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Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
installed. and works a treat..
nice hack

Thank you, glad you like :p

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
Got an idea for an add on :)

How about when a new ad is placed, perhaps a marquee of some sort like i have on my forumhome showing the latest 10 or even a setting for random??

:p I have an idea for that

bashy 04-09-2006 08:10 PM

Nice...look forward to it :)


Originally Posted by gio~logist
:p I have an idea for that

arossphoto 04-09-2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Try editing sr_classifieds_viewad and change the <img src="$ad[image] to <img src="$vboptions[bburl]/$ad[image]"

See if that works.

I don't see why it doesn't show though, i mean, it's pulling up the info right.

Still didn't work. I changed it to img src="$vboptions[bburl]/sr_classifieds/uploaded/$ad[image]" width="$newwidth" height="$newheight" align="left" and that created an absolute link, while before it as a relative link. But the path was always correct.

In the source code the image tag has no width or height attributes. (width="" height="") Could that be the problem?

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
Still didn't work. I changed it to img src="$vboptions[bburl]/sr_classifieds/uploaded/$ad[image]" width="$newwidth" height="$newheight" align="left" and that created an absolute link, while before it as a relative link. But the path was always correct.

In the source code the image tag has no width or height attributes. (width="" height="") Could that be the problem?

Yes that could be the problem. I will look into this. I'm not sure why it would do this for you.

Yukino_AE 04-09-2006 09:07 PM

this is an awesome addition! *gives 2 thumbs up* just curious, is there going to be an option to make subcategories at all?

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Yukino_AE
this is an awesome addition! *gives 2 thumbs up* just curious, is there going to be an option to make subcategories at all?

I may consider this for the premium version.

Deska 04-09-2006 10:47 PM

Very cool hack :)
[high]* Deska kick install ;)[/high]

So, what the different between light and premium version? When released? Where to buy? :D

djr 04-09-2006 10:50 PM

I'll probably wait for the Premium version, but I'm *very* impressed by your level of support. Will click on Install and definitely vote for this when it will run for HoTM .

yinyang 04-09-2006 11:22 PM


very very nice. i've installed but can't yet use it until there's a comment system... i.e., is it possible to have a thread below the ad... so questions can be asked and answered?

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by djr
I'll probably wait for the Premium version, but I'm *very* impressed by your level of support. Will click on Install and definitely vote for this when it will run for HoTM .

Thank you for showing support :p I added you to the list of people that will be contacted when the premium version is out.

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by yinyang

very very nice. i've installed but can't yet use it until there's a comment system... i.e., is it possible to have a thread below the ad... so questions can be asked and answered?

I believe that will be in the premium version as well.

arossphoto 04-10-2006 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Thank you for showing support :p I added you to the list of people that will be contacted when the premium version is out.

You can add me to that list as well. Did you have any idea yet why the images aren't displaying in IE?


arossphoto 04-10-2006 12:42 AM

It just occured to me that when I created the ad I didn't upload an image. I went back later, edited the add, and uploaded a photo. So I tried creating a new ad with an image and everything looks fine, including width and height dimensions in the img tag. Maybe there is something going wrong when you ad an image to an existing ad.



Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
It just occured to me that when I created the ad I didn't upload an image. I went back later, edited the add, and uploaded a photo. So I tried creating a new ad with an image and everything looks fine, including width and height dimensions in the img tag. Maybe there is something going wrong when you ad an image to an existing ad.



No, i found the problem :p.

What happened is that sometimes the image is actually smaller that the thumb you want, so i made it so that if the image is smaller that the thum you want, it just uses the normal image (no sense in making it bigger and loosing quality). The problem with this is that then $newheight and $newwidth weren't set. Anyways, it should be fixed by just overwriting this file.

Lea Verou 04-10-2006 10:11 AM

How much will the premium version cost? I think I'll wait for that cause I want the system integrated in the forums, the same way GARS does so.

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Michelle
How much will the premium version cost? I think I'll wait for that cause I want the system integrated in the forums, the same way GARS does so.

The premium version will be around $35.

pcoskat 04-10-2006 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by dilbert
:( I bought PhotoPost classifieds and paid for the branding free option and form the pics you posted, this looks better.

This looks WAY better than photopost classifieds!!!

VERY impressive work. I'll be keeping an eye out for the premium version.
Is it possible to make people pay a fee (via paypal) for posting a listing? Or maybe a monthly fee for X number of listings?

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by pcoskat
This looks WAY better than photopost classifieds!!!

VERY impressive work. I'll be keeping an eye out for the premium version.
Is it possible to make people pay a fee (via paypal) for posting a listing? Or maybe a monthly fee for X number of listings?

The premium version will have more usergroup permissions to make it so that certain groups can/can't access certain things. So that will allow for what you are saying. Also, would you like to be added to the list of people to be contacted once it's out?

Lea Verou 04-10-2006 11:51 AM

Perhaps I'll buy the premium version.
Just have in mind while developing that there are classified ads that are not like the usual ones, eg buy and sell. For instance I would like that script for my cat site, where classifieds are mostly for adoptions of from people that want to adopt cats. What I am trying to say is that you should have an open mind while developing, the script should be flexible.

PS: Please include an option to disable the trader ratings in the premium one. People like myself don't need them as most people only post an ad once.

PS2: Comments to classifieds would be very useful.

pcoskat 04-10-2006 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Also, would you like to be added to the list of people to be contacted once it's out?

ABSOLUTELY...this is a very fine piece of work! (BTW, I just sent you an email through your site :) )

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Michelle
Perhaps I'll buy the premium version.
Just have in mind while developing that there are classified ads that are not like the usual ones, eg buy and sell. For instance I would like that script for my cat site, where classifieds are mostly for adoptions of from people that want to adopt cats. What I am trying to say is that you should have an open mind while developing, the script should be flexible.

PS: Please include an option to disable the trader ratings in the premium one. People like myself don't need them as most people only post an ad once.

PS2: Comments to classifieds would be very useful.

Perhaps i can make it so that you can add types via admincp. Also, i will try my best to include the option of disabling trader ratings.

Comments are also already planned for this by the way :P

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by pcoskat
ABSOLUTELY...this is a very fine piece of work! (BTW, I just sent you an email through your site :) )

Thank you very much :p Your email has been replied to.

yinyang 04-10-2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
I believe that will be in the premium version as well.

sign me up on the waiting list! :banana:

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by yinyang
sign me up on the waiting list! :banana:


Dennis B 04-10-2006 04:31 PM

Hi Gio,

Sign me up to the premium list as well. :)

How about the script to import the iTrader data? I have a lot of past data and this would be critical for me.

Nice work.

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dennis B
Hi Gio,

Sign me up to the premium list as well. :)

How about the script to import the iTrader data? I have a lot of past data and this would be critical for me.

Nice work.

I will get to that shortly. However, it will most likely be on the premium version by default as a feature.

Also, you have been added.

Dennis B 04-10-2006 05:27 PM


In that case I will give this light version a try but in a reserved forum only.
Let me know when the premium version comes out. :)

dieselpowered 04-10-2006 06:05 PM

Please sign me up as well for the notification list...excellent work my friend! Installed :)

bashy 04-10-2006 06:06 PM

Would this be for example:

A usergroup can post a wanted advert but CANNOT post a For Sale Advert?

Cause this is sommat i really could do with as i would like to charge a small sub for peeps to be able to sell :)??????


Originally Posted by gio~logist
The premium version will have more usergroup permissions to make it so that certain groups can/can't access certain things. So that will allow for what you are saying. Also, would you like to be added to the list of people to be contacted once it's out?

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
Would this be for example:

A usergroup can post a wanted advert but CANNOT post a For Sale Advert?

Cause this is sommat i really could do with as i would like to charge a small sub for peeps to be able to sell :)??????

Yes i believe that would be possible.

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by xtremeoff-road
Please sign me up as well for the notification list...excellent work my friend! Installed :)

You have been added.

dieselpowered 04-10-2006 06:44 PM

Noticed that in the Add a Field Box it indicates to insert the category number to include the field in, however, all I have is a drop down box with all the categories...how do we specify the specific categories if there are multiple?

Also, in the category manager when changing the display number and hitting save...it says that category &^^#*&$ has been saved??

Oh another thing...I suppose this will most likely be a premium feature, however, looks like there is no way to allow people to view the classifieds without allowing them to place an add...correct?

Quarterbore 04-10-2006 07:33 PM

Tagged for install ASAP....

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by xtremeoff-road
Noticed that in the Add a Field Box it indicates to insert the category number to include the field in, however, all I have is a drop down box with all the categories...how do we specify the specific categories if there are multiple?

Also, in the category manager when changing the display number and hitting save...it says that category &^^#*&$ has been saved??

Oh another thing...I suppose this will most likely be a premium feature, however, looks like there is no way to allow people to view the classifieds without allowing them to place an add...correct?

Actually, if you set usergroup not registered to be able to use the system, they can view things. However, they will never be able to post new ads :p

As for the category manager thing, i will look into it, however, i assure you that (if you haven't already noticed) it doesn't effect functionability. Just a little phrase problem.

And for selecting multiple categories for fields... that will be in the premium version. This version only allows a one category per field.

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Quarterbore
Tagged for install ASAP....

Not sure what that means but GREAT! Hehe :p

arossphoto 04-10-2006 08:13 PM

I just noticed that you cannot change the timeframe on an existing ad. Was this by design? I would think there would be many occasions when people might want to extend an ad.

I also noticed that there is nothing inside the "Additional Details" box at the bottom of the "add a new ad" or "edit an ad" forms. Shouldn't the WYSIWYG editor be inside here?



Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
I just noticed that you cannot change the timeframe on an existing ad. Was this by design? I would think there would be many occasions when people might want to extend an ad.

I also noticed that there is nothing inside the "Additional Details" box at the bottom of the "add a new ad" or "edit an ad" forms. Shouldn't the WYSIWYG editor be inside here?



Additional details is only if you add new fields. I guess i should make it so that that doesn't even show if there's no new fields.

As for changing the timeframe.... i did that on purpose. Via template manager you can edit the timeframes in which people can choose and such. Therefore, i figured some people may want to limit or change it around and not allow users to change it :p I will probably make it so that mods and such can change it though for premium.

TitanJeff 04-10-2006 09:05 PM

Awsome idea. Any way to set a percentage of the sale price to go to the host site? How about include a listing fee?

Gio~Logist 04-10-2006 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by TitanJeff
Awsome idea. Any way to set a percentage of the sale price to go to the host site? How about include a listing fee?

I will be looking into this. I've been familiarizing myself with the paypal callback system. I needed to get the hang of it in order to create the system for selling my scripts. Therefore, i should be able to use mynew knowledge to incorporate paypal more for the premium version.

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