Black Tiger |
09-26-2008 01:07 PM |
I would love to use this, but there isn't any good documentation on what to do or how it's used once installed.
What documentation do you need? If there are template edits, it always have this kind of documentation in the mod you download: "get this template, find this line, below it add that line" or "find such and replace with this".
Now take your TMS, just do exactly the same as you would with a normal template edit.
In the first box you place the text you have to find in the template.
Then, on the left side you have a selection box to choose from "place above, replace with and place below".
And last on the second box, you place the text which should come above, below or instead off. That's all!
Believe flypaper and believe me. First you do a couple, then you get use to it, and after that (especially when upgrading) you ask yourself why this is not a standard option in vBulletin.
It saves you HOURS of work when you have a lot of mods.
Originally Posted by Trime
Crap. I was affaid someone was going to say that. :(
Then why ask the question? He is right you know. Just try with a couple of mods.
The nice thing is that you can do them one by one. A few today, another few tomorrow. You don't need to convert them all at once. So you can do it in your own time.
And if you're done, the first forum upgrade you will perform, you will indeed thank yourself.