amykhar |
03-31-2006 09:58 AM |
Darat, let me be blunt, if the non-coders could still view it, it wouldn't be a resource either because we wouldn't use it. There would be no point.
The userpage mod is a prime example of why I need a coders forum. I released it in beta to get an idea on what I wanted to do with it based on the input from real coders. The damn thing took off and became popular. And, even though it was in beta, it mistakenly made it to the poll for hot mod. Then, it won.
The sheer number of feature requests and user errrors - you wouldn't believe how many people don't upload files or run install scripts and then scream that a mod doesn't work - killed my interest in that mod entirely.
Since people won't read install instructions and won't stay away from mods that are beyond their abilities, we need a place to play with code bits and work out issues.
The feedback we get from non-coders is useless in many cases. People click the install button two seconds after a mod is posted and tell us how wonderful it is. Excuse me, but did you even install it and run it first? I've had mods that had an installation script error get dozens of thank yous before anybody came along and said the install script doesn't work. Then, we get people who don't read what a mod is for and start asking totally off the wall questions. And, we get the people I mentioned above, who don't follow any directions - basic stuff like upload the files.