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Velocd 06-14-2002 05:47 PM

Well after many attempts on trying to get this working with your tutorial Nakkid I just couldn't get it to work, I've been doing everything perfectly. So I uninstalled everything, and I decided to try PhpTriad. And I must say, not only did it work (with 2.2.6), but it was MUCH easier to install ;)


Quick little tutorial on how to get this working with PhpTriad:
1. Install PhpTriad (http://sourceforge.net/projects/phptriad/)
2. Goto C:\apache\mysql\bin\ and run winmysqladmin
3. If it asks you for a username or password, enter (using Nakkid example) root for username and password for the password.
4. Still in winmysqladmin, goto the databases tab, and right click on your computer name, then select create database. Call it vbulletin.
5. Now in C:\apache\htdocs create a folder called forums, then upload all the vbulletin stuff in there.
6. Goto your start menu > PHPtriad > Apache Console > Stop Apache. (this step might now even be needed, but was for me)
7. Now go to start menu > PHPtriad > Apache Console > Start Apache
8. Apache will come up in a window, simply minimize it.
9. Goto http://localhost/forums/admin/install.php, and you're done!

This doesn't require any moving files or file modifications, and didn't give me any errors either ;)
Thanks to eiSecure for providing the info on PHPtriad!

eiSecure 06-14-2002 05:51 PM

Good thing I mentioned it, huh?;)

Velocd 06-14-2002 05:54 PM

you're a life saver ;)
I'm sure there was just something messed up with my system that Nakkid's way wouldn't work, but either way PhpTriad worked perfectly and was much easier to install.

TECK 06-14-2002 08:03 PM

glad to got it up and running. the important thing is that is working right? :)

eiSecure 06-14-2002 08:10 PM

hmm... is there supposed to be a delay when replying to threads by email?:confused:

Velocd 06-14-2002 08:32 PM

I would think that it would be slower than usual replying, although I haven't used that feature yet. How slow of a delay?

eiSecure 06-14-2002 09:24 PM

Let's just say that I replied by email before I posted the post above, and obviousely, it still hasn't shown up yet.:D

Velocd 06-14-2002 09:40 PM

I've got 2 questions to ask ;)

Question: How do you backup/restore a database using an SSH Client like Putty if the database is on your PC? I've tried entering in the hostname field of putty "localhost" and also my IP address but no go, it says cannot make connection. Would I be able to just use phpmyadmin for this, since its on my computer maybe it will be more reliable than using it on the web?

Question 2: I've noticed a small problem trying to register a new user (using phptriad installation method) and thats that you get a apache error. Registering members on a local vbulletin is sorta pointless anyway, but I just wanted to know if this is an error or normal.

Royal 06-15-2002 06:23 PM

after using phptraid i still cant get the thing working

when i go to http://localhost/forums/admin/install.php i get the msg :

Connection refused

Description: Connection refused

and when i open the install.php in IE i get :
You are not running PHP - Please contact your system administrator.

what could be wrong ?? :eek:

Velocd 06-15-2002 08:05 PM

Uninstall everything, make sure you just don't delete the folders, but go into your Windows Control Panel and uninstall PHPTriad (apache, php, mysql) from there.

Now try reinstalling it again only following the steps I have in post #31, no file modification are needed as stated in post #1.

Try this and let me know how it works. Also, what operating system are you using?

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