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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Soccer Betting Game ("Fussball-Tippspiele") (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=238043)

MaLTRaiN 08-24-2013 02:37 PM

Big thanks. Great job. I hope you can add south americans leagues in the future...

MaLTRaiN 08-24-2013 11:57 PM

Hi... for Xenforo (http://xenforo.com/community/resourc...ing-game.2092/) it says "Europa League", "Champions League" and "WM 2014" are available. I can't find it on my vBulletin. Will those be available next?

And, please, bring: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico!!! :)

nick-harper 08-31-2013 12:17 PM

When I am on the rankings page:


If I click on any page after page 1 it will give me:


However, this page takes me back to the prediction page?

Can anybody help?

NickyNet 09-01-2013 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by MaLTRaiN (Post 2440878)
Hi... for Xenforo (http://xenforo.com/community/resourc...ing-game.2092/) it says "Europa League", "Champions League" and "WM 2014" are available. I can't find it on my vBulletin. Will those be available next?

And, please, bring: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico!!! :)

Try now for Europa & Champions Leagues.
WM 2014 will be in 2014 ;)

Teascu Dorin 09-03-2013 12:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is the Romanian translation for this mod. (As I made the translation for XenForo version I decided to make it for this one too.)

The translation is for v1.4.25 RC 8

nektar 09-18-2013 09:10 AM


One quick question. I used to have this script on my site but it was giving me a headache as far as extra time and penalties are concerned.
How are they being handled in the final score? This is really relevant in knock-out rounds like in Champions League, World Cup, etc.
If I remember well the script used to count extra time and penalties.

Thank you.

nick-harper 10-11-2013 09:55 AM

Is there anything I can do when the league table doesn't update?

stemmy 11-04-2013 06:40 PM

can you update to the newer version and retain all the scores from a current season or does it wipe the lot ??

ForceHSS 11-05-2013 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by stemmy (Post 2458210)
can you update to the newer version and retain all the scores from a current season or does it wipe the lot ??

you need to overwrite all files and xml

Schneck 12-17-2013 02:06 PM

after upgrading to vb 4.2.2 i have the following error when i tick "Aktuelle Daten abrufen" (update matches manually) but the rest of this mod is working fine:


Warnung: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../includes/vbsoccer_services.php (Zeile 307)

Warnung: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../includes/vbsoccer_services.php (Zeile 307


ForceHSS 12-17-2013 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Schneck (Post 2469020)
after upgrading to vb 4.2.2 i have the following error when i tick "Aktuelle Daten abrufen" (update matches manually) but the rest of this mod is working fine:


Warnung: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../includes/vbsoccer_services.php (Zeile 307)

Warnung: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../includes/vbsoccer_services.php (Zeile 307


This plugin wont work for that version and i dont ever see the op ever updating it

motd2 12-20-2013 04:03 PM

locate lines 5683-5685

        case E_NOTICE:
            // Just ignore these completely //

Replace with this

        case E_NOTICE:
        case E_STRICT:
        case E_DEPRECATED:
            // Just ignore these completely //

Schneck 12-22-2013 08:59 PM


Many thx! Worked like a charm!

oraille 03-11-2014 06:16 PM


Could you please help me about this plugin is not working my forum.
İt is showing old data . Date is 01-20-2013

How can I update Data , date etc etc.

glen290 04-29-2014 12:54 PM

I am getting an error when I click on season or total rankings.
All was ok but had server issues over the week end and since then im getting the following errors.

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

b.`userid`, `match_day`,
COUNT(*) AS `bets`,
SUM(`score_key`>0) AS 'evaluated',
SUM(`score_key`>0 AND `score_key` != `bet_score_key`) AS 'wr',
SUM(`score_key`>0 AND `bet_home`=`points_home` AND `bet_away`=`points_away`) AS 'rr',
SUM(`score_key`>0 AND CAST(`bet_home`-`bet_away` AS SIGNED)=(`points_home`-`points_away`) AND NOT (`bet_home`=`points_home` AND `bet_away`=`points_away`)) AS 'rd'
FROM `tenpinfo_soccer_user_bet` b
INNER JOIN `tenpinfo_soccer_match` m ON (m.`id`=b.`match_id`)
WHERE m.`league_id`=9 GROUP BY `match_day`, b.`userid`;

MySQL Error : BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`tenpinfo_forum`.`b`.`bet_home` - `tenpinfo_forum`.`b`.`bet_away`)'
Error Number : 1690
Request Date : Tuesday, April 29th 2014 @ 09:50:35 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, April 29th 2014 @ 09:50:36 AM
Script : http://www.bowluk.com/vbsoccer.php?do=ranking
Referrer : http://www.bowluk.com/vbsoccer.php
IP Address :
Username : Glen
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.31-MariaDB-cll-lve

Can anybody help before I do a restore ?

koplak.kapok 05-19-2014 12:53 AM

help me. import products vbsoccer

vBulletin Message
Please upload the files that came with the vbsoccer package before installing or upgrading!

vBulletin V4.2.2

ForceHSS 05-19-2014 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by koplak.kapok (Post 2498387)
help me. import products vbsoccer

vBulletin Message
Please upload the files that came with the vbsoccer package before installing or upgrading!

vBulletin V4.2.2

This plugin might not work for that version and I don't ever see the op ever updating it. On another note, maybe doing what it asks you might stop you getting that message, it really is not that hard to work out

MrD 05-20-2014 02:03 PM

The Addon Runs Fine in vb4.2.2pl1.
I use this Mod since Release Date

fortforum 06-14-2014 05:37 PM

It works, but formating is kind of broken. Is there a quick fix for this or are we in the cold here?

It works fine with 4.2.1, but 4..2.2 gives me broken formating.

Abominus 06-23-2014 06:02 AM

Das Spiel gestern wurde nicht richtig ins System eingetragen. Ich schaue heute morgen auf die Tabelle WM und Portugal / USA stehen noch mit 1:2 drin. Kann man das nachträglich irgendwo anpassen? POR hat hat noch auf 2:2 erhöht.

Ach ja, und wie kriege ich es hin, dass ein Block in der Navigationsleiste angezeigt wird?

ozzy47 06-23-2014 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Abominus (Post 2503211)
Das Spiel gestern wurde nicht richtig ins System eingetragen. Ich schaue heute morgen auf die Tabelle WM und Portugal / USA stehen noch mit 1:2 drin. Kann man das nachtr?glich irgendwo anpassen? POR hat hat noch auf 2:2 erh?ht.

Ach ja, und wie kriege ich es hin, dass ein Block in der Navigationsleiste angezeigt wird?

Please keep all posts in English. :)

Mariner1 06-23-2014 01:32 PM

I think hes saying the game reported the result 2-1 when in actual fact it ended 2-2 so it needs amending in the game.I could do with it amending too if possible


Looks like its been changed

Abominus 06-23-2014 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2503229)
Please keep all posts in English. :)

Sorry, forget to translate. Will never happen again.

koenigbube 06-24-2014 08:18 PM

is the new German BL 2014/15 season automatically updated?

with me is because mom. nor the BL season 2013/2014 to see?

thank you

madddenaddicto 06-24-2014 11:51 PM

Any chance of adding MLS, mexica, or south american leagues?

MrD 06-29-2014 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by koenigbube (Post 2503517)
is the new German BL 2014/15 season automatically updated?

with me is because mom. nor the BL season 2013/2014 to see?

thank you

Go to the Team Manager in ACP and Import the League.
The Addon will Not Update automatically.

Marv 07-17-2014 05:19 PM

Hi Marcus,
wird der Mod noch vom GEB maintained? Will den gerade f?r die neue Saison installieren und ank?ndigen - nicht dass das am End dann ne peinliche Nummer f?r mich wird ;)


Hi Marcus,
is this mod still maintained by AA and his Crew? About to install this mod and announcing the kickstart on my forum - just trying to avoid another embarrasing moment in my life ;)

Marv 07-17-2014 06:42 PM

Hi again.

I?ve installed vbsoccer now on a 4.2.2 PL 1 and found some strange behaviour. Guess the link between team and team-logo has changed since last season (or the api has undergone some changes). There is no team which has his own logo, instead they all (or the very most of em) have a competitor-logo assigned. Others have no logos, even when there is one shown in the edit tab. CHMOD is set correctly.


Anyone an idea how this could be solved? To be honest, I haven?t read the last 104 pages of this thread. So may be I?ve missed, that someone came up with a solution for that.

MrD 07-18-2014 08:56 AM

Hi Marv,
in the League-manager, there are an Link.
Import all missed Teamicons.
Click it in every league :)


Hallo Marv,
Im Ligamanager gibt es einen Link (fehlende Icons importieren) wenn du die Liga bearbeitest
Diesen mu?t klicken, es werden dann alle Ligaicons importiert

Marv 07-18-2014 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by MrD (Post 2507273)
Hi Marv,
in the League-manager, there are an Link.
Import all missed Teamicons.
Click it in every league :)

Darf ich Dich knutschen :D?


Let me kiss you for that :D


Marv 07-18-2014 09:28 AM

Unfortunal, that was a turn and burn. I?ve deleted all logos first, then imported the missing logos via the link in the league manager. That?s the result :/


Any suggestions?

MrD 07-18-2014 09:47 AM

nice to hear that is Work :)

But with the Kiss, not really :D:D:D

Marv 07-18-2014 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by MrD (Post 2507278)
nice to hear that is Work :)

But with the Kiss, not really :D:D:D

Take a closer look, MrD - unfortunal it doesn?t. The logos are all mixed up again.

MrD 07-18-2014 10:56 AM

ah ok, i see it :)
But why have you deleted all Logos first?

if you have no bets, deleted the league and import it new.
Wich Version of the Soccer have you run?

Marv 07-18-2014 12:57 PM

I?ve deleted the assigned ones because they were all wrong. BVB with a Bayern M?nchen logo, Eintracht with a Dynamo Dresden? Heck..not before hell freezes!
It?s the latest from here. RC8, DE-Version.

I?ve now deleted the leagues completely and imported them new. Guess, what happend:


Some kind of easter-egg? We all know AA_ sometimes has a quite strange but fine humor ;)

Marv 07-20-2014 02:20 PM

Has anyone an idea how to solve that bug? The season has almost started :D

ToBeFree 08-15-2014 11:46 PM

@Marv: You could reinstall the whole addon and delete every file it created on your server, I think... if it's worth the trouble and if there is no real bugfix.^^

I just imported the current season and it works perfectly fine... but I also had all logos except Paderborn already on the server.

Marv 08-16-2014 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by ToBeFree (Post 2511455)
@Marv: You could reinstall the whole addon and delete every file it created on your server, I think... if it's worth the trouble and if there is no real bugfix.^^

I just imported the current season and it works perfectly fine... but I also had all logos except Paderborn already on the server.

Yes, deleted all leagues, deleted all files and somehow that did the magic. Don?t know exactly what I?ve done - but it works :D


Dank Dir ToBeFree, keine Ahnung wie ichs hin bekommen habe. Ich hab so viel gel?scht, neu aufgespielt, neu importiert etc.. Irgendwann gings. Nur frag mich bitte nicht, wie ich das gemacht habe :D

MrD 08-16-2014 08:37 AM

Hi Marv,
nice to hear this :D

LuisUrquilla 08-19-2014 05:39 PM

I'm not clear, is this a REAL betting mod? If it is, do I monetize from it? thanks.

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