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Zachariah 06-02-2006 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
I would suggest that elections would open up a whole new can of worms, but thats just my opinion. I would say that you could make recommendations in private, but decisions on how a site is run should fall to the owners.

I would simply ask all of you who own sites consider if these types of policies would be acceptible to your forums.

When I hire employees for my companies, I don't mind letting them get interviewed by their peers who will be working with them and getting feedback, but I make the final call on who gets hired and its not open for a vote.

(Edit: I'm not knocking your idea, maybe just an issue of choice of words is all.)


I do not see a problem either.

In any company:

- you hire people you can trust that will uphold company values.
- you hire people you can work with
- you hire people you can communicate with
- you hire people that can fill a need in the companies missions and goals.
- you hire people that can be trained
- you hire people that replace the leter "I" with the word "TEAM"

100’s of other reasons.

I got to go back to code ... All this talk and nothing is getting done.

akanevsky 06-02-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
I would suggest that elections would open up a whole new can of worms, but thats just my opinion. I would say that you could make recommendations in private, but decisions on how a site is run should fall to the owners.

That is exactly what I meant, with the exception that I think that in a community of coders/designers, there should be some input allowed from the public as to whether a certain individual should be elected or not. Of course, the final decision is the staff's, but often staff may not know about others who may be better qualified (example: Zachery, in the beginning of this thread). Input by members would create a better, fuller picture.


I would simply ask all of you who own sites consider if these types of policies would be acceptible to your forums.
If I was running a coding community, I would certainly allow members to vote for new staff members when these new staff members were actually required. That would allow me to know about people whom I might have not known about previously. Of course, I wouldn't just take in people who I know nothing about. I'd do some research. Or ask for more information to be provided. That's would not be a problem as long as they would be willing to cooperate.

MJM 06-02-2006 10:45 PM

What makes it a little different here is that it is the members, not the company, who are providing the product and support.
Without contributing coders this site would be history.

The ideal situation would be for everyone to show that they can work together on solving issues, whatever they be.

Gio~Logist 06-02-2006 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
In difference to everything else that has been said, I fully support a site owners right to pick whomever they please to represent and moderate their site. The people who pay the bills are not accountible to anyone here, IMO; so hire who you think will do the best job and I'll continue to contribute in a meaningful way.

You can't please everyone here, so pick a path and follow it.

Jelsoft pays the bills.

Zachariah 06-02-2006 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by MJM
What makes it a little different here is that it is the members, not the company, who are providing the product and support.
Without contributing coders this site would be history.

The ideal situation would be for everyone to show that they can work together on solving issues, whatever they be.

Company is not a big word to hang on. In any organization or “community” there are leaders who take responsibility and make the decisions. Good, bad, or whatever. It is always a growing experience. I am glad to be part of it and will miss it when it is gone.

Yes, the ideal situation would be for everyone to show that they can work together on solving issues, whatever they be

Gio~Logist 06-02-2006 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Without the builders, where would the architect be? They both are equally important and need one another.

That's not the point. The point is that the builders and the architect are not the same people. The importance was not being argued.

Boofo 06-02-2006 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
That's not the point. The point is that the builders and the architect are not the same people. The importance was not being argued.

According to Dean it was. And I stand by my statement, anyway. ;)

smacklan 06-02-2006 10:57 PM

Wow...nine pages of this already in 4 1/2 hours. I'm sorry, but all this boils down to is there are some here bound and determined to force their opinions and ego's on everyone else who uses/visits this site. They don't have the influence they want/feel owed or whatever. This stuff is really getting old...do you folks not have real lives?

Boofo 06-02-2006 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by smacklan
do you folks not have real lives?

I used to once, a very, very long time ago. :(

MJM 06-02-2006 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
... In any organization or ?community? there are leaders who take responsibility and make the decisions.

Yep, there is a reason why some buttons have only enough room for one finger to push ;)

Suggestions, comments, polls, surveys and feedback are invaluable to anyone landed with the responsibility to make final decisions.

But the last thing any decision maker needs to deal with is bickering and hostilities derived from strongly opposing opinions, or repetitive beating of the dead horse. It's too draining.

Zachery 06-02-2006 11:42 PM


do you folks not have real lives?
Its friday and we are here posting, whatcha think :)

Boofo 06-02-2006 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Its friday and we are here posting, whatcha think :)

Damn! That pretty well sums it up for all of us. :(

Corriewf 06-03-2006 12:24 AM

It's Friday?

akanevsky 06-03-2006 12:45 AM

It's raining here, and the rain happens to be acidic.

Boofo 06-03-2006 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
It's raining here, and the rain happens to be acidic.

Which, in English, means?

akanevsky 06-03-2006 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Which, in English, means?

It is no wonder that your level of knowledge of English does not allow you to comprehend the meaning of the sentence, but perhaps you can solve the problem by hiring an interpreter ;)

No es de extra?ar que su nivel del conocimiento de ingl?s no le permite reconocer la identidad ni el significado de esa oraci?n, pero quiz?s usted puede resolver el problema empleando a un int?rprete ;)

C'est pas ?tonnant que votre niveau de connaissance d'anglais ne permet pas vous de reconna?tre l'identit? ni le sens de cette phrase, mais peut-?tre vous pouvez r?soudre le probl?me en engagant un interpr?te+;)

Es ist kein Wunder, das Ihre H?he der Kenntnis von Englisch nicht erlaubt, dass Ihnen die Identit?t noch die Bedeutung von dass Satz erkennen, aber vielleicht Sie k?nnen das Problem durch Einstellen eines Dolmetschers l?sen ;)

? nessuno prodigio che il suo livello di conoscenza di inglesi non consentono lei riconoscere l'identit? n? il significato di quella frase, ma forse lei pu? risolvere il problema assumendo un interprete ;)

Это не удивительно, что ваш уровень английского не позволяет вам понять смысл этого предложения, но вероятно вы можете решить проблему с помощью переводчка ;)

Zachariah 06-03-2006 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Which, in English, means?

Don't go in the rain .... :rolleyes: :p

Boofo 06-03-2006 01:28 AM

Whew! Thanks! I was just on my way to the library to pick up a bunch of translation books. You saved me a trip. :cross-eyed:

Brad 06-03-2006 07:39 AM

I do not, and have never seen any logic in having the community vote for staff members. Yes I've tried it, seen it done on multiple client forums, and watched it spawn a flame war multiple times.

This thread has already shown that people will criticize staff members no matter who they are, do you honestly think that will not carry over to a public vote on 'who should be staff?'. What makes the masses qualified to pick a staff member in the first place? Yes I know you are all admins with your own forum, and what I said might get you a little hot because I'm sure you manage your own staff. You have your own plans and ways of doing things, and you pick staff members to see these plans to their end. You need to understand that I go through the same thing.

A good staff member is much more than someone that has the ability to code, or design. They have to be a good fit with the current staff, they have to be willing to compromise for the good of the team, they have to be willing to work with the team leader and understand that sometimes they may not agree with their leader, they have to show customers the same respect they expect to be treated with, often times they have to enforce things they do not agree with, and above all else they must have a love for the community and what it stands for. These are some of the basic things I look for when I go hunting for staff members, and while I appreciate someone throwing me a name every now and again at the end of the day I have to make sure that person is suitable to be on the staff.

I am sorry some of you don't agree with the choice of staff, but we can't make everyone happy and only pick people that the entire community adores (in fact I'm doubtful I can find someone for staff that at least one person wouldn't have a problem with). So far they have all done a great job even without all the tools they need, and I hope they will continue doing a good job in the future. They were all picked based on what they have done in the community in the past. While some members of the coder/design team may not be producing 'killer apps' they have all shown at least some understanding of working with the software. Some of them will be coding additions for .org, some of them will be moderating the forums and answering technical questions and depending on the person they may do a little of both.

MPDev 06-03-2006 12:54 PM

Just keep doing what you think is best and the others will fall into line, Brad; cheers.

smacklan 06-03-2006 02:55 PM

Good post Brad and I think things are being handled just fine for what it's worth ;)

Azhrialilu 06-03-2006 09:08 PM

I'm not really gonna get involved in this, but I have to ask.... everyone here is an vbulletin owner - unless they're just listed on someone else's licence - and I dunno about you, but I wouldn't have members dictating to me who should staff a forum they don't own *shrug*

flame away :p

Shelley_c 06-03-2006 09:14 PM

I wouldn't have members dictate who is choosen for staff either. More often than not, the person that's been choosen for a staff position is the correct decison (unless you choose me). So all in all, it's been a trying day and it's getting rather hot so thumbs up.

Though I would train the staff up on forum structuring.

Freesteyelz 06-03-2006 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dean C
Anyone can pick up a copy of photoshop and add some drop shadows, bevels, strokes and whatnot.

Yes, but it's knowing when and how to use them that makes the difference.


Originally Posted by Dean C
hambil: That's total nonsense. Design has nothing to do with (X)HTML/CSS



Originally Posted by gio~logist
Which is why you always see designers asking for people to code their layouts or sell things un coded.

This isn't true (referring to always). Many web-designers can and do code.

Ohiosweetheart 06-03-2006 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Yes. Also, this topic is for a public solution.

What solution?? The teams leaders are the team leaders. The teams have been chosen. The staff is what it is. Y'all aren't going to change that by publicly questioning why who was put on which team, by telling certain ones that either their coding, or design skills aren't "good enough" for them to be on staff.

Geezus people... why don't y'all stop posting these ridiculously inane threads, and let these people DO what they were put on staff do DO, rather than wasting their time making them defend themselves. I thought y'all wanted the "feel" of .org to get better. THIS ain't doing it.


Originally Posted by Paul M
Are a few people perhaps just a little bitter that they didn't get chosen ?

Let them deny it all they want to... I think that's exactly what this is about

Boofo 06-03-2006 11:35 PM

If only I was younger and you were desperate. ;)

peterska2 06-03-2006 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
If only I was younger and you were desperate. ;)

I wondered why you had all gone quiet.

[high]* peterska2 tells Boofo off for harrassing the young ladies.[/high]

EasyTarget 06-03-2006 11:42 PM

I didn't read this whole thread.. the other threads wore me out, but instead of having members choose the staff I think you should make sure you have input from the current staff. You should also make sure that your staff are people who will tell it like it is (to you, not to us members, we like the sugar coating) and that they aren't just 'yes men'.

Ohiosweetheart 06-03-2006 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by MJM
But the last thing any decision maker needs to deal with is bickering and hostilities derived from strongly opposing opinions, or repetitive beating of the dead horse. It's too draining.



Originally Posted by Boofo
If only I was younger and you were desperate. ;)

LOL... I'm 46... not quite desperate (yet), but you're too far away..waaaaaaaaaa ;)
[high]* Ohiosweetheart tells peterska2 to let Boofo flirt with me all he wants to! lol[/high]

peterska2 06-03-2006 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
LOL... I'm 46... not quite desperate (yet), but you're too far away..waaaaaaaaaa ;)
[high]* Ohiosweetheart tells peterska2 to let Boofo flirt with me all he wants to! lol[/high]

[high]* peterska2 is jealous coz you are the right side of the ocean[/high]

Boofo's mine I tell you, he's mine

MJM 06-04-2006 12:21 AM

Ya the best elections are when everyone is in agreement ;)

... like with shotgun weddings ;)

sabret00the 06-04-2006 01:35 AM

Interesting thread, i'll add my two cents and a tad late at that.

The administrators reserve the right to construct a team as they seem fit, however that said, given the layout of the team, your primary skill should be in that field anything else is senseless. however there's an exception when it comes to designing, given the context of vBulletin design there is no such thing as design without construction, so there will always be a key member that will oversee the procedure going from design to construction completion.

however i must say, some of the posts i've read saying that (i'm not only gonna paraphrase, i'll bastardise) we have other duties other than that or our key function is ludicrous. you're chosen as part of the coding team to primarily code, your other functions come secondary, especially those of which require liason with the customer. which in fact is actually the primary function of the customer support team. to say that FACTORX doesn't affect the ability to moderate and forums you're assigned to show minimal presence is in my opinion, ludicrous and defeats the points of the team seperation.

I wish all the new staff members well, and hope they'll do a fantastic job, however Dean said something i agree with when he said he doesn't think everyone's in the right team. I couldn't agree with that more.

I've been around the site for a long time and would like to see it prosper.

Oh and spam :(

Zachariah 06-04-2006 01:46 AM


All your staff are belong to us.


[high]* Zachariah goes back to code[/high]

sabret00the 06-04-2006 10:17 AM

:ermm: split thread

Boofo 06-04-2006 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
:ermm: split thread

Just trying to lighten up the atmosphere here, sir. ;)

But you are right, those other posters need to stop the damn spamming! :cross-eyed:

[high]* Boofo is sorry[/high]

Ohiosweetheart 06-04-2006 11:43 AM

um, where did my posts from last night disappear to?

Boofo 06-04-2006 11:59 AM

I have them locked away in my jammies drawer. :)

Ohiosweetheart 06-04-2006 12:20 PM

:( there was a link and a zip file on there that I needed. What was the purpose of deleting them Boofo? You stated above that you're trying to lighten the mood of this thread. I think our posts accomplished that.

[high]* Ohiosweetheart walks away wondering[/high]

peterska2 06-04-2006 12:23 PM

It was split from the thread and can be found here

Boofo 06-04-2006 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
:( there was a link and a zip file on there that I needed. What was the purpose of deleting them Boofo? You stated above that you're trying to lighten the mood of this thread. I think our posts accomplished that.

[high]* Ohiosweetheart walks away wondering[/high]

Sorry, wrong number in that one. I have no idea about any posts being deleted OR moved.

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