carcomp |
01-09-2009 02:13 AM |
How difficult would it be to include a variable so that if someone has the chatbox "full and a popup window" like it is on my site, that it won't show the chatbox above the forums in duplicate? A lot of my users like to use one monitor to chat and the other to use the forums. My old chatbox was of the IRC / Java variety and hooked up to efnet. I used Iframes to display it above the forums, and that replaced the vb header to make it look seamless.
I'd like to display the chatbox in an iframe again, but i'll live with just it popping out and disappearing from the forums.
Thanks. I thought i'd mention that this mod is a VERY easy, yet extrememly robust system to install. I don't know if you know this, but vbOptimize mod messes with it. Of course your chatbox wins out over the optimizer. I booted it! People are using this chat mod HARDCORE! check it out.
PS... I have noticed one error that comes up, but doesn't really affect performance.... I get a script error "SOMETIMES".. You know, it says "Done, but with errors on page." When i pull up the error code, I get an error on line 3 character SOME RANDOM NUMBER but > 2000 usually. Error is object expected. URL: Usually a page refresh clears it up, but that error also comes with "loading..." and not much more from the chatbox. I've also had some probs with ajax "hanging" but nothing too bad. Just the little circle thing next to the OK button keeps going forever. Not too bad for free!
Thanks again.