Brandon Sheley |
01-20-2015 02:19 PM |
Originally Posted by cellarius
(Post 2533482)
That's because many - like myself - were prepared to give IB the benefit of the doubt and a second chance. They tried to pull the same stunt twice. And no doubt, they'll do it a third time.
This ^
When vbulletin 4 was released in poor shape many of use wanted to give it a chance knowing how successful vbulletin 3 was for years. When it took 2-3 years before vbulletin 4 was in a stable condition we figured, surely the next version would start off stronger.
We were all wrong.
One thing to note is vbulletin 4 and 5 both had alpha and beta groups go over the code and offer suggestions and explained why something wouldn't work. The really strange thing is both times, in beta 4 and beta 5 groups, for the most part our criticism was completely ignored and the shareholders carried more weight then experienced admins did.
It's obvious to everyone that this is how things will be ran from now on with vbulletin. The management doesn't care about the users or their customers, they only care about sales and how to squeeze more money out of the product. Since vbulletin 4 was released there have been additional addons in the core that are only there to create more income on vbulletins part.. eg the email marketing plugin, the classifieds plugin, the mobile app. With the exception of the mobile app (which has been broken for 2 years) the others are purely there to create addition income for vbulletin themselves and in 99% of the installs I've personally touched, have been disabled and are considered bloatware.
In short.. vbulletin only cares about bringing in more money, they don't care of the product is crap and will in fact sell it as "the greatest forum platform in the world" even if they are 100% aware that it's full of bugs and VERY poorly written as we've all seen vbulletin 5 is.
It's not coincidental that zero of the code reviews for vbulletin 5 have been positive.