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DementedMindz 03-30-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by b6gm6n (Post 1193451)
Hi... just wondering if theres an update due... :) not sure if i have the latest because it's been a while :) cheers


yeah wondering that too cause I would like to link to images

b6gm6n 03-30-2007 07:56 PM

Yeah DementedMindz, It's such a great addon to vBulletin for me... i only wish i could help more...


Switch02 04-06-2007 08:57 AM

Hello i have a problem in my forum home don't show the banner why?

loonytune15 04-09-2007 01:23 PM

Derek, I checked Switch's site and for some reason it will only show 20 sites in the forumhome scroll.

It wont show all if you put in 0.

any ideas?

b6gm6n 04-09-2007 05:23 PM

You may already know this, but if you enable the random site (the site shown at the top of the list) the link when clicked just resets the list, a refresh...nothing more...

Anyways, is there anything i can do?... would you like me to design some graphics for you?...anything, just name it! (noooo i haven't got allot of money either :))


Zizou_SCD 04-09-2007 10:19 PM

Has anyone got this working on 3.6.4? Or does anyone think it will work on 3.6.4?

Shazz 04-09-2007 10:21 PM

IT does.

Zizou_SCD 04-10-2007 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1223644)
IT does.

Sweet news! Cheerz Shazz, I will be clicking installed very soon I think!

derekivey 04-10-2007 11:29 PM

Sorry for the late reply guys. I've been really busy lately.


Originally Posted by loonytune15 (Post 1223282)
Derek, I checked Switch's site and for some reason it will only show 20 sites in the forumhome scroll.

It wont show all if you put in 0.

any ideas?

I'll look into it. Try setting it to a really high number for now.


Originally Posted by b6gm6n (Post 1223446)
You may already know this, but if you enable the random site (the site shown at the top of the list) the link when clicked just resets the list, a refresh...nothing more...

Anyways, is there anything i can do?... would you like me to design some graphics for you?...anything, just name it! (noooo i haven't got allot of money either :))


Which link are you talking about? You mean if you click the name of the site in the random site area to go to the site?

b6gm6n 04-11-2007 03:10 AM

@derekivey : it's anywhere, the text link the banner... just links back to 'toplist.php'

loonytune15 04-11-2007 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by derekivey (Post 1224553)
I'll look into it. Try setting it to a really high number for now.

The highest we can do is 20..

Zizou_SCD 04-14-2007 08:53 AM

I am about to install this mod, but I am a bit confused about some of the steps to install it.

1. Upload all of the files in the UPLOAD folder.
Do I just upload this in root? Or in root/toplist? Or forum/toplist? Or does it not matter?

2. CHMOD 777 images/toplist/buttons/sites.
Do you mean "Create a folder directory images/toplist/buttons/sites inside your forums directory and set it's CHMOD to 777"?

I am really looking forward to installing this mod.

derekivey 04-14-2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by loonytune15 (Post 1224750)
The highest we can do is 20..

Ok, just leave it at 20 for now then and I will look at the code and see if I can figure out why it's not working.


Originally Posted by Zizou_SCD (Post 1227331)
I am about to install this mod, but I am a bit confused about some of the steps to install it.

Do I just upload this in root? Or in root/toplist? Or forum/toplist? Or does it not matter?

Do you mean "Create a folder directory images/toplist/buttons/sites inside your forums directory and set it's CHMOD to 777"?

I am really looking forward to installing this mod.

You upload the files to the root directory. Your FTP client should take care of putting the stuff in /includes/ in the includes folder, etc.

Vic123 04-19-2007 03:54 PM

is there a possibility to add a top 5 toplist box to the header on every forum page?

how can i do that?


loonytune15 05-04-2007 11:47 PM

I was wondering if the in links of this hack affect the page ranking with google?

eg does using www.monster-designs.com work better than using www.monster-designs/toplist/in.php.... etc..

derekivey 05-06-2007 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by loonytune15 (Post 1241669)
I was wondering if the in links of this hack affect the page ranking with google?

eg does using www.monster-designs.com work better than using www.monster-designs/toplist/in.php.... etc..

I don't think it would. I'm not an expert on SEO though.

loonytune15 05-10-2007 11:59 AM

G'day derekivey, I was wondering if you had managed to fix the problem with showing sites on the forumhome?

I have 36 sites in my toplist and I realised I was having errors on the the forumhome and it took me half an hour till i realised it was this hack causing the problems..

I have turned off the forumhome marquee till i hope it can be fixed..

princeedward 05-18-2007 07:26 PM

thanks for this....clicked install...;)

efe 05-24-2007 10:32 PM

it does v3.6.7 ==> http://www.koolpa.com/toplist.php
good work!

loonytune15 05-25-2007 06:59 AM

mine works except for the forumhome problem..

squishi 05-27-2007 07:51 PM


I have the same problem as the user above: the random banner links to the toplist page.

Additionally, the following error is showing at the top of the toplist page:
Warning: unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /toplist.php on line 815

What to do?

Beller 05-28-2007 11:08 PM

A quick question on this...
Is it possible to exclude a certain site(s) from needing a validation code?

derekivey 05-28-2007 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by loonytune15 (Post 1244908)
G'day derekivey, I was wondering if you had managed to fix the problem with showing sites on the forumhome?

I have 36 sites in my toplist and I realised I was having errors on the the forumhome and it took me half an hour till i realised it was this hack causing the problems..

I have turned off the forumhome marquee till i hope it can be fixed..

Haven't got to it yet. Just leave it off for now and I will hopefully get to it after finals are over.


Originally Posted by squishi (Post 1255725)

I have the same problem as the user above: the random banner links to the toplist page.

Additionally, the following error is showing at the top of the toplist page:
Warning: unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /toplist.php on line 815

What to do?

For the unserialize error, make sure you have added the cron job listed in the readme file that updates the rank cache, and if you did add it, try running it manually from the cron job page and see if the error goes away then.


Originally Posted by Beller (Post 1256521)
A quick question on this...
Is it possible to exclude a certain site(s) from needing a validation code?

No, that is currently not a feature, sorry.

DementedMindz 06-03-2007 11:44 AM

derekivey any way you can include a option in the next update to shut off image uploads incase you just want it without images on there also anyway to have a otion to shut off ratings and views?

glorify 06-03-2007 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Chad (Post 800745)
mine is just stopping, like it will credit for the redirect but it will stay at a blank page saying in the title redirexcting while the load is done.

I am having that same prob and didn't see a fix.

You can try from here, rightside of the page, almost to the bottom--an 88X31 scrolling GTP gif.

*Edit* Found it.

glorify 06-04-2007 02:02 AM

Another Question--two actually--

1) Why would I have size limit error messages when I try to add or edit from toplist.php, but in my admincp, I can can add a site with the same image and it uploads correctly? I have tested numerous times now.

It's not userpermissions or size restrictions--I have checked both.

2) Why can I not get the rate button to submit on the Random Site? The ratings drop down works, but will not submit.

I am running 3.6.7 PL BTW.


Sean James 06-23-2007 12:28 PM

How do i remove the rating column?
Ive managed to remove the headers etc, but i cant seem to find the template with:


<tr align="center">

Awesome script ;)

derekivey 06-23-2007 03:24 PM

Look in Toplist_Bits or something like that, I forget what I named the template.


ru55ian 06-29-2007 02:38 PM

very good mod, thanks for sharing :)

Shazz 06-29-2007 03:05 PM

I can't seem to pull toplist my site off any search engine =\

ruger 07-18-2007 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by loonytune15 (Post 1254313)
mine works except for the forumhome problem..

Same for my site...use to but not now.

NeutralizeR 07-24-2007 11:00 PM

I searched the thread but couldn't find any questions/answers about the rel="nofollow"

Is it possible to force members to add the forum url without the rel="nofollow" ?

kafi 07-28-2007 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by ThePimp (Post 798791)
Is there a way to require a recip? Possibly a bit of code that reads the "Added" page and scans for a recip link on the page, and denies the site addition if one doesn't exist?

Most TopLists work off of the principal of getting more IN links, and if there isn't a check for recips, it will get cumbersome to try to keep up with all of the links and checking to be sure they don't remove your link.

Just a suggestion.

Is this implemented?


YukonMaster 07-31-2007 12:40 AM

Ok, so far I installed and everything seemed to be working normally, before I gave out the link I decided to test it.

So I setup a topsite and added the code on my homepage, but when I click it it constantly redirects...

Try clicking this just to see what it does, http://www.pc-core.net/forum/in.php?id=3

Did I miss something?

And in the scheduler in the ACP, I looked in the readme as said before in this thread, and I did not see anything mentioned about varnames.

I am running vbulletin 3.6.8 just so you know.

Thanks and great hack.

YukonMaster 08-02-2007 02:53 AM


derfelix 08-06-2007 08:00 AM

just upgraded... works fine..
only 2 little teeny bugs found..
And a little bigger one...
first the small ones:
1.st one:
the report site link doesnt work... for unregistered users

in acp only the can report site is enabled for unreg users (can edit etc.. is disabled)

it is clear that it cant work as is.. because there is no field for email & name etc...
but in that case the link should not be there...

it does work for regged users...
2. sortof bug

Originally Posted by YukonMaster (Post 1305827)
Ok, so far I installed and everything seemed to be working normally, before I gave out the link I decided to test it.

So I setup a topsite and added the code on my homepage, but when I click it it constantly redirects...

Try clicking this just to see what it does, http://www.pc-core.net/forum/in.php?id=3

Did I miss something?

Yes I had the same problem on a fresh install...
it is because the toplist_in_redirect_url variable is not set.. thats why i does not appear in the ACP
there are 2 ways to solve the problem.. the first one is the most elegant..

open the database in phpmyadmin
then go to table : setting (probably vb_setting if you use a prefix)
there you go to the end of the table to the toplist settings.. and edit the setting: toplist_in_redirect_url .
Put in as value: index.php and as default value also index.php
now save..
go back to your acp.. and there should now be in options a new setting called: In Redirect URL
You can edit it now to whatever page you want... (I myself redirect users to the portal by putting in the full http adress)
You will not have to change anything when there is an upgrade..
Second Way to fix it quickly if you dont know what phpmyadmin is.. (only do this if you really dont know how to edit the database!!!!)
open template: Toplist_In
and replace with:

Attention when a fix is out.. you will have to revert the template..


Didnt check alle the postings in this thread.. but it seems that there is no setting for that..
OK here the bigger one..
if a user added a site.. he is redirected to the page where he can get his codes.... OK.. works fine
NOW if he is on that page AND refreshes it.. the site is posted again !!
(could make someone flood your list)

A yes and encountered some problems (broken images) when the user posts a site and does NOT post a banner... (on edit site it still says "button:" with a broken image.. and on the list it tries to show a button.. but as the user has not posted one... its a broken image)

all the rest works great..


puregraf 08-06-2007 03:58 PM


derfelix 08-06-2007 04:27 PM

no i meant when a new version comes out..

puregraf 08-06-2007 11:11 PM

i just upgraded , but now i went to click ADD SITE and the form to enter the info to add a site doesnt appear? the page loads, but nothing is on it?

heres the link: http://www.puregraffiti.com/graffiti-space/add_site.php

if someone can help me fix this please

joshbond 08-08-2007 11:50 PM

Will this work on vb 3.6x ?

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