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mccollin 08-25-2003 02:30 PM


I don't know if I asked you this before, but do you know how to make the news page give you a page listing at the bottom like vBulletin does. This would be kind of a news archive. So, you'd set how many news items you wanted on the page.. fine, but then be able to let the user go back in time.

Another idea that I'd like to exploit is to subhead the news by Date.... so you get.

Monday, August 25, 2003

News Headline 1


News Headline 2


Sunday, August 24, 2003

News Headline 3


<< Page 1 <> 2, 3, 4, Next >>

Something like this. If I could figure out the page thing first, that would be way cool.... Can we exploit the code and template that vBulletin uses to do this bit? Thanks.

NTLDR 08-25-2003 03:02 PM

For the page navagation you can use the getpagenav() (Pretty sure thats what its called in vB2) function which generates the page navagtion links (Page 1, 2, 3 Last >>).

Also it will require and edit to the news query and a few extra variables. Alot of the vB files have this (memberlist.php, showthread.php, forumdisplay.php for example). I don't think it would be too hard to do and may include this as standard for v3.0.0.

For grouping by date, you would need to store the last date (without the time) and compare it the next time round the loop, if its different then update the last date and add the header to the template.

Here is an example of what I mean:

PHP Code:

$lastdate 0;
$news $DB_site->fetch_array($newsposts)) {
$date vbdate($dateformat$news['dateline']);

    if (
$lastdate != $date) {
$lastdate vbdate($dateformat$news['dateline'];
$newsbits .= 'header code/template call here';
// rest of script 

kid_ttvn 09-08-2003 07:45 AM

This version can use for vbb 3.0 ????

StrykerContact 09-09-2003 02:53 AM

I cannot find where the hell in the templates or anywhere the "Quick User CP Links in the menu when logged in" is! I HAVE LOOKED VERY HARD THEY ARE NOWHERE!!! Lol this is very fustrating because I want to edit those links. Please tell me where I can edit those.

Thanks in advance, and btw great job on the hack!

NTLDR 09-09-2003 01:35 PM

I'd sugest asking in the support thread for that hack. IIRC they may be in forums/globa.php and not in a template.

StrykerContact 09-09-2003 09:06 PM

I'm sorry but what do you mean support thread for that hack? I don't think it was an add on it came with your hack and the support thread is THIS thread, excuse me if I'm wrong please correct me if I am. I'll check it out. Thanks

StrykerContact 09-09-2003 09:10 PM


08-05-02 at 01:35 AM NTLDR said this in Post #1
[B][HIGH]vBindex v2.1[/HIGH]

[LIST][*]Latest Threads;[*]News & Polls (taken from a specified news and a poll forum), with vBcode, Smilies and news posters avatar;[*]Quick User CP Links in the menu when logged in;

I will support all addons for vBindex v2 that are either posted by myself or are included in the distribution zip file unless otherwise stated. I cannot guarentee that I can provide support on any other addons.


Please provide me with any feekback you have on this hack, I will be continuing to support this hack here only, unless otherwise arranged. Should you have a question about this hack, please post it in this thread
Yes, I checked it out, Quick User CP Links in the menu when logged in is a FEATURE. You said you provide support in this thread, why am I now being told to go to another thread. You did make the hack right? Please forgive me if this sounds a bit hostile but by all means it is not. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: And I do not see it anywhere in global.php

NTLDR 09-10-2003 09:32 PM

Sorry, I thought you were reffering to another hack that switches between a registeration and user cp link in the header.

Look in the home_welcome_logout template IIRC.

StrykerContact 09-10-2003 11:17 PM

Thanks, I found it, but I asked a friend to give me the info since VBorg was down for the day, but if I didn't find it this answer would have helped. Thanks a lot. Btw is there anyway in the news script I can make a <br> space between news posts, and also show the username of the person who posted that news.


NTLDR 09-11-2003 09:18 AM

The new posters username appears by default. To split the new blocks up you need to edit the home_news and home_newsbit templates.

Sue 09-11-2003 08:16 PM

installed! awesome!


StrykerContact 09-12-2003 12:14 AM

Yes I have tried experimenting with that but I don't know where to put the <br>'s in each template, can you help me please?

Edit: I just had a crazy idea, is it possible for 2 vBindex's to be installed on one server? If so, here is my idea:

I have a clan that I run and I am considering making a seperate vBindex for my clan's forum and page, but my site is hosted on my forum's site, so my forums is mysite.com/forums and my current vbindex is located at mysite.com/index.php but my clan's site is going to be mysite.com/clan/ and so I was wondering how to get the vBindex working since my clan's site is not in the forums directory, and it's not in the home directory, but it's in it's own directory. Oh and my forums for it wouldn't even be /forums the main forum for my site would be somthing like mysite.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=9

This might sound kind of confusing but see if you can get what I am saying. I like vBIndex a lot and I want it to be my home page for my clan site and it's forum. Thanks.

NTLDR 09-12-2003 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by StrykerContact
Edit: I just had a crazy idea, is it possible for 2 vBindex's to be installed on one server? If so, here is my idea:

Yes, this can be done easily, take a loom through the thread, two or three people have done this already.

As for the news you'll need to re-do the entire table structure so that each news item is in its own table seperated with a <br />

StrykerContact 09-12-2003 11:44 PM

Loom through the thread? It is 103 pages long, but I'll do my best. I am pretty busy lately. Thanks for the answer.

Edit: Oh and I forgot to mention, I do believe it is a violation of your code to remove the copywrite text from the footer of your hack. Well I have come across a lot of sites that have, and I'm sure there is plenty out there. I think that is a discrace and you busted your balls to make this hack. If you need to find some, just type in vBindex in a google search and check out all the sites and look at there footer. One I happened to note was this one:


Copywrite text is clearly removed from the footer of that page, and yes it is powered by vbindex. Just thought you should know because I greatly respect your work.

Edit2: Also now that I look, I don't think you exactly understand what I'm saying here. I do not want another page for vbindex, I want a SEPERATE vbindex. The seperate one pointing to a different news forum and different settings and different templates, not just a page you click from a link and it opens up a new page in vbindex that you customize. I mean an ENTIRELY different vbindex, please read my post again to see what I'm saying, and if you DO understand what I'm saying I'm sorry for doubting you, just making sure.

NTLDR 09-13-2003 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by StrykerContact

Copywrite text is clearly removed from the footer of that page, and yes it is powered by vbindex. Just thought you should know because I greatly respect your work.

There is no requirement to keep the copyright text (Other than the standard vBulletin text) for this hack as the majority would re-move it regardless, however I have reported that site for the lack of vBulletin copyright both on the site and forums.

To have two version of vBindex running, you would firstly need to rename all the templates to newtitle_X from home_X and add them in the ACP for the styles required and then make a few modifications so that the news forum can be different for each one. See back a few pages for the variables you'll want to change.

StrykerContact 09-14-2003 12:48 AM

Alright I'm going to give this a shot later, I wish I could have one on one instructions, but your a busy guy and I respect the help your giving me :)

If you want to check it out what I have currently done you can go to: Http://www.diablo-world.net


mccollin 09-30-2003 03:56 PM

If you go back several pages to areas where NTLDR and I were discussing some hacks to the hack, you'll find how to do what you want in explicit detail. If you look at my site, I have many vBindex's. I actually made a single vBindex home page and I dynamically feed it a variable to completely change the page, the news, etc. Even though I have many of the vBindex blocks turned off, it's still basically what you want I think. If you go my site and click on the different phones, you'll be taken to the different pages. And, even though YOU are busy, YOU do need to read back through the thread to find what YOU need. I did it when I came here, and it took me quite a while, but it was worth it. You'll find that people are more happy to answer your questions when you've put in a little homework before hand. This is an awesome script, and very simple and easy to twist into what you want it to do. NTLDR did an a great job.

NTLDR 10-04-2003 09:03 PM

For those of you interested in vBindex for vB3 I hoping to have the first beta ready in the next few days. All the existing features (excluding the poll) have been re-done and many more new ones added :D It uses 15 queries with all the current options switched on and does alot more then 2.1.

This will be an Addon to vB3 Beta 7 and requires no hacking of origional vB files to work correctly ;)

mccollin 10-04-2003 11:34 PM

Let me know if you want a beta tester.

Chris M 10-05-2003 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by mccollin
Let me know if you want a beta tester.

I don't think we will be requiring BETA testers at this time;)


mccollin 10-05-2003 05:34 PM

Just responding to a prior comment from NTLDR.

NTLDR 10-05-2003 06:21 PM

I'll be releasing a public beta very soon, as I think its pretty much bug free and could be a while before I can vB3 hacking is allowed rather than the private selected beta I had previously planned :)

NTLDR 10-06-2003 07:15 PM

[high]vBindex v3.0.0 Beta 1 - Public Beta Released[/high]

I happy to announce the first release of vBindex for vBulletin 3. This is the first beta so it may still have some bugs left in it, however after testing both here and at hellsatans site most of the obvious bugs have been resolved. The templates remain largely un-phrased untill vBulletin have added all a majority of the phrases into the language system. Due to the restrictions on discussing vB3 hacks and Addons here at vB.org, vBindex 3.0.0 Support will only be given over at Core Forums when you have PM'ed either myself or hellsatan your Core Forums username to us via the vB.org PM System. vBindex 2.x support will remain in this thread.


To download you will need to enter the following forum password:


The following are the features that are presently avalible in vBindex, those marked new have been updated since vBindex 2.1.
  • Latest Threads;
  • News (taken from a specified news forum), with vBcode, Smilies and optional news posters avatar;
  • [high]*NEW*[/high] Online user list, with buddies and invisible users marked;
  • Very easy to customize, just edit/add templates;
  • Integrated Welcome Panel;
  • Capable of operating a multi-paged site;
  • [high]*NEW*[/high] Full usergroup based viewing permissions;
  • [high]*NEW*[/high] Global and user specific ignore list throughout all items;
  • Will work 100% outside of your forums directory;
  • Fully integrated into the Admin CP, change all options there!
  • Fully integrated Shoutbox;
  • [high]*NEW*[/high] Reduced queries and cleaner code, only 16 queries with all fetaures enabled;
  • [high]*NEW*[/high] 100% Valid XHTML 1.0 Templates.


Full instructions can be found in the zip file containing the source code, which can be downloaded from our forums. The templates provided with Beta 1 are designed for vBulletin 3 Beta 7 due to the new image folder structure.

cscgal 10-08-2003 01:32 AM

I'm confused how/where vBindex 3 can be downloaded from? It has code and it says to download I have to enter a forum password, but where??

NTLDR 10-08-2003 08:22 AM

<a href="http://www.coreforums.net" target="_blank">http://www.coreforums.net</a>

cscgal 10-08-2003 01:39 PM

Thanks, I figured it out already :)

groovesalad 10-09-2003 04:24 AM

I installed vbindex using the instructions. Everything seems to be working correctly, but when I post something in the News section, only the subject line and the avatar show up and the post doesn't. Any ideas?

NTLDR 10-09-2003 08:42 AM

You need to run the update counters option for vBindex as per the install instructions.

groovesalad 10-09-2003 09:02 PM

The install instructions listed for download here don't say anything about updating counters. Thank you, however, for you help on this NTLDR....as always, you're the man!

groovesalad 10-09-2003 09:18 PM

Also, do I need to update the counters every time I make an announcement in the news section?

NTLDR 10-09-2003 10:55 PM

Only after you have installed the hack and have existing newsposts or if you change the news forum and the same happens, otherwise its done automatically with the change in newthread.php :)

nhochochack 10-10-2003 12:31 PM

how can you share this code for all members ??

Chris M 10-10-2003 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by nhochochack
how can you share this code for all members ??

How do you mean?:)


NTLDR 10-10-2003 08:48 PM

For those of you interested in the vB3 version of vBindex, Beta 2 has been released at Core Forums. Please see the Beta 1 post for details on how to obtain and get support for the vB3 version of vBindex :)

groovesalad 10-10-2003 11:45 PM

Sorry if this has been asked already...how do you go about deleting a shout from the shoutbox once posted?

Preech 10-11-2003 06:00 AM

I inquire about the same problem.

paddysplace 10-11-2003 01:52 PM

//PM sent to active CF.net account. Re-read your post and deleted my previous inquiry. Sorry!


NTLDR 10-11-2003 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by groovesalad
Sorry if this has been asked already...how do you go about deleting a shout from the shoutbox once posted?

Currently the only way of deleting shouts is by manually removing them from the database.

Asso 10-14-2003 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
For those of you interested in the vB3 version of vBindex, Beta 2 has been released at Core Forums. Please see the Beta 1 post for details on how to obtain and get support for the vB3 version of vBindex :)

finally! a vB 3 portal system! I download it now, i suggest to use the features of vBhome lite and i hope will be no difficult with existent skins

thx for sharing!

PAINTBALLM 10-15-2003 05:15 AM

is there any way to seperate the news columns? so they arent all togather.. Like the way you did it for VB3.. Could you give us the vb3 style newsbit template? Please? Thanks :)

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