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bananalive 07-21-2009 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Andyrew (Post 1852281)
Still not removing anything. :( What i am using is a for sale listing form, and one question is does your item come with a scope. yes/no = radio checkbox.
Then if the answer is no the next question they are told to ignore, but if yes the next question they fill in the type of scope.
So if they choose "no" and don't fill in the type of scope, this is then submitted with a space/gap in the for sale thread, if i click on edit thread i have to remove [b][size=3][/size][/b] from the post to remove the space/gap between the item for sale listing. Maybe i have to tell the form somehow to ignore the next question if the answer is "no"
See pic for example of gap between rows.

Are you using custom output, if you are you can use:

PHP Code:

<if condition="$qo[121]">[b][size=3]$qo[121][/size][/b]

where 121 is question hash

Andyrew 07-21-2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1852927)
Are you using custom output,

Yes these are the lines in my output, if someone picks "no" for question 71 or 6 i then need it to remove the line with $q[10] or $q[8]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]$qn[71] : $qo[71][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3]$qn[6] : $qo[6][/SIZE][/B]

bananalive 07-21-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Andyrew (Post 1852941)
Yes these are the lines in my output, if someone picks "no" for question 71 or 6 i then need it to remove the line with $q[10] or $q[8]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]$qn[71] : $qo[71][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=3]$qn[6] : $qo[6][/SIZE][/B]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]$qn[71] : $qo[71][/SIZE][/B]
<if condition="$qo[71] != $vbphrase[no]">[B][SIZE=3]$q[10][/SIZE][/B]</if>

[B][SIZE=3]$qn[6] : $qo[6][/SIZE][/B]
<if condition="$qo[6] != $vbphrase[no]">[B][SIZE=3]$q[8][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]</if>

bojomojo 07-21-2009 04:29 PM

Hello, Is it possible that when I click on Forms in the navigation bar, it brings a drop down menu like the quick links one with the forms in it??

bananalive 07-21-2009 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by bojomojo (Post 1852994)
Hello, Is it possible that when I click on Forms in the navigation bar, it brings a drop down menu like the quick links one with the forms in it??

Disable default one in vbulletin options, then follow tutorial below adding the relevant links to the forms

How To Add Drop Down Menus To Your Navbar

almty1 07-21-2009 10:26 PM

I have the 3.7 installed, when I try to edit a question the popup box appears and says loading. It just stays like that and never finishs loading. Everything else seems to work perfect.

bananalive 07-22-2009 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by almty1 (Post 1853197)
I have the 3.7 installed, when I try to edit a question the popup box appears and says loading. It just stays like that and never finishs loading. Everything else seems to work perfect.

Which browser?

Remove from template: form_formbit
HTML Code:

onClick="ajaxwin=dhtmlwindow.open('ajaxbox', 'ajax', 'misc.php?do=editq&amp;id=$formbit[id]&amp;display=simple', 'Editing: $formbit[question]', '$formbit[type]', 'width=650px,height=400px,left=300px,top=100px,resize=1,scrolling=1'); return false;"

bojomojo 07-23-2009 03:54 AM

How can I include captcha in the forms?

bananalive 07-23-2009 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by bojomojo (Post 1853950)
How can I include captcha in the forms?

Add a Human Verification question.

Cyricx 07-23-2009 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1850619)
If you pm me details of test account i'll have a look.

I was about to do so when it's suddenly working... not sure at all what caused it, but if the problem replicates, I'll PM you. :)

Brathamike 07-23-2009 06:59 PM

Not to disrespect your hard work. But i dont understand this mod. Why would someone want to allow a user to make a "Forum". Isnt this the samething as making a forum from the forum manager?

I just dont get this mod. Not sure what it does
and why would i let someone make a forum?

Saviour 07-23-2009 07:13 PM

There are Forums...and then there are Forms...

Notice the difference?

Brathamike 07-23-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Saviour (Post 1854310)
There are Forums...and then there are Forms...

Notice the difference?

Nope sure didnt notice the difference. I havent installed the hack. I am using vb credits. and vbmerchant. I believe this my override my vbcredits

But i do see what you mean though i thought it was Forums lol

OsideRida06 07-24-2009 11:56 PM

Thank you. Installed, and is a very great hack.

nightbloom 07-29-2009 06:36 AM

I did uninstall this mod, but not because it wasnt a great mod, it is. I just switched over to Joomla for my main site and it has functions that are built in for that. I wish they were as easy to use as this product was.

Welshy2008 07-30-2009 04:35 PM

Right, I have tried to use this on a second thread - But I can't - for the life - of me, get it to work.

The first time (thread) - along wit a lot of your help and patience - Worked.

I even changed the "Post Reply" button by adding a plug-in. I have done that with the first thread and the second thread. What I have noticed is that there is a box With a red X and the words "Quick Reply to this message" where the Quick reply Button is supposed to be in each and every post on both threads that I did the "Pluggin" for. How do I get rid of the "Quick Reply" button on those two threads only Please?

Back to the original question:

I have set up another form and entered the correct ThreadID, but it doesn't work for me when I click on the "Reply" (Now changed to one of my choice) button (This was like this before (i changed the button). It has been a long time since I did the first Form to Thread, with you.

I have compared the two forms and cannot think of any reason as to why the new form (second thread one) doen't work.

I still have the "Admin" user permissions for you - if you have time and want a peek. :)

(Cheekyof me - I know).

Your help again, as always is appreciated - Here and on my forum.


MAME 07-30-2009 05:05 PM

Works great! My most valuable mod!

Welshy2008 07-31-2009 10:48 AM

I have clicked on title of my new form, under the "Forms" section and it is exactly how I want it.

All I need now, is help to actually link it to the reply button on the dedicated thread. I have the correct threadID attached to it. :(

bananalive 08-04-2009 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Welshy2008 (Post 1858982)
I have clicked on title of my new form, under the "Forms" section and it is exactly how I want it.

All I need now, is help to actually link it to the reply button on the dedicated thread. I have the correct threadID attached to it. :(

You needed to edit plugin: Easy Forms Reply Button.

Then newreply re-directs to form.

Welshy2008 08-04-2009 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1861150)
You needed to edit plugin: Easy Forms Reply Button.

Then newreply re-directs to form.

Thanks for your reply - I have done that. :(

I have copied what you told me to add before - Changing the threadID to new one. (and added it directly below your one)...

Shown below.


if (in_array($threadinfo[threadid], array(1st thread ID Here)))

header('Location: http://www.mywebsite.com/misc.php?do=form&fid=X') ; 
if (in_array($threadinfo[threadid], array(2nd ThreadID Here)))

header('Location: http://www.myforumaddress.com/misc.php?do=form&fid=X') ; 

Welshy2008 08-04-2009 02:13 PM

*** That's strange, It's working now.

Thank for your reply.

Donation on it's way to you for your help previously and for such a fantastic mod.

Before I go - Is it possible that I could add a search facility to only search through the forms/pages that I want.

IE. If I offer a free company advertising, The form would ask for Name, address, poscode phone number, website address and E-mail address.

I would like it to search through those listed in my example above.

Thank You Again.

len backus 08-04-2009 11:53 PM

I uploaded the mod's xml file and set the Easy Form Options to allow myself as ADMIN to view and edit. I enabled the Quick Links Link.

I guess I don't know where to look to start using the mod. Can someone help me get started, please.

If I click on "Form List" in the admin cp options area, I am told "there are no forms" and "upload the xml file for the form from your computer". Don't quite know what that is referring to. Where do you find the forms and where do you make new ones.

Trek 08-05-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by len backus (Post 1861522)
I uploaded the mod's xml file and set the Easy Form Options to allow myself as ADMIN to view and edit. I enabled the Quick Links Link.

I guess I don't know where to look to start using the mod. Can someone help me get started, please.

Try this: http://www.yourdomain.ext/misc.php?do=forms

At which point you should see a link towards the bottom center of the page that says "Create New Form"

len backus 08-05-2009 12:20 AM

Thanks, if you mean

I get "Not Found".

And once you have a form, where do you go to use it. Is that choice supposed to show up when you post a new thread.

Trek 08-05-2009 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by len backus (Post 1861534)
Thanks, if you mean

I get "Not Found".

And once you have a form, where do you go to use it. Is that choice supposed to show up when you post a new thread.

That is what I meant, although it's been a while since I installed it, it sounds like something didn't go correctly or there was a step missed in install. Not sure though, sorry.

len backus 08-05-2009 02:01 AM

Was I supposed to do something with the "Upload" folder files?

TaMpE 08-05-2009 05:55 AM


Hi, first of I like your Easy Forms mod but there are a few things I would like to point out to implement in the upcoming versions.

1. Show signature when form mod is used.
2. Ability to select post icon and thread prefix when using the form mod.
3. Ability to replace the "New Thread" button in specified forums or ability to put a new button beside "New Thread" button. So it'll be like this in some forums:

in the introduction forum
[New Thread] [Introduce yourself]

Or completely replace the "New Thread" button and be only like:

[Introduce yourself]

then this button will open up a specified form ID Or there is an option to whether or not to put a special button like a check box and the field to put the forum ID beside it then the special button appears in the specified forum ID like I mentioned above.

What do you think of this suggestion?

Btw, there is a problem/minor bug with Dropdown select question.

I have 3 questions as options.

Question #7.
option 1: Blue
option 2: Red
option 3: Green

In the thread I set it up like this

[b][size=5][u]I favorite color is {q_7}[/u][/size][/b]

That is the codes for inside the thread. And I also put that variable in the thread title box as below:

Thread title
Username: {q_1} | From: {q_2} | Fav color: {q_7}

When I submit the thread, in the thread it only says the option numbers when users select the any of the options. Ex. if the user selected GREEN then it will say

I favorite color is 3

instead of saying Green but in the thread title it will say "Green". Do you have any idea how to fix it?

bananalive 08-05-2009 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Welshy2008 (Post 1861228)
*** That's strange, It's working now.

Thank for your reply.

Donation on it's way to you for your help previously and for such a fantastic mod.

Before I go - Is it possible that I could add a search facility to only search through the forms/pages that I want.

IE. If I offer a free company advertising, The form would ask for Name, address, poscode phone number, website address and E-mail address.

I would like it to search through those listed in my example above.

Thank You Again.

Thank you for your donation, it is much appreciated :)

You can search through data stored in the form database? Is that what you meant?

bananalive 08-05-2009 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Trek (Post 1861558)
That is what I meant, although it's been a while since I installed it, it sounds like something didn't go correctly or there was a step missed in install. Not sure though, sorry.

Yes, you were meant to upload the contents of upload/ folder to your forums/ directory

Form List:

Add New form:

bananalive 08-05-2009 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by TaMpE (Post 1861645)

Hi, first of I like your Easy Forms mod but there are a few things I would like to point out to implement in the upcoming versions.

1. Show signature when form mod is used.
2. Ability to select post icon and thread prefix when using the form mod.
3. Ability to replace the "New Thread" button in specified forums or ability to put a new button beside "New Thread" button. So it'll be like this in some forums:

in the introduction forum
[New Thread] [Introduce yourself]

Or completely replace the "New Thread" button and be only like:

[Introduce yourself]

then this button will open up a specified form ID Or there is an option to whether or not to put a special button like a check box and the field to put the forum ID beside it then the special button appears in the specified forum ID like I mentioned above.

What do you think of this suggestion?

Btw, there is a problem/minor bug with Dropdown select question.

I have 3 questions as options.

Question #7.
option 1: Blue
option 2: Red
option 3: Green

In the thread I set it up like this

[b][size=5][u]I favorite color is {q_7}[/u][/size][/b]

That is the codes for inside the thread. And I also put that variable in the thread title box as below:

Thread title
Username: {q_1} | From: {q_2} | Fav color: {q_7}

When I submit the thread, in the thread it only says the option numbers when users select the any of the options. Ex. if the user selected GREEN then it will say

I favorite color is 3

instead of saying Green but in the thread title it will say "Green". Do you have any idea how to fix it?

Your 'Bug':

custom output:
[b][size=5][u]I favorite color is $qo[7][/u][/size][/b]

Thread title
Username: {q_1} | From: {q_2} | Fav color: {qo_7}

2. You can add select prefix for thread to use when editing the form.
3. There is a modification by abe1 which replaces newthread button with a specified link

len backus 08-05-2009 02:03 PM


So the css and js files go right into the "http:...forums/" location? I have now done that.

I found where you create a form and did create one. I am having trouble placing one in a thread.

TaMpE 08-05-2009 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1861787)
Your 'Bug':

custom output:
[b][size=5][u]I favorite color is $qo[7][/u][/size][/b]

Thread title
Username: {q_1} | From: {q_2} | Fav color: {qo_7}

2. You can add select prefix for thread to use when editing the form.
3. There is a modification by abe1 which replaces newthread button with a specified link

That qo_7 doesn't seem to work. IT says "{qo_7}" in the output. Also there are these things when I click submit.

<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: formoutput --> (at the very top of the output)
<!-- END TEMPLATE: formoutput --> (at the very end of the output)

I am using 3.6. I tried 3.7 and it was the same.

len backus 08-05-2009 06:54 PM

Hooray! My tiny brain has figured out how to use it.

Now, is there any way one could export the resulting database/table data to something like Excel to make it easier to utilize the data?

Welshy2008 08-05-2009 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1861781)
Thank you for your donation, it is much appreciated :)

You can search through data stored in the form database? Is that what you meant?

No Problem - I will donate some more when I get some. :)

Yes Mate - I would like it to search through the details entered in the forms only.

len backus 08-06-2009 12:34 AM

Does anyone know how to extract and export the form database contents?

len backus 08-06-2009 12:15 PM

One of the options is to have the form output data to a post in a thread. How could I customize it to output only one of the fields on the form?

Navyr 08-06-2009 06:27 PM

Thanks for this hack.

TROLL 08-07-2009 05:53 PM

I have a silly question! I have a form setup that submits a form for a contest that I am running on my site. The contest requires that the users attach an image to each submission, but the form posts that thread to a forum which the users cannot view. This results in the site not allowing them to add attachments. I have all permissions for Registered users set to "No" except for "Can Upload Attachments". This does not seem to affect it at all though.

I know this is different than posting in a forum as far as permissions go, but it seems that if the form can go around the fact that "Can Post Threads" is set to "No", it should be able to include attachments in a forum that they cannot view. Any insight?

bananalive 08-08-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by TaMpE (Post 1862001)
That qo_7 doesn't seem to work. IT says "{qo_7}" in the output. Also there are these things when I click submit.

<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: formoutput --> (at the very top of the output)
<!-- END TEMPLATE: formoutput --> (at the very end of the output)

I am using 3.6. I tried 3.7 and it was the same.

Yep sorry it should be {q_7) in thread title.

And to remove the stuff from top/bottom of output:
AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> General Options -> Add Template Name in HTML Comments -> No

bananalive 08-08-2009 05:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by len backus (Post 1862513)
One of the options is to have the form output data to a post in a thread. How could I customize it to output only one of the fields on the form?

Use the custom output.


where 5 is the question hash of the answer you want to be the output. See attached image for question hash

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