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bada_bing 05-17-2006 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
I think there is a problem with the formating when using Firefox. Worked fine with the prior version but the new version seam to not align up correctly in FF but ok in IE
Here is the link to an example

Noiced that it does the same thing on your site stonyarc

Dr.Viggy 05-17-2006 01:24 AM

my marker just spontaneously disappeared. it still says it's there by the number of markers but it's not visible at all. i surrender to this thing. lol.

stonyarc 05-17-2006 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Viggy
my marker just spontaneously disappeared. it still says it's there by the number of markers but it's not visible at all. i surrender to this thing. lol.

I'll have look later on today.

It's probably a stupid <td> error somewhere.

Fixed somewhere today. I'll let you know

sickboy6ths 05-17-2006 08:12 AM

Dear stonyarc, did you saw my message m8? About using Display Usergroup, instead of Primary usergroup for the markers?

stonyarc 05-17-2006 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by sickboy6ths
Dear stonyarc, did you saw my message m8? About using Display Usergroup, instead of Primary usergroup for the markers?

I working on the new roadmap, so yes I read it and working on a solution.

stonyarc 05-17-2006 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
I think there is a problem with the formating when using Firefox. Worked fine with the prior version but the new version seam to not align up correctly in FF but ok in IE
Here is the link to an example

Can you please post a screenshot.

My version doesn't show anything wrong on IE or FF

GuaRRand 05-17-2006 10:37 AM

Markers dont show up....
EVerything else works fine

stonyarc 05-17-2006 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by GuaRRand
Markers dont show up....
EVerything else works fine

Please check the autoapprove option for automatic approval. There is also an approval engine for new markers.

If the page comes in error please post a link.

GuaRRand 05-17-2006 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Please check the autoapprove option for automatic approval. There is also an approval engine for new markers.

If the page comes in error please post a link.

Thats the problem, i dont see any errors..
The autoapprove is set to YES.
I just see it loading the markers (it shows shadows also), but the markers just dont load.

I checked the images and they are there (uploaded everything to their propper place).

stonyarc 05-17-2006 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by GuaRRand
Thats the problem, i dont see any errors..
The autoapprove is set to YES.
I just see it loading the markers (it shows shadows also), but the markers just dont load.

I checked the images and they are there (uploaded everything to their propper place).

That's because you are loading a different style.

If you are running different styles please upload the marker images to the correct images directory too and not only to the main styles dir.

Also make sure you have set the marker colours for the usergroups in the admincp

GuaRRand 05-17-2006 11:46 AM

How stupid of me :P

Sorry m8 ... wont bother you again :D

GuaRRand 05-17-2006 12:15 PM

Still, nothing.

in any of the styles (also the default style)
I copied the images to the different style/images folders and still nothing.

In ADMINCP, when i go to ME Usergroup Marker, and the Usergroup Legend, i do see the balloons.
[edit]:Also when i click on YOUR ENTRY, i see the balloon..[/edit]
So only on the actual map i dont see any balloons... :(

Lissa 05-17-2006 12:29 PM

I have a few ex-moderators that still show as moderators on the map. How do I fix it so their markers don't indicate that they are moderators?

GuaRRand 05-17-2006 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Lissa
I have a few ex-moderators that still show as moderators on the map. How do I fix it so their markers don't indicate that they are moderators?

Did you remove them from the moderator usergroups? (primary)

stonyarc 05-17-2006 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by GuaRRand
Still, nothing.

in any of the styles (also the default style)
I copied the images to the different style/images folders and still nothing.

In ADMINCP, when i go to ME Usergroup Marker, and the Usergroup Legend, i do see the balloons.
[edit]:Also when i click on YOUR ENTRY, i see the balloon..[/edit]
So only on the actual map i dont see any balloons... :(

Can you open the map so that guests can see it?

I don't want to register on all sites.

Or ship me a test account

GuaRRand 05-17-2006 12:48 PM

k, workx now.
I had to update my own info/entry one time and save it (although i didnt change a thing, everything was still ok) and suddenly all balloons started popping up.


But u may always register on my site you know :P

stonyarc 05-17-2006 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by GuaRRand
k, workx now.
I had to update my own info/entry one time and save it (although i didnt change a thing, everything was still ok) and suddenly all balloons started popping up.


Yes that is the step 10 in the pdf

Or click run now once on the scheduled task

or your entry once to force an update

GuaRRand 05-17-2006 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Yes that is the step 10 in the pdf

Or click run now once on the scheduled task

or your entry once to force an update

I did the schedule twice before that...

Ohwell, it works now.
Yhnx for the quick response Stony :cool:

Lissa 05-17-2006 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by GuaRRand
Did you remove them from the moderator usergroups? (primary)


drn 05-17-2006 04:05 PM

Hi - another great update to an already great extension.

I have been trying to solve the issue of using a user's Display Group ID rather than their Primary User Group ID - and made the following change of line 71 of the vbgooglemapme.php code from:

PHP Code:

$usergroupid $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid']; 


PHP Code:

$usergroupid $vbulletin->userinfo['displaygroupid']; 

This value is set by vbulletin to either the displaygroupid (if a member has specified one), otherwise it will be set to the primary usergroupid. Would you expect this to work for new entries?

Perhaps this is something that could be switchable in a future version?



Wachtmeister 05-17-2006 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by drn
I have been trying to solve the issue of using a user's Display Group ID rather than their Primary User Group ID - and made the following change of line 71 of the vbgooglemapme.php code from:

PHP Code:

$usergroupid $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid']; 


PHP Code:

$usergroupid $vbulletin->userinfo['displaygroupid']; 

This value is set by vbulletin to either the displaygroupid (if a member has specified one), otherwise it will be set to the primary usergroupid. Would you expect this to work for new entries?

Perhaps this is something that could be switchable in a future version?

Should be default ;) I like this "version".

stonyarc 05-17-2006 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Wachtmeister
Should be default ;) I like this "version".

I'll build it in as an option in 2.5.2

Thanks Wachm

Za4a Tuner 05-17-2006 05:57 PM

I've got some questions / probs:

1. an selectet image @ the marker does make some probs!
Every image is gonna to be stretched to the maximum width =>
even the marker gets very big if an user have an small ava wich is very long!
try the attached image => i get with that image an error!

2. where can i set the legend (usergroupid) on and off?
or can this just be done @ the Hotspot Edition

3. the link @ the admincp (support) does redirect to your Hotspot Edition
is this correct?

4. whats about the online-view?
@ my board it does not show if an user is on or offline!
have i to do some differnet changes to get this work?

stonyarc 05-17-2006 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Za4a Tuner
I've got some questions / probs:

1. an selectet image @ the marker does make some probs!
Every image is gonna to be stretched to the maximum width =>
even the marker gets very big if an user have an small ava wich is very long!
try the attached image => i get with that image an error!

2. where can i set the legend (usergroupid) on and off?
or can this just be done @ the Hotspot Edition

3. the link @ the admincp (support) does redirect to your Hotspot Edition
is this correct?

4. whats about the online-view?
@ my board it does not show if an user is on or offline!
have i to do some differnet changes to get this work?

1. I'm aware of that issue but that's being fixed in the next update
2. you can set that when you edit the usergroup in admincp (show on legend YES NO)
3. typo => next version ok
4. as I had to make a compromise between load times on the main map (lot's of queries) and the showing of online information. I selected the option to minimize the load. As the online real time information on the map was the online information that had to go. The markers.xml file is now only updated by the Cron or by a update/insert of new information. There are enough places in vbulletin where online information is shown.

Za4a Tuner 05-17-2006 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
1. I'm aware of that issue but that's being fixed in the next update
3. typo => next version ok


Originally Posted by stonyarc
2. you can set that when you edit the usergroup in admincp (show on legend YES NO)

now i got it!

Originally Posted by stonyarc
4. as I had to make a compromise between load times on the main map... There are enough places in vbulletin where online information is shown.

thanks for the info!

one more question:
at the map-overview ... on the right =>
there are some statistics:
"Loaded: X of X"
(in xml-file on line 696)

document.getElementById('loadingMessage').innerHTML= "<b>Loaded: " + max + " of " + markers.length +"</b>" ;
is it possible to phrase this out:

document.getElementById('loadingMessage').innerHTML= "<b>$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_load]: " + max + " $vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_of] " + markers.length +"</b>" ;
It's not even neccesary, but it would be fine ;)

JoeWho 05-17-2006 10:03 PM


(Version: 2.5.1)

I get an "Warning" when I run the cron file... can you tell me why and how to fix that?

Also in : [Your entry] the text link by the bottom is linked to ... vbgooglemap.php should be vbgooglemapme.php

To link to your location just copy the correct string and use it in your signature, profile or on your website. You can use any other image you want between the links or just use a small text. To return to the map click here


VBGooglemap Member Edition

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 20

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 64

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 66

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 68

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 69

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 71



stonyarc 05-17-2006 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by JoeWho

(Version: 2.5.1)

I get an "Warning" when I run the cron file... can you tell me why and how to fix that?

Also in : [Your entry] the text link by the bottom is linked to ... vbgooglemap.php should be vbgooglemapme.php

To link to your location just copy the correct string and use it in your signature, profile or on your website. You can use any other image you want between the links or just use a small text. To return to the map click here


VBGooglemap Member Edition

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 20

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 64

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 66

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 68

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 69

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/----/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:236) in /includes/cron/vbgooglemapme_cron.php on line 71



Thats normally solved by uploading the product again. You can try doing it ASCII mode.

I also included some changes in the cron so that this non blocking error will occur no longer in some cases

The typo is corrected for the next release.

JoeWho 05-18-2006 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Thats normally solved by uploading the product again. You can try doing it ASCII mode.

I also included some changes in the cron so that this non blocking error will occur no longer in some cases

The typo is corrected for the next release.

Hi stonyarc,

Ok, I reinstalled it and same thing. I uploaded the files in ASCII mode... I still get the "Warning: Cannot modify header information", any sugestions?


stonyarc 05-18-2006 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by JoeWho
Hi stonyarc,

Ok, I reinstalled it and same thing. I uploaded the files in ASCII mode... I still get the "Warning: Cannot modify header information", any sugestions?


You can edit the php file remove the header changing info. It's not needed in the function.

As it's a warning in the scheduled task you can safely ignore it. I won't affect any functions.

The new release will correct this issue for all. I have the same warning on my server so don't worry too much.

stonyarc 05-19-2006 04:30 PM

Just to let you know that the xbox live version I made specially for my site already monitors more than 500 gamers now


Wachtmeister 05-19-2006 08:52 PM

I've made a german translation, available here at the top.

Ich habe f?r die beiden vbgooglemap Editionen (Member Edition und Hot Spot Edition) jeweils ?bersetzungsfiles erstellt. Stonyarc hat sie freundlicherweise hier oben im Thread verlinkt. Wer sich die ?bersetzung vorher angucken m?chte, der kann das gerne unter www.webgurus.de (Link ?ber die Navbar) tun. Vielen Dank an Stonyarc f?r die genialen Extensions!

Anleitung zum Einbauen

Wachtmeister 05-19-2006 10:00 PM

One wish: Maybe it is possible to add a feature called "Add this current view as your Marker" into ME and HSE ;)

It happens ten times a day, that i found an interesting point and want to add this point. I then have to search the locations again, when i clicked onto "Add Entry" ;) Maybe it's possible...

basilrath 05-20-2006 12:18 AM

hey top job!!!!!!!!!!!!

love it
members do


myridespace 05-20-2006 02:06 AM

i hit install and the same screen pops up each time

myridespace 05-20-2006 03:17 AM

i downloaded both zip files
i uploaded each file to the correct file through my ftp
i did the api thing on google right i think
dont understand the the permission thing, i set to execute
and add product i dont understand
sorry, but if possible can sum1 please break down for me, i have looked though the first 12 pages and saw nothing that deals with my problem.

Gizmo999 05-20-2006 06:16 AM

I'm having problems with members editing markers, clicking the new location doesn't seem to have any effect??

stonyarc 05-20-2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gizmo999
I'm having problems with members editing markers, clicking the new location doesn't seem to have any effect??

When loading the your entry the marker on there shows the location stored in the database.

When you click next to it a new marker will be set.

However if you don't hit UPDATE the new markers position will not be commited and will therefor not show.

stonyarc 05-20-2006 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by myridespace
i downloaded both zip files
i uploaded each file to the correct file through my ftp
i did the api thing on google right i think
dont understand the the permission thing, i set to execute
and add product i dont understand
sorry, but if possible can sum1 please break down for me, i have looked though the first 12 pages and saw nothing that deals with my problem.

For the permissions you need to set them as indicated in the PDF Guide.

If you follow step 1 - 10 to the letter everything should work fine.

stonyarc 05-20-2006 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by basilrath
hey top job!!!!!!!!!!!!

love it
members do


Hey thanks

don't forget to click install so you can keep track on the update schedule.

Gizmo999 05-20-2006 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
When loading the your entry the marker on there shows the location stored in the database.

When you click next to it a new marker will be set.

However if you don't hit UPDATE the new markers position will not be commited and will therefor not show.

thats how i've been telling them to do it but its not working, i can't alter my own marker either

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