-12-2007 06:09 PM

What code would you put in to close the alert box only. I know how to close the alert box but the self.close() will close out the tab or browser. I want to be able to close out the alert box and have the page that it pops up on remain.


briansol 03-12-2007 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Parker Clack (Post 1199789)

Great job. Do you think that instead of a post up that you could write that private message is sent?


that would require some actual coding :D Again, this is just a simple mod, and no where near that advanced.


Originally Posted by Parker Clack (Post 1201810)
What code would you put in to close the alert box only. I know how to close the alert box but the self.close() will close out the tab or browser. I want to be able to close out the alert box and have the page that it pops up on remain.


its not a window... its just an absolute positioned div that is css styled to either show or hide depending on the condition.

to close it, you'd have to call a js function that sets the style back to hidden, and cookie the user, and figure out a good time to expire said cookie...
problematic at best.

Parker Clack 03-13-2007 09:32 PM


Thanks. I figured out a different way.


bestmilan 03-20-2007 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by ScubaAddict (Post 1139174)
Great mod! I just switched from a different mod to this one, and I got a couple of questions/enhancements?:

1. a quick edit to a post will allow the restricted post. For example, I make a post, come back and edit it and put in the link (spam part) using the quick reply - it is allowed.
2. quick reply doesn't show the user the 'moderation' message - so it just looks like their post doesn't show up.

Is there any way to get the 'this post has been flagged...' message to stick around for a long time, like 10 seconds? But still leave the regular redirect at the same time (2 or 3 seconds)?

See the link below...



Free legal advice 24 hours!

Ophelia 03-22-2007 07:33 PM

Here is a list of words.. (I added some I found in this thread already)

ipod buy [url free sex pharmaceutical ringtones cne adipex adult advertisement advertising advicer allergies ambien asthma baccarrat bachelor bllogspot booker botox carisoprodol casino casinos chatroom cialis cwas cyclen cyclobenzaprine dating day-trading escorts fioricet heartburn homeworkers housewife housewives incest insurance investment investor ionamin levitra macinstruct matchmaker matchmaking medications meds meridia morgage mortgage paxil pharmacy phendimetrazine phentamine phentermine pheramones pherimones platinum-celebs poker-chip poze prescription psychic scratch-off signup soma taboo tarot teen teenage teens tenuate tramadol trim-spa triple-x tripple x tripplex ultram viagara viagra vioxx worry-free xanax xenical x-rated xxx zolus Bullet-Proof Cialis Ciallis Credit/Debit_card_update OEM_Software Pharmacy Popular_soft_-_very_low_price Rolex Softtabs SouthTrust Valid_Marketing Viaagra Viagra Viccodin Xannax antidotes l8OO_0rder_N0W pharmaceutical_ vaigra

djbaxter 03-23-2007 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ophelia (Post 1209838)
Here is a list of words.. (I added some I found in this thread already)

ipod buy [url free sex pharmaceutical ringtones cne adipex adult advertisement advertising advicer allergies ambien asthma baccarrat bachelor bllogspot booker botox carisoprodol casino casinos chatroom cialis cwas cyclen cyclobenzaprine dating day-trading escorts fioricet heartburn homeworkers housewife housewives incest insurance investment investor ionamin levitra macinstruct matchmaker matchmaking medications meds meridia morgage mortgage paxil pharmacy phendimetrazine phentamine phentermine pheramones pherimones platinum-celebs poker-chip poze prescription psychic scratch-off signup soma taboo tarot teen teenage teens tenuate tramadol trim-spa triple-x tripple x tripplex ultram viagara viagra vioxx worry-free xanax xenical x-rated xxx zolus Bullet-Proof Cialis Ciallis Credit/Debit_card_update OEM_Software Pharmacy Popular_soft_-_very_low_price Rolex Softtabs SouthTrust Valid_Marketing Viaagra Viagra Viccodin Xannax antidotes l8OO_0rder_N0W pharmaceutical_ vaigra

My email notification for your reply tripped my spam filter... :)

Maybe in future it would be better to add it as a text file attachment.

Ophelia 03-23-2007 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1210016)
My email notification for your reply tripped my spam filter... :)

Maybe in future it would be better to add it as a text file attachment.

Well see, it's a good list then!

adwade 03-26-2007 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian (Post 1212235)
Check out my hack here,

It does essentially the same thing, but uses a different hook so it will only catch new threads/posts that are done through the new post/thread editor rather than RSS feeds too. Also, if the post is set as awaiting moderation, they will get the expected redirection message instead of the error.

Thanxx for the HeadsUp about your MOD here. One problem I'm having is, the expected redirection message is too brief. Many users don't see/recognize it.

So I read a bit of this (#199233) thead, but still didn't see anything to insure a user sees or reads the notice. If the delay is long enough they might, or if they HAD to 'click' (w/no auto-redirect) something I figure it would. But hate to mess around with the (global) redirect timing for all of vBulletin to accompolish this, just for the (lighting quick) Your Msg will be moderated notice.

I, Brian 04-25-2007 04:58 PM

This is a nice plugin and I've been using it on my forums - the only problem is that I now spend have my time approving/disapproving threads/posts.

What would be better is that if a new user tries to make a post contianing links or filter keywords, to be given a warning post that their post cannot be made because they need x posts, while still allowing them time to edit their message (so innocent users don't lose it).

I've seen something like this running on a forum, and could certainly cut down my admin time if I'm not having to slog through a moderation queue.

ValorduX 05-02-2007 02:04 AM

Very nice mod indeed. :) Works great, but I just have a question that's halfway related to this..Some people in my forums pointed out a little glitch. Apparently, if you change the font, it seems to bypass the search. Here's an example:

Say the filtered word was "smile".
A person typing in something like smi{size="2"}le[/size] would be able to avoid moderation. Would it be possible in anyway to look through font changes? For some reason, it seems like this sort of thing isn't possible.

Adrian Schneider 05-02-2007 02:06 AM

Well it could be scanned a second time after removing bbcode...

Tom1234 05-02-2007 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian (Post 1147159)
Edit the plugin that uses the explode function, and change the first parameter to "\n" instead of ' '.

This doesn't seem to work for me. It seems something like this is necessary in order to match on phrases, rather than just a single word.

Are you not trimming any leading or trailing spaces before doing the match?

ResaleBroker 05-04-2007 08:11 PM

This is a fantastic Mod. Thank you for investing the time in this. It is greatly appreciated. :)

[Clicks Installed]

Capper5016 05-21-2007 08:12 PM

having some problems with this mod on 3.6.7.

Worked flawlessly with 3.6.4, but now its flagging anyone who posts contain the flagged words, regardless of post count. I have mine set to 1, main;y because spammers are going to post their crap in their first post.......but this is even putting users into the mod queue who have thousands of posts

mwrn 05-29-2007 04:45 AM


Has anyone ever encountered any problems with this mod and the ban IP from 'User banning options' in VB options ?

Someone on my forum manages to post by bypassing his banned IP but also his posts don't go to moderated state despite his message containing words from the Prevent spam word list.
I've started a thread on vb.com [http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1362944 here] they believe it could be due to mods (like they always like to say).

When I copy/paste the body of that spammer post as an anonymous, my post goes to moderated...so how can that spammer still post live ? he posts as anonymous so the setting to apply Prevent Spam to users with fewer then X messages is not to blame.

Any ideas ?

dealxa 06-01-2007 12:12 PM

thanks, this is a good modification.

digitalhome 06-01-2007 01:11 PM

I have just installed and want to thank SirAdrian for this add-on.

Chirag patel 06-03-2007 08:09 PM

Really nice hack. This will save me some time moderating my forum.

Thank you very muh.

momo2 06-28-2007 12:59 AM

this is good if u make it, to more than one url link or more option, that will be the best.
my forum is all about link exchange but this will not work unless there is a option for ho many spams links.... lately new spammers leave like 50 live url links,

blackvborg 07-07-2007 06:38 AM

could you please add a feature to match only the exact word?

eg putting keywords inside "" uses exact match, without is normal/broad match

if in my keyword list now I've ABC DEF a post containing the word 12ABC34 will be put in moderation queue; for some spam keywords I don't want it (I use this mod to prevent adult keywords in my posts too)
So I'de like to specify my keywords in this manner: "ABC" DEF "drh" gerg ergerg

Thank you!

rlpartida 08-10-2007 04:07 PM

Hello Everyone,

Thank you Adrian for this hack! I think it is absolutely a good tool for moderators. However, Im having a bug...

When a user posts a moderated word it goes directly to the moderation queue, I have no problems here..

But when the user post no moderated word, they get this message at the top:


Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter. in /global.php(365) : eval()'d code on line 60

Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter. in /global.php(365) : eval()'d code on line 60

Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter. in /global.php(365) : eval()'d code on line 60

Anyone has experienced this?


Adrian Schneider 08-10-2007 04:10 PM

Make sure you have no double spaces between your keywords.

rlpartida 08-10-2007 04:37 PM

Thank you very much SirAdrian,

You were right, in fact I had three double spaces, so each one of those line correspond to each double space...

Thanks again for this great hack!


Tulsa 08-10-2007 04:59 PM

A member of my site owns a tattoo parlor and I had a link to it on the forumhome page. Little did I know this was a target for spammers. It's one of their key words to search I guess? I was getting bombarded with them logging in and trying to post their crap. It took a while before I realized what was drawing them to my site and once I deleted that link, they went away.

This little jewel of a mod didn't miss blocking one of them. :up: My members never saw or had an inkling we were being targeted like we were.

Mecho 08-10-2007 08:24 PM

thank u , i will install it asap .

clicked install already

Nickbe 08-11-2007 02:45 AM

Thanks really great hack

BellyBelly 09-02-2007 11:15 PM

Thanks for this, looking forward to seeing it in action being a busy board who is sick of spammers getting around lots of anti-spam measures!!!

rrr 09-06-2007 07:47 PM

I have to say that this is one of the top 3 mods installed on my forum as far as usefulness goes.

It has cut down on "spam cleanup" time by about 100%.

Instead of deleting spam threads in our forum, we move them to a "graveyard" type area that only mods/admins can see. This is great for research purposes. You can go back and see common spam themes/keywords that are used by drive by spammers to the forum.

By looking at those old posts and grabbing the common spam keywords that spammers have used in our 2 year existence, we've basically blocked all drive by spam posts. It's nice, because the spammer still gets to post and think that they've flooded the board with lots of posts, but in reality, none of them show up on the forum and you don't have to worry about spam sitting on your forum when you're away from the board.

Thanks SirAdrian, this is definitely a must have mod.

hypertextfever 09-25-2007 09:08 PM

Pff, can't have a vbulletin forum without this mod. They should make it part of standard installation. EXCELLENT!!!!

phovanxua 09-26-2007 11:30 PM

Installed ...

Thanks .

Reolien01 10-18-2007 05:29 PM

This is the first mod I will implement when creating a new vbulletin forum. This is probably the best mod I have ever used, period.

tpearl5 10-25-2007 02:53 AM

Installed this. All spam we get goes to a designated spam forum since the spam is usually specific to electronics:


maxicep 10-25-2007 12:44 PM

thx really it is pretty cool but i want delete these posts at once

i dont want move to moderation queuehow can i to that? Which plugin need edit ?

Remi 10-27-2007 07:59 AM


Can I get this hack to send an email alert containing the spam word instead of sending the post for moderation.


Fungsten 10-29-2007 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Remi (Post 1369584)

Can I get this hack to send an email alert containing the spam word instead of sending the post for moderation.


Or if anything is in the Moderation Queue.

Fungsten 10-29-2007 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by maxicep (Post 1368283)
thx really it is pretty cool but i want delete these posts at once

i dont want move to moderation queuehow can i to that? Which plugin need edit ?

I thought about that too but, it might delete some legitimate posts with links.

dilbert 11-01-2007 04:58 PM

I suspect this will only work for post / threads.

Let's say I had a thread with 5 posts on Monday.
On Tuesday I installed this modification. I add a keyword of snowman.
Then on Wednesday, someone adds a post to the original thread with the word snowman.
Should that post have been put in moderation? It wasn't.
When I tested it with a new thread, it seemed to work.

Thanks, Cliff

djbaxter 11-01-2007 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by dilbert (Post 1373584)
I suspect this will only work for post / threads.

Let's say I had a thread with 5 posts on Monday.
On Tuesday I installed this modification. I add a keyword of snowman.
Then on Wednesday, someone adds a post to the original thread with the word snowman.
Should that post have been put in moderation? It wasn't.
When I tested it with a new thread, it seemed to work.

Thanks, Cliff

No. It works according to the post count of the person posting.

If you set it to 10, any post by a member with 10 or fewer posts that includes the word "snowman" will be sent to moderation. However, members with 11 or more posts can post with that word included and it will not be moderated.

dilbert 11-02-2007 12:13 AM

Ahh, now I see why the test worked. I had it set to 0 hoping that disabled it. I created a test user with 0 posts, and viola, it worked.

I have some sensitive security data that I want to make sure is not posted, I don't care how many posts you have. Can I set it to something like 1000000 to make sure it moderates everyone?


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1373714)
No. It works according to the post count of the person posting.

If you set it to 10, any post by a member with 10 or fewer posts that includes the word "snowman" will be sent to moderation. However, members with 11 or more posts can post with that word included and it will not be moderated.

djbaxter 11-02-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by dilbert (Post 1373868)
I have some sensitive security data that I want to make sure is not posted, I don't care how many posts you have. Can I set it to something like 1000000 to make sure it moderates everyone?

I suppose. Wouldn't it be simpler to use this for anti-spam and just use vBulletin's built in replacement text feature across the board for the "sensitive security" phrases?

Admin CP | Styles & Templates | Replacement Variable Manager I think...

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