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Slyfox1 10-15-2006 08:25 AM

I'm also getting the "ARG:3UNDEFINED" from the online.php. The forum index is working fine.

I've just re-checked the edits for online.php and there all there.

Any other ideas??


rogersnm 10-15-2006 08:44 AM

You can't have done the template edits.

Antiblank 10-15-2006 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
I'm also getting the "ARG:3UNDEFINED" from the online.php. The forum index is working fine.

I've just re-checked the edits for online.php and there all there.

Any other ideas??


All this means is that you didn't add in the arguement for the phrase. Go into your phrases, find x_members_and_y_guests (i belive it is) click to edit it. Then in the text box type something along the lines of:


{1} members // {2} guests // {3} spiders
This will give you an output like:
Currently Active Users: 21 (2 members // 9 guests // 10 spiders)

Hope that helps.

Slyfox1 10-15-2006 09:05 AM

I went through the text file again and re-checked everything. The phrases must be right as its being displayed correctly in forumhome...

Slyfox1 10-15-2006 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by rogersnm
You can't have done the template edits.

I stand corrected.

Seem one of my skins wasn't using the default...


G_Man 10-17-2006 03:28 AM

@ Funboy:
U have to edit ur adv_portal_onlineusers template..

Search for:
HTML Code:

<td class="thead"><span class="smallfont"><phrase 1="$numberregistered" 2="$numberguest">$vbphrase[x_members_and_y_guests]</phrase></span></td>
Replace with:
HTML Code:

<td class="thead"><span class="smallfont"><phrase 1="$numberregistered" 2="$numberguest" 3="$numberspiders">$vbphrase[x_members_and_y_guests]</phrase></span></td>
Note that, that 'll just show u X members, X guests and spiders..


Worked a treat for me. Cheers.

And GREAT hack Amy!! :D

jacki 10-22-2006 05:09 PM

I did allthings like you wrote but it happened in picture whats the problem


lifesourcerec 11-05-2006 10:16 AM

This halfway works for me. It shows this:

"(6 members and 1 guests and 1 spiders)"

But they never show up on the user list.

Snake 11-06-2006 10:17 AM

Make sure you have done the files edits provided you in the readme file. ;)

Antv912 11-06-2006 09:14 PM

How could i make it so that google or the spiders arent shown as members cause ive installed successfully but it shows as user_id:0 when i mouse over Google Adsense

lifesourcerec 11-09-2006 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Snake
Make sure you have done the files edits provided you in the readme file. ;)

I did multiple times. Same result.

mac27 11-15-2006 03:46 AM

Anyone else having issues with this in 3.6.3? Spider count is not showing up where it shows currently active users.

Mudvayne 11-15-2006 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by lifesourcerec (Post 1113585)
I did multiple times. Same result.

Redo the template edits..

Originally Posted by mac27 (Post 1117675)
Anyone else having issues with this in 3.6.3? Spider count is not showing up where it shows currently active users.

Does work fine for me.. I've to close my forum due to maintenance.. So see the screenshots..

mac27 11-15-2006 04:43 AM

Hmmm. it doesn't show the spider count for me. I will have to have a look around adminCP.

lifesourcerec 11-15-2006 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Icy (Post 1117701)
Redo the template edits..

Does work fine for me.. I've to close my forum due to maintenance.. So see the screenshots..

Just rechecked the templates and everything was already set. Still doesn't work.

Mudvayne 11-15-2006 11:30 AM

This is weired.. I found many people having prob with this hack.. But since beginning I don't have any prob with this hack.. Everything works fine for me.. Anywayz I don't mean anything negative but want me to give it a try? Then PM me.. This shud work flawlessly.. Atleast mine does..

amykhar 11-15-2006 01:27 PM

It's worked for many versions of vbulletin and generally, people have problems when they miss portions of the code edits.

Mudvayne 11-15-2006 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by mac27 (Post 1117723)
Hmmm. it doesn't show the spider count for me. I will have to have a look around adminCP.

You should redo the code change again. Youhavn't any problem with template changes but there is something wrong with your code changes.

el fuego 11-21-2006 02:18 AM

I just installed this (first code edit ever attempted) and it is working flawlessly.

Thanks so much for this awesome hack!!!

On a side note: Has anyone figured out how to get this working with vBadvanced?

itdevil 11-22-2006 03:25 PM

Just upgraded to vB 3.6.4 and the hack works fine :)


BigJimTheLug 11-25-2006 03:18 AM

Wow, I can't seem to find none of the files in my index.php file....lol and my forum is working fine.

Would other vb hacks interfere with this?


el fuego 11-26-2006 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by MARKETPROFITS (Post 1124607)
Wow, I can't seem to find none of the files in my index.php file....lol and my forum is working fine.

Would other vb hacks interfere with this?


Of course other hacks could interfere. If they required code changes that removed the same code this hack needs to change.

SnapOff Racing 11-27-2006 06:15 AM

i think i got mine working ok but when there's 0 guests and/or spiders on my site...it says:

"Currently Active Users: 1 (1 members and 0 guests and spiders)"

does this mean it's not working properly? can someone view my site and tell me? i followed step by step.



Mudvayne 11-27-2006 06:35 AM

If the phrase edit was flawless then you might 've mistaken with code edit. Check it again.

lifesourcerec 12-09-2006 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Icy (Post 1126205)
If the phrase edit was flawless then you might 've mistaken with code edit. Check it again.

I don't think they made mistakes. I think it is conflicting with other mods. I had 3 mods that wouldn't work. I unstalled 2 non-related mods and those 2 mods finally worked. I have installed this mod 8 times with the same result. It never worked, then when I uninstalled 2 particular modifications, it now half way works.

lifesourcerec 12-09-2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing (Post 1126193)
i think i got mine working ok but when there's 0 guests and/or spiders on my site...it says:

"Currently Active Users: 1 (1 members and 0 guests and spiders)"

does this mean it's not working properly? can someone view my site and tell me? i followed step by step.



If you see that, it means your index.php wasn't editted correctly. Double check it.

Mudvayne 12-09-2006 03:24 PM

Hmm.. I've near abt 50 hacks install on my forum.. None of these hacks conflict with this.. So I don't know which hack you r talking about..

JimmyN 01-01-2007 09:45 PM

I have a probelm, i installed it all and on index it show me as not logged in
This is the code that seems to be the probelm.

Im running 3.6.4, if i add the code below in the index file and re-upload it when on the index i get shown as loged out, but the mod works. Can someone check the code and see whats wrong?

Thanks heaps

  if (fetch_online_status($loggedin))
  eval('$activeusers .= ", ' . fetch_template('forumhome_loggedinuser') . '";');

Add After:
  while ($spidername = current($spiderlist))
  if ($spidername > 1) {
  $loggedin['musername'] = trim(key($spiderlist)) . "(" . $spidername.")";
  $loggedin['musername'] = trim(key($spiderlist));
  $loggedin['userid'] = 0;
  eval('$activeusers .= ", ' . fetch_template('forumhome_loggedinuser') . '";');

Quantnet 01-04-2007 09:34 AM

Looking forward to getting the vbadvanced online module fix.

TheFrienzNet 01-13-2007 02:58 PM

Thanks. :)

jackey666 01-17-2007 01:21 AM

I'm looking forward for a "product" for VB3.6!

Also, it is possible to have the list of spider to be shown at the end of the user list?

jackey666 01-18-2007 09:56 AM

I had to uninstall the add-on... After a few hours after installing it, I were not able to see new messages in a forum shown on the home anymore. The picture indicating that there was a new message was not shown, and the "mark forum as read" either.

The only way I founded to fix it was to put back the file "index.php".

Addon marked as uninstalled...

Switch02 01-20-2007 09:06 PM

Thanks amykhar, i like this mod, work fine in 3.6.4

Staxed 03-13-2007 09:57 PM

I'm having an issue...it's not working correctly...

I have checked and rechecked everything about 5 times now...so i know that this mod is installed correctly...

I disabled the plugin system and it still wasn't working...so that tells me that it's not any of the product mods that i have installed...right?

now...i have a few other mods that required file edits...but none of them required an edit of index.php or online.php...could they still be the problem if they didn't change anything that this mod changes?...i don't want to uninstall them if they can't be the issue...

what else could it be???...it's worked on another board i have (which i believe i had the same other files editing mods installed as well)...i'm just stuck...i can't figure out what else to check...

Xplorer4x4 03-16-2007 12:12 AM

Hmm did I mis an edit or something as my forum home shows:

Currently Active Users: 6 (6 members and guests and 0 spiders)

Staxed 03-16-2007 12:17 AM

you either edited the forumhome template incorrectly or the phrase incorrectly

hey amykhar...any response to my request?

Xplorer4x4 03-16-2007 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by Irisfire (Post 1204509)
you either edited the forumhome template incorrectly or the phrase incorrectly

hey amykhar...any response to my request?

I have checked over and over. Everything is exited right
The forum home is edited properly and so is the phrase as best I can see. I changed the phrase to "{1} members and {2} guests and {3} spiders" so the guest variable is still listed.

Iris as far as I can see you have not stated what the problem is, just that you have a problem. Sorry if I missed it but it helps to say what the problem is to get it fixed ;).

Staxed 03-16-2007 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Xplorer4x4 (Post 1204585)
I have checked over and over. Everything is exited right
The forum home is edited properly and so is the phrase as best I can see. I changed the phrase to "{1} members and {2} guests and {3} spiders" so the guest variable is still listed.

Iris as far as I can see you have not stated what the problem is, just that you have a problem. Sorry if I missed it but it helps to say what the problem is to get it fixed ;).

if everything is done right and you're 100% possitive i have no clue either :(...

lol...thanks for pointing that out to me...i can't believe i forgot to mention the actual problem...now i feel like an idiot...


I'm having an issue...it's not working correctly...the number of spiders are not showing up, and they are not listed in the whosonline area....they still show as guests, and that 0 spiders are online

I have checked and rechecked everything about 5 times now...so i know that this mod is installed correctly...

I disabled the plugin system and it still wasn't working...so that tells me that it's not any of the product mods that i have installed...right?

now...i have a few other mods that required file edits...but none of them required an edit of index.php or online.php...could they still be the problem if they didn't change anything that this mod changes?...i don't want to uninstall them if they can't be the issue...

what else could it be???...it's worked on another board i have (which i believe i had the same other files editing mods installed as well)...i'm just stuck...i can't figure out what else to check...

Staxed 03-25-2007 02:37 PM


any ideas?...i've checked it 100 times...i've done everything correctly...it just isn't working...

possibly changes made in 3.6.5 that broke it?

delmarva 03-26-2007 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Ig@r (Post 1022921)
Too bad it is not a plugin (product). Hate to do code changes on 3.6

Same here... Afraid I'm gonna screw things up, but i guess this separates the pros from the armatures. :rolleyes:

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