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skubaman 10-21-2008 09:17 PM

Is there a way to really integrate both into the home page? For example having a part of the home with news, and the other with vbulletin or modules from vbadvanced?
I can't find an example like that.


nymyth 10-28-2008 10:55 PM

I just integrated this with 3.7.2 and no major problems.

Only thing is I cant seem to get the comments to go back and forth, not sure if this mod does it...but i figured, if you post a blog article and it gets fed to the forum then the same should occur if you post a reply....

skubaman 10-28-2008 11:11 PM

nymith were you able to really integrate both into the home page?

nymyth 10-29-2008 09:57 AM





the databases are fully integrated

nymyth 10-29-2008 01:58 PM

Actually its gotten buggy, I noticed all my users arent bridged over and some that are still dont show up as logged in the blog area

rcadden 10-30-2008 08:23 PM

I've noticed an issue with scheduled posts in Wordpress 2.6.2 - If I have a scheduled post, the forum thread isn't created correctly, and thus readers can't comment.

I've also noticed, annoyingly, that if I go edit a post later, I have to manually re-choose the appropriate forum/subforum, or else it gets republished to my 'Lounge' (which I set as the default).

Is there any way to get both of these issues fixed? I'm mostly concerned with the scheduled posts, as we use that heavily on my site.

skubaman 10-30-2008 09:20 PM

Nymyth, I don't see an integration on your home page. I am specifically looking for a way to have the latest news as well as latest forum posts on your home page.
Does it make sense?


legionofangels 10-31-2008 02:27 AM

* bump *

I'd like my question answered please.

XManuX 11-07-2008 11:11 AM

Everything works *almost* fine for me (WP 2.6 / vB 3.6.12) except this :


<?php echo $vbridge[vb_parser]->do_parse($reply[pagetext], false, true); ?>
When i display comments on single.php / page.php, the page abruptly ends at the point of displaying the #1 pagetext.

Nothing more is processed, the page just ends there, no sidebar, no footer.

But when i remove this line (see the quoted one above about parsing pagetext) then everything works fine : i get all my comments publishers, of course not their comments since it's not parsed anymore.

Any ideas why the parsing ends up in pain ?

Oh... I used to have an old code that i did myself and that was directly calling the vb function like this :

global $vbulletin, $vwd;
require_once($vwd . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
$bbcode =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());


echo $bbcode->parse($comt->pagetext, 'nonforum', true);

but its not working anymore now...

EDIT : Solved. It was some vBulletin add-on called "Highslide Integration" that was causing this crash.

Method used to troubleshoot:
1- Somewhere before the piece of code that you suspect (for me it was the parsing thing detailed above) Add this :


And you will have nice errors in plain text instead of nothing.

2- Edit the file designed in the error and go to the line number where error is
(for me it was global.php from vBulletin) and it had something like this :

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('cache_templates')) ? eval($hook) : false;
An error that has something to do with hooks ? -> Most likely one of your vBulletin add-on causing trouble !

3- Disable all your add-ons and check if you still have your parsing error on Wordpress
(for me it solved the pbr. Woot !)

4- Re-activate your add-ons, one by one, checking if the error is back on Wordpress
(for me, error again when reactivating "Highslide Integration module")


christianm 11-08-2008 12:39 PM

Is there anybody else having troubles with the plugin turning off when new users login?
When new users login the "Turn Plugin On:"-option is being turned OFF.

Wordpress: Version 2.6.3
vB: Version 3.7.2

dailyyeah 11-09-2008 04:08 AM

Has anyone successfully integrated the avatars from Vbulletin into the Comment section of wordpress? I would like to know how :D

XManuX 11-11-2008 02:03 PM

Avatars are not amongst the vBulletin data that vBridge collects.

In order to use them on your Wordpress pages, along with infos like User's Title or so, you need to modify the vBridge query that gets data from vBulletin replies.

Below is more a technical draft than a failsafe HowTo.

- Open vbbridge.php and look for the following query:
PHP Code:

$sql "select postid, username, userid, pagetext, title FROM " .  TABLE_PREFIX "post where threadid = '$results->vb_threadid' order by dateline"

This is the one that gets data about every vBulletin replies to your Wordpress article.

Replace it by:
PHP Code:

$sql "SELECT postid, p.username, p.userid, pagetext, p.title, u.avatarid, u.avatarrevision, a.avatarpath 
    FROM " 
    LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS u ON u.userid = p.userid 
    LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "avatar AS a ON a.avatarid = u.avatarid
    WHERE threadid = '
$results->vb_threadid' ORDER BY dateline"

As you can see, we are now getting much more data from vBulletin : the user's 'avatarid', 'avatarrevision', 'avatarpath' and even the user's title.

- Save your vbbridge.php.

- Now the quick and dirty part : there are probably vBulletin functions to handle avatars properly, since i haven't had a look at that yet, here is some bad way to handle most of the avatars.

- Open your theme php file where you already did some copy/paste with the vbbridge code to handle comments.

- Look for :
PHP Code:

foreach ($vbridge[replies] as $reply) {

- Below, you may add this code :
PHP Code:

if ($reply[avatarpath]) {
"<img src=\"" get_option('vbb_VBURL') . "/" $reply[avatarpath] ."\" alt=\"avatar\" />";
} else {
"<img src=\"" get_option('vbb_VBURL') . "/customavatars/avatar" $reply[userid] ."_" $reply[avatarrevision] . ".gif\" alt=\"avatar\" />";

Keep in mind that it's an early version and that a more complete way of handling avatars should be achieved, especially when no avatars are selected.

For infos here is the part of code that i used a few years ago to handle avatars displaying in non-vb pages (not vbbridge related !)

PHP Code:

$query ="SELECT user.avatarid, user.avatarrevision AS avrevis, avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(filedata) AS hascustom, customavatar.dateline
    FROM user AS user
    LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid
    LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON customavatar.userid = user.userid
    WHERE user.userid ="
$result requete($query);
$row mysql_fetch_array($result);

// on a renseign? le champ de chemin d'avatar
if (!empty($row['avatarpath']))
$prof_avatar "<img src=\"http://ladln.org/boards/{$row['avatarpath']}\" alt=\"avatar\" />";
// sinon on check si on a upload? un avatar custom
else if ($row['hascustom'])
    if (
strlen($row['hascustom'] > 10))
$prof_avatar =  "<img src=\"http://ladln.org/boards/image.php?u=$prof_uid&amp;dateline=$row[dateline]\" alt=\"avatar\" />";
    } else {
$prof_avatar "<img src=\"http://ladln.org/boards/customavatars/avatar{$prof_uid}_{$row['avrevis']}.gif\" alt=\"avatar\" />";
else if (
$prof_avatar "<img src=\"http://ladln.org/boards/customavatars/avatar{$prof_uid}_{$row['avrevis']}.gif\" alt=\"avatar\" />";
$prof_avatar "[N.A]";

nymyth 11-14-2008 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by skubaman (Post 1656260)
Nymyth, I don't see an integration on your home page. I am specifically looking for a way to have the latest news as well as latest forum posts on your home page.
Does it make sense?


Not sure what you mean, it looks bridged to me. Starting a blog entry creates a forum thread, its just the posts dont go back and forth...is it supposed to and i messed something up?

Also, when you turn off the forum the blog has the vbulletin message show up without the style....any ideas?

wafriend 11-15-2008 03:02 AM

When I create my test post in Wordpress and publish it, I get the following error:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class vB_DataManager in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/v3b/forums/includes/class_dm.php on line 21
xxxxxxxx = my username

Does anyone have any ideas what is causing this error?

cashaddy 11-16-2008 04:16 PM

good evening mates!! :)

i am pretty happy, that the bridge is working nearly perfectly with my setup!! (wordpress 2.6.3, vbulletin 3.7.4)

also i got handsome with some path problems and fixed them, really fast.

but still one error is occuring. a last damn error, and i don't know how to fix it! here the problem:

the bridge works mainly... (postings are integrated to the forum, i can edit and delete them...) but if i want to submit a new post there occurs always this error:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at path/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php:94) in path/wp-includes/pluggable.php (Line 770)

got any suggestions??

would be REALLY happy if anyone got already fixed this problem and could tell me a way to solve it.

in the meanwhile i will dig the code :)!

XManuX 11-17-2008 12:20 PM

First i would suggest that you try this :

1°) Disable all your Wordpress plugins (except VbBridge of course !) and try again.
-> If it works, then try re-enabling your WP plugins one by one, testing again after each reactivated WordPress plugin.

2°) If it is still not working and provided you've installed some vbulletin add-ons, still keep your WP plugins disabled and now disable all your VB add-ons. And try again.
-> If it works. follow step 3
-> If it still doesn't work, you've run out of luck and you can reactivate everything and look into the code.

3°) Re-activate all of your WordPress plugins. And test again
-> If it works, your WP plugin are not causing the pbr, go to step 4.
-> If it doesn't work, go back to step 1

4°) Your Wordpress Plugins are not causing the error. Now try re-enable your vBulletin addons 1 by 1 and at each one reactivated, check if the error is back or not.
-> If it works, you're lucky ! turning everything OFF then ON again solved your pbr.
-> If it doesn't work. The last vBulletin add-on re-activated is likely the one you should check.

wafriend 11-19-2008 02:36 PM

I've been trying to get this working for three days, I must have reinstalled everything at least five or six times, but I keep getting the same error message:

Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/x/public_html/v3b/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 29
cannot include /home/x/public_html/v3b/wp-admin/global.php. You should check your path! Turning Plugin Off

where x is the name of my webhosting account.

I'm trying to get this running with a default installation of vBulletin. There are no plugins, nothing has been created, no forums, a straight out of the box installation and straight out of the box installation of Wordpress.

I perform the installation, go to the settings and then select vBridge Settings, I key the following values in for each field:

vb user id: 1
vb username: airtime
vb forum id: 2
forum url: http://y.com/v3b/forums
forum relative path: /forums
Database Prefix: vB_
Turn Plugin on: Yes
Turn Autointegrate on: No
Post articles to forum: Yes
Excerpt forum post: no

I click submit. I get the message options saved. I then Reading and get the above message.

Does anyone have any idea why I'm getting this message. The files are in the:
/v3b/wp-content/plugins directory and I'm not using a subdomain.

This is really beginning to baffle me. I'm sure I'm missing something small, I just don't know what.

wafriend 11-20-2008 05:43 AM

I finally figured it out, the relative path should be set to /v3b/forums/. I needed to add the trailing slash, something not mentioned in the documentation and not reflected in the example to the right of the field.

By the way, your documentation isn't current with version 2.6.3 of Wordpress. The settings menu is no longer "options" it is now settings. It is also "vbridge settings" and not "vbridge options"

dreamhost 11-20-2008 08:57 PM

I have managed to get the bridge installed and working.

The only question I have is that I have noticed it works kind of strange when it comes to logging my users into the wordpress part.

scenario 1:
1. log into vb
2. goto wordpress
your not logged into wordpress

If I then click on the 'login' button on wordpress, it takes me to the vb homepage, which says I am logged in.
Then if I go back to the wordpress I am indeed logged in.

Only way for me to login to wordpress is if I follow the steps above exactly.

If I simply log into vb and then goto wordpress, I am not logged in.
I have to click the wp login button, and then return to wp to be logged in.

Is this how the author intended it?
kinda doubt it but as I have already mapped usergroups and tested posting, and logged in, it seems to work, just kinda strange.

great plugin btw THANK YOU!

tjpeople 11-22-2008 05:59 PM

Awesome hack.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but why does this bridge VB users into WordPress?

Why would you want to do this? It's great having the forum comments showing under the WP posts and the new WP getting posted to VB at the same time, but why does WP need to know about the users?

I've set mine up but not enabled user bridging, I don't like the idea of having two user databases, what do I loose in doing this?

For those who like valid sites, there are a few missing " " around URLs and incorrect & signs in URLs in the readme codes.

Jafo: You can add my site if you wish http://www.malcolminthemiddle.co.uk/

rcadden 11-23-2008 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by rcadden (Post 1656234)
I've noticed an issue with scheduled posts in Wordpress 2.6.2 - If I have a scheduled post, the forum thread isn't created correctly, and thus readers can't comment.

I've also noticed, annoyingly, that if I go edit a post later, I have to manually re-choose the appropriate forum/subforum, or else it gets republished to my 'Lounge' (which I set as the default).

Is there any way to get both of these issues fixed? I'm mostly concerned with the scheduled posts, as we use that heavily on my site.

Anyone else use the post scheduling in Wordpress and having troubles with this bridge not creating the forum thread for scheduled posts?

DDIG 11-24-2008 04:33 PM

Thanks a lot for this plugin!

I'm currently experimenting with it. Biggest issue so far is that I'd like a link to the forum thread to read further and to let people comment on topics on vBulletin. Also, syncing vBulletin comments with Wordpress comments would be very nice.

Is this possible?

DDIG 11-25-2008 12:19 PM

Never mind, I read the readme and it's all in there.

Thanks again, this seems to work just great!

tjpeople 11-25-2008 03:54 PM

Bug Report: "soft deleted" posts in vb still show up in wordpress

pypons 12-03-2008 08:46 PM

Hi thanks for the plugin.
I have lose my admin right on wordpress (admin user exist on wordpress nd vb)... what i do to grant the permission ad show the dashboard ?

thanks a lot

DDIG 12-03-2008 09:00 PM

Read thread...

Read readme.txt...

reimic 12-06-2008 04:27 AM


First of all: Thanks for your awsome bridge! Its really fantastic! :)

My Script completly works but vb users in the "administrator" group cant't login into wordpress dashboard. in wordpress i activated the mapping and under "useres" i map the group "administrator" as "administrator".

i also made a test post.

but when admin users in wordpress try to login the only redirected to the forum.

maybe you have a tipp for me. i dont know now how to go on.

thanks so much!!

roots549 12-16-2008 04:04 PM

Wordpress 2.7
Vbulletin 3.7.4

Everything worked very well, up until I tried to integrate the comments. I found the right code wordpress code to replace with the vbull comment code from the readme text file, and successfully swapped it our. Looked great, but when a user on the wordpress blog clicks my comments link they are sent to the forum and get this;

"No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

Seems this would be a simple fix within the vbulletin comment code, from the readme, but for the life of me I cannot figure it out.

Help would be greatly appreciated, I am oh so close.


Edit, I have been told that there is no longer any support for this hack, that I am doomed trying to make it work with said versions of wp and vbull. Please say it ain't so!!!!

Edit II, going to take this to the 3.7 thread, figured out that even though the hack is the same, I am in the wrong place.

CKDexterHaven 12-16-2008 08:59 PM

Here's the error:
Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/laurierk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 29

I get this all the time throughout the entire site.

I think this may be because we are in a development area.

In the settings I have:
forum URL: http://w02.merchbox.com/~laurierk/vbulletin
Forum relative path: /vbulletin

Is this fixable here?


CKDexterHaven 12-16-2008 09:07 PM

Here's the error when trying to access vBridge user settings in the admin:

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_read() on a non-object in /home/laurierk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 318

Again, is this because we are in a development area:

Any developers out there want a job to make this work for us?


hydn 12-17-2008 07:00 PM

We have 500,000 members. Not big, but how long does this integration take? Shouldn't be a problem right?

CKDexterHaven 12-19-2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by CKDexterHaven (Post 1686956)
Here's the error when trying to access vBridge user settings in the admin:

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_read() on a non-object in /home/laurierk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 318

Again, is this because we are in a development area:

Any developers out there want a job to make this work for us?


Anyone out there have an answer for us? We'd be very happy to hire someone to install this for us. Anyone interested?

CKDexterHaven 12-19-2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by CKDexterHaven (Post 1686950)
Here's the error:
Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/laurierk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 29

I get this all the time throughout the entire site.

I think this may be because we are in a development area.

In the settings I have:
forum URL: http://w02.merchbox.com/~laurierk/vbulletin
Forum relative path: /vbulletin

Is this fixable here?


Anyone out there have an answer for us? We'd be very happy to hire someone to install this for us. Anyone interested? :mad:

Bjorn2404 12-20-2008 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by CKDexterHaven (Post 1688868)
Anyone out there have an answer for us? We'd be very happy to hire someone to install this for us. Anyone interested? :mad:

Did you try manually changing the path like it suggests in the Limitation section above?

Will.Spencer 12-27-2008 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1322415)
No plans at this time.

I'd like to ask the same question, but in a different way.

What would it cost to contract you to extend this plugin to support Wordpress Mu?

fmckinnon 12-30-2008 05:40 PM

Hey Everyone,
I guess I'm a little confused as to exactly what this plugin will do. Let me explain our situation, and see if this would be our best option:

We have a forums-based environment at http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/forums which is obviously driven by VB.

In addition, at http://www.theworshipcommunity.com, we have a WordPress-driven CMS, with articles.

I don't care anything about whether or not these WP-created articles are put over in vbulletin as a thread ... actually, I'd rather that NOT happen ...

However, I'd like to turn off commenting in Wordpress unless you are REGISTERED, and then, make the registration be vbulletin ... so, for example, if I register as user "fmckinnon", then I can post new threads in vbulletin, but can also post a comment in the WordPress area.

Is that what this will do? Basically, I just don't want to manage two sets of visitors - forum members (in the vb database) and wordpress commenters (who we don't currently have a database, as they aren't required to login or register in WordPress to comment).


fmckinnon 12-31-2008 01:22 AM

Hey Everyone -
UPDATE - installed, and it seems to work great - easy, simple install.

However, I log myself out of both WordPress and vBulletin, and I've setup WordPress so that you can't comment unless you are registered.

When you get the link that says you must register to comment, the link simply goes to my forums homepage - I'd rather it go directly to the registration page (the register.php) page ... is this possible, and if so, how do I code that in?

Otherwise - someone new to the site (but somewhat familiar w/ Wordpress) may try to leave a comment, click the register button, and wonder why they've been taken over to the forums page.

ALSO - just noticed, now, when I attempt to login to /wp-admin ... it redirects me to the /forums w/o giving me an opportunity to login to /wp-admin?


wolfyman 01-01-2009 12:54 PM

I just tried to upgrade to the latest release by uploading the new vbridge.php file to my plugins directory, and I got this error on my wordpress page:


Fatal error: Class 'vBulletinHook' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\mysite.com\forums\includes\c lass_bbcode.php on line 2402

wolfyman 01-05-2009 07:29 PM

I've tried several times to add an author to wordpress - it keeps reverting the user to "Subscriber".

Can I just use phpmyadmin and add an author?


killkev 01-18-2009 04:58 PM

I got everything up and running OKAY however whenever I go to edit posts it shows that there are 3 published but underneath that it says "no posts found". When I deactivate the plugin it shows the posts as being there. Anyway to get around this?

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