Okiewan |
01-22-2004 12:59 PM |
Okay.. so I screwed-up and ran botloader, having troubles getting him going.
How can I removed the database entries loaded? As I said I want him to only know what we teach him (going to use it as a FQ of sorts, specific to my site's audience)
It's installed and learning, but is NOT moving the posts from "Teach" to "Learned"
Question: is the post ID (the first in either thread) supposed to be the post NUMBER (ie; "1") in the thread or the actual post ID number?
I have to admit I got a little confused during installation with this part:
on a sidenote if you changed the name of your bot and it's info in startup.xml you'll want
to change it here in learnwhat.xml as well you can do this by making a copy of startup to be the new learnwhat.xml
and changing the line
Someone care to make that a little more clear? I have learnwhat and startup in the same directory and they contain different info... I modified "learnwhat" only. Do I just copy the contents of learnwhat into startup, then put <learn>learnwhat.xml<learn> in it (into startup)?