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DeirdreBunny 01-20-2009 02:49 PM


Because I am using a certain theme, the code to search and replace for comments to work with the bridge:


Find this code (or similar code indicating the comment section of your template):

<?php wp_link_pages(); ?>
<!--  <?php comments_popup_link(__('0 Comments'), __('1 Comments'), __('% Comments')); ?>

Do not appear to exist. The only similar strings I have found, were located in 3 separate theme files:


<?php comments_popup_link('Leave a Comment', '1 Comment', '% Comments'); ?>

<?php comments_popup_link('Leave a Comment', '1 Comment', '% Comments'); ?>

<?php comments_popup_link('Leave a Comment', '1 Comment', '% Comments'); ?>

Other lines with the word 'comment' contained within:


<?php comments_template(); // Get wp-comments.php template ?>
So I'm at a loss for which I am supposed to be replacing to get comments on vB to post to WP.

Does any of this info sound like it might be the right line to replace? 3 of the strings are identical, and I am assuming that the archive.php string wouldn't be the one.

Thanks so much!


G3MM4 01-21-2009 08:19 PM

Does this work with vBulletin 3.8.0?

limey 01-30-2009 03:17 AM

I run mine the same way. No need for the extra overhead.


Originally Posted by tjpeople (Post 1670739)
Awesome hack.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but why does this bridge VB users into WordPress?

TazeredBlackMan 02-02-2009 06:44 PM

This may sound like a stupid question, and for that I apologize?but when I read it, it isn?t 100% clear to me.

I want to share users and passwords when I bridge wordpress and vbulletin, but I don?t want to change the formatting of the comments, I want the area where the comments exist to remain the same, although it would be very nice if I could integrate my forum with the wordpress so they don?t have to register twice. My question is: When they go to comment, is it possible that they can have the same user name and password, and the comments still are where they normally would, not necessarily making a new thread on Vbulletin.

Also, say I add another WP g to my website at www.xyz.com/blog...could I also integrate that database with the forum as well?

I hope this is clear.


laztrix 02-10-2009 11:49 PM


I have a Vbulletin 3.8.0 and Wordpress 2.7.0 installed on my server.

when I try to activcate the plugin I get this error:

PHP Code:

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

this occurred unexpectedlyplease inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error


How can I fix this?

Jafo232 02-14-2009 04:55 AM

Just a quick note to everyone, I am rewriting this plugin and will hopefully finish testing this weekend.

The new version (IV) will include the following changes so far:

Integration is complete. Once you turn integration on, usernames and passwords from the forum can be used.

Users and admins can login from the WP login area.

If you log into VB or WP, then you remain logged in, until you log out (from either).

I hope to have time to rewrite the comment code instructions (for the default WP template).

I will be posting it in the 3.8 forum, but will also post a link here.

adairen 02-14-2009 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1743548)
Just a quick note to everyone, I am rewriting this plugin and will hopefully finish testing this weekend.

The new version (IV) will include the following changes so far:

Integration is complete. Once you turn integration on, usernames and passwords from the forum can be used.

Users and admins can login from the WP login area.

If you log into VB or WP, then you remain logged in, until you log out (from either).

I hope to have time to rewrite the comment code instructions (for the default WP template).

I will be posting it in the 3.8 forum, but will also post a link here.

sweet. looking forward to this.

Jafo232 02-14-2009 09:20 PM

I have released the update here:


Chirag patel 05-27-2009 11:54 PM

Can this import posts that are already in one of the forums that I want to integrate to?

int20 05-31-2009 04:49 PM

How I can import very big count of users from my Wordpress? Re-registering for ~2k of users is impossible? ImpEx can't import only users.

illusime 06-22-2009 12:50 AM

I tried integrating the mod. After I finish integrating, the contributor names disappeared on my wordpress articles. Also it seems to be having some problem with the featured content pugin. Can anyone help? Thanks.

pspcrazy 07-11-2009 06:56 PM

The updates version has too many unfixed problems sadly, so we're stuck with this version. I've been getting hacked a lot lately, please can anyone look through this version and see any security issues?

RvG2 08-25-2009 11:31 AM

This mod seems to work better than 4.0.13 on WP 2.8.4 and vB 3.8.4


caygri 04-06-2010 08:35 PM

the bridge not fuction when I impost user= autori
is there a mood for write the user on blog?

Jafo232 01-21-2011 02:48 PM

I have not supported this modification for several reasons:
  • I didn't need it anymore. Plain and simple.
  • I am a busy IT contractor who has a FULL schedule and just do not have time to donate to this project. (nor do I have time to support it for YOU even for $$)
  • VB 4.x is a disappointment on a major scale for me. I refuse to support it. I noticed 99% of the questions here lately are about that. No it does not work with 4.x, and if it does work with it, it was not my intention. I am so pissed off at IB about what in my opinion is an outright concerted effort to destroy vBulletin that I could care less if it works with it or not. Maybe they will fix it someday, but I can only hold my breath for so long
This all being said, one of my clients is now in need of this to work with 3.8 and has sponsored me start over on it. He has agreed to allow me to release this work to the public, however not here. For now, the only support I will be offering on this is at my website:


Please make sure you READ the statement first because the new product is a little different but still as always: free.

realchaos1 01-21-2011 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 2152450)
I have not supported this modification for several reasons:
  • I didn't need it anymore. Plain and simple.
  • I am a busy IT contractor who has a FULL schedule and just do not have time to donate to this project. (nor do I have time to support it for YOU even for $$)
  • VB 4.x is a disappointment on a major scale for me. I refuse to support it. I noticed 99% of the questions here lately are about that. No it does not work with 4.x, and if it does work with it, it was not my intention. I am so pissed off at IB about what in my opinion is an outright concerted effort to destroy vBulletin that I could care less if it works with it or not. Maybe they will fix it someday, but I can only hold my breath for so long
This all being said, one of my clients is now in need of this to work with 3.8 and has sponsored me start over on it. He has agreed to allow me to release this work to the public, however not here. For now, the only support I will be offering on this is at my website:


Please make sure you READ the statement first because the new product is a little different but still as always: free.

Kind sir,

If I ever run into you IRL, it would be the highest priority that I shake your hand, buy you and your colleagues a round of beer, offer you a wide selection of high class hookers, cigars, and beaver pelt.

Cheers to you and all your future endeavors, may the clouds of tomorrow shine bright with silver linings!

-Eddi Hughes

dmm2020 01-26-2011 01:06 AM

It would be nice to see features like this support the most recent version of a product rather than sticking with prior versions. The post I saw that the developer did not intend to support 4.x is rather disappointing. That is like developing for IE6. Hopefully, someone else picks up on this and does what those of use using the newer versions of vBulletin needs.

Jafo232 01-26-2011 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by dmm2020 (Post 2154651)
It would be nice to see features like this support the most recent version of a product rather than sticking with prior versions. The post I saw that the developer did not intend to support 4.x is rather disappointing. That is like developing for IE6. Hopefully, someone else picks up on this and does what those of use using the newer versions of vBulletin needs.

For what purpose? VB 4 has their own CMS.. Oh yeah, I forgot, it sucks like the rest of the product.

wacnstac 03-04-2011 10:19 PM

I would pay to have this upgraded to work with VB 3.8.X and WP 3.1

MissKalunji 04-04-2011 12:48 PM


What happens to the users that i already have in Wordpress?

They can't login?

Jafo232 04-04-2011 01:01 PM

I do not offer support here, only at http://www.lampwrights.com.

Lostboyfan 05-09-2011 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 2154780)
For what purpose? VB 4 has their own CMS.. Oh yeah, I forgot, it sucks like the rest of the product.

You don't have to use vb's CMS. I turned mine off and use vbadvanced for the time being. However I would like to to see this Mod get supported for 4.X.X since some people are using it.


Never mind. this mod does work with vbulletin 4.

ChromeDome 06-29-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Lostboyfan (Post 2193685)
Never mind. this mod does work with vbulletin 4.

How well does this work for vb4? Anyone care to share a link to a site where this is set up?

MissKalunji 07-02-2011 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by ChromeDome (Post 2214499)
How well does this work for vb4? Anyone care to share a link to a site where this is set up?

I believe he meant "doesn't" work...

klaush 07-02-2011 10:37 PM

Did you read the posts in this thread?

Easy live is easy living! Let?s do the other my work! Sorry, but reading threads complete is healthy and effective!


Originally Posted by ChromeDome (Post 2214499)
How well does this work for vb4? Anyone care to share a link to a site where this is set up?

ChromeDome 07-03-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by klaush (Post 2216066)
Did you read the posts in this thread?

Easy live is easy living! Let?s do the other my work! Sorry, but reading threads complete is healthy and effective!

Did I read all 86 pages? Really? Why bother to post if you aren't going to help at all. And speak proper English when you attempt to insult someone.

Lostboyfan 07-03-2011 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by ChromeDome (Post 2214499)
How well does this work for vb4? Anyone care to share a link to a site where this is set up?

It works very well for VB 4. Just install it the same way as the vb3 way and it should work. Give it try on my gaming website.


If you need still need extra help to put it on your forums. Send me a PM and I will be happy to help you :).

Manoel J?nior 07-20-2011 12:56 PM

This mod is working fine on my forum, but how do I increase the avatars and answers?

8thos 08-27-2011 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Lostboyfan (Post 2216325)
It works very well for VB 4. Just install it the same way as the vb3 way and it should work. Give it try on my gaming website.


If you need still need extra help to put it on your forums. Send me a PM and I will be happy to help you :).

That's a beautiful website.

M4GN3T 12-13-2011 12:05 AM

Latest WP 3.3 breaks the bridge, users loosing usernames and such and first user will be seen as 'admin'.

MissKalunji 12-13-2011 03:21 AM

He's not supporting this version anymore....

Rolll 12-17-2011 12:32 AM

I've just hidden in 593 line of vbbrdige.php " _fill_user( $user );" but i'm not really sure that's solution... but now it's work :D

amjadz4 03-06-2012 06:41 AM

Guys I need your support. All of you who want this plugin to work for the latest versions of vB and WP with extr features that are currently not available and more ... Go here on this page and put 3 votes.


Come on people, lets get this plugin made for vB 4! They just need votes! :D

insanewhip 04-20-2012 04:00 AM

Anyone want to set this up for me? I've tired and its WAY over my head.. Donation will be provided!

jdj 09-13-2012 08:44 AM

I'm interested in this mod for vB4, also for vB5 Connect. I appreciate that vB5 Connect is only just out.

x_55 10-07-2012 10:06 PM


MuraTh 02-27-2013 11:02 PM

vbulletin integration for izmir ila?lama my page please

Nirjonadda 03-24-2013 05:32 PM

Does work on 4.2.0? Please any update for work on 4.2.0

MissKalunji 03-24-2013 05:45 PM

it doesn't work and doens't plan on doing so. you can search VBSSO , as an alternative

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