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thepub 02-21-2007 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Insert Username (Post 1186148)
Did you reapply the changes to the functions_editor.php file?

I don't know what that is or how to do it. :o

PinkDaisy 02-21-2007 06:34 PM

My members love this. I have 2-3 members tho that say they can't use the smilies tho, they check them and all that but they don't show up, any reason why? this seems to work ok for me I think, so I'm kinda confused!!!

Insert Username 02-22-2007 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by thepub (Post 1187650)
I don't know what that is or how to do it. :o

Download the hack again. In there, open up the Install_3.6.1.htm (or whichever) file and look at the instructions. Look for the part that requires modifying the functions_editor.php file. You'll have to download it from the includes/ folder. There are 4 different changes that need to be made in that file. The upgrade likely wiped them out from the last time it was done. I'm assuming you didn't install the hack the first time? You'll need to open up the file in a text editor to perform the changes.

Hope that helps a little.

Keyser S?ze 03-03-2007 04:15 AM

works in 3.6.5 however the link for "more smilies" is not showing up

Bounce 03-03-2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Keyser S?ze (Post 1194605)
works in 3.6.5 however the link for "more smilies" is not showing up

you need to have more than 25 , not sure I you can alter this anywhere

Keyser S?ze 03-04-2007 12:21 AM

my site has 137 smilies

Bounce 03-06-2007 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Keyser S?ze (Post 1195169)
my site has 137 smilies

in the favorites smilies page I ment, from your attachment I see you have selected 10,try selecting more than 25 :up:

Caddyman 03-07-2007 12:58 PM

i did the whole install to the tee, i just re-checked it all, now there are no smilies showing up anywhere,

they are in the usercp>favorite smilies

but not shown on go advanced, quick reply dropdown, anything, HELP!!!!

3.6.4 www.talkdelaware.com

Darwinist 03-07-2007 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Caddyman (Post 1197963)
i did the whole install to the tee, i just re-checked it all, now there are no smilies showing up anywhere,

they are in the usercp>favorite smilies

but not shown on go advanced, quick reply dropdown, anything, HELP!!!!

3.6.4 www.talkdelaware.com

Looks to me like the code was copied to your script without the line breaks, so everything was commented out. Try this...

Keyser S?ze 03-08-2007 07:22 AM

looks like thread title needs to be updated, also the install and upgrade are incorrect, if u upgrade from 103 u got to replace the includes/function_editor with the original, and start over

also u can skip usershell edits since nothing changed,

question: how can u get rid of the star in the editor, i dont like it and find it unneeded


Caddyman 03-08-2007 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Darwinist (Post 1198439)
Looks to me like the code was copied to your script without the line breaks, so everything was commented out. Try this...

worked perfect, i was using wordpad, i kinda figured that may be the issue, thats why i attached it

Thanks man!:up:

jw00dy 03-13-2007 03:35 AM

I must be nuts, but does this or is it supposed to add a smile button to the quick reply? I don't think it does... Just wanted to see if anyone could confirm.

tawnygirl 03-13-2007 07:52 AM

I just updated to vB3.6.5, and then updated the Fav Smilies to the current version using the Update instructions and then the 3.1+ instructions.

Everything "looks" fine when we go to reply, but when we click to edit fav smilies:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.5:
HTML Code:

we get this error, which I don't know how to fix...


Invalid SQL:

SELECT smilieid, smilietext, smiliepath, smilie.title,
imagecategory.title AS category
FROM smilie AS smilie
LEFT JOIN imagecategory AS imagecategory USING(imagecategoryid)
WHERE smilie.imagecategoryid NOT IN (Admin, Use)
ORDER BY imagecategory.displayorder, imagecategory.title, smilie.displayorder;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Use)
ORDER BY imagecategory.displayorder, imagecategory.title, smilie.display' at line 5
Error Number : 1064
Date : Tuesday, March 13th 2007 @ 01:43:02 AM

Classname : vb_database
Does anyone know how I would go about fixing this? :o

Tralala 03-13-2007 10:43 AM

Is anyone using this in conjunction with My Smilies VB? Seems like a perfect match, just wanted to make sure they work nicely together before diving in...

Bounce 03-13-2007 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tralala (Post 1202399)
Is anyone using this in conjunction with My Smilies VB? Seems like a perfect match, just wanted to make sure they work nicely together before diving in...

I have both installed with no issues at all (vb3.6.5)..well apart from the ones already known lol :)

Darwinist 03-13-2007 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by tawnygirl (Post 1202316)
I just updated to vB3.6.5, and then updated the Fav Smilies to the current version using the Update instructions and then the 3.1+ instructions.

Everything "looks" fine when we go to reply, but when we click to edit fav smilies:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.5:
HTML Code:

we get this error, which I don't know how to fix...

Does anyone know how I would go about fixing this? :o

In the favorite smilie options, when entering the 'Ignored Categories', you must enter the category ID, not the category title. A quick way to find the category ID is to go to the Smilie Manager in your admin CP and hover over the title name. Take note of the link... it should be something like...

'http://www.mysite.com/forum/admincp/image.php?do=viewimages&table=smilie&imagecategory id=1'

...notice 'imagecategoryid=1'. Enter the IDs you want ingored into the options.

tawnygirl 03-14-2007 10:55 AM

:up: Thank you SO much, that's exactly what it was! You have no idea how much I appreciate your help!

Tralala 03-15-2007 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1202811)
I have both installed with no issues at all (vb3.6.5)..well apart from the ones already known lol :)

Thanks for the reply, hIBEES. I've just installed this one too, but I note that it's not recognizing any customized "My Smilies," so I can't set (or unset) any one of them as Favorites. Is that how it's working for you too?

That sort of defeats the purpose for me; I was hoping to use this add-on to help users clean up and prioritize their personalized smilie collection.

Bounce 03-16-2007 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala (Post 1204062)
Thanks for the reply, hIBEES. I've just installed this one too, but I note that it's not recognizing any customized "My Smilies," so I can't set (or unset) any one of them as Favorites. Is that how it's working for you too?

That sort of defeats the purpose for me; I was hoping to use this add-on to help users clean up and prioritize their personalized smilie collection.

Tralala my humble apologises,it was this one I have installed https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/11/12.gif

WebConnection 03-27-2007 07:06 AM


Installed the hack and followed all the instruction for vBulletin 3.6.1. Installation seems fine but when I go through userCP, this is the link fo the Edit Favorite Smilies: /misc.php?do=editfmilies

I looked at the USERCP_SHELL template but the url should be /misc.php?do=editfavsmilies.

What seems to be the problem with my installation?

ePrOmD 03-30-2007 01:27 PM

nice hack! it was just my users ask me to implement :D
i?ve al little problem.. i?ve installed version 1.0.3, then i update vb to 3.6.4, so i?ve to update favorite smilies to 1.0.4 version, I exactly followed the steps of the guide, but when i wanna create a post, the smilies that i previously have selected, doesn?t appear :S

I ask for pardon early, if this problem already was explained before and I didn?t see it.

i?ll estimate a lot your help! tks!

Darwinist 03-30-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by WebConnection (Post 1213446)

Installed the hack and followed all the instruction for vBulletin 3.6.1. Installation seems fine but when I go through userCP, this is the link fo the Edit Favorite Smilies: /misc.php?do=editfmilies

I looked at the USERCP_SHELL template but the url should be /misc.php?do=editfavsmilies.

What seems to be the problem with my installation?

The correct link should be 'misc.php?do=editfavsmilies'. Not sure why it's displaying differently for you. Your template shows it correctly?


Originally Posted by ePrOmD (Post 1216096)
nice hack! it was just my users ask me to implement :D
i?ve al little problem.. i?ve installed version 1.0.3, then i update vb to 3.6.4, so i?ve to update favorite smilies to 1.0.4 version, I exactly followed the steps of the guide, but when i wanna create a post, the smilies that i previously have selected, doesn?t appear :S

I ask for pardon early, if this problem already was explained before and I didn?t see it.

i?ll estimate a lot your help! tks!

Do they appear checked when you go to the 'Edit Favorite Smilies' page in your UserCP?

ePrOmD 04-01-2007 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Darwinist (Post 1216175)
do they appear checked when you go to the 'Edit Favorite Smilies' page in your UserCP?

hi! Darwinist yes! they are already checked! :S
*** editing myself *** its working :D and i dont know why :D jeje

sharego 04-03-2007 02:53 AM

Nice one for all the smilie addicts I have!! :D

djbaxter 04-03-2007 11:35 AM

I had this bookmarked to try on my test forum. Then a couple of my members posted a wish list asking for just such a feature.

Thanks to this add-on, time from request to fulfilling request = less than half an hour. :)

SeeingStars 04-05-2007 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by BrandiDup (Post 1100416)
I installed this and it was working perfectly fine until several members who upgraded to Internet Explorer 7 started complaining that their smilie box was cut off. I didn't have problems with mine because I was using the previous version of IE but now that I just upgraded, the box is being cut off on mine also. It doesn't matter what I set the number of rows to, it still cuts them off. If I set it to 5 rows, it only shows 4 of them. If I set it to 4 rows, it only shows 3 of them. But it only does this for a new reply and new thread. When PMing, it seems to be okay :ermm:

Here are the two screen shots so you can see what I'm talking about. One is of the smilies being cut off and the other is with them showing fine when I'm PMing someone. This seems to only be an error with IE 7 because it works fine on the other browsers. Any idea how to correct this?

Anyone ever solve this problem? Ricardos mod didn't work for me :confused:

imported_Alpine 04-11-2007 01:15 PM

Was in the process of installing this and when I thought I got installed went to veiw a thread and they are all coming up blank, White page??? Someone please help. I went back and removed all the code changes but still blank.... help urgent needed ERK!!

If I reinstall the Update for 3.6.5 will I kill all my Hacks? and solve my problem?

Or is there someone willing to advise.

imported_Alpine 04-11-2007 04:06 PM

Fixed - Installed original php file. and reinstalled Hack.

Panic over.

PinkDaisy 04-19-2007 08:42 PM

I can't get this to work. I have installed, uninstalled and tried to re-install and it doesnt work. It doesnt update when you go in to add fave's and they don't show up in the screen when making a post. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I am doing ALL it says in the instructions to a T! :( I have to un-install I think!!

thepub 04-19-2007 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by PinkDaisy (Post 1231482)
I can't get this to work. I have installed, uninstalled and tried to re-install and it doesnt work. It doesnt update when you go in to add fave's and they don't show up in the screen when making a post. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I am doing ALL it says in the instructions to a T! :( I have to un-install I think!!

I had the same thing :(

inciarco 04-26-2007 04:52 AM

Good Add On Darwinist!! :up:

Works Ok On vb3.6.5!! :up:

Thank You Very Much!! :up:


PinkDaisy 04-27-2007 11:38 PM

I have installed this and uninstalled and 2 of my members are somehow stuck still seeing what they had in their 'favorite' list. Now they can't even get the more link to work in the smilie box in threads...

Any CLUES on how to fix this??

PinkDaisy 04-27-2007 11:38 PM

ACK.. Nevermind, this is the other hack!!

PinkDaisy 04-27-2007 11:40 PM

No, gosh.. I'm a DITZ tonight.. it was this one.. Sorry yall!!

inciarco 04-28-2007 12:43 AM

Be careful when you Edit the Files mentioned in the Instructions, because some Lines Should be REPLACED and other should be PLACED BELOW the Text mentioned there!! :up:

Be careful, because when I first made the Modifications, I REPLACED all the mentioned Lines, and after I received some Errors I realized that I didn't read the Instructions Well and that some Lines should be PLACED BELOW the existing ones!! :up:

If you have a Version of vBulletin greater than 3.6.1, follow the Instructions of "Install_3.6.1", and remember to copy the files "bitfield_favoritesmilies.xml" and "favoritesmilies.gif", in the indicated Folders!! :up:


PinkDaisy 04-28-2007 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1236780)
Be careful when you Edit the Files mentioned in the Instructions, because some Lines Should be REPLACED and other should be PLACED BELOW the Text mentioned there!! :up:

Be careful, because when I first made the Modifications, I REPLACED all the mentioned Lines, and after I received some Errors I realized that I didn't read the Instructions Well and that some Lines should be PLACED BELOW the existing ones!! :up:

If you have a Version of vBulletin greater than 3.6.1, follow the Instructions of "Install_3.6.1", and remember to copy the files "bitfield_favoritesmilies.xml" and "favoritesmilies.gif", in the indicated Folders!! :up:


Yes, I did all of that and still nothing. Here is the exact error I get when I do this:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/belliesb/public_html/forums/includes/functions_editor.php on line 647

inciarco 04-28-2007 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by PinkDaisy (Post 1237012)
Yes, I did all of that and still nothing. Here is the exact error I get when I do this:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/belliesb/public_html/forums/includes/functions_editor.php on line 647

I received a similar Error, and was when I copied the Text I didn't noticed that one of the next Lines of Text was included after one of the Lines "############### /FAVORITE SMILIES ################", and that caused the Line of Code to be Ignored with the Error caused by That!! So is better to leave some Free Lines before and After the Lines you'll Include, to avoid that from happening!! :up:

That error could mean that One Line inside the file "functions_editor.php" isn't well edited, so is better that you repeat the process of altering the Lines of that File from the Beginning with a New and Unmodified file of "functions_editor.php", perhaps a copy of the one you downloaded and copied in your Hosted Server and that you keep in your Coputer!! :up:


Neal-UK 04-28-2007 04:28 PM

Is there a way for people to have more than 6 favourite smilies?

Christine 04-28-2007 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Neal-UK (Post 1237134)
Is there a way for people to have more than 6 favourite smilies?

I am not seeing where we can set this -- can someone help?

Christine 04-28-2007 10:14 PM

Where is the edit for editor_smiliebox? Should we use the one in the old folder?

You may want to clean these up and upload a single copy with one set of instructions.

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