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Mobo 05-14-2004 06:23 PM

Oppsss, sorry about being a tard on the URLs...I should have caught that . I know I saw an email addy some were to send you a donation, I'd like to send one if I can find the addy again.

Also, one of my users asked if it was possible to have new PMs show up on the front page. Maybe some thing under where it show what subscribes threads have been updated. Like this...

Welcome Back mobo!

New & Updated Threads: 40 | New posts: 111
Updated Susbscribed Threads: 12
New Private Messages: 3
View New Posts | Today's Posts

Is that possible?

NTLDR 05-14-2004 06:38 PM

Just edit the VBINDEX template.

Mobo 05-14-2004 09:23 PM

I opened up that template and I think I figured out where to edit it, but I'm not sure what to put in there to make the new PMs show up. I'm way new at this code/hack stuff.

Thanks for your help.

NTLDR 05-14-2004 09:55 PM

The HTML/variables can be found in the navbar and global.php.

Mobo 05-14-2004 10:55 PM

So, is this the bit of coade that I need to insert?

PHP Code:

$pmunread_html iif($bbuserinfo['pmunread'], "<strong>$bbuserinfo[pmunread]</strong>"$bbuserinfo['pmunread']);
$vbphrase['unread_x_nav_compiled'] = construct_phrase($vbphrase['unread_x_nav'], $pmunread_html);
$vbphrase['total_x_nav_compiled'] = construct_phrase($vbphrase['total_x_nav'], $bbuserinfo['pmtotal']); 

Qualia 05-15-2004 12:15 AM


I'm helping CrankN while he's at work. I downloaded a fresh copy, removed and replaced all the files. I went to the admin cp, pasted http://www.ourdomain.net/folder/admincp/vbiupgrade.php and hit Enter. It started to load, "Processing complete...proceed" flashed at the top of the page, then the page went blank. The side menu of the admin cp shows but the main right side is plain white. It looks like a path problem to me. We don't have /forum/ and I'm wondering if the install is looking for that or not. If not, have you got any ideas what might be causing this and what I can do to complete it?


Maikeru 05-15-2004 01:01 AM

Is there anyway to make this appear when you go to http://www.lvlzero.uni.cc?

Also could I make the news go in decending order?

Mobo 05-15-2004 06:54 AM

Never mind on the PM thing. It's already show at the top of the page :o

My users have found a problem though. If you click on the "go to last post" icon, it brings up a Page can not be displayed error. It's been verified on diferent computers and networks.

Any thoughts?

ImportPassion 05-15-2004 12:44 PM

I am a little concerned about at least 2 of the queries.

In the GET NEWS query I see this...
PHP Code:

WHERE forumid IN ($vbindex[newsfid])
deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
AND forumid NOT IN (".implode(',', $limitfids)."

now, if you are already doing and IN clause, there is no need to do a NOT IN clause. It's more overhead for absolutely nothing.

Now in the GET LATEST THREADS there is a similar issue..
PHP Code:

WHERE open '1'
AND thread.open <> 10
AND thread.forumid NOT IN (".iif(is_numeric($vbindex['newsfid']), "$vbindex[newsfid],").implode(',', $limitfids)."

Here we see open=1 and open <> 10. You don't use both. You are already looking for 1, so <>10 will again be useless overhead.

For this NOT IN, I had more NOT IN id's than I would have IN id's, so I changed this to an IN statement and hardcoded my id's. I think only 5 instead of 30 or so I want to exclude. I think this could be made an option.

One last thing, I added indexes on dateline for post and thread and it made a significant increase in speed for my db with 100,000+ threads and over 1.5million posts.

Went from the vbIndex loading in 30s to about 3s with all these changes.

Your milage may vary, but I think it's worth a shot.

Big Daddy 05-15-2004 03:55 PM

When I try to enable news on my vbindex, it gives me this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL:
## GET NEWS ##
SELECT thread.*,thread.iconid AS threadiconid, threadpost.pagetext AS pagetext,
threadpost.attach AS attachcount,

IF(user.displaygroupid = 0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid
FROM thread AS thread
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (thread.postuserid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN post AS threadpost ON (thread.firstpostid = threadpost.postid)
LEFT JOIN deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid AND type = 'thread')

WHERE forumid IN (http://www.my domain.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?t=15)
AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
AND forumid NOT IN (0)
AND thread.open <> 10
AND thread.visible = '1'

ORDER BY thread.dateline DESC
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '://www.my domain.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?t=15)
AND deletionlog.primar' at line 14

mysql error number: 1064

What do I do??????
Thanks in advance for your help!!!

ImportPassion 05-15-2004 03:56 PM

cause u put an actual url instead of the id 15 for your news forums.

Big Daddy 05-15-2004 03:59 PM

So what do I change it too??? How would an "id" look???

Big Daddy 05-15-2004 04:05 PM

ok, never mind...... I got it to work. Thanks for your help

Big Daddy 05-15-2004 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by paratek
Can anyone tell me if the custom box (event countdown) shown in the attached pic is a released hack for vbindex, or someones custom private work?

Anyone have anything like this they would share?


Ever get an answer on this???? I would like to know too!

NTLDR 05-15-2004 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
For this NOT IN, I had more NOT IN id's than I would have IN id's, so I changed this to an IN statement and hardcoded my id's. I think only 5 instead of 30 or so I want to exclude. I think this could be made an option.

If you want permissions ignored then feel free to remove them, otherwise they are needed to prevent threads in forums the browser doesn't have access to view.


One last thing, I added indexes on dateline for post and thread and it made a significant increase in speed for my db with 100,000+ threads and over 1.5million posts.
They aren't added by default as not everyone may want them, but it is indeed a good move to index them as they are used in a number of places. I might look into making this default/optional.

NTLDR 05-15-2004 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Maikeru
Is there anyway to make this appear when you go to http://www.lvlzero.uni.cc?

Rename vbindex.php index.php.

SEShady 05-17-2004 04:36 AM


I have a custom skin from VBSkinz.com. Will it work with Vbindex? Just curious.


d3nnis 05-17-2004 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by SEShady

I have a custom skin from VBSkinz.com. Will it work with Vbindex? Just curious.


it should works cos vbindex will use the css from the original vbulletin css

xHollywoodx 05-17-2004 07:08 AM

I'm getting these errors =[

On my index page Parse error: parse error in /home/cosclan/public_html/vbiconfig.php on line 29

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/cosclan/public_html/vbindex.php on line 144

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/cosclan/public_html/includes/config.php on line 194

In my admin menu

Parse error: parse error in /home/cosclan/public_html/vbiconfig.php on line 29

Some one please help, i think this would make my site rox =P

chet 05-17-2004 09:08 AM

Hi All, I'm looking to change the look of the portal, what I'm after is instead of showing the latest threads on the portal in the centre block, I want it to list all the forums as it does on the vbulliten home page, could somebody explain how I go about this please, I have also posted Here as I think this user is after the same as me

Regards and thanks for reading


NTLDR 05-17-2004 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by xHollywoodx
I'm getting these errors =[

You haven't edited vbiconfig.php correctly as per the install instructions.

NTLDR 05-17-2004 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by chet
Hi All, I'm looking to change the look of the portal, what I'm after is instead of showing the latest threads on the portal in the centre block, I want it to list all the forums as it does on the vbulliten home page

I might make this an option in a future version. All the code you need can be found within vBulletin's index.php.

NTLDR 05-17-2004 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by SEShady
I have a custom skin from VBSkinz.com. Will it work with Vbindex? Just curious.

You'll probably have to edit the vBindex header/footer to match the skin and import the templates into that style other then that it will work fine.

chet 05-17-2004 12:17 PM

Sorry to be a pain in the rear but do you have any guides I can follow as I'm a total noob



xHollywoodx 05-17-2004 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
You haven't edited vbiconfig.php correctly as per the install instructions.

what did i do wrong =[ ??

NTLDR 05-17-2004 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by xHollywoodx
what did i do wrong =[ ??

You haven't edited it correctly. The installer gives you exact instructions on what to change, make sure you follow it to the letter.

NTLDR 05-17-2004 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by chet
Sorry to be a pain in the rear but do you have any guides I can follow as I'm a total noob

The parts that refer to cache_ordered_forums() and construct_forumbit() is the areas you need to look at.

xHollywoodx 05-17-2004 12:27 PM

Ahh! i got it :) thx

Now how would i go about making it match my style ?


Any where i should start first?

NTLDR 05-17-2004 12:28 PM

Edit the templates juts like you would for vB.

xHollywoodx 05-17-2004 12:59 PM

Ok a few problems.

How do i go in and change some of my links, when i was installing it i didnt set them right =[ Cause i try to click a event on a calendar, and it takes me to blank page

... http://www.teamsik.net/calendar.core...=2004-5-17&c=1

And forums/ should be in there, so how do i go in a edit my links ?!

Next Question

I took my old footer and pasted in the vbfooter and the footer didnt show up right on the vbindex part, do i need to edit another file to make it match the site?


tobkat 05-17-2004 06:57 PM

NTLDR, when will the next version be out and ... will there be any new features ?

ImportPassion 05-18-2004 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
If you want permissions ignored then feel free to remove them, otherwise they are needed to prevent threads in forums the browser doesn't have access to view.

I think u are missing what I am saying.
by default it is NOT IN
say i have 25 forums and i don't want 1-20 showing posts then i would do,so it NOT IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,2 0)
etc. for the forums I don't want listed. which is correct. (but i think i have even more than that.)
so now mysql just takes 21-25 after an exhaustive search to exclude all those forums.

what I did was the reverse
I did
IN (21,22,23,24,25)
which is alot easier on mysql

it may not work for all, but for ppl with more NOT IN then IN, it is a better solution IMO.


xHollywoodx 05-19-2004 10:44 AM

Ok, i almost have my site fully done, but i still have one problem that i cant get to work =[ The calendar links in the block, when i click them they take me to a Page Not Found.

chet 05-19-2004 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
The parts that refer to cache_ordered_forums() and construct_forumbit() is the areas you need to look at.

I have found that part but do not know what to change, can you/anybody help me out please



proxyMX 05-19-2004 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by chet
I have found that part but do not know what to change, can you/anybody help me out please



why am i getting the same error in all areas of my shop: "No Actions Found?"

Scuttle 05-19-2004 03:32 PM

Howdy, i've installed the hack on my forum. I was wondering how i go about editing the top toolbar, with

Forums User CP FAQ Members List Calendar New posts Search Quick Links Log Out

On it. My use for it is pretty specialised (for a local band), and i need to change all the links to point to different paths with different link names. I've checked the templates that were installed, and can't see the ability to?

Also possibly covered: I get errors when using the calendar, when i click an event the following happens:


The requested URL /lastrites/calendar.core was not found on this server
So far everything else is working perfectly. Thanks for any help you can provide me with. :)

chet 05-19-2004 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
The parts that refer to cache_ordered_forums() and construct_forumbit() is the areas you need to look at.

I thought I had found the this part in the vbindex, I can not find it, can anybody help me out here please


NTLDR 05-19-2004 08:48 PM

Edit the vbindex_navbar template to change the links in the header. The fix for the calendar can be found earlier in the thread.

Suzie 05-19-2004 10:00 PM

I have a problem with my image path it in the vbindex. It reads double Where do I fix this? What file or data field? :ermm:

Scuttle 05-19-2004 10:31 PM

Thanks amigo, mostly done now... EXCEPT (hah, bet you saw that coming ;)) i still don't see how to change the text for the new links. If i change the phrase it dissapears (understand why, just testing the possibilities), but now i've run out of ideas for bits to change to try and get the text in?

Great hack, btw. Other than these two problems for me i've not got a single complaint. *thumbs up* :)

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