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Harley77 03-10-2006 01:57 PM

I recently had to remove this by the prompting of my host. I would be just as happy with a non-ajax shoutbox. If I knew how, I would rip all auto-refresh stuff from this thing and go strictly to an update on page load or button click.

Tracer Gun Kata 03-10-2006 02:10 PM

How can you stop html being posted on the shoutbox?

GuaRRand 03-14-2006 06:48 AM

K,... HEEELP!!

I installed it, but it won't show up.

I wonder how i could have gotten this wrong... its just uploading the product and the vbshout.php right?

Any reason why it wont show up?
(i checked in admin panel, it's set to active and should be showign below the navbar)


Heldenverband 03-14-2006 11:09 AM


after install i have NO entry in my admincp for this shoutbox.

Any Idea ?

Za4a Tuner 03-14-2006 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by tswaibel
A: Edit the title above the shoutbox window that says "Shoutbox" to something else

Look in the template => forumhome_vbshout

<a href='vbshout.php?{$session['sessionurl_q']}do=archive'>Shoutbox</a>
and replace it by:

<a href='vbshout.php?{$session['sessionurl_q']}do=archive'>What ever you want to appear</a>

Originally Posted by Heldenverband
after install i have NO entry in my admincp for this shoutbox.

Maybe you've been at the false place ->
look @ the Settings of vB

raagaswaram 03-16-2006 02:55 PM

for my users vbshout saying loading but not loading?

sunny001 03-16-2006 09:55 PM


I've added vBShout to my vB 3.5.4 and it's working great.

The only thing is that it isn't using the style of the forum.
I'm using Aria style on the forum and the shoutbox looks like standard style.

Any idea how to change vBShout using aria style?


Coach_Guru 03-17-2006 01:18 AM

Please, how can i purge all the old shouts?

The box stored 261 pages :(


crazymeezer 03-17-2006 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Coach_Guru
Please, how can i purge all the old shouts?

The box stored 261 pages :(

Type /prune into your shoutbox, and it will clear all messages.

I have an issues with smilies not displaying when I turn smilies off in signatures. Anyone had this problem or know a fix?


D.Ilyin 03-17-2006 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by JohnA
Also, can anyone answer my questions about disabling both HTML and VB Codes. HTML is disabled when you enable VB Codes, but when you diable VB Codes, HTML is enabled. I need both disabled to disallow members from posting images and large text, etc. it's very important so if anyone could help me out I will be very appriciative.

Did somebody find out how-to disable HTML and BBCode in vBShout?
Or it's imposable?

Coach_Guru 03-17-2006 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by crazymeezer
Type /prune into your shoutbox, and it will clear all messages.

I have an issues with smilies not displaying when I turn smilies off in signatures. Anyone had this problem or know a fix?


Many many thanks crazy ;)

blacklancer 03-17-2006 03:54 PM

is there a way to not allow certain users to post smilies??

Telegon80 03-18-2006 02:42 AM

crap i installed this and now my PM buttons are gone! Ahhhh!!!!!!!

Za4a Tuner 03-18-2006 10:28 PM

Banned Users get this warning:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /vbshout.php (Zeile 288)
Anyone else with the same prob?

gtsch 03-19-2006 12:26 AM

I am having a problem, when some tries to shout they are directed from /index.php to a blank screen /vbshout.php?

The shout is still registered but no one can see the shouts except through the archive.

T_Montana 03-19-2006 04:28 PM

i'm guessin this doesn't work for vb 3.0.7?

D.Ilyin 03-20-2006 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by T_Montana
i'm guessin this doesn't work for vb 3.0.7?

this version only for 3.5.x

Tracer Gun Kata 03-20-2006 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by D.Ilyin
Did somebody find out how-to disable HTML and BBCode in vBShout?
Or it's imposable?

Second this.. been wiating for an answer on this as well.

Telegon80 03-21-2006 02:28 AM

how come hyperlinks dont work in my shoutbox?

obmob 03-21-2006 12:34 PM

Yeah, i'm also getting

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /vbshout.php on line 288

D.Ilyin 03-21-2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer Gun Kata
Second this.. been wiating for an answer on this as well.

Well..... Maybe ZT say something?
Just as fact - WE COULD or WE COULD NOT disable HTML and BBCodes?

d8tabyte 03-21-2006 05:00 PM

I've found this to be a huge resource hog and has been the cause of many overloads of my SQL database. An update to change the refresh rate would be awesome.

Praxin 03-21-2006 05:04 PM

As a RPG user , I'll pass on the info that ZT has only had extremely sporadic net access the last couple of months - he has been hardly seen on the GZE forums either. I imagine he will check in as soon as it is humanly possible for him to do so.

blacklancer 03-22-2006 02:40 PM

anyone know where to change the background color of the shoutbox??

ruminet 03-22-2006 06:13 PM

Howdy gang;

Was there an answer to "B" here?
The date stamp is out of control large...


Originally Posted by tswaibel
Two questions for everyone :).

Does anyone know how to:

A: Edit the title above the shoutbox window that says "Shoutbox" to something else

B: Make the timestamp on the left smaller in size

Mikecp421 03-22-2006 08:20 PM

how can I remove this shoutbox to reinstall it, I have a blank spot in my VB options that is the properties of this shoutbox and I dont have it listed in the plugin section anymore, this is the error I get when I try to reinstall it and allow it to overwrite;

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE `shout` (
`sid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`s_by` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_time` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_shout` text NOT NULL,
`s_data` text NOT NULL,
`s_me` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',

MySQL Error : Table 'shout' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Wednesday, March 22nd 2006 @ 02:18:04 PM
Script : http://www.meogee.com/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer : http://www.meogee.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : EDIT
Username : Mikecp421
Classname : vb_database

Ohiosweetheart 03-22-2006 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by blacklancer
anyone know where to change the background color of the shoutbox??

I would LOVE to be able to do this as well... anyone?

hotwheels 03-23-2006 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mikecp421
how can I remove this shoutbox to reinstall it, I have a blank spot in my VB options that is the properties of this shoutbox and I dont have it listed in the plugin section anymore, this is the error I get when I try to reinstall it and allow it to overwrite;

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE `shout` (
`sid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`s_by` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_time` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_shout` text NOT NULL,
`s_data` text NOT NULL,
`s_me` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',

MySQL Error : Table 'shout' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Wednesday, March 22nd 2006 @ 02:18:04 PM
Script : http://www.meogee.com/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer : http://www.meogee.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : EDIT
Username : Mikecp421
Classname : vb_database

mike, you are going to have to go into your mymsq on your server and delete that.........I just had to do the same thing for vbradio. Or you can try running this query real quick

$Query = "drop table `".TABLE_PREFIX."shout`";


For those that want to rename the shoutbox, and this isn't my program so i am sorry if this makes the owner of the software man, i don't intend that......... Go to your admincp, then to your template's, click on Forum home template, then scroll down to forumhome_vbshout, locate

<a href='vbshout.php?{$session['sessionurl_q']}do=archive'>Shoutbox</a>
Where it says Shoutbox, put your new name in there.......

If i can make a suggestion to those wanting to change the background color's, just add more style's to your site.........this way if a user choose's something like red2black, the back ground will be black.......I currently have 11 styles on my site for user's to choose from.......

Mikecp421 03-23-2006 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by hotwheels
mike, you are going to have to go into your mymsq on your server and delete that.........I just had to do the same thing for vbradio. Or you can try running this query real quick

For those that want to rename the shoutbox, and this isn't my program so i am sorry if this makes the owner of the software man, i don't intend that......... Go to your admincp, then to your template's, click on Forum home template, then scroll down to forumhome_vbshout, locate Where it says Shoutbox, put your new name in there.......

If i can make a suggestion to those wanting to change the background color's, just add more style's to your site.........this way if a user choose's something like red2black, the back ground will be black.......I currently have 11 styles on my site for user's to choose from.......

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '$Query = "drop table `".TABLE_PREFIX."shout`";

$vbulletin->db->query($Query)' at line 1

Mikecp421 03-23-2006 02:19 AM

ok I went into the db and removed it like you said, thanks

hotwheels 03-23-2006 03:27 AM

no problem man........

Ohiosweetheart 03-23-2006 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels
If i can make a suggestion to those wanting to change the background color's, just add more style's to your site.........this way if a user choose's something like red2black, the back ground will be black.......I currently have 11 styles on my site for user's to choose from.......

thank you, but I want a stock off-white background on the sb in all of my styles (I have 5 styles)

hotwheels 03-23-2006 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
thank you, but I want a stock off-white background on the sb in all of my styles (I have 5 styles)

I will look at the software and see what i can come up with for you......right now i am working grave's so give me a couple days...

hotwheels 03-24-2006 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
thank you, but I want a stock off-white background on the sb in all of my styles (I have 5 styles)

One quick option you can look at doing is going into your template/styles, click go, scroll down to "First Alternating Collor, and change the #e1e4f2 to #ffffff and then click save css.............that will give you a white back ground there......

kofoid 03-24-2006 05:08 PM

Is there a trick to turning on the time stamp?

melodyt 03-24-2006 05:38 PM

I have a question. I am fairly new to vB so I apologize ahead of time for asking a stupid question. I did try to do a search but didn't come up with anything regarding my problem. I hope that somebody here can help me.

I have the shoutbox working on the default skin. I just added another skin and the shoutbox is not showing up. Where do I go to get it to show up? I'm sure it's something really easy but I just can't figure it out.

Thanks a BUNCH to whoever can help me with this.

hotwheels 03-24-2006 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by melodyt
I have a question. I am fairly new to vB so I apologize ahead of time for asking a stupid question. I did try to do a search but didn't come up with anything regarding my problem. I hope that somebody here can help me.

I have the shoutbox working on the default skin. I just added another skin and the shoutbox is not showing up. Where do I go to get it to show up? I'm sure it's something really easy but I just can't figure it out.

Thanks a BUNCH to whoever can help me with this.

You need to make sure that you set your additional style as a child.....when you go to your admincp and click on style/templates, be sure that your original style has a check mark next to it and the new style you uploaded has a check mark in the box next to it........


Is there a trick to turning on the time stamp?
It should be on automatically......

melodyt 03-24-2006 08:38 PM

Oh I just figured it out. Thanks

hotwheels 03-24-2006 10:27 PM

no problem, glad to help

apfparadise 03-26-2006 05:01 PM

Hey I could not look through 56 pages, got overwhelmed after about 25 :) but I have a question.

Is there a way to put that on a separate page, if I am using VBadvanced CMPS and can create templated pages. Wouldn't that turn it into a simple Chat program? I would love that. A place where everyone can just chat, but would not interfere with the forumhome layout.

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