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lolly 04-13-2004 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
According to Kier the only template thats changed in vB 3.0.0 (that vBindex uses) is the headinclude template, the following is an edited vB 3.0.0 one incase anyone has problems:

HTML Code:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$stylevar[charset]" />
<meta name="generator" content="vBulletin $versionnumber" />
<meta name="keywords" content="$vboptions[keywords]" />
<meta name="description" content="$vboptions[description]" />

<!-- CSS Stylesheet -->
<if condition="is_browser(....

Not sure if this is my problem but from a fresh install of VB Gold and VBIndex RC5, I cnfigure for blocks on left and/or right and see absoutely nothing....
How *DO* you get the columns to show. Do I need a special CSS or header include code or something?

I have Vbulletin gold, fresh install to http://localhost/forum as the root
I install vbIndex RC5 fresh install and configure vbiconfig.php to this:
define('CHDIR_PATH', '');
as specified from my install.

I surely MUST be missing something here...?
I see no nchanges in my layout, no blocks or anything. Its as if I've install vbindex and nothing has changed...

I had NO errors installing either..

Any help ...please....

NTLDR 04-13-2004 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ghostspy
Thanks i did what u said
but now next to the news it says default. wtf. how do i get rid of that more make it say News:

It days default because the icon is called default, if you choose a different icon when posting it will say that icons name instead.

NTLDR 04-13-2004 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by lolly
Not sure if this is my problem but from a fresh install of VB Gold and VBIndex RC5, I cnfigure for blocks on left and/or right and see absoutely nothing....

The define in vbiconfig.php should point to your forms directory, for example:

PHP Code:


lolly 04-13-2004 07:50 PM

So it should in my case say:

define('CHDIR_PATH', '/forum');


define('CHDIR_PATH', '/localhost/forum');

This is a local test installation before I change my real site.
(http://peburi.ebario.com -in case you doubt me...)

-OR- since I am using IIS, should it really be the full local path:

I have the forum installed at d:\inetpub\vbulletin as the root.
In which case would the above be:

define('CHDIR_PATH', '/inetpub/vbulletin');

define('CHDIR_PATH', '/inetpub/vbulletin/');

Incidentally - do I need to code the blocks in separate files or will the vbindex installation handle creating all of this for me?

NTLDR 04-13-2004 08:07 PM

The installation does everything except what you are explicity instructed to do by the installer/install ibstructions.

Your path should be:

PHP Code:


lolly 04-13-2004 08:29 PM


No go. I changed it as you said and nothing. I get no errors, no messages, but also nothing changes on my layout. I'm using the single default style installed with Gold, no modifications. Everything is freshly installed.

Do I have to make any changes elsewhere?

Do you know of any other users installing on IIS 5 who have installed it OK?
I'm really loathe to install on my live site, although I may give it a go as its reasonably lite on the changes, except on the database...?

Any way I can turn on debugging to see where its going wrong?

Thanks again for your help.

Incidentally, perhaps including a mention about "full local path" with the example you provide in the documentation (and for me) with would alleviate the confusion?

Now, all I have to do is get it to work...

NTLDR 04-13-2004 08:46 PM

People have got it to work on Win32, not sure if its with Apache or IIS. The only issue is setting that path correctly or if it is set correctly then check you have the vbindex_* templates listed in the style manager, if they are not there then thats the problem.

NTLDR 04-13-2004 10:01 PM

Only threads which members have permission to view and shown thus only previews to threads they can view and shown.

Dsmed 04-13-2004 10:03 PM

oh well...anyone have suggestions on how to un-install this?

MiLynne 04-14-2004 01:35 AM

code for a paypal link in a custom box? :( anyone? pwease? ;)

Ghostspy 04-14-2004 04:50 AM

Can anyone give me a idea on how to make a new box and put links in it???????? the links will link to other sites.

Reeve of shinra 04-14-2004 04:53 AM

The image thing threw me off for a good hour. Apparently I had to add in the http:// before the www. to get the image path right. Otherwise it was smooth sailing and works great so far. Great job!

Reeve of shinra 04-14-2004 04:54 AM

Ghostspy - check the add-on forum, I thought I saw a hack for it there.

neocorteqz 04-14-2004 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Ghostspy
Can anyone give me a idea on how to make a new box and put links in it???????? the links will link to other sites.

in any one of the custom blocks not being used By you.

To change the title

change this line to whatever you want.

HTML Code:

<strong>Custom Block $box</strong>
and to add the links

Where this line is in the custom template
HTML Code:

<div class="smallfont">Block $box Content</div>
Change inside the tags this "Block $box Content", to whatever you want in there


HTML Code:

<div class="smallfont"><a href="http://www.google.com">Google</a></div>
As far as I know, you don't need the tags, but it's not going to hurt anything.


Originally Posted by MiLynne
code for a paypal link in a custom box? :( anyone? pwease? ;)

same procedure as above.
Just copy the code provided by Paypal(on their site).

chet 04-14-2004 02:22 PM

Hi all, first of all I would like to thank you for this hack, without it I would not have changed from phpbb and mx-system portal as our users like the portal look
Ok now on to my questions: -

Will there be any kind of "FAQ" or "How To" be written to go alongside this excellent portal, I need to know a few things like : -
Can the custom boxes use html
How to I get RSS feeds in a custom block
How do I get google ads in a custom block

Thanks for taking time out to read this post and take care


lolly 04-14-2004 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
People have got it to work on Win32, not sure if its with Apache or IIS. The only issue is setting that path correctly or if it is set correctly then check you have the vbindex_* templates listed in the style manager, if they are not there then thats the problem.

I have vbindex templates installed. Incidentally - do they need to be master or as a sub style of the default style?
I tried both but now I'm not sure how to turn them on.

I imported them using style manager.

No when I select the style on the main forum page - its still the same ???? No changes.
What should I check next?


I totally replaced the default style with the one imported from vbindex_templates.xml which was in the admincp directory. I imported it using Style Manager

No change...

Any links or contacts to anyone running IIS who HAS got this to work?

Now I have my custom templates imported , how can I invoke them?

See attached snapshot of where they lie under the Default Style in the Style manager..

MiLynne 04-14-2004 03:09 PM

Thank you very much! I now realize what I was missing. :D you all rock.

NTLDR 04-14-2004 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by chet
Can the custom boxes use html
How to I get RSS feeds in a custom block
How do I get google ads in a custom block

Yes custom blocks can use HTML, just add it in the template. More details can be found in the ACP by clicking the (?) help icon. A FAQ is being worked on for vBindex. To add RSS/google ads you just have to place the relevent HTML in the custom blocks template.

NTLDR 04-14-2004 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by lolly
Any links or contacts to anyone running IIS who HAS got this to work?

I don't know of anyone off hand. If your path is set right and you still get a white page then I assume its a problem with IIS.

Sam FT 04-15-2004 02:32 AM

The new vb 3.0.1 has no affect on vBindex right? From the looks of it I don't think it does, but I just want to make sure before upgrading.

Anarchy 04-15-2004 02:40 AM

Why is my site like this? when my forums look fine, all i did was update from vb RC4 to 3.0.1 and vbinex to the latest one

NTLDR 04-15-2004 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sam FT
The new vb 3.0.1 has no affect on vBindex right? From the looks of it I don't think it does, but I just want to make sure before upgrading.

I very much doubt any changes in vB 3.0.1 will cause any problems.

edeab220 04-15-2004 09:29 PM

I'm sorry but I don't have the time to even think of reading through 88 pages...so maybe you can direct me to a specific post which may answer my question. I've already read the last three pages.

How can I set it so that when I go to www.palmforums.org I can see vBIndex? Right now I have to go to www.palmforums.org/vbindex.php, and I don't think my guests want to do that ;).

Sam FT 04-15-2004 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by edeab220
I'm sorry but I don't have the time to even think of reading through 88 pages...so maybe you can direct me to a specific post which may answer my question. I've already read the last three pages.

How can I set it so that when I go to www.palmforums.org I can see vBIndex? Right now I have to go to www.palmforums.org/vbindex.php, and I don't think my guests want to do that ;).

Rename vbindex.php to index.php.

edeab220 04-15-2004 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sam FT
Rename vbindex.php to index.php.

heh...now why can't I figure that out? Thanks for your help.

DaPro 04-16-2004 12:44 AM

I updated and I have no problems, but I do see a problem in the Latest Centered Block. All of the showthread.php links say showthread.core. Here is a link, can anyone help me fix.


Thanks in advanced...

d3nnis 04-16-2004 03:24 AM

nice hack, i install it again (previously used once and switch to vbadvanced), this time round, its easier to install then last versions.

However i notice something it wrong... I already saved the option :
Under News
Show Subscribed Icon
(Show the subscribed icon if a user has subscribed to the thread. This can have an effect on performance.) - Unchecked

Though I unchecked the above options seems like it wasn't updated and the subscription icons still appears.

my site can be found here : http://www.keeptouch.net/vbindex.php

Anyway i also manage to integrate my Photopost featured photos into vbindex.

I also make some amendments to the copyright notice (current one too lengthy), can NTLDR advise if its ok?

Also i notice the total number of posts and threads(under welcome template) are not working too.

NTLDR 04-16-2004 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by d3nnis
Though I unchecked the above options seems like it wasn't updated and the subscription icons still appears.

It should save correctly unless your settings are corupt somehow, you can run:

[sql]UPDATE datastore SET data = '' WHERE title='vbindex_setting'[/sql]

This WILL DELETE YOUR vBINDEX SETTINGS and you'll be able to reconfigure them again.


Anyway i also manage to integrate my Photopost featured photos into vbindex.
Someone posted some for of PhotoPost block at Core Forums, but as I don't have photopost I can't provide any code to do this.


I also make some amendments to the copyright notice (current one too lengthy), can NTLDR advise if its ok?
Provided it says 'vBindex Copyright ? MMII - MMIV Winter Systems.' the other text other than the Jelsoft copyright (if you don't have a branding free licence) can be removed.


Also i notice the total number of posts and threads(under welcome template) are not working too.
If you mean the number of new posts/threads then make sure that Enable New Posts is checked in the options.

NTLDR 04-16-2004 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by DaPro
I updated and I have no problems, but I do see a problem in the Latest Centered Block. All of the showthread.php links say showthread.core. Here is a link, can anyone help me fix.

Use the template search and replace function to search for .core and replace with .php (there should be two instances of it, one in vbindex_centerthreadbit and one in calendar_smallmonth_day).

d3nnis 04-16-2004 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
It should save correctly unless your settings are corupt somehow, you can run:

[sql]UPDATE datastore SET data = '' WHERE title='vbindex_setting'[/sql]

This WILL DELETE YOUR vBINDEX SETTINGS and you'll be able to reconfigure them again.

Ok i will try that :)


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Someone posted some for of PhotoPost block at Core Forums, but as I don't have photopost I can't provide any code to do this.

You do not need the whole photopost script right? If so i can just send you the file for the integration and the database structure for reference (provided i dun run into copyright issues...)


Originally Posted by NTLDR

Provided it says 'vBindex Copyright ? MMII - MMIV Winter Systems.' the other text other than the Jelsoft copyright (if you don't have a branding free licence) can be removed.

Can u take a look at my site and see if its ok? http://www.keeptouch.net/vbindex.php (if u cannot find this page, probably i would have rename it to index.php so the url is http://www.keeptouch.net/)


Originally Posted by NTLDR
If you mean the number of new posts/threads then make sure that Enable New Posts is checked in the options.

Ok i will try that :)

Thanks for your replies NTLDR! By the way what does NTLDR means?

d3nnis 04-16-2004 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
It should save correctly unless your settings are corupt somehow, you can run:

[sql]UPDATE datastore SET data = '' WHERE title='vbindex_setting'[/sql]

This WILL DELETE YOUR vBINDEX SETTINGS and you'll be able to reconfigure them again.

I tried this already but under newsbit, those icons (print, reply to thread, subscribe to thread, email this thread) still appears even though i uncheck this options :

Show Subscribed Icon
(Show the subscribed icon if a user has subscribed to the thread. This can have an effect on performance.)


Originally Posted by NTLDR
If you mean the number of new posts/threads then make sure that Enable New Posts is checked in the options.

Still did not work, for this two value :


i notice you commented it in the template... I uncomment it and it did not show... however New & Updated Threads & New posts did appear.

NTLDR 04-16-2004 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by d3nnis
I tried this already but under newsbit, those icons (print, reply to thread, subscribe to thread, email this thread) still appears even though i uncheck this options :

This is reffering to the subscribed icon that appears at the top with the posters details to indicate if a user is subscribed to that thread, and not the print, subscribe, sendto friend options at the bottom, they can be edited out of the vbindex_newsbit template if you don't want them.


i notice you commented it in the template... I uncomment it and it did not show... however New & Updated Threads & New posts did appear.
The total number of posts threads for the forum isn't functional in vBindex as it adds an extra query.

NTLDR 04-16-2004 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by d3nnis
You do not need the whole photopost script right? If so i can just send you the file for the integration and the database structure for reference (provided i dun run into copyright issues...)

If it is posible to give me a copy I can try, I can't make any promises as to wether I'll be able to do it or when, but I can add it to the todo list :)


Can u take a look at my site and see if its ok? http://www.keeptouch.net/vbindex.php (if u cannot find this page, probably i would have rename it to index.php so the url is http://www.keeptouch.net/)
Thats fine :)


Thanks for your replies NTLDR! By the way what does NTLDR means?
Its the bootloader for Windows NT (http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/N/NTLDR.html) based versions of Windows (NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server), not overly exciting but I couldn't think of anything better at the time :p

d3nnis 04-16-2004 03:52 PM

ok, i written a How-To Photopost integration (different from the one posted earlier in the CORE forum)

Read it here :


d3nnis 04-16-2004 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
If it is posible to give me a copy I can try, I can't make any promises as to wether I'll be able to do it or when, but I can add it to the todo list :)

Can you pm me your email addy?

Anyway I written a How-To here already, maybe u can refine it after I send you the relevant files.

Photopost Integration How-To :


Originally Posted by NTLDR

Its the bootloader for Windows NT (http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/N/NTLDR.html) based versions of Windows (NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server), not overly exciting but I couldn't think of anything better at the time :p


KTBleeding 04-16-2004 06:42 PM

Anyone care to help me display the latest images from 4images on my vBindex page? ;)

Sam FT 04-16-2004 10:22 PM

I submitted a bug report at Core Forums if you like to look at it NTLDR. Has to do with the vBindex's navbar template, since it is using an older template. vBulletin navbar template has changed somewhat. So now when you log out from vBindex front page you get an error, "An error occurred while attempting to log you out. Click here to log out."

NTLDR 04-16-2004 10:32 PM

If you haven't fixed it already see the bug report for the fix :)

Sam FT 04-16-2004 10:34 PM

Just read the vbulletin bug list and added the extra code manually....

???`S?LV?R???` 04-16-2004 10:55 PM

Hay NTLDR... remember how i asked you on the extra pages how to make it not show the extra blocks on the extra pages so there would be more space, well when i go to any of the extra pages inside the welcome block the avatar won't show up there, it'll only show on the regular vbindex home page, how do I make it show read their avatar in the welcome block just like it does on the vbindex home page

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