Sinistra |
10-25-2005 06:04 PM |
Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Glad you got it working.. Can you see the template differences now? :)
Sure, find this (twice) in your JOURNAL template:
HTML Code:
<form method="post" action="journal.php?do=gotomyjournal"><input class="button" type="submit" name="myjournal" value="My Journal" /></form>
Replace them both with:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$canhave[journal]"><a href="journal.php?do=startjournal" title="Start Your Journal Now!"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/newjournal.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a></if>
Not much point in this, since it's directing to start a new journal.. The default package doesn't seem to have a "My Journal" image of any kind.
I have no plans to re-add the "Latest Journal Entries" and "Latest Journals" stuff back. However, Andreas plans to make this an option in future..
What's wrong with them? They're working fine for me..
OK say I click on the "vuew comments dropdown. it will take me to all my comments that have been posted in my journal. If I have mulitibple pages and click say on page 6 the URL changes but the comments don't meaning that it still reads as the first page. even has the page 1 hilighted
screenshots posted below
Also anther thing How do I remove the rating system for the journals. I want to remove it for everyone and they still have the stars is there anyoway to fix this? reset the rating table in the DB or what ^_^ Thanks