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-   -   Statistics Modifications - Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=122986)

Marka Ragnos 02-24-2008 07:12 PM


Installed => www.corvette-forum.net

mystic10 02-25-2008 11:37 PM

hi first of all thanks for the mod...someone please help

my problem i exculded someo of the forums so members can see top posters and top thread starters for the month...however one problem problem is...when i see the latest post not all of the post show....i am wondering is this what its suppose to do....i thought seeing latest post and exculding forum for stats would be and is separate

request: can you give an option so we can enter the dates like from jan 1st to feb 1st or whatever to accurately see the top poster and top thread starter

emmateague 02-26-2008 04:52 PM

I also require help!
I am completely novice to all this and so have a very limited understanding of how to fix things myself. I added the forum statistics and they all show correctly at the bottom of forum home, when i click to view one of the last posts/hot threads it reloads the forum home page and hides all threads leaving me with just my shoutbox and the stats. I noticed the url that appears up the top after this shows something like /?t=1133 would i be correct in thinking this needs to be changed so it goes to /showthread.php?p=1133#post1133. Only semi-logical assumption i could make. Would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction!

akulion 02-27-2008 10:24 AM

awsome! motm well deserved :D

kewlpack 02-27-2008 06:38 PM

Wonderful mod. Love it - 5 stars!

One minor issue though... I noticed that the "new" indicator doesn't change when a person visits the thread having the new post(s). On returning to the main index, the thread still shows as having "new" posts. It only goes away if the User selects "Mark All Forums Read" from the Quick Links menu.

Is there a way to get that fixed? Please advise.

inciarco 02-28-2008 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Subah (Post 1259167)
Install it and work nice , but there is a problem with the latest forum news !!
its always emty ?
So what is the problem do you thick ?
my forum is 3.6.7 !

I Have the same Problem and I Confirm 100% that is a Code Problem, because I've Tested this Mod with 3.6.7 PL1 and with 3.6.8. PL2, and that Same Error Happened!! :(

I Told Cybernetec about this Error a Long Time Ago, and Many People Has Too, and it Started Happening since one of the Updates (Exactly Version 5.4, because Version 5.3 don't Have that Bug), so would be Nice for Cybernetec to Check Again the Coding on this Mod because it Has a Bug!! :confused: :(

I Hope You Can Fix it, for Now I'll be Using the Old Version that Works Fine and Shows the "Latest Forum News", until You Fix that Bug that Starting Happening After the Update of Version 5.4!! :(

I think that Cybernetec should Upload the Version 5.3 that don't Have that Bug, so that the Users that Reported that Bug can Use the Mod that don't Have that Problem!! :rolleyes:

My Best Regards!! ;)


McMendo 02-29-2008 03:14 PM

Another vote here towards the integration of a Latest Articles from the blogs.

Ideally, with an option to include which blogs / bloggers should be included while the rest remain excluded.

jilly 03-01-2008 01:02 AM

How can I make it so guests cannot view the top 5 stats on forumhome? I think I would put the code

<if condition="$show['member']">


somewhere in a template, just not sure which one or where

inciarco 03-01-2008 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1452666)
I Have the same Problem and I Confirm 100% that is a Code Problem, because I've Tested this Mod with 3.6.7 PL1 and with 3.6.8. PL2, and that Same Error Happened!! :(

I Told Cybernetec about this Error a Long Time Ago, and Many People Has Too, and it Started Happening since one of the Updates (Exactly Version 5.4, because Version 5.3 don't Have that Bug), so would be Nice for Cybernetec to Check Again the Coding on this Mod because it Has a Bug!! :confused: :(

I Hope You Can Fix it, for Now I'll be Using the Old Version that Works Fine and Shows the "Latest Forum News", until You Fix that Bug that Starting Happening After the Update of Version 5.4!! :(

I think that Cybernetec should Upload the Version 5.3 that don't Have that Bug, so that the Users that Reported that Bug can Use the Mod that don't Have that Problem!! :rolleyes:

My Best Regards!! ;)


I Finally Found the Solution for this Problem, and I'm Happy is Not a Bug:

In the "Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics" Options, there is an Option under the "Stats Details" Section, named "Latest News forums (List IDs, separate with commas)"; in that Text Field you Should Set the IDs of he Forums You Want to Show in the "Latest Forum News" List in the Statistics!! :rolleyes:

Again I'm Happy that this was Not a Bug, and Lots of Thanks to Cybernetec for Sharing this Great Mod!! :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


meissenation 03-01-2008 03:42 PM

Does anyone know how to make the News sort by the NEWEST post date instead of the original post date? We're using the Latest Posts and Latest News to separate two different types of threads. The Latest News sorts based on the original post instead of bumping threads to the top when there's a new post.

BelMaseto 03-02-2008 08:55 PM

Wow !!! Awesome.

Thanks, men.


legionofangels 03-03-2008 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1454429)
I Finally Found the Solution for this Problem, and I'm Happy is Not a Bug:

In the "Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics" Options, there is an Option under the "Stats Details" Section, named "Latest News forums (List IDs, separate with commas)"; in that Text Field you Should Set the IDs of he Forums You Want to Show in the "Latest Forum News" List in the Statistics!! :rolleyes:

Again I'm Happy that this was Not a Bug, and Lots of Thanks to Cybernetec for Sharing this Great Mod!! :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


Yep, it was there the whole time. Not a bug, you just need to select which forum to have the posts display. Obviously, we chose our News forum, never had a problem with it.

On the issue of discovery I have found the fix to my problem. Our board uses a custom font setting and it created a dead space on the bottom of the Latest Post section. There should have been a <br> in the coding of the add on for a separation between the category information and the actual results in the Latest Posts but there wasn't one. With no help from the actual author I found a solution to my problem, even though I cannot implement it at this time without my pc with photoshop actually working.

BUT if any of you use a custom font and you run into spacing problems consider changing the


gifs in your icons/statusicons folder of your ftp. I noticed that the bigger image I use the more the spacing is balanced out.

I'm going to fix this tomorrow hopefully or whenever I can make the image that I want. So to view my error you may do so for the next 24 hours or so, but I'm sure I attached it earlier in this thread.


And you can see how changing those gifs affected my spacing in this image:



Our forum is heavily customized so if yours is anything like mine and you have a similar problem, try this out. Also for some reason the post old and post new in the threads are in my Styles folders on my ftp, so I actually have to make this change in several locations. Be sure to check your files if you have a similar set up.

meissenation 03-05-2008 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by meissenation (Post 1454458)
Does anyone know how to make the News sort by the NEWEST post date instead of the original post date? We're using the Latest Posts and Latest News to separate two different types of threads. The Latest News sorts based on the original post instead of bumping threads to the top when there's a new post.

Anyone? It should be something fairly simple, I just don't know PHP well enough to do this. I figure some where in the code it just needs to grab the newest post date instead of original post date.

Valter 03-05-2008 07:41 PM

Are you sure you want threads from last year to be listed at the top of "Latest News" when someone replies to them?

meissenation 03-05-2008 09:39 PM

Yes, that's pretty much exactly what I need. We're actually using the Latest News as a secondary "Latest Posts." We have our website filtered into two categories and have set the Latest Posts to exclude a handful of forums, which the Latest News then uses -- although I've edited the phrase to be "Latest Technical Posts" So while we're trying to use Latest News as a secondary "Latest Posts" it's still organized by thread creation date, we need it by latest post date. :)

I did find how Latest Posts was using $get_new_posts so I went into the template for Latest News and changed $get_news_posts to be $get_new_posts but then it came up blank for everything so I had to change it back.

mystic10 03-05-2008 09:53 PM


maybe i am doing something wrong...as selected certain forums to be counted as top poster and top thread starter however in latest post i dont see all the post only the ones that i selected for top poster and top thread starter...kindly help

apiasto 03-06-2008 01:06 PM

i upgraded to 5.7 and it showing everyone'ip adress as same from (itdomains.com)when i click on currently active user in whats going on box.does ne one else having the same problem?need help.thanks

ram94401 03-07-2008 11:31 AM

Cybernetec, this is probably the best mod I came across. Thanks a ton. It really helps. There is just one problem though. "Top 5 Stats" has an arrow with it, click it, I see two options "View more results" and "Turn off stats". If I click those links, it takes me to misc.php?do=cybstats, that page gives me the explanation of Smilies!

UPDATE: It was my mistake. I was testing in a test environment, link was pointing to misc.php in PROD environment. I just made it live. It worked great! Everything works fine including "more results". Users even have the option to turn off the top stats. Wow... It's great. May be this can be voted as best mod of the YEAR!

furst 03-07-2008 10:27 PM

Please, Cybernetec, add support for vbblogs.

meissenation 03-09-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by meissenation (Post 1457952)
Yes, that's pretty much exactly what I need. We're actually using the Latest News as a secondary "Latest Posts." We have our website filtered into two categories and have set the Latest Posts to exclude a handful of forums, which the Latest News then uses -- although I've edited the phrase to be "Latest Technical Posts" So while we're trying to use Latest News as a secondary "Latest Posts" it's still organized by thread creation date, we need it by latest post date. :)

I did find how Latest Posts was using $get_new_posts so I went into the template for Latest News and changed $get_news_posts to be $get_new_posts but then it came up blank for everything so I had to change it back.

Nevermind, figured it out. Thank god for Notepad++ so I could really review the code. Just changed the orderby for get_news_posts to lastpost so it'd be the same as get_new_posts and now it's ordering it correctly. :)

Figured out how to add the lastposter and replycount to the table too, just need to figure out how to tidy it up and change the heading for the table.

Edit: Yaaaahoooo! Got it working just how I wanted it to.
http://www.mifbody.com/ for demo. :) Latest Technical is actually the latest news, Latest General is Latest Posts. :)

periphrastic 03-12-2008 02:37 PM

this is my favorite mod, bar none. i've been using it for a while now - but am suddenly getting blank pages on new threads when i enable this mod in isolation.

is there any kind of advisement you can provide for this? thanks

(i know the standard troubleshoots for white pages, but, after deducing all possible causes of the issue, have been left with this mod)

Animparadise 03-13-2008 09:49 PM

is there anyway to disable/hide this hack from guests?

dbirosel 03-15-2008 12:06 AM

Is this mod available or works with 3.7?

Trip3151 03-15-2008 01:34 AM

Thanks for the great mod :) works on 3.7.0 beta 4

Nikola1 03-15-2008 06:49 AM

thank you :) you safe my life :D

mariocaz 03-16-2008 05:14 AM

installed and congratulations for this great mod.

I hope cybernetic come back soon, because in my opinion he is the best author mos in vb.

beckyvan 03-16-2008 01:32 PM

I installed this hack, it's great. However, I must be doing something wrong with the classified and forum news. How do I get them do show.

Here's what is in there now in the news:

test 5,7

blade700 03-23-2008 10:26 AM

Thanks to MOD creator. Works a treat and was a doodle to install.

Konstantinos 03-23-2008 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by zenkaizen (Post 1405650)
This is a really useful mod, however I found that it slows down my forum index a lot. Normal load time without the mod installed is around 0.2 to 0.3s, and with the mod installed its around 1.6 to 2.3s. Currently using the Top 5 Hottest Threads, Most Viewed Threads, and Latest Posts.

After playing around with the queries, I found that removing AND `visible` = '1' and AND `open`!='10' from the WHERE clause speeds up the mod a lot. I'm wondering if there's any bad effects by doing this? Or do you have another suggestion to further optimize the queries.

The ideal way will be to cache them every x minutes or every hour. Pulling the stats dynamically all the time really slows down the forum index.

FYI: We're on a dedicated server with 200-300 online users during peak hours. The database is stored on an external server. Using vBMicroStats, with the mod enabled the load time is around 10% on PHP and 90% on MySQL. Without the mod, it's almost 50-50.

i noticed the same too. it makes FORUMHOME load slow. when i disable it it loads very fast

Brokenman 03-24-2008 02:35 AM

I have a problem. Everything displays fine, but when I or any of the members on the board click no one of the topics its just brings you to a "No input file specified." page.

Help would be great!!!

picarcik 03-24-2008 03:23 PM

Thanks nice script :-)

boldtmedia 03-28-2008 05:20 AM

First plugin I install on a new forum. Bravo.

ArnyVee 03-29-2008 02:59 AM

Worked for me using 3.6.8! :)

aamirkhj 03-29-2008 05:35 AM

I have installed it working fine with no problem, only one issue when admin or any member clicks on the threads displayed in the "Latest Forum News" or in the "Latest Posts" it logs the admin or any member out and we have to log back again all the time.........

Please help to clarify why this is happening??

thenutthouse 03-30-2008 05:08 PM

How can I make it show 3 rows? I like all the stat options and want to show them, but it pushes Latest Posts off to the side and doesn't fit in the window.

Thnx for another great Mod,

parabat 03-31-2008 07:35 AM

Hi Cybernetec

This is an awesome mod and I thank you for it.
My question is, would it be possible to display your various stat listings separately on a custom page?
I have created a few custom pages and I would like to display various stats on them. So on page one I would like to display your "Latest posts" window. On page two I would like to display your "Newest Members", "Top Posters" and "Top Referrers" etc
Is there a variable that I can use to add to my pages for those individual windows to display where I want them to display??
Thanx in advance


parabat 03-31-2008 07:40 AM

I hope this makes sense :)

aamirkhj 03-31-2008 11:01 AM

Any one know once installed this Mod why it logs out member and admin when member and admin click on any link shown on Advance states and then you have logged back, any idea?? any one??

furst 04-02-2008 04:24 PM

Did cyb stop updating and releasing his hacks or something? I remember this thing used to be updated twice a week.

semka 04-03-2008 10:49 AM

Please for vb 3.7 !!!

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