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tobybird 09-09-2006 11:19 AM

Paul, any issues with your mod and the latest release of FlashChat? Just wanted to check here first before I upgraded. Thanks!

eta: ah nevermind. there's a security fix in the new version. I'll post if there are any issues...

mikeinjersey 09-09-2006 03:49 PM

Im confused. do we have to install FlashChat completely seperate from this mod? If so where do we download the correct, latest version of flashchat?

because in your readme file it says

Install Flashchat, tick the option to integrate with a CMS
Maybe you should put in your readme file how we can obtain flashchat or find out if its installed already.

tobybird 09-09-2006 05:09 PM

Just an fyi... everything is working fine with 4.7.0


Originally Posted by mikeinjersey
Im confused. do we have to install FlashChat completely seperate from this mod? If so where do we download the correct, latest version of flashchat?

because in your readme file it says

Maybe you should put in your readme file how we can obtain flashchat or find out if its installed already.

Take a look at the instructions above: :)

Finally, I am not Tufat.com nor anything to do with the Flashchat product - if you have questions about Flashchat in general, their forums are here

Paul M 09-09-2006 05:17 PM

There's a 4.7.0 ?

/me Goes off to look .......

trilOByte 09-10-2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
There's a 4.7.0 ?

[high]* Paul M Goes off to look .......[/high]

Apparently so...


An important security update has been made to FlashChat. Please download and install FlashChat 4.7.0 as soon as possible to avoid known security exploits.

mikeinjersey 09-11-2006 12:02 PM

Could someone please post a link to the latest version of FlashChat before I lose my mind? Thanks.

adwade 09-11-2006 12:33 PM

Here ya are, v4.7 at: http://www.tufat.com/script2.htm

NeitherSparky 09-11-2006 08:13 PM

This is unrelated to this mod, I just wanted to post this problem I've been having so people will know it's NOT the mod, okay? :)

I installed the newest version of Flashchat yesterday morning and started experiencing problems seeing people who had logged into the chat before me (I could only see people and their posts if they logged in *after* I did). After a lot of poking around I found that the problem was with Firefox, not the chat, and not this mod. Flashchat tech support has suggested reinstalling Firefox and Flash, which I am going to try because I prefer Firefox and want to be able to use it with my board and with the chat.

I just wanted to report that in case anyone thought it was the mod. I thought someone had hacked the chat and done something specifically to my admin account to cause that, good to know that wasn't the case. And Paul doesn't need more people blaming his mods for weirdness on their boards, lol. :D


edit: Oh and, I did check out the most recent update to this mod, and the new thing that redirects people exiting the chat back to the forum, is cool, thanks!

tobybird 09-11-2006 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by NeitherSparky
This is unrelated to this mod, I just wanted to post this problem I've been having so people will know it's NOT the mod, okay? :)

I installed the newest version of Flashchat yesterday morning and started experiencing problems seeing people who had logged into the chat before me (I could only see people and their posts if they logged in *after* I did). After a lot of poking around I found that the problem was with Firefox, not the chat, and not this mod. Flashchat tech support has suggested reinstalling Firefox and Flash, which I am going to try because I prefer Firefox and want to be able to use it with my board and with the chat.

I just wanted to report that in case anyone thought it was the mod. I thought someone had hacked the chat and done something specifically to my admin account to cause that, good to know that wasn't the case. And Paul doesn't need more people blaming his mods for weirdness on their boards, lol. :D


Just wanted to let you know that I'm and the majority of my users are using FF. We are running this mod, FlashChat 4.7.0 and the who's chatting hack without any of those issues. :)

NeitherSparky 09-11-2006 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by tobybird
Just wanted to let you know that I'm and the majority of my users are using FF. We are running this mod, FlashChat 4.7.0 and the who's chatting hack without any of those issues. :)

Yeah I dunno it was really weird. I just now reinstalled Firefox and Flash like I said I was about to, and NOW everything's fine. -_- So I dunno, I was just special there for a little while I guess. ;)

Paul M 09-11-2006 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by NeitherSparky
edit: Oh and, I did check out the most recent update to this mod, and the new thing that redirects people exiting the chat back to the forum, is cool, thanks!

That's actually been part of all flashchat 4.x.x releases, and something I've always used. Someone mentioned it the other week and I realised that perhaps most people were not aware of it, so I decided to add it to the instructions when I next updated them. :)

SCRIPT3R 09-11-2006 11:46 PM

i'm in the process of a fresh vB install, including the 4.7 FC - is this hack current to coincide with the recent release of FC?

Masiello 09-12-2006 01:32 AM

It showing the flashchat inside forum, but in a new window, what to do for not open a new window and open the chat in the same where user clicks on the chat link?

I've replaced that

'redirect' => false, // redirectURL must be a valid URL
'url' => 'http://www.tufat.com/chat.php', // 'redirect' must be set to true for this to work
'window' => '_blank', // the window to open into. possible values: _blank, _self, _parent, or a named window

with that

'redirect' => true,
'url' => '/forums/index.php?', // make sure this points to your forum home page //
'window' => '_parent',
and tried too _self by replacing _parent

Paul M 09-12-2006 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by GearTripper
i'm in the process of a fresh vB install, including the 4.7 FC - is this hack current to coincide with the recent release of FC?

Not exactly sure what you mean by that, but I'm running 4.7.0 on my site(s).


Originally Posted by Masiello
It showing the flashchat inside forum, but in a new window, what to do for not open a new window and open the chat in the same where user clicks on the chat link?

I've replaced that

and tried too _self by replacing _parent

That code has nothing to do with it opening in a new window, you need to change back what you altered. How it opens depends on the link you created for it.

Masiello 09-12-2006 06:48 AM

Thanks for your fast reply,
The link that I have create is:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="misc.php?do=flashchat"
Have to change the target?

yes, just modify the target with _parent and works in the same window.

Masiello 09-12-2006 06:56 AM

Is there anyway to resize chat screen as in the same window with vbulletin header and footer?

NeitherSparky 09-12-2006 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Masiello
Is there anyway to resize chat screen as in the same window with vbulletin header and footer?

If I understand what you are asking...Go into your admin panel, vBulletin Options, General Settings, scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see "FlashChat Height". The default is 600, I *much* prefer 500.

Masiello 09-13-2006 04:38 AM

NeitherSparky, Yes you have understanding fine, Thank you :)
GREAT PRODUCT! Thanks for sharing

|oR|Greg 09-14-2006 12:28 PM

Maybe I've overlooked this, but I have a small problem.

When a person who isn't logged into my forums goes to chat, it prompts them to log in, they can enter there username and pass and log right into chat, however this doesn't log them into the forums, so they only show up in chat.

How do I make it so that if you're not logged into the forums, you either don't get a flashchat login screen, or if you DO login to flashchat, it logs you into the forums?

Paul M 09-14-2006 05:01 PM

You have not integrated Flashchat properly with vbulletin. You need to make sure the vbulletin36CMS is specified as your CMS system in Flashchat's config file.

|oR|Greg 09-14-2006 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
You have not integrated Flashchat properly with vbulletin. You need to make sure the vbulletin36CMS is specified as your CMS system in Flashchat's config file.

This is in my config file.


                //your CMS system
                'CMSsystem' => 'vbulletin36CMS',// defaultCMS - default CMS, blank - stateless CMS

SCRIPT3R 09-15-2006 12:37 AM

when was this verified for 3.6.1?

Paul M 09-15-2006 02:05 AM


Paul M 09-15-2006 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by |oR|Greg
This is in my config file.


                //your CMS system
                'CMSsystem' => 'vbulletin36CMS',// defaultCMS - default CMS, blank - stateless CMS

Sorry, I misread your post slightly - if they are not logged into the forum, but go direct to flashchat, then what you will describe will happen. There is nothing you can do about that as auto-login requires them to have a valid vb sessionid, they won't get that until they login to vb. Flashchat cannot create vb session ids.

SCRIPT3R 09-15-2006 02:20 AM

thnx Paul... any suggestions for my navbar code? the number of active users should appear within the parenthesis (which works fine), as it should if you're at forumhome, but doesn't (nothing) appears except for (), when your at any forumdisplay.


                <if condition="$show['member']">
                        <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="chat/flashchat.php$session[sessionurl_q]">Flashchat</a> ($totalchatters)</td>

Paul M 09-15-2006 07:05 AM

Wrong thread for that question really ;)

That total comes from the Who is Chatting code - by design it only runs on forumhome.

sahinsivar 09-15-2006 02:40 PM

türkçe yardım edecek yokmu arkadaşlar kuramıyorum lütfen

Paul M 09-15-2006 04:18 PM

Sorry, English only on this forum please.

Chadi 09-16-2006 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
It's code within the plugins (1 & 3).

Can you please explain what to change in each one? I'm not a coder by trade :)

Also what would be the exact link/code as well as I wish to add it on the forumhome too,
applied to a chat icon I have. Thanks Paul

dethfire 09-16-2006 08:41 PM

any way to set what days flashchat is open? say only on sundays?

Paul M 09-16-2006 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by dethfire
any way to set what days flashchat is open? say only on sundays?

No, there isn't


Originally Posted by chadi
Can you please explain what to change in each one? I'm not a coder by trade :)

I don't see that post on the last two pages, what was the question ?


Originally Posted by chadi
Also what would be the exact link/code as well as I wish to add it on the forumhome too, applied to a chat icon I have. Thanks Paul

Not sure what you mean ? - to open flashchat with this mod you call misc.php?do=flashchat

Alfa1 09-17-2006 11:24 AM

Is there any chance on expanding this with an alert when a budy is in the chat? So members would receive a pop up, when a buddy is in the chat.

Paul M 09-17-2006 01:49 PM

Sorry, there is not really any chance of that.

maroceve 09-18-2006 03:06 PM

Warning: main(/home/maroceve/public_html/chat/inc/cmses/../../../includes/config.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/maroceve/public_html/chat/inc/cmses/vbulletin36CMS.php on line 206

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/maroceve/public_html/chat/inc/cmses/../../../includes/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/maroceve/public_html/chat/inc/cmses/vbulletin36CMS.php on line 206.

Tried to fix the path, hmmm ...

Paul M 09-18-2006 03:08 PM

As it says ;


The CMS file assumes that you are installing Flashchat in your forum root folder - this is the same folder as your usercp.php file and includes folder. Installation will fail if you do not do this.

charlesk 09-19-2006 03:41 PM

First, thank you very much for this product, it is extremely useful.

I was able to get it all working fine except that I cannot get into the admin control panel. Each time I try, I get this:

Error 02 - vbulletin config file not loaded, check you have the correct path.
Any thoughts? Thank you. :)


Gripemaster 09-19-2006 04:19 PM

Installed, thanks to Paul. You da man! :)

Paul M 09-19-2006 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by charlesk
First, thank you very much for this product, it is extremely useful.

I was able to get it all working fine except that I cannot get into the admin control panel. Each time I try, I get this:

Any thoughts? Thank you. :)


Hmm, that's a bug.

Fixed - replace the 3.05 vbulletin36CMS.php with the 3.06 version, and re-import the product.

delnouro 09-19-2006 07:33 PM

Is it possible to let guests acces the chat?

I already tried to change their group Id to the "normal users group", but flaschat is still asking for a password. Thats normal, cause the normal users need to login with a password.

So the question is: Can i let registered users login with password and the guests not.

Paul M 09-19-2006 09:40 PM

If you have integrated it properly, forum users should not have to login, it's automatic. Integration does not allow guest access.

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