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dartho 06-07-2007 12:31 PM

Try this skin on for size - seems to work well on a PDA screen on 3.6.7..

If one or 2 can test it (or double check as teh case may be) I'll add it into the product.

I've added 3 image files which need uploading to yourserver - one of which you should replace with a 120x40 ( you could go up to 240px wide for most contemporary mobile devices and as high as you want really) pixel logo for your site (mobile_logo.jpg)

I welcome any ideas/suggestions, but can;t guarantee I will be able to apply them :up:

tekguru 06-07-2007 04:14 PM

Looking at thetemplate comparator it does show a heck of a lot of differences though in the actual templates...... and warms that functionality may be affected.

dartho 06-07-2007 10:10 PM

functionality is limited on a small screen device, esp with browsers such as pocket IE and the like.

I've tested all the main functions and they all work as they are meant to.

BTW - where is the template comparator.

tekguru 06-08-2007 06:20 PM

Hmm one or my guys is still having problem, but not sure which style he was actually testing at the time.

The compatator I was referring to is the bit at the top part of the control panel where it warns of and shows template discrepancies.

dartho 06-08-2007 09:41 PM

Oh, OK - I know the one.

I've installed the skin fresh on a 3.6.7PL1 test board with no parent - no complaints from vBulletin (the comparator only pops up when there is an issue) and as I mentioned, things all tested OK with a quick test of each of the main functions.

tekguru 06-09-2007 09:54 AM

Right :) I'd missed the modified theme above but have now downloaded and will install. Will change the default mobile theme over and see what reaction I get.

I know the guys are looking for three things which they keep on commenting on:

- Remember Me option
- Use of posting a new thread
- Ease of finding new posts

If it works well and supports those options we should be cooking :)

tekguru 06-09-2007 06:31 PM

Well I've had go go back to VBLite again as the guys are reporting:


I can't log in at all on the Vox as the only login box visible is the central one and I have the same old problem on there that only the icon and title are visible

I can't reply to anything in the mobile portal, and it does display better in PIE than it does Opera...

since the mobile theme change, I cannot post any replies as the quickreply button does not work. I also just saw the handler error on the current mobile theme, but couldn't post on it until I got back to my PC...

Any ideas?

JustJon 06-10-2007 10:55 PM

This mod is great and my users are loving it, but I have two questions, if anyone can help me with altering tmplates.

I'm running a copy of mobile alabama, but there are two things that don't work for us in it.

1) There's no reply to pm link. How can I add that link in?

2) Signatures do not show up when posting. I think it's fine that users can't see the sigs on the posts on the mobile devices, but I want it added to the posts for people who view the posts on the regular board.


dartho 06-11-2007 02:48 AM

@Tekguru: Have added Login, Logout and quick reply on threads but can't test with mobile device till after work so won;t upload till then
@Jon - try the skin I post tonight

gg_luna128 06-11-2007 10:03 AM

This doesn't work with Opera Mini?

dartho 06-11-2007 10:44 AM

The hack works with Opera mini, someone just questioned how well the alabama skin looks under Opera...

BTW, attached is the latest incarnation of the alambama skin I've been messing with. I've tested it using Pocket Internet Explorer under Wiundows Mobile 5 on a PDA connecting to a 3.6.7PL1 site. All looks fine, it needs more refining as far as it's look goes, but is functional. I've got opera around here somewhere and will test with that when I get a chance. Let me know of any issues and I'll try and fix. Otherwise it might be a couple weeks before I do anything else with it...

tekguru 06-12-2007 05:08 AM

Sounds good - grabbing it now - feedback tonight hopefully!

JustJon 06-12-2007 04:33 PM

That works just groovy for my Treo. Thanks.

MotoUp 06-12-2007 07:45 PM

I am using a Blackberry, and the theme loads great. The only problem I'm having is that the pulldown menu with options will pull down, but when I click, or hit enter, it doesn't take me anywhere. Is this just blackberry related? I don't see a go button or anything next to the drop down...any ideas?

MotoUp 06-12-2007 08:15 PM

Nevermind, I figured it out. Had to enable Javascript support in my browser options.

MotoUp 06-12-2007 08:22 PM

Okay, small problem now. I just tried to post. LOL, it says, this forum is not accepting new posts at this time.


tekguru 06-12-2007 09:58 PM

Okay theme loaded today, good comments from teh test team, but......


Ok, this is strange... This morning, I was on my device, and browsing thru the mobile portal! (BTW: Much better theme with 'remember-me!)

Well I tried to post here in this thread, not once, but twice, and both times the post appeared in a totally different thread. Caught me by surprise the first time, and I thought I just tapped a wrong button somewhere! I deleted, and tried again about a half hour later, and same exact thing...
So as you can see there are a few posting issues, other testers have reported the same.

One weird error everyone seems to be getting which ties in to the time I started playing with these thmes is:


Any ideas what may be causing it?

dartho 06-12-2007 11:00 PM

that is odd! And this doesn't happen with the "VB Lite" skin?

I'll have a dig through and see what I can find.

MotoUp 06-13-2007 03:32 AM

First of all dartho, I would like to say, this style rocks! You are doing an amazing job with it, and only today did I realize it was different than the original vbLite style. I was not getting these same errors with vbLite, but there is so much potential here I would love to help get it working.

I did some more testing, and found that the error I was getting about the forum not accepting new posts was when people were posting with the quick reply. If we were to click on the actual "reply" link and submit the post, it worked fine, and if we created a new topic it worked fine.

I hope that helps, and I will be more than happy to help you test it more thoroughly, feel free to PM me and I can give you more contact info.

One other thing we noticed is if we log in to the forum, then go to the drop down menu and say go to new posts ( or any other option), once that page loads we are forced to log in again, from there, the browsing is flawless.

dartho 06-13-2007 04:00 AM

@Motoup, thanks for the extra feedback - those issues should be reasoably easy to fix - the log in and quick reply options were only added in that last version. I'll have a go at that this evening and get a new version to you to test before posting up here again.

@tekguru, that script error is a little odder, I think there may be some issues with a hack or addon you have installed - I'll contact privately to discuss that possibility further

MotoUp 06-13-2007 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1267387)
@Motoup, thanks for the extra feedback - those issues should be reasoably easy to fix - the log in and quick reply options were only added in that last version. I'll have a go at that this evening and get a new version to you to test before posting up here again.

I can't wait! I'll keep an eye out for the update and let you know how it goes.

fly 06-13-2007 02:26 PM

Hmmm, the detection seemed to fail on my Tmobile Dash (its WM6)

edit: I found this: http://blogs.msdn.com/iemobile/archi...IE_Mobile.aspx

I tried adding "IEMobile" to the plugin, but the detection still didn't work. I also had someone test this out on a crackberry, and he was getting a mixture of this theme and the default theme.

MotoUp 06-13-2007 09:18 PM

I know of 3 Crackberry's including mine that see the style just fine...I wonder why you're getting a mix.

gg_luna128 06-14-2007 02:06 AM

A request:

I have a forum open to guests, and to stop Spammers, I use NoSpam! product. Your skin seems that doesn't support that product. Can you tell me where to change the skin to add support for that plugin?

tekguru 06-14-2007 05:36 PM

I think I sorted out the handle error with removing the WAP product I had installed. Two other issues / requests:

- When posting back (I think using quick reply) the guys are finding the posts all being added to one thead, and not the one being replied to.

- Will you be adding things like the forum and post dates to the search results in the mobile forums?

Oh and you may want to note in the last version posted it had the logo graphic with the incorrect extention on it and the archive also included a versino of the older XML file :)

tekguru 06-15-2007 09:35 PM

Still experiencing wirdness here with the theme. Some of us but not all are getting the handle error and posts are always going back to the same thread on fourm, if they actualy are registered.

dartho 06-16-2007 04:04 AM

OK - Yet another version :)

@tekguru - still can;t track down the error messages you are getting. If you are able to consistently reproduce, try disabling so plugins and see if you can track it down?

@gg_luna - there are some instructions in teh No Spam thread - integration.txt - try and follow these to add the no spam questions. Chances are that bots won;t see the mobile skin anyway.

@motoup - this will hopefully resolve all your issues

@flypaper - Mobile6 should get detected as it still uses "Windows CE" in it's useragent string, double check your settings with the hack and the styleid of your mobile skin.

Sorry for the wait, been busy - let me know how it all goes!

There are a few more status icon images and the old statusicons have been reduced in size so you should re-upload these too.

If this version works well, I'll bundle it with this hack

BTW - if you use this skin with vbAdvanced, I suggest you edit the "adv_portal_welcomeblock" template and remove all its contents so you don't have a double log in screen on your front page.

tekguru 06-16-2007 01:32 PM

Okay will install shortly and see how it goes.

- Further investigation shows the handler problem is not just native to this theme but applies to vBlite as well. However it looks like it only occurs with early WM6 versions of Pocket Internet Explorer - newer versions of PIE or Opera Mobile do not suffer the problem.

- With the prior version (and not VbLite) we get problems where posts show as posted via the theme but do not make it into the database, or if they do get through they end up in one specific thread.

So the first may be a vBulletin issue but the second is definitely this theme. Do you think the later may be addressed in the new version?

dartho 06-16-2007 02:15 PM

the quick replies all ending up in the same thread has be fixed...

tekguru 06-16-2007 02:59 PM

Great that is good news indeed.

Will feedback any further issues / reports from the team as I get them.

MotoUp 06-16-2007 04:12 PM

Thanks for the update dartho. Not sure where my post went, so here it is again. The same thing is still happening for me even after updating. When I first go to my site and log in, then choose say New Posts, it says I'm not logged in and must log in to continue. So I log in again from there, then everything works fine. The first time I just over wrote the style, and when that didn't work, I deleted the style then re-uploaded it, and still no go.

MotoUp 06-16-2007 09:53 PM

I also forgot to add that the quick reply is working now. Thanks!

dartho 06-16-2007 10:27 PM

Just to clarify - the first thing you do when viewing your site via mobile device is login. Then you browse around and it thinks you are still logged in (no username/password boxes up top of screen) until you attempt to do something which requires registered user pemissions, at which point it asks you to log in again?

sR Craig 06-17-2007 02:17 AM

Dartho, great template brother! Working perfectly on the Blackberry 8300 (Curve) in all aspects. Tested all menus, ect in Opera Mini and it's all goooood!

www.straferight.com/forums (if you're checking with a mobile device it should come right up)

otherwise see here: http://www.straferight.com/forums/index.php?styleid=9

dartho 06-17-2007 07:58 AM

Thanks Craig - just had a look at your site, nice work!

I suggest you use the skin from this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=147 as it fixed a couple bugs - most notably and issue with quick reply being posted to the same, incorrect thread!

MotoUp 06-17-2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1270013)
Just to clarify - the first thing you do when viewing your site via mobile device is login. Then you browse around and it thinks you are still logged in (no username/password boxes up top of screen) until you attempt to do something which requires registered user pemissions, at which point it asks you to log in again?

Yep, that is correct. I made the change you suggested and PM'd you.

Thanks for the fixes dartho. My users are loving it.

dartho 06-18-2007 10:59 AM

I've released the skin with this mod now as a separate attachment.

MotoUp 06-18-2007 12:54 PM

Did you make any more changes since your last upload this weekend?

dartho 06-18-2007 01:03 PM

Only the one small one to enable remember me which you got via PM

Robru 06-18-2007 02:28 PM

very nice, thanks :)

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