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Digital Jedi 10-29-2007 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by StreetTriple (Post 1371127)
hi, i've a problem...

i don't see the control box on the ACP... i have only the options in the ACP-->Vbulletin Options--> Photoplog...
but i haven't the left box expandible ... then i don't setting the permission group...

how i can resolve it?

Did you make sure to upload the contents of the "forum" folder (and in the right location)? And if you did, did you refresh/reload the ACP menu?

Spank 10-29-2007 04:23 PM

Installed, and looking sexy! Thanks for this.

StreetTriple 10-30-2007 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1371195)
Did you make sure to upload the contents of the "forum" folder (and in the right location)? And if you did, did you refresh/reload the ACP menu?

i do myforum(root)-->photoplog-->(inside this folder there are all other folder and all files)
i refreshed acp men? but i not see anything....
how can i do? i used vbulletin 3.6.8

amazigh_rif 10-30-2007 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by StreetTriple (Post 1371818)
i do myforum(root)-->photoplog-->(inside this folder there are all other folder and all files)
i refreshed acp men? but i not see anything....
how can i do? i used vbulletin 3.6.8

Its not only your photoplog folder that you have to upload. There is also another folder in the zip file called "forum". When you open "forum" you will find there 2 other folders "includes" and "admincp" (with 3 files). Upload all 3 files to admincp.

StreetTriple 10-30-2007 01:30 PM

thank you!!! now it's ok! i've upload all folder "forum" in /photoplog...
thanks a lot!

I've another question/problem: how i can ability the translate lenguage ONLY for photoplog?

amazigh_rif 10-31-2007 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by StreetTriple (Post 1371928)
I've another question/problem: how i can ability the translate lenguage ONLY for photoplog?

You can edit your phrases

Its should be here;

http://www.yourdomain.com/forum/admi...php?&do=search (Admincp > languages and phrases )

Search for photoplog phrases and replace them into your language of choice.

Effendy Hakim 10-31-2007 06:48 PM

Dear All
Please help about post reply for comment and rate.

The Error message is :
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10characters.

I've already to input more than 100 character, but still error


amazigh_rif 11-01-2007 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Effendy Hakim (Post 1372943)
Dear All
Please help about post reply for comment and rate.

The Error message is :
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10characters.

I've already to input more than 100 character, but still error


Disable WYSIWYG editor and see if you still have the same problem.

Effendy Hakim 11-01-2007 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by amazigh_rif (Post 1373192)
Disable WYSIWYG editor and see if you still have the same problem.

Thank's. Turn the WYSIWYG off can solve the problem. But If I only want to turn off for photolog, how can I do it ?

Fanny Annie 11-01-2007 08:54 PM

Yes I'm having the same issue. Most of my members use the forum in WYSIWYG state. What can we do to rectify this?

amazigh_rif 11-02-2007 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Effendy Hakim (Post 1373474)
Thank's. Turn the WYSIWYG off can solve the problem. But If I only want to turn off for photolog, how can I do it ?

Im afraid that you have to change a code or two. I have looked into it but I couldnt find a solution.

Disable all other plugins, enable photoplog only. Then you can enable the other plugins one by one till you have found the plugins that screws your photoplog. Vb 3.6.8 + photoplog only and WYSIWYG works fine for sure.

Kaycee123 11-03-2007 04:11 PM

This add-on works great - and thanks for the pictures of error messages, that straightened out my problem right away!

tirol07 11-06-2007 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by amazigh_rif (Post 1332108)
Go to admincp / photoplog / edit templates / and edit your photoplog_cat_list template


<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[photoplog_main_categories]</td>
Replace is with:

<td class="thead" width="250 nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[photoplog_main_categories]</td>
I added a width of 250, but it might be 240 or 260 for your forum. It depends on the length of your album name. Judging by your attachment i I think 250 is OK.

One more thing.

If you edit only the photoplog_cat_list template you will get this view:

Sub-Categories: Album1 Album2
Album 3 Album 4 Album 5
Album 6 Album 7 Album 8

As you can see Album1 start right after "Sub-Categories:"

I didnt like that since I wanted:


Album 1 Album 2 Album3
Album 4 Album 5 Album 6
Album 7 Album 8 Album 9

So I had to add 2 "go to next line" html codes (<BR>).

Download from your server /photoplog/categery.php

Edit categories.php and find :


Replace it with:


Upload it back to your photoplog folder on your servr.

Keep an original copy of catogeries.php in case you screw things up. :D

Good luck.


I thank you for the answer, I have done what you have written to me,
but it has nothing helped! Then I reinstalled it, But it has also not helped!
What should I do now?

amazigh_rif 11-07-2007 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by tirol07 (Post 1377128)
Then I reinstalled it, But it has also not helped!
What should I do now?

I told you via PM to reinstall the original photoplog like how it was uploaded in post 1. Then edit your photoplog_cat_list template and /photoplog/categery.php

Once you have done that you should have at the bottom of every page "Powered by PhotoPlog Lite v.2.0.6"

When I checked your forum 15 minutes ago I did not saw Powered by PhotoPlog Lite v.2.0.6 You still have the modified Turkish version ...

stan111 11-08-2007 10:25 AM

installed, work like a champ

one question
anyone know how i can add Random Thumbs in photoplog_view_file template ?
because it would be awsome if members view a picture and then they can just look it up and choose another random one instead going back home to see another pics


tirol07 11-08-2007 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by amazigh_rif (Post 1377457)
Once you have done that you should have at the bottom of every page "Powered by PhotoPlog Lite v.2.0.6"

I have done it, but still, nothing has changed!

tryance 11-08-2007 12:46 PM

You said to run this script:
echo getcwd();

in your main forum directory...what do you mean by that? Where do I put this script? I get the error associated with the path.

itzxmikee 11-09-2007 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by tryance (Post 1378405)
You said to run this script:
echo getcwd();

in your main forum directory...what do you mean by that? Where do I put this script? I get the error associated with the path.

Copy and paste that into a wordpad and save it as e.g. test.php
Upload that test.php file into your forum

than type in the browser : www.yoursite.com/forum/test.php
and the forum path should come up

itzxmikee 11-09-2007 07:53 AM

I need help with placement of the gallery on my forum home page. I would like it directly below the navbar. I placed $photoplog_forumhome right under $navbar and it is placed below my mgc chat box. Can I have it right below the navbar? Please help. Thanks


apiasto 11-09-2007 03:40 PM

can someone help. i tried everything but i am still getting this error.thanks in advance

The requested URL /home/xxxxxx/public_html/forums/photoplog/index.php was not found on this server.

SVTCobraLTD 11-09-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by apiasto (Post 1379102)
can someone help. i tried everything but i am still getting this error.thanks in advance

The requested URL /home/xxxxxx/public_html/forums/photoplog/index.php was not found on this server.

You need to change the url code to match that of your site. I forget where it is but I would think the instructions would tell you.


apiasto 11-09-2007 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD (Post 1379114)
You need to change the url code to match that of your site. I forget where it is but I would think the instructions would tell you.


thnx for reply.ya its in photoplog/config.php and i did that but same :(

stan111 11-13-2007 02:37 AM

i got it working perfectly, however on firefox, it kept signing me out, and wont let me upload anything
it kept redirect to the sign in screen, and when you sign in, it brought you back to the sign in again
and this only happened on firefox

anyone got a solution for this ?

stan111 11-13-2007 02:38 AM

double post, sorry

beanymonster 11-13-2007 09:16 PM

ok - i know you all gonna hate another one of these posts but I am ready to throw my PC out the window. I cannot work out the correct path to go into the config file. Trying to get this working on localhost to start with , I ran the path finding script and it returns this:


when I put that in the config file I just get a blank page and I am running out of variations to try.

Please someone take pity of a frustrated noob and tell me what the path should be exactly

(crosses fingers)

itskerz03 11-14-2007 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by beanymonster (Post 1382022)
ok - i know you all gonna hate another one of these posts but I am ready to throw my PC out the window. I cannot work out the correct path to go into the config file. Trying to get this working on localhost to start with , I ran the path finding script and it returns this:


when I put that in the config file I just get a blank page and I am running out of variations to try.

Please someone take pity of a frustrated noob and tell me what the path should be exactly

(crosses fingers)

x2 i have all files installed, and my path to forums in config file is correct. i put a link on my navbar but it takes me to a blank page. any thoughts on how to fix this?

fishhub 11-14-2007 04:24 PM

Hope to see a Gallery Dropdown Menu of all uploaded file titles in Postbit Legacy would be great!:o:)

Pasargad 11-15-2007 09:42 AM


I have som questions about this mod. I appreciate if anyone could help me with some answers.

1. Can I install this on my VB 3.6.8?
2. Does this change my template in any way?
3. Is there any demo of this on a existing VB-forum (not only a gallery page but both forum and gallery)?
4. Can I import images from a 4images album into this?
5. Does this work in all browsers (FF and Opera)?


amazigh_rif 11-15-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pasargad (Post 1382889)

I have som questions about this mod. I appreciate if anyone could help me with some answers.

1. Can I install this on my VB 3.6.8?
2. Does this change my template in any way?
3. Is there any demo of this on a existing VB-forum (not only a gallery page but both forum and gallery)?
4. Can I import images from a 4images album into this?
5. Does this work in all browsers (FF and Opera)?


1. Yes
2. It creates new templates. Although you can to edit your forumhome template if you want to show random images on your forum homepage.
3. http://www.photoplog.com/demo/lite/index.php
4. No. You have to create albums via admincp and then upload your pics again one by one
5. It works in FF, IE and opera.

amazigh_rif 11-15-2007 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by itskerz03 (Post 1382244)
x2 i have all files installed, and my path to forums in config file is correct. i put a link on my navbar but it takes me to a blank page. any thoughts on how to fix this?


amazigh_rif 11-15-2007 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by tirol07 (Post 1378372)
I have done it, but still, nothing has changed!

I cant say what you are doing wrong.

I have installed it on my forum and 2 of my friends forums and it worked fine. You might give me admin access and let me work on it for free..

Pasargad 11-15-2007 05:31 PM

Thanks for your help and answers.

Regarding new templates. I do not want to turn my VB-forum to a photoalbum but have discussions and give members oppotunity to upload some photos if they want. I do not want to change my forum template either. I have done some hard work to adjust the template to the whole site.

Installing Photoplog Lite, does it mean that it changes my whole entire template for the forum?

Is there any other mod that does not do it?

beanymonster 11-15-2007 06:22 PM

OK, I gave up on the localhost install and went straight for the live server.
Managed to sort the path out so I got rid of the 3 lines of error but now I got this error

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in fullpathname\config.php on line 20

done a search of this thread and only found one reference - and had absolutely no clue what the answer was - would really appreciate some advice.


amazigh_rif 11-15-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pasargad (Post 1383192)
Regarding new templates. I do not want to turn my VB-forum to a photoalbum but have discussions and give members oppotunity to upload some photos if they want.

Thats exactly what this mod does. The only difference with 4images is that this mod automaticly copies your background colours, uses your Vb usernames and such.


Originally Posted by Pasargad (Post 1383192)
I do not want to change my forum template either. I have done some hard work to adjust the template to the whole site.

What template are you talking about? Your forum has several templates in several groups, UCP templates, memberinfo templates, who is online templates,.... once you install this mod you will have also an photoplog group templates. What about backing up your database and installing a copy of your DB in a test directory, and than add this mod to it?


Originally Posted by Pasargad (Post 1383192)
Installing Photoplog Lite, does it mean that it changes my whole entire template for the forum?

No. Please define "template".

Perhaps you can read about templates first.



Originally Posted by Pasargad (Post 1383192)
Is there any other mod that does not do it?

All other photo mods work about the same as this one.

MTVSlick 11-15-2007 11:58 PM

how do I let members upload multiple pictures? it only lets you upload 1 at a time. is there no hack for this?


amazigh_rif 11-16-2007 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by beanymonster (Post 1383244)
OK, I gave up on the localhost install and went straight for the live server.
Managed to sort the path out so I got rid of the 3 lines of error but now I got this error

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in fullpathname\config.php on line 20

done a search of this thread and only found one reference - and had absolutely no clue what the answer was - would really appreciate some advice.


I think you removed a bracket or apostrophe.


Change the red part to your correct path, but leave everything else like how it is.

beanymonster 11-16-2007 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by amazigh_rif (Post 1383608)
I think you removed a bracket or apostrophe.


Change the red part to your correct path, but leave everything else like how it is.

thanks for the reply - I have checked the details but everything is correct so that is not the problem
here is my path

define('PHOTOPLOG_FWD','D:\hosting\member\xxxxxx\p hotoplog\');

I appreciate your help

amazigh_rif 11-17-2007 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by beanymonster (Post 1383852)
thanks for the reply - I have checked the details but everything is correct so that is not the problem
here is my path

define('PHOTOPLOG_FWD','D:\hosting\member\xxxxxx\p hotoplog\');

I appreciate your help

It looks like your path is wrong.

It should be D:\hosting\member\xxxxxx\forum\

Photolplog configure file ask you for the path to your forum, not to you photoplog.

// set the full path to your main forum directory: if you are not sure of....

Open your forum configure file and copy your forum path from "// ******** FULL PATH TO FORUMS DIRECTORY ******" section.

Dream 11-17-2007 09:39 AM

Nominated for mod of the month again. Maybe this time ;)

beanymonster 11-17-2007 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by amazigh_rif (Post 1384126)
It looks like your path is wrong.

It should be D:\hosting\member\xxxxxx\forum\

Photolplog configure file ask you for the path to your forum, not to you photoplog.

// set the full path to your main forum directory: if you are not sure of....

Open your forum configure file and copy your forum path from "// ******** FULL PATH TO FORUMS DIRECTORY ******" section.

sorry - my mistake, the path is correct now as you say above - pointing to my forums directory. Sorry for the stupid error. :o

I also removed the \ from the end of forums\

and it now works..........:):):):):)

thank you for your help and your patience with a Noob - I appreciate it .:up:

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