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jklimczak 10-23-2006 11:35 PM

any update on adding more then one server

LJR 10-24-2006 10:45 AM

My server is showing as down on my site :(

I have chmod'd the scast_home.xml to 777 and also set up all the settings in the admin panel:

Server name = set
Server IP = (hosted shoutcast server)
Port: 9418
Server Pasword: same as my server admin password
Server IRC: irc.server.net
Server Cache: scast_home.xml (uploaded to the same folder as the index.php for the forum and set to 777)
Server update: 120

I have installed and run the Shoutcast server and I see output streaming when I go into the winamp Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP configuration OUTPUT tab.

The site is ourspaceonthenet.com/test if anyone has any suggestions? <-- as you can see, my actual server is up and running

Zachariah 10-24-2006 11:05 PM

Send a letter to your webhost and ask why you can not contact your shoutcast server to read an XML feed on port 9418.


Originally Posted by LJR
My server is showing as down on my site :(

I have chmod'd the scast_home.xml to 777 and also set up all the settings in the admin panel:

Server name = set
Server IP = (hosted shoutcast server)
Port: 9418
Server Pasword: same as my server admin password
Server IRC: irc.server.net
Server Cache: scast_home.xml (uploaded to the same folder as the index.php for the forum and set to 777)
Server update: 120

I have installed and run the Shoutcast server and I see output streaming when I go into the winamp Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP configuration OUTPUT tab.

The site is ourspaceonthenet.com/test if anyone has any suggestions? <-- as you can see, my actual server is up and running

Zachariah 10-24-2006 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by jklimczak
any update on adding more then one server

I am reworken the entire hack.
- that will be part of it.

LJR 10-25-2006 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
Send a letter to your webhost and ask why you can not contact your shoutcast server to read an XML feed on port 9418.

LOL That is what I ended up doing. In fact they were great and opened the port for me and now I am casting my shouts all over the shop :D

Top hack!

Some possible enhancements:
  • Enable/Disable option in the admin panel
  • Permissions (only those in listed usergroups can see the radio - of course this doesn't prevent those with the URL from listening to it)
  • A radio scheduler - I'd prefer it separate from the calender as that can get cluttered with events. Just a nice table which shows the scheduled programs. This should be able to be enabled and disabled
  • An option to hide the Radio table in the forumhome template when the server is offline (as it's just taken up real estate)
This hack has a lot of potential.

Zachariah 10-26-2006 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by LJR
LOL That is what I ended up doing. In fact they were great and opened the port for me and now I am casting my shouts all over the shop :D

Top hack!

Some possible enhancements:
  • Enable/Disable option in the admin panel
  • Permissions (only those in listed usergroups can see the radio - of course this doesn't prevent those with the URL from listening to it)
  • A radio scheduler - I'd prefer it separate from the calender as that can get cluttered with events. Just a nice table which shows the scheduled programs. This should be able to be enabled and disabled
  • An option to hide the Radio table in the forumhome template when the server is offline (as it's just taken up real estate)
This hack has a lot of potential.

Good to hear ya got it going, yes those are nice ideas :)

I got to recollect all the ideas and bits of code I have on my hard drive and slam it together :)

ShadowOne 10-26-2006 03:51 AM

Ok..check this out..You all are in USER area..Zach..May i call you Zach? Anyway..He has explained in detail what you need to do..if yo uploaded correctly and CHMOD the file as required then your HACK is fine..if its not connecting then the problem is your shoutcast server. Quick fix for this would be go to shoutcast.com and read all the documentation. I could sit here and explain how it all works but I wont..My advice is dont read into it to hard its basic.

As for my question..I cant get certain things working..Like the DJ's AIM..it shows no list of played songs and I was guessing it was supposed to update to show current song playing every set number of seconds..I have yet to see any of this work.


DustyBin 10-28-2006 01:17 AM

how about a incorporating a Shoutcast Song Request feature with VB. It could show simple stastistics of whos requested what, etc

Zachariah 10-28-2006 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by DustyBin
how about a incorporating a Shoutcast Song Request feature with VB. It could show simple stastistics of whos requested what, etc

Not bad but you would have to have the script auto fill a player or have someone fill in the requests.

coolnikin 10-28-2006 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
Not bad but you would have to have the script auto fill a player or have someone fill in the requests.

Sam Broadcaster

Zachariah 10-28-2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by coolnikin
Sam Broadcaster

I was thinking of integrating that to VB for a year or so. :rolleyes: :sleep:
- Is there a demo download , if so does the web side of it work ?

ShadowOne 10-28-2006 09:04 PM

.I cant get certain things working..Like the DJ's AIM..it shows no list of played songs and I was guessing it was supposed to update to show current song playing every set number of seconds..I have yet to see any of this work.

LJR 10-28-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
I was thinking of integrating that to VB for a year or so. :rolleyes: :sleep:
- Is there a demo download , if so does the web side of it work ?

Hey Zachariah,

Yes there is a 14 day trial which you can download from here

You might also be interested in how it was done for phpBB, a link to which is here

I am using this too :)

radarhunter 10-29-2006 04:07 AM

i tried every single tip given in the zip folder and even what all is written in the thread but still my server is is showing down.

Please guide me on what to do......

LJR 10-29-2006 04:17 AM

The chances are that your hosting company are blocking the port which you need to access your server. Have you tried contacting them and asking them to open the port for outbound and inbound traffic? I had to do this with my hosting company. Tell them you need to establish a socket connection in order to read some XML data.

radarhunter 10-29-2006 04:18 AM

my hosting company is Godaddy.com

do you think they block this port ???

These are my settings on the admincp

Do i need to change sum settings lemme know please

LJR 10-29-2006 11:11 AM

yup, i'd almost guarantee they block it. Ask them to unblock the port (I had to do the same). Good luck with GoDaddy though

radarhunter 10-29-2006 11:24 AM

they are not agreeing with it

insted of that they asked me to buy a virtual dedicated server

what noobies

They said that they cannot do it at all.

So is there any other option that i have

LJR 10-29-2006 02:14 PM

Exactly what I meant with regards GoDaddy. They are complete amateurs. To be honest though, unless you have phenominal upload bandwidth, or an expected listener base of about 6 then you should consider a streaming host solution. I am with streamsolutions.co.uk - they have US and Oz based servers too. I think their plans start from about $2 per month.

However, you will still need GoDaddy to open a port from their server to your shoutcast server

ShadowOne 10-29-2006 08:02 PM

I take it nobody wants to answer my question

Greek76 10-30-2006 05:57 PM

Downloaded install went smoothly. I also download from shoutcast. Now I have no clue what Im doing, how to set this up ect... Any ideas? Thanks.

wi11ie1950 10-31-2006 11:10 AM

I have the same problem Currently our shoutcast server is down.
All files are uploaded and CHMOded correctly. I own the server that shoutcast is on so i have no problems with ports. I am currently using 9981 because a clien of mine uses 8000.. Any ideas how i can get to show it is on ???

LJR 10-31-2006 11:27 AM

Guys. Zach has created a hack which just reads the server status information, streams the song info, provides a link to listen to the stream and allows access the to stats. He really can't be expected to answer all the questions on configuring a shoutcast server. I guarantee if you are not seeing the server online then there is a port issue somewhere (doesn't matter if its on your own server - check your firewall).

Here are some useful links
Winamp SHOUTcast Forums
Radiotoolbox - Ensure you are the IP you think you are and do a port scan - if it fails you haven't configured your settings correctly. It's not the hack.
Portforward.com - Ensure you have set up port forwarding correctly for your router

Hope this helps.

AES 11-03-2006 09:07 PM


how is it possible to bring the modification in 2 times since I have 2 Streams and these gladly would explain! Thanks for the info.!


Zachariah 11-03-2006 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by AES

how is it possible to bring the modification in 2 times since I have 2 Streams and these gladly would explain! Thanks for the info.!


I am reworking this hack. I do not have an ETA on it.
- Multi servers
- and mash light and full options in 1 hack.

COBRAws 11-03-2006 11:37 PM

It would be great to have an Addon that creates new threads as the new tunes are being played.

For example, Song A is the first time being played, and the bot creates a new thread with a poll.

Something like Digitally Imported Radio forums http://forums.di.fm/showthread.php?t=2302

Zachariah 11-03-2006 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by COBRAws
It would be great to have an Addon that creates new threads as the new tunes are being played.

For example, Song A is the first time being played, and the bot creates a new thread with a poll.

Something like Digitally Imported Radio forums http://forums.di.fm/showthread.php?t=2302

Good idea

I think we would have to keep track of the tracks.

Ronak 11-04-2006 12:49 PM

i have a small query :( how do i install shoutcast ? on a webserver

Zachariah 11-05-2006 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Ronak
i have a small query :( how do i install shoutcast ? on a webserver

Make sure you have Unlimited Bandwith on your web package.

The bandwith useage depends on "# of users connected" and the quility of the song in kbps.

uploadspeed / bitrate = max listeners , always leave some for overhead

Example: 256k upload speed / 56k bitrate = max 4 listeners ( 4* 56 = 224kbps ) keep in mind that your provider says he gives you 256kbps upload, the actual speed might be much lower.

192k CD quility
56k stereo
24k mono (like an AM radio, but works for music)
8k voice

You will need SSH access to your server.

- Downloading SHOUTcast!

I have an old "how to install" I need to update

masss 11-05-2006 08:01 PM

any chance you could sort of use this as a live radio as in you talk to them

Zachariah 11-05-2006 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by masss
any chance you could sort of use this as a live radio as in you talk to them

I have done that yes.

"What You Hear" setting for the imput of Soundblaster Live! feed vs. WAV.
Any sound that you can hear can Bcast as a DJ to the shoutcast server.

- Teamspeak, Roger Wilco or IM program that can connet your PC to others w/ a headset. As they talk or you talk it will be the feed that is sent to the shoutcast server.

I have seen people use 2 soundcards for I/O because they did not have a full duplex soundcard.

masss 11-05-2006 10:59 PM

Hmm is there a place where i cand find the program along with the instrouctions?

LJR 11-06-2006 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by masss
any chance you could sort of use this as a live radio as in you talk to them

I do this.

Ronak 11-06-2006 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
Make sure you have Unlimited Bandwith on your web package.

The bandwith useage depends on "# of users connected" and the quility of the song in kbps.

uploadspeed / bitrate = max listeners , always leave some for overhead

Example: 256k upload speed / 56k bitrate = max 4 listeners ( 4* 56 = 224kbps ) keep in mind that your provider says he gives you 256kbps upload, the actual speed might be much lower.

192k CD quility
56k stereo
24k mono (like an AM radio, but works for music)
8k voice

You will need SSH access to your server.

- Downloading SHOUTcast!

I have an old "how to install" I need to update

thank u :) ;)

Scooby Doo 11-06-2006 04:07 PM

Thanks, nice job! :)

Tacama 11-08-2006 06:48 AM

Me & a Whole Forum Thank You for this great hack.... :cool:

Installed of course ;)

Alien 11-11-2006 05:01 PM

How's that lite version update coming along? :)

jluerken 11-12-2006 07:42 PM

Is there a way to add more than 1 server?

Zachariah 11-15-2006 07:27 PM

I have reworked the code a bit
- No working Build yet (soon)

Current location is {Inside What's Going On?}
DEMO - teasers :bunny:

I am moving things around to get ready for other ideas. :glasses:


1) Shoutcast "Lite" and "Full" are one now.

- If you do not have an admin password for your shoutcast server you can get limited information from the server "lite".

Server Name
Choice 4 players (winamp, quicktime, media player, real player)
Current Song
Users Connected
User Max
Online / Offline status

2)Stats and History moved
- There was a need to hit collapsible +/- image to show song history and server stats. This has been moved to a 2 vbmenus as a click dropdown.

3) Show Off Line Status
Set to "No" to remove off line template when the shoutcast server is off line, or there is no DJ source.

4) Select what usergroups can see the add-on.

jluerken 11-15-2006 08:39 PM

Hi Zachariah,

it would be nice to have the chance to show more than one shoutcast stream.

Can you add an option for this too?

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