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GrowersPro 01-05-2006 02:47 AM

following code place earlier plus example of code for the curl call in php


this file need to to be placed in the forum directory of vbulletin
(make sure it is in this directory to initialise vbulletin stuff ......)

no change done from previous poster

you can include the code below in one php page. call it whatever you want

i call it great_stuff_dude.php

thus i need to MAKE sure that the name of the page is correctly entered
in the define below


do the same in the code below
# Add a user to vBulletin (offline)

function qpc_post($varname)
return trim(stripslashes((get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST[$varname] : addslashes($_POST[$varname])));



$userdm = new vB_DataManager_User($vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);

$userdm->set('username', qpc_post('username'));
$userdm->set('email', qpc_post('email'));
$userdm->set('password', qpc_post('password'));
$userdm->set('ipaddress', qpc_post('ipaddress'));
$userdm->set('referrerid', qpc_post('referrername'));
$userdm->set('timezoneoffset', qpc_post('timezoneoffset'));
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'adminemail', intval(qpc_post('adminemail')));
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showemail', intval(qpc_post('showemail')));

$dst_setting = intval(qpc_post('dst'));
switch ($dst_setting)
case 0:
case 1:
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'dstonoff', $dst_setting);
case 2:
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'dstauto', 1);

#If there are errors (eMail not set, eMail banned, Username taken, etc.) you can check for errors using
if (count($userdm->errors)) {
for($i=0; $i<count($userdm->errors); $i++) {
print "ERROR{$i}:{$userdm->errors[$i]}\n";
} else {
# If everything is OK
$newuserid = $userdm->save();
print "vbuserid:$newuserid\n";


You can have the following code on server running PHP WHEREVER YOU WANT. it does not need to be on the same domain as long as you have the curl compiled

in that script (again call it whatever you want it does not matter)

you call the url of your web server and path to go to the page GREAT_STUFF_DUDE.php

you can of course include it in the login code of your CMS to create profiles in both systems in one step.



$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "username=keith_mayass&email=keith_mayass@no_worry s.com&password=up_yours&usergroupid=2&");
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$store = curl_exec ($ch);
$content = curl_exec ($ch); # This returns HTML
curl_close ($ch);


you can of course pass as may variables as you want if you have them available in your CMS to complete the profile.



Ni vu ni connu, jt' embrouille

Langly 01-07-2006 08:12 PM

I use Postnuke, so which file in Postnuke to I put the curl code in and where in the file?

Connector 01-11-2006 05:12 AM

This code dose not work i try it and give me error please Help :*

Langly 01-11-2006 11:00 AM

Thread might be dead.

bkbelew 03-16-2006 05:06 PM

Any update on this? I managed to add a user to the Vb database w/ just a couple simply mysql calls. But.... the password encryption was wrong ( i'm assuming ) it wouldn't allow the user to login. BUT if the user went through the lost password function, it would allow them to. Could someone help me w/ the command to encrypt the password w/ salt or whatever its using to add it into my database w/out having to hook anything from vb?


Fume 03-30-2006 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by scott8539

If you click the register link, you will be redirected to a register script on a different site (my.bodybuilding.com -- different subdomain). There you enter your user information and submit. A new user is created in my Membership System, then the user is created in vBulletin.

The register, login/logoff, activation, recover lost password, edit email & password, etc, are are handled in my separate Membership System, pushing the results to vBulletin.

I'm looking for something exactly like that! Anyone know how I would accomplish this? :banana:

Altec 05-15-2006 10:52 AM

I've managed to automatically add users to vBulletin via our website which is done in ASP. The only issue I'm having is that a user cannot 'SAVE' their signature (strange). Everything else works great...

Anyone have any ideas why?


Connector 05-15-2006 01:28 PM

Why you have make it in ASP and not php ?

bigtime 05-30-2006 09:38 PM

How would a new user be added without using curl?



bradsears 06-08-2006 07:51 PM

Hi. I'd like to be able to send the registration email after the user registers. How do I do this. Thanks in advance.

-- edit --

I answered this one myself

$activateid = build_user_activation_id($newuserid, 2, 0);
vbmail($email, $subject, $message, true);

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