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c-pr0mpt 05-22-2001 06:11 AM


surfdude 06-04-2001 09:10 PM

Thank you for your code, as i used it on my front page, Surf Newquay to generate (at the moment) last five forum submissions. It was ever so easy to implement, it worked the first time.

As great as it is, I wondered if it is possible (i know it is somehow) to display poll options on the front page of any web site so anyone can cast a vote there and than see the results in the forum page where thay could leave their comments? This would be a great feature for any webmaster. Any thoughts?

sifuhall 06-05-2001 01:42 PM

I have an interesting problem, but only with Netscape.

Take a look at the pic and notice how the text overlaps.

Does not happen with IE.

Here is a link to the test page:

sifuhall 06-06-2001 07:23 AM

I have verified this problem on serveral machines using Netscape 4.7.

Anyone have any ideas?

sifuhall 06-06-2001 07:45 AM

found it.

I removed the <nobr></nobr> tags and the text doesn't overlap.

Ed FvC 06-10-2001 05:26 AM

This works beautifully! Thanks so much for an awesome hack. :D

See it in action --> FordvsChevy.com

Shimms 06-11-2001 02:57 AM

First of all, just like to thank you for the script, its exactly what I was looking for.

Secondly, it seems to be generating some weird characters before the table.

To see what I mean head over to http://www.tae-mod.com its on the right hand side, below the quick contact table.

I have looked through the code, and can't see anything that should be generating these characters.

Any ideas?


Shimms 06-11-2001 02:58 AM

The URL I posted above was incorrect... sorry, this is where it is running:



tubedogg 06-11-2001 05:26 AM

At the second URL you gave I see "Active Topics" under the contact links and I see the include line in the source of the page, but it does not appear to be parsing at all (e.g. it didn't show up on the page).

Try changing
<? include("http://www.tae-mod.com/forum/last10.php"); ?>
<?php include("http://www.tae-mod.com/forum/last10.php"); ?>
and see if that helps.

Shimms 06-11-2001 05:38 AM

Now this really is weird...

Your right it wasn't parsing it, as i didn't have <?php. When i posted this message I did have it like that, but since then we re-did the index page and I obviously screwed that bit up.

Anywy, now thats its back to <?php it should be working, the weird looking characters are gone, but now its not displaying the forum list as it should be.

THis was working a while ago... grr.

Ed FvC 06-11-2001 08:47 AM

Is there a way to remove the first 0 from the time? Right now, it's showing 05:45am and it'd look nicer without the 0. How can I change it?


FindSP.com 06-12-2001 05:00 AM

I have a problem

The page where I want to display the last active threads in on 1 server with a certain domain:


which is ASP based (windows 2000).

The forum itself is:

So how do I do the include?

Please note that the page where I want to include the last active threads is .ASP and is on server findsp.com


Looking forward hearing from you.

Abbas Jaffarali 06-12-2001 05:19 AM

Hey tubedogg,

Is it possible to modify the display of this hack so that it looks like the "Latest Headlines" column on the left hand side of http://www.dw3d.com website?

I believe this site is using UBB with a hack. I really like how the text is wrapped into two or three lines if need be, and every headline is seperated by a, well, seperator



Oystein 06-14-2001 08:05 AM

It seems that the script doesn't work on post made by unregistered users... At least my 3 post when I was not logged in doesn't show, but when I log in and reply to one of them, they are ok....

I'd appreciate if this could be confirmed and mayby changed :-)

Abbas Jaffarali 06-16-2001 06:13 PM

I couldn't get this to work on an NT server.
Anybodu tried this successfully with WinNT?


jarvis 06-16-2001 06:26 PM


I couldn't get this to work on an NT server.
Well, I guess I need to understand your question a little more. Are you saying you can't get this to work at all under NT, because this is just a standard vB (PHP-based) hack, and if you have your board running alright, you should be able to run this no problem.

Now if you are talking about trying to include this hack in a IIS-based page, you will have problems. IIS apparently doesnt handle multilevel translations well.

Your include statement will work, however IIS will not parse the PHP code, because it is looking for standard txt or html files. A microsoft limitation, no doubt.

I, too, was disappointed that I could not get this running on my IIS server, but to see how I worked around it, check out www.mhogaming.com and hold over the forums menu.

Not exactly what I wanted, but an easy way to view the last xx posts.


Abbas Jaffarali 06-16-2001 06:49 PM

Thanks Jarvis, I guess that's why it's messing up. I can load the PHP file directly without any problems as well but I would've loved to use this hack as the news headliner on my homepage and have it linked directly to a particular forum's list of topics.

Mr. tubedogg, would you be kind enough to release a javascript version of this hack or something that would make it run in Windows NT/2000 based server?


eva2000 06-18-2001 11:11 AM

hey kevin instaled your latest release of this hack but have a question similar to this one at http://vbulletin.com/forum/showthrea...threadid=20407

i included the last 10 - 15 active threads on these 2 sites


as well as the online user list in the above thread.

But when you close the forum from admin control panel it will all chuck a fit and come up scrambled.

Is there some extra code i can add to the end of the scripts which can output a simple

"Forum database is down for maintenance, be back soon..."

TigerLily 06-18-2001 04:58 PM

Thanks tubedogg for this great hack! I haven't had any trouble installing it, but I do have a question. How do I include my headers and footers so the page looks like my forum pages? I would love to make it look like it's a seamless part of them.


Update: I worked my way around it by using an shtml page instead, but was wondering if there was a simpler way to include the default forum headers and footers.

Oystein 06-20-2001 10:06 AM

Still no reply to my question...

How can it be changed so posts made by unregistered users also are shown on the overview?

SeanD 06-20-2001 11:22 PM

This is just the hack i was looking for AND more. I read earlier about sombody wanting to get this hack to work on a differnt domain but on the same server, well I just got this puppy to work on an entirly DIFFERNT server than our MySQL db is on!

Our frontpage and our BBS are hosted on two differnt servers so I needed to find a way to do this. After having no prior experience with MySQL/PHP it took me awhile to learn how to give our frontpage server permisson to access the vBulletin db on the BBS server, but after about 30 mins of scanning the docs online I was able to do it and it works like a charm. All I had to do was add a new GRANT command and make a copy of the config.php file and toss it on the frontpage server, edit that to point to our BBS server instead of 'localhost', and that was that.

So again, wonderfull Job tubedogg. I just saw your who's online hack which im about to try out as well, im sure ill get the same success. Thanks again.

heynurse 06-22-2001 06:17 AM

I'm kinda new at this stuff, so take it easy on me ;)

using: Version 2.0.1

Here is the error I am getting when calling via ssi on an html page
SSI call: <!--#include file="last10.php" -->

Fatal error: Failed opening required 'last10config.php' (include_path='/usr/share/php') in /home/httpd/allnurses.com/htmldocs/last10.php on line 12

any ideas? Thanks

tubedogg 06-22-2001 06:35 AM

Did you upload last10config.php to the same directory as last10.php?

eva2000 06-22-2001 06:42 AM

kevin any help/ideas on this post in this thread http://vbulletin.com/forum/showthrea...172#post128172 ?

heynurse 06-22-2001 06:48 AM

Yes, both files are in the same dir.


Originally posted by tubedogg
Did you upload last10config.php to the same directory as last10.php?

tubedogg 06-22-2001 06:56 AM

Eva: Sorry I missed that the first time around. In last10.php add

$boarddown1 = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM setting WHERE varname='bbactive'");
$boarddown = mysql_result($boarddown1,0,0);
if ($boarddown == "0") { echo("Sorry the forums are down for maintenance"); exit; }

Put that right after

mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("Can't select database");
heynurse: um...you aren't by any chance on a Windows server are you?

heynurse 06-22-2001 07:01 AM

No, I am on a linux server. Thanks for your prompt responses ;)


Originally posted by tubedogg
heynurse: um...you aren't by any chance on a Windows server are you? [/B]

tubedogg 06-22-2001 07:26 AM

:( I don't know what to tell you. It should be requiring the file just fine...Well try one thing. Change
to this:
and see if that helps.

xdam 06-22-2001 08:00 AM

i can't set the maximum amount of characters to more than 120, as soon as i take it over i just get a blank page.

heynurse 06-22-2001 08:10 AM


That didnt work either? I called my hosting tech support. They figured it out. They told me they modified the php.ini in the /etc dir and they needed to ad the include path or something like that. Whatever they did they got it working....Yippie!!!

Anyway, this is a great hack! I really appreciate your assistance Kevin! Thanks again!

eva2000 06-22-2001 08:28 AM


Originally posted by tubedogg
Eva: Sorry I missed that the first time around. In last10.php add

$boarddown1 = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM setting WHERE varname='bbactive'");
$boarddown = mysql_result($boarddown1,0,0);
if ($boarddown == "0") { echo("Sorry the forums are down for maintenance"); exit; }

Put that right after

mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("Can't select database");
heynurse: um...you aren't by any chance on a Windows server are you?

thanks kevin that worked, can i borrow you over in this thread too http://vbulletin.com/forum/showthrea...threadid=20407 :) i tried doing the same in that online.php code but it didn't work :(

tubedogg 06-22-2001 09:19 AM

eva, heynurse: glad you both got them working. :)

xdam: There's no reason it should be doing that. Is everything else about it working?

xdam 06-22-2001 09:25 AM

Yea, everything else works perfect, i have edited alot though maybe i screwed the code somewhere? Have you tried to take the max characters over 120 in your script?

* now sorted, the problem was i removed the <nobr> tags *

tubedogg 06-22-2001 09:43 AM

I just tried it out with max chars set to 300 and it worked fine...

xdam 06-22-2001 09:50 AM

ok thanks for testing, another thing you code help me off if your willing to is that i want to display the posts as news, i've kinda converted this script into a news script, take a look at:


I have displayed it as news, now my problem is that whenever someone replies the 'news article' jumps to the top and there replie appears is there anyway i can make it so the script only see's new topics?

excellent script btw, just what the doctor prescribed :)

tubedogg 06-22-2001 09:56 AM

You mean so it only shows threads with no replies? Sure - just change this

$query = "SELECT thread.lastpost,thread.title,thread.lastposter,thread.replycount,thread.views,user.userid,thread.threadid,thread.forumid$fsel,thread.iconid FROM thread,user$ftitle $wheresql ORDER BY thread.$ob $obdir LIMIT $maxthreads";
to this

$query = "SELECT thread.lastpost,thread.title,thread.lastposter,thread.replycount,thread.views,user.userid,thread.threadid,thread.forumid$fsel,thread.iconid FROM thread,user$ftitle $wheresql AND thread.replycount=0 ORDER BY thread.$ob $obdir LIMIT $maxthreads";

xdam 06-22-2001 10:04 AM

<a href="http://digital-forums.com/clan/clan.php" target="_blank">http://digital-forums.com/clan/clan.php</a>

didn't work

xdam 06-22-2001 10:22 AM

it's gone abit weird now a news article was posted and its gone into 7 articles (and this is without your code change)

jdebler 06-24-2001 12:23 AM

First of all, I just want to say thanks to tubedogg for this great hack. I am very new to most of this, but I am starting to learn a lot. Thanks! :D

Now for my error...

I downloaded file last10-102.zip today and started playing with it.

Everything works great, but if I leave the $tw variable blank ("") the font style and size in the resulting table is exactly what I have specified in the $f and $fs variable. If I change the $tw variable to either a pixel number or a percentage, the font in the resulting table is the default font style and size of my browser and doesn't hold the $f and $fs variable information at all. Everything else (colors, etc.) is just fine. This happens when implementing this hack using an PHP-parsed page and server-parsed page.

[EDIT-I just noticed that this only happens when using Netscape 4.77. When viewed in IE it looks fine.]

Any clues? If this is just a strange way that Netscape shows the file, should I just override the $f and $fs variable in the last10.php file? If so, what code do I change? :confused:

I scanned through this entire thread looking for an answer to this problem, but didn't find an answer but it is a pretty big thread so please forgive me if the answer is indeed in here somewhere and I missed it.

Thanks in advance!!


Grover 06-24-2001 02:22 PM


(I won't start by saying: 'thanks for this great hack'..... ;)

Just to let you know that I discovered a little 'issue' in the output of the text in the tables.
The following thing happens:

- If a user uses the character ["] in the subjectline, for example :

Tips van beginnende "gebruikers", (it's Dutch btw) then the output in the last_post hack is:

Tips van beginnende &quo...

Well...a picture says more than......:


I hope that this remark will be helpfull to you, to improve this hack more and more.

(So I will END by saying: 'thanks for this great hack'..... ;)


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