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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Facebook Connect - Allow your users to login with their Facebook account (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=198499)

fayax 12-30-2009 01:11 AM

Still waiting for this to comeup with a vb4cms version.

Verionia 12-30-2009 01:59 AM

me too....

Bacon Butty 12-31-2009 12:53 PM

Aren't we all? :D

xTerMn8R 12-31-2009 03:08 PM

wow I donwloaded this and Man what a Nightmare... I couldn't get facebook Application setup correctly and have a Lot of sceptism about Making ALL those template Edits to make this work.

I understand ALL the work that has gone into this so far and appreciate it, But I think SOMEONE needs to make this an Installable mod or comeup with something a little less confusing. Facebook itself has about 100 different settings and few are explained in enough detail for us Novices to be able to figure it out.

I'd really like to get Facebook integrated with vB but this has scared me away...

Digital Jedi 12-31-2009 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by xTerMn8R (Post 1943454)
wow I donwloaded this and Man what a Nightmare... I couldn't get facebook Application setup correctly and have a Lot of sceptism about Making ALL those template Edits to make this work.

I understand ALL the work that has gone into this so far and appreciate it, But I think SOMEONE needs to make this an Installable mod or comeup with something a little less confusing. Facebook itself has about 100 different settings and few are explained in enough detail for us Novices to be able to figure it out.

I'd really like to get Facebook integrated with vB but this has scared me away...

As far as the Facebook settings go, you're only supposed to edit the settings in the instructions, which if I remember correctly, is only four or five. You're not supposed to edit anything else.

The multiple edits are so that the connect button shows up in every location where a login box would normally appear. That means editing all the templates where that occurs in vBulletin, and that's a lot of places. A product like you suggest would not be feasible, because vB is only capable of adding certain kinds of functionality that way. And templates would all have to be default, which means every person with a custom skin would need their own special instructions.

xTerMn8R 01-01-2010 05:28 PM

Ahhhhhhhh I see, Yeah man all those other settings in facebook were just overwhelming me. So if I save each Template in "history" before making changes and then later decide to uninstall the facebook connect, that should make it easy to revert those templates back, Correct? I just want to be sure I can revert back if I run into troubles...

Thanks DJ, you're very patient and dedicated and I appreciate you taking the time to explain in detail your answers. I think I'll try again today...


Ok I finished the installation and it appears to be working, though I do have a couple of questions.

1) Other then at the bottom of my Facebook Page(Bookmarks) I don't see and buttons or anything for someone to use, should I?

2) When I do click on the Bookmark for my FaceBook Connect Application, it opens My Websites Home page in an iFrame,(cmps_index.php) but doesnt and wont allow anyone to login there, either way. IS that whats supposed to be happening there?

3) When users use the "Connect using Facebook" Option from the Web site instead of registering, it works, but takes them to my forum Home page(index.php) instead of the CMS Home page (cmps_index.php), which is where I'd like them to go automatically. Can this be fixed?

4) I accidently Registered Default Templates twice, so Now I show 2 sets of 3 templates 1 set which are duplicates. When I click the disable template button it re-directs me to a Facebook Developers area webpage... I got no clue what I'm supposed to do there. Do I need to worry that I have those templates registered twice?

So other then the wierd stuff happening in my Facebook Page when I click on the app, and the login going to the wrong spot I think I got it done...

Any advise on my couple quirks would be appreciated...Could someone with a FaceBook Account please check it out and see if it's working like it should


***2nd Update***

Ok now when I click on the bookmark in facebook it opens the web site in a new page and does allow logins. It's beginning to make a little more sense. But Does anyone else see that little button?

CNibbana 01-02-2010 02:59 PM

Add me to the list of users who loved this mod in 3.x and can't wait to have it for vb 4.x!!!

abdyel26 01-02-2010 03:03 PM

lets get this on vb 4

Digital Jedi 01-03-2010 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by xTerMn8R (Post 1944163)
1) Other then at the bottom of my Facebook Page(Bookmarks) I don't see and buttons or anything for someone to use, should I?

I don't think you get one unless you actually bookmark it from the application page. I've never seen bookmarks go in automatically. Aside from that, there's no need for you to visit the application page unless your the developer, as there's nothing to do with it on Facebook itself.


2) When I do click on the Bookmark for my FaceBook Connect Application, it opens My Websites Home page in an iFrame,(cmps_index.php) but doesnt and wont allow anyone to login there, either way. IS that whats supposed to be happening there?
I don't think the bookmark is supposed to be used for anything. That's just what it does, but your not meant to go to it for any reason.


3) When users use the "Connect using Facebook" Option from the Web site instead of registering, it works, but takes them to my forum Home page(index.php) instead of the CMS Home page (cmps_index.php), which is where I'd like them to go automatically. Can this be fixed?
You're CMS would need to be your home page. Check the vBa forums on how to do that, but expect a little extra leg work.


4) I accidently Registered Default Templates twice, so Now I show 2 sets of 3 templates 1 set which are duplicates. When I click the disable template button it re-directs me to a Facebook Developers area webpage... I got no clue what I'm supposed to do there. Do I need to worry that I have those templates registered twice?
It does this to me, too. As far as I can tell, it doesn't hurt anything, though I do notice I sometimes get two notices on Facebook from my website.

UpFriends 01-03-2010 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by abdyel26 (Post 1945015)
lets get this on vb 4

+1 ! I see there is a lot of interest for this in vB4....I'm hoping to see it as well.

Verionia 01-04-2010 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by UpFriends (Post 1946043)
+1 ! I see there is a lot of interest for this in vB4....I'm hoping to see it as well.

Me too!:)

xTerMn8R 01-04-2010 10:38 PM

Thank you DJ for answering all my questions, One other thing I did notice is that members that Join my Site from Facebook are Not Listed in the Members List from the Navbar menu. I can see them using my admin Panel though...

Thanks again...

AllinJac 01-06-2010 02:08 PM

Hey I don't think any other users have had this problem.. but here is my problem:

On our boards, we just loaded on the script (JUST about flawless by the way, I don't know whats up with anyone's complaints A++ on the install, nice and easy. Only thing that made it NOT flawless, was ME!).. It's running fine - but one of our users (he's ranked as a super-admin) tries to log in, and when he connects through FaceBook it logs him into another admin's account on the forums.. BUT when the user logs in the normal way, it loads his normal account.. they don't have the same FaceBook accounts, obviously or anything similar in the names, so it's not something stupid like a typo in the login.

I'm looking for a response from the developer - you got any idea why one user say, user X, logs in using FBConnect & it puts him onto a different account, account Y. They are both admins, and I can only hope and pray that this doesn't happen with a normal member who gets granted admin powers - so time is of the essence here if you come around, thanks!!

Bestrafung 01-12-2010 02:08 PM

If this has already been posted I apologize, there's just too many pages to read through and I don't know if it's exhaustion or not but I can't find the search this thread feature (is there one?). This has been working great for us but we need to move our forums to a new server and we have issues with this mod. If I disable this mod everything works great but if I enable it I get something similar to this when trying to view posts:

query_first(" SELECT fbuid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "fbuser WHERE userid = " . $userid . " LIMIT 1 "); return intval($user['fbuid']); } function fetch_fbuser_info($query) { require_once(DIR . '/includes/facebook/facebook.php'); global $vbulletin, $db; $fbusers = $db->query_read($query); $fbuids = ""; $vbuids = array(); while ($fbuser = $db->fetch_array($fbusers)) { if ($fbuser['fbuid']) { $fbuids .=
I only included a little bit but can enable the forums or PM for more code if desired. I created a new facebook app and updated the apikey and secret, tried both upgrade and reinstalling, double checked the fbuser table in the database, and double checked all template edits. I can't figure it out and was hoping someone else might be able to help. Also, apache/mysql/php versions are the same for both servers as this was mentioned for another issue.

Edit: forgot to include some links. Current server fully functioning and new server.

ngkong 01-13-2010 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by UpFriends (Post 1946043)
+1 ! I see there is a lot of interest for this in vB4....I'm hoping to see it as well.

+1 :D
what an awesome plugin!

KID_1194 01-19-2010 09:15 AM

This is what I got when I used this plugin on vb3.8.4


query_first(" SELECT fbuid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "fbuser WHERE userid = " . $userid . " LIMIT 1 "); return intval($user['fbuid']); } function fetch_fbuser_info($query) { require_once(DIR . '/includes/facebook/facebook.php'); global $vbulletin, $db; $fbusers = $db->query_read($query); $fbuids = ""; $vbuids = array(); while ($fbuser = $db->fetch_array($fbusers)) { if ($fbuser['fbuid']) { $fbuids .= $fbuser['fbuid'] . ","; $vbuids[] = $fbuser['userid']; } } $fbuids = rtrim($fbuids, ','); $fbuserinfo = $vbulletin->session->vars['fbuserinfo']; if ($vbulletin->facebook == null) $vbulletin->facebook = new Facebook($vbulletin->options['fbconnect_apikey'], $vbulletin->options['fbconnect_secret']); try { $fbuser = $vbulletin->facebook->api_client->users_getInfo($fbuids, 'name, first_name, last_name, affiliations, pic, pic_small, pic_square'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($fbuser); $i++) $fbuserinfo[$vbuids[$i]] = $fbuser[$i]; $vbulletin->session->set('fbuserinfo', $fbuserinfo); } catch(FacebookRestClientException $ex) { } //print_r($vbulletin->session->vars['fbuserinfo']); } function set_fb_data(&$target, $userid = '', $profilefield = false) { require_once(DIR . '/includes/facebook/facebook.php'); global $vbulletin, $db, $show, $vbphrase, $fb_field_map, $avatarurl; if ($userid) $target['userid'] = $userid; if ($vbulletin->options['fbconnect_importdata'] && $target['userid'] != '') { $fbuserinfo = $vbulletin->session->vars['fbuserinfo']; if (!is_array($fbuserinfo[$target['userid']])) { $fbuid = get_fb_uid($target['userid']); if ($fbuid) { if ($vbulletin->facebook == null) $vbulletin->facebook = new Facebook($vbulletin->options['fbconnect_apikey'], $vbulletin->options['fbconnect_secret']); try { $fbuser = $vbulletin->facebook->api_client->users_getInfo($fbuid, 'name, first_name, last_name, affiliations, pic, pic_small, pic_square'); $fbuserinfo[$target['userid']] = $fbuser[0]; $vbulletin->session->set('fbuserinfo', $fbuserinfo); } catch(FacebookRestClientException $ex) { } } } if (is_array($fbuserinfo[$target['userid']])) { if (!is_array($fb_field_map)) { $fb_field_map = array(); $profile_fields = $db->query_read(" SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "fbdatamap "); while ($field = $db->fetch_array($profile_fields)) { $fb_field_map[$field['vbfield']] = $field['fbfield']; } } $not_profile_field = array('avatarurl', 'profilepicurl'); foreach ($fb_field_map as $vbfield => $fbfield) { if ($profilefield && $target['value'] && $target['value'] != $vbphrase['n_a']) continue; if ($target[$vbfield] && pathinfo($target[$vbfield], PATHINFO_BASENAME) != 'unknown.gif') continue; if ($fbfield == 'affiliations') { if (is_array($fbuserinfo[$target['userid']][$fbfield])) { foreach ($fbuserinfo[$target['userid']][$fbfield] as $network) { if ($network['type'] == 'region') { $fbuserinfo[$target['userid']][$fbfield] = $network['name']; break; } } } } if ($profilefield) { if ($vbfield == ('field' . $target['profilefieldid'])) { $target['value'] = $fbuserinfo[$target['userid']][$fbfield]; break; } } else $target[$vbfield] = $fbuserinfo[$target['userid']][$fbfield]; } if ($target['avatarurl']) { $avatarurl = $target['avatarurl']; $show['avatar'] = true; } } } } function print_datamap_row($vbdata, $fbdata, $vbselected = "", $fbselected = "") { global $vbphrase; echo ' '; if ($vbselected) echo '[ '.$vbphrase['delete'].' ]'; echo ' '; }

Bacon Butty 01-19-2010 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bacon Butty (Post 1850676)
Any way to prevent the login status php script running when members are already logged in? - even ones without a facebook account.

Any chance anyone can help with this?

Its really driving me insane :(

Basically, the below intermittently appears;


LifesGreatestGift 01-24-2010 08:06 AM

Will this be upgraded to support 4.x.x?

jbj 01-29-2010 11:02 AM

Im confused with this in the instructions.

Set the Callback URL to your vBulletin url (example: http://www.siteurl.com/forum/)
I see allot of callback url settings.
What specific callback URL do I need to set here?
I see Information Update Callback URL,Post-Authorize Callback URL,Post-Remove Callback URL

Go to the Canvas tab and set the Canvas Page URL (to whatever you want)
What is a canvas page? :confused:


fmckinnon 01-29-2010 01:34 PM

Has anyone else gotten this warning from Facebook Developers? I'm assuming this is applying to this plugin, as we aren't using any other "facebook connect" features on our site. See below, hope to hear back from the coder. We are running the latest version:


We've been reviewing our logs and see that you're still using Facebook.showFeedDialog, one of the Feed APIs that we deprecated last October. In order to provide you with ample time to complete this transition, we will stop supporting this call on February 16, 2010 at 10AM PST.

We want to remind you that starting on that day, the only way to publish Feed stories into the stream will be via the stream publishing methods (stream.publish, FB.Connect.streamPublish, and Facebook.streamPublish). Posts published using the stream publishing methods contain only structured plain text data, which makes them easier to render on a variety of devices, including mobile phones and gaming consoles.

If you are using the Word Press PlugIn, you should update to the newest version (1.2.0) available here.

We will still publish stories when you call users.setStatus and status.set, but we encourage all developers to migrate to the stream publishing methods, as they let you set a user's status easily.

Read more detail about these changes on the Stream page of our Developer Roadmap.

We originally announced these changes on our Developer blog on October 23rd, 2009, and included another reminder on December 2nd, 2009. Stay up to date on our upcoming changes by referring to our Developer Roadmap. You can also subscribe to our blog posts via email, where we announce major upcoming changes.

Thank you,
The Facebook Developer Network

Digital Jedi 01-30-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by jbj (Post 1969711)
Im confused with this in the instructions.

Set the Callback URL to your vBulletin url (example: http://www.siteurl.com/forum/)
I see allot of callback url settings.
What specific callback URL do I need to set here?
I see Information Update Callback URL,Post-Authorize Callback URL,Post-Remove Callback URL

They changed a few things since this mod was developed. I believe you just put it in Post-Authorize Callback, if I'm not mistaken.


Go to the Canvas tab and set the Canvas Page URL (to whatever you want)
What is a canvas page? :confused:

It's in the Facebook Application you just created.


Originally Posted by fmckinnon (Post 1969790)
Has anyone else gotten this warning from Facebook Developers? I'm assuming this is applying to this plugin, as we aren't using any other "facebook connect" features on our site. See below, hope to hear back from the coder. We are running the latest version:

Yeah, it's related to the publishing method the mod uses. It doesn't sound like anything will be affected, the way they've phrased it. It just won't be the most optimum way to publish anymore. I imagine they'll eventually phase it out.

ucsdchris 01-31-2010 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by fmckinnon (Post 1969790)
Has anyone else gotten this warning from Facebook Developers? I'm assuming this is applying to this plugin, as we aren't using any other "facebook connect" features on our site. See below, hope to hear back from the coder. We are running the latest version:

I just just about to post the same thing!!

Does anyone have a solution for this?

Digital Jedi 01-31-2010 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by ucsdchris (Post 1971169)
I just just about to post the same thing!!

Does anyone have a solution for this?

See my post above yours.

Krika 02-03-2010 07:59 AM

I emailed to the owner of this mod, however i haven't got an answer yet. Does anybody know who to contact in order to get this mod installed? (:

mytweakerart 02-08-2010 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by playSocial (Post 1682317)
Ok I got my initial issue resolved. However now when I try and connect I get the following after I click the button and ok the facebook request

what fixed the 'nothingness' after clciking the button?

is_it_me 02-08-2010 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by TheWindows7Site (Post 1965039)
Will this be upgraded to support 4.x.x?

I would be interested in the answer to this as I wanted to install this feature, but I'll be upgrading to vB4.02 as soon as it's released.

Thanks in advance from the numpty that hasn't a clue what he's doing! :D

mytweakerart 02-08-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by sllik (Post 1682123)
1. Have you set up your facebook application? If so in the facebook application settings there is a setting called Callback URL. Set it to your forum's url. And thats it!

2. The Feed Template IDs will be automatically set once you go to FB Connect Options > News-Feed Templates and click on [ Register Default Templates ]

Hope this helps

FB Connect Options > News-Feed Templates
FB Connect Options > Data mapping
I get NOTHING but a BLANK page.

also, i get the login button to show up, and it seems to popup a facebook ---------> <------------ windows asking for name and password, then when thats entered i get a blank page http://mytweakerart.com/facebooklogin.php
I have tried this twice im going nuts! Help?

Monthly Active Users
Application Fans
Total Users
Application Secret
Application ID
Contact Email
Support Email
Canvas Callback URL
Connect URL
Base Domain
Canvas URL
Developer Mode
Application Type
Connect Preview URL
Post-Remove URL
Post-Authorize URL
Private Install
Application Description

xcingix 02-15-2010 11:24 PM

can someone test the facebook connect on my forums. i honestly dont know how to explain what happens. you click facebook connect, it puts you though, you set your nickname and then nothing. i don't know what's wrong with it.

thanks in advance

is_it_me 02-16-2010 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by xcingix (Post 1983370)
can someone test the facebook connect on my forums. i honestly dont know how to explain what happens. you click facebook connect, it puts you though, you set your nickname and then nothing. i don't know what's wrong with it.

thanks in advance

Hi, I tried to connect via Facebook and it seemed to work as I got this message:

Hello Doctor Watson,
Our records indicate that you have never posted to our site before! Why not make your first post today by saying hello to our community in our Introductions forum.

Why not start with your first post today and become an active part of ny-dev now!

- but when I tried to view or start a thread I just got the database error message:

Database error
The New York Design & Development Forums database has encountered a problem.

xcingix 02-16-2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by is_it_me (Post 1983638)
Hi, I tried to connect via Facebook and it seemed to work as I got this message:

Hello Doctor Watson,
Our records indicate that you have never posted to our site before! Why not make your first post today by saying hello to our community in our Introductions forum.

Why not start with your first post today and become an active part of ny-dev now!

- but when I tried to view or start a thread I just got the database error message:

Database error
The New York Design & Development Forums database has encountered a problem.

yeah it's weird because i get database errors when i try to create new threads with the member i created using facebook connect too, but not with any other members i have created. you'll also notice that if you click on you rusername you get a database error, but if you click on mine, you dont

xcingix 02-17-2010 02:16 PM

it would be really cool to have facebook connect working on my site.
thanks in advance to anyone that can help

tommac3 02-18-2010 02:08 AM

Is this supported for VB 4? I was using it on VB 3.8 but now I want to upgrade but dont want to lose all of my facebook people

chatpalace24 02-20-2010 03:51 PM

Well, its a nice addon. But the Perfomance slows down. thats because the Facebook Api is overload. Call your site with FBConnect and you can still walk around you Streets :D
Because of this , i will remove that. It works nice for a while, but now it realy makes me and my User confuse :)

xcingix 02-21-2010 08:34 PM

can anyone help me with my problem?

mykkal 02-23-2010 02:42 PM


We've been reviewing our logs and see that you're still using Facebook.showFeedDialog, one of the Feed APIs that we deprecated last October. In order to provide you with ample time to complete this transition, we will stop supporting this call on February 16, 2010 at 10AM PST.
Facebook connect has not published a feed on my site since Feb 17th.

This is a supported mod. No patch?

petesi 02-23-2010 05:31 PM


Firs thank you for your great mod. I have installed it but have a little problem. When I try to share a post, can't do it. You can look at my attachmet to understand problem correctly. Thanks.

TheInsaneManiac 02-23-2010 06:41 PM

Why are some of my users logging into someone elses account through this system?

Andem 02-24-2010 12:47 PM

This product no longer publishes feeds on users' facebook pages:


We've been reviewing our logs and see that you're still using Facebook.showFeedDialog, one of the Feed APIs that we deprecated last October. In order to provide you with ample time to complete this transition, we will stop supporting this call on February 16, 2010 at 10AM PST.

We want to remind you that starting on that day, the only way to publish Feed stories into the stream will be via the stream publishing methods (stream.publish, FB.Connect.streamPublish, and Facebook.streamPublish). Posts published using the stream publishing methods contain only structured plain text data, which makes them easier to render on a variety of devices, including mobile phones and gaming consoles.

imedic 02-26-2010 01:54 PM

Is there something to to with this mod?
I will keep an eye on it, hopefully someone will give a hand.
Is not working for me either.

mykkal 02-27-2010 12:13 AM

Its not working for anyone. it needs to be updated to follow the API calls that facebook now supports. Can someone help fix this? The developer obviously isn't paying attention.

And the developer who "supports" this hasn't been online since September of 2009.

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