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AndrewD 09-03-2005 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
HEy again i seem to have gotten it working.It's kinda weird though.I went into the admi panel for Links databae and set the default permissions mask to a forum that is only accessable by admins but it didn't work.So i decided to manually edit my 5 main catagories which contains all the files one by one and set there permission mask to the same forum and it works fine.Perhaps some sort of unseen bug with the admin panel?

Also since the other dude hasnt replied as of yet think you could answer my question in my previous post about changing "links database" in the breadcrumb to "Downloads"?

Now I understand...

If you use the admincp to change the 'default forum' *after* you have created links/categories, the permissions for those that already exist do not get reset automatically. You can change them one at a time as you did, or you can go to the admin/categories page, where there is a feature to mass edit the access permissions. The documentation explains this, but I realise that it is probably not what people expect.

Concerning changing the title in the breadcrumb, this feature is available in the VB3.5 version of this hack. I've stopped updating this VB3.0.x code (unless there are serious bugs) - it's too much work to keep the two versions in sync - I'll add the 'default forum perms' to the 'to do' list.

Tradjick 09-04-2005 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Also since the other dude hasnt replied as of yet think you could answer my question in my previous post about changing "links database" in the breadcrumb to "Downloads"?

It?s in your phrases. Have a look for either "ll_menu_home" or "ll_links_database".

Andrew, as you haven?t replied, i guess it must be quite difficult to do those changes in showthread. I? ll give it a try myself then...

AndrewD 09-05-2005 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Tradjick
It?s in your phrases. Have a look for either "ll_menu_home" or "ll_links_database".

Andrew, as you haven?t replied, i guess it must be quite difficult to do those changes in showthread. I? ll give it a try myself then...

Tradjik, sorry that I didn't reply.

My time has been given to producing the VB35 version of this code - it has been quite an exercise to make sure that everything works properly - the VB people have written quite a bit of the interface.

This means also that the changes that interest you in showthread will probably be coded in a different way, e.g. as a plugin rather than code change. It may be worthwhile waiting for VB35 to go gold.

Tradjick 09-05-2005 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Tradjik, sorry that I didn't reply.

My time has been given to producing the VB35 version of this code - it has been quite an exercise to make sure that everything works properly - the VB people have written quite a bit of the interface.

This means also that the changes that interest you in showthread will probably be coded in a different way, e.g. as a plugin rather than code change. It may be worthwhile waiting for VB35 to go gold.

When the system changes so much, i won?t mess around with it yet as vB Gold will be relased in the near future.

Thanks for keeping me informed.

bhxtyrant 09-08-2005 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Tradjick
It?s in your phrases. Have a look for either "ll_menu_home" or "ll_links_database".

Andrew, as you haven?t replied, i guess it must be quite difficult to do those changes in showthread. I? ll give it a try myself then...

Hey man,thanks for the reply,I gave your suggestion a try but it doesnt seem to work.I changed the phrase for "ll_links_database" which was originally called "Links Database" to "Downloads" but it still shows up as "links database" i even deleted the phrase file completely and uploaded the new modified version and still the same.

digitalSite 09-15-2005 02:44 AM

I have created subcategories of all 50 states...I would like to copy (or export) these subcategories under another top-level category...is there a way to do this? I would hate to enter all 50 states again manually.

I tried exporting the file and then importing it, but it doesn't look like I can select a top-level category and import in that way.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

AndrewD 09-15-2005 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by digitalSite
I have created subcategories of all 50 states...I would like to copy (or export) these subcategories under another top-level category...is there a way to do this? I would hate to enter all 50 states again manually.

I tried exporting the file and then importing it, but it doesn't look like I can select a top-level category and import in that way.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

There is no 'mass copy' command available for categories (it is 'copy' you want, not 'move'?), but I'm sure there is an easy way to do this. Let me think about it and get back to you soon.

digitalSite 09-15-2005 12:36 PM

That's correct, I would like to copy 50 subcategories from Top-level category #1 to Top-level category #2. Thanks :)

AndrewD 09-15-2005 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by digitalSite
That's correct, I would like to copy 50 subcategories from Top-level category #1 to Top-level category #2. Thanks :)

Here you are. Edit lines 27 and 28 of this script to hold the category ids to copy FROM and TO. Upload and run. It will clone all categories that are children of the FROM into TO, leaving the new ones empty.

Probably a good idea to back up your database first. ;) Let me know that it works.

Also a good idea to delete the script when you've run it - otherwise your friendly hackers may decide to keep cloning things for you.


digitalSite 09-16-2005 01:58 AM

Excellent!!!! Worked Like A Charm!!! Thank You!!! :D

(Was wondering...is there a way to import 50 or so links into specific categories? I have about 237 links - half go in one top-level category, and the rest in the other...I really don't know how else to do it but to manually enter each. If you have a soltuion for this I would REALLY appreciate it! THANKS!)

AndrewD 09-16-2005 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by digitalSite
Excellent!!!! Worked Like A Charm!!! Thank You!!! :D

(Was wondering...is there a way to import 50 or so links into specific categories? I have about 237 links - half go in one top-level category, and the rest in the other...I really don't know how else to do it but to manually enter each. If you have a soltuion for this I would REALLY appreciate it! THANKS!)

Why not create a csv file and use the import/export feature, see instructions.txt?

link,link_name,link_url,link_desc,link_catid,link_ forumid

The first field contains the word "link".
link_name, link_url and link_desc are text fields
link_catid and link_forumid are numbers, link_forumid being optional

digitalSite 09-16-2005 03:22 PM

Thanks for clarifying that for me..I didn't quite understand the instructions. Woohoo! Thank you!

Slave 09-26-2005 12:08 AM

Hi AndrewD .. :)

I know you're working mainly on the 3.5 version of this hack .. but, due to the amount of hacks I have on my forums, I'm not going to be moving over to 3.5 for, it seems, years ..

Any chance you could add the "new features" you've added to the 3.5 version to this one?

The main one for me would be the "change of styles per cat" feature which I suggested, although the comments feature would be nice too ;)

What do you think?

AndrewD 09-26-2005 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Slave
Hi AndrewD .. :)

I know you're working mainly on the 3.5 version of this hack .. but, due to the amount of hacks I have on my forums, I'm not going to be moving over to 3.5 for, it seems, years ..

Any chance you could add the "new features" you've added to the 3.5 version to this one?

The main one for me would be the "change of styles per cat" feature which I suggested, although the comments feature would be nice too ;)

What do you think?

I'm really sorry, but I cannot spend the time to back-implement these changes - there are so many new features in the 2.x code and I have hardly the time to cope with these.

Slave 09-27-2005 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I'm really sorry, but I cannot spend the time to back-implement these changes - there are so many new features in the 2.x code and I have hardly the time to cope with these.

:( .. bugger, that's a shame.

Could you at least point me in the direction of how to add the styles per cat feature? .. as that's all I need really.

Thanks :)

AndrewD 09-27-2005 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Slave
:( .. bugger, that's a shame.

Could you at least point me in the direction of how to add the styles per cat feature? .. as that's all I need really.

Thanks :)

I realised why this didn't get implemented with VB version 3.0.x. It's easy enough to modify the hack to prompt the user for a style, but the style change actually happens inside VB's global.php - this is the routine that prepares the ground for everything else, including loading styles. With vb3.5, the new plugin system allows one to implement what you wanted without having to change any standarde code (actually I asked the vb people for a hook to make this possible) - but with vb 3.0, you have to start recoding global.php.

bhxtyrant 10-01-2005 03:54 AM

Hey AndrewD,
Glad to say i have been using Links & files database without a single problem since my last post.Now i have a little question to ask i can't figure out pertaining to the links_linkbit template.I notice that it uses the Legend and Fieldset CSS but i can not get the fieldset border to change colors.I already added the code into the forums CSS and it works fine on all parts of the forum except in your mod where the default grey color border still shows.Is there a way i can make it match the rest of the forum?The below image will show what i mean.The top portion of the image shows how it looks on the rest of my forums,and the bottom shows how it looks in your hack which is installed on my forum.Thanks as always :)


AndrewD 10-01-2005 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Hey AndrewD,
Glad to say i have been using Links & files database without a single problem since my last post.Now i have a little question to ask i can't figure out pertaining to the links_linkbit template.I notice that it uses the Legend and Fieldset CSS but i can not get the fieldset border to change colors.I already added the code into the forums CSS and it works fine on all parts of the forum except in your mod where the default grey color border still shows.Is there a way i can make it match the rest of the forum?The below image will show what i mean.The top portion of the image shows how it looks on the rest of my forums,and the bottom shows how it looks in your hack which is installed on my forum.Thanks as always :)


I modified my fieldset style definition in the admin.css as follows:


.fieldset { border: #ff0000 solid 1px; margin-bottom: 6px; }
and attach screen shots of the newthread and linkbit displays. Both have picked up the red border correctly.

I wonder - have you applied your fieldset edit to the style that is being used within the links database?

bhxtyrant 10-01-2005 10:42 AM

Hmm so where can i find the admin.css?and which stylesheet does the links database use exactly?Thanks for your reply.

and yes i believe i did apply it it to the stye being used by links database :) on my forum i only have two skins at the moment.One called "Neo-WU" which is my custom skin that i am using on my forums/links database,and the default forum skin which comes with vB which i have disabled.

AndrewD 10-01-2005 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Hmm so where can i find the admin.css?and which stylesheet does the links database use exactly?Thanks for your reply.

and yes i believe i did apply it it to the stye being used by links database :) on my forum i only have two skins at the moment.One called "Neo-WU" which is my custom skin that i am using on my forums/links database,and the default forum skin which comes with vB which i have disabled.

Sorry, too much shorthand. By admin.css, I meant the standard VBulletin admincp page, Styles & Templates, Style Manager, Main CSS. I tried to reproduce your problem by changing the definition for fieldset in the Additional CSS Definitions.

In the vb3 version, the links database uses whatever style has been loaded by default.

Maybe if you let me know your style sheet definition, I can try to reproduce the problem here.

bhxtyrant 10-01-2005 12:45 PM

alright i just took some screen shots of the admin CSS stuff.Here is the images hope they will do :) don't know any other way to show you the CSS.

Additional CSS-

/* ***** styling for 'big' usernames on postbit etc. ***** */
.bigusername { font-size: 10pt; }

/* ***** small padding on 'thead' elements ***** */
td.thead, div.thead { padding: 4px; }

.postbitinfo {
background-color: #000000;
border-top: 1px ridge #322723;
border-right: 1px ridge #322723;
border-left: 1px ridge #322723;
border-bottom: 1px ridge #322723;
padding-top: 3px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-left: 3px;
padding-bottom: 3px;
margin-bottom: 3px;

/* ***** basic styles for multi-page nav elements */
.pagenav a { text-decoration: none; }
.pagenav td { padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; }

html {

input {
background-color: #000000;
font-size: 10px;
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
border-color: #362E2A;
border-width: 1 ;)

/* ***** define margin and font-size for elements inside panels ***** */
.fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px #322723; }
.fieldset, .fieldset td, .fieldset p, .fieldset li { font-size: 10px; }

/* ***** don't change the following ***** */
form { display: inline; }
label { cursor: default; }
.normal { font-weight: normal; }
.inlineimg { vertical-align: middle; }
and my CSS for vbulletin_editor.css is as follows


/* the container for the editor */
border: 1px ridge #322723;

/* the container for all the edit controls */
#controlbar, .controlbar
padding: 2px;

/* the WYSIWYG edit area itself */
border: 1px ridge #322723;
font: 10pt verdana;
overflow: auto;

/* an individual button */
left: 0px;
top: 0px;

/* an individual WYSIWYG color element in the color popup */
padding: 2px;
font-size: 1px

/* WYSIWYG the part of the color element that gets colored */
.ocolor div
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
border: 1px solid #322723;

/* WYSIWYG font, size and smilie elements within popups */
.ofont, .osize, .osmilie, .otextlink
font: 10px tahoma;
cursor: default;

/* style for WYSIWYG font option elements */
padding: 0px 4px 0px 10px;
font-size: 14px;
height: 20px;

/* style for WYSIWYG size option elements */
padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;
height: 20px;

/* the smilie image within a WYSIWYG smilie popup */
.osmilie img
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 4px;

/* text buttons within popup menus */
text-align: center;
margin-top: 4px;
height: 20px;

/* the left cell of a WYSIWYG popup menu control */
font: 11px tahoma;
height: 18px;
padding: 0px 3px 0px 3px;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;

/* the container window for a WYSIWYG popup menu */
border: 1px solid APPWORKSPACE;
padding: 3px;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
z-index: 5;

/* the WYSIWYG color popup */
padding: 3px;

/* the WYSIWYG font popup */
padding: 1px;
overflow: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;

/* the WYSIWYG size popup */
padding: 1px;

/* the WYSIWYG smilie popup */
padding: 1px;
overflow: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;

/* the context-notification area for WYSIWYG font and size feedback */
#fontOut, #sizeOut, .popup_feedback div
border: 0px solid;
padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px;
cursor: default;
font: 11px tahoma;
overflow: hidden;
fieldset { border: 1px solid #322723; }

AndrewD 10-01-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
alright i just took some screen shots of the admin CSS stuff.Here is the images hope they will do :) don't know any other way to show you the CSS.

Additional CSS-

and my CSS for vbulletin_editor.css is as follows

I think your css definition for .fieldset needs the 'solid' keyword.


/* ***** define margin and font-size for elements inside panels ***** */
.fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px #322723; }
.fieldset, .fieldset td, .fieldset p, .fieldset li { font-size: 10px; }

should be

/* ***** define margin and font-size for elements inside panels ***** */
.fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px solid #322723; }
.fieldset, .fieldset td, .fieldset p, .fieldset li { font-size: 10px; }

bhxtyrant 10-01-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I think your css definition for .fieldset needs the 'solid' keyword.


/* ***** define margin and font-size for elements inside panels ***** */
.fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px #322723; }
.fieldset, .fieldset td, .fieldset p, .fieldset li { font-size: 10px; }

should be

/* ***** define margin and font-size for elements inside panels ***** */
.fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px solid #322723; }
.fieldset, .fieldset td, .fieldset p, .fieldset li { font-size: 10px; }

Already tried this as well :) someone over at vBulletin.com suggested it and it wouldn't work.matter in fact the only way i could get it to work even on the main forums was by adding the fieldset.css to the vbulletin_editor.css file.When i add the fieldset to the additional css options it doesnt seem to have any effect on the forums at all no matter what way i put it in.

I have tried-
".fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px solid #322723; }"
"fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px solid #322723; }"
".fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px #322723; }"
".fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border-color: 1px solid #322723; }"
".fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 0px solid #322723; }"

These were the suggestions i got from vB.com forums as i couldn't get a response here at vB.org :( but i'm just stumped on this.

AndrewD 10-01-2005 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Already tried this as well :) someone over at vBulletin.com suggested it and it wouldn't work.matter in fact the only way i could get it to work even on the main forums was by adding the fieldset.css to the vbulletin_editor.css file.When i add the fieldset to the additional css options it doesnt seem to have any effect on the forums at all no matter what way i put it in.

I have tried-
".fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px solid #322723; }"
"fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px solid #322723; }"
".fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px #322723; }"
".fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border-color: 1px solid #322723; }"
".fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 0px solid #322723; }"

These were the suggestions i got from vB.com forums as i couldn't get a response here at vB.org :( but i'm just stumped on this.

Maybe the best way to solve this is to look at a dump of the browser display. Is your site live? Or just go to local_links.php, do a view source, save it and email it to me at ad_rodin at noos.fr Make sure that you turn off 'Store CSS Stylesheets as Files?' on the admincp

bhxtyrant 10-01-2005 01:23 PM

Alright i will do that in a moment.Thanks alot for all your support :) i just want to get that white border out of there.Just looks so ugly and doesn't match the rest of the site/forums.I know if worse came to worse i could edit the source code a remove the <fieldset> options but i really would prefer to fix it rather then work around it,Don't want to do anything that may cause trouble in the future.

If you mean is my site online then yes it is but it's not avalible to any public yet.I am a part of a team and the main admin is the only one who can turn it on/off.And "Store CSS as files" is turned off as well.

:EDIT:E-mail is sent.Let me know if it comes through not sure if i got the e-mail address correct.

AndrewD 10-01-2005 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Alright i will do that in a moment.Thanks alot for all your support :) i just want to get that white border out of there.Just looks so ugly and doesn't match the rest of the site/forums.I know if worse came to worse i could edit the source code a remove the <fieldset> options but i really would prefer to fix it rather then work around it,Don't want to do anything that may cause trouble in the future.

If you mean is my site online then yes it is but it's not avalible to any public yet.I am a part of a team and the main admin is the only one who can turn it on/off.And "Store CSS as files" is turned off as well.

:EDIT:E-mail is sent.Let me know if it comes through not sure if i got the e-mail address correct.

Got it. Your css definition for fieldset is immediately after a definition for input:


input {
background-color: #000000;
font-size: 10px;
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
border-color: #362E2A;
border-width: 1 ;)

/* ***** define margin and font-size for elements inside panels ***** */
.fieldset { margin-bottom: 6px; border: 1px solid #322723; }
.fieldset, .fieldset td, .fieldset p, .fieldset li { font-size: 10px; }

And you've ended the input definition with a closing parenthesis rather than brace.

bhxtyrant 10-01-2005 01:58 PM

Oh man!I can't believe i didn't see that.Thanks :D it's working now.

by the way quick question.I was wondering if you plan to impliment options for permissions into your mod :) i know you have it where the links database uses permissions from a selected forum but will there ever be stand alone permissions?

kinda like this? http://www.busepa.de/pics/dl.jpg

AndrewD 10-01-2005 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
by the way quick question.I was wondering if you plan to impliment options for permissions into your mod :) i know you have it where the links database uses permissions from a selected forum but will there ever be stand alone permissions?

I've wondered about that a number of times - because people have had more difficulty understanding the forum-based permissions than anything else. It's not high on my priorities, as the forum approach works very well for our own purposes and anything else would require a full rewrite.

However --- in the VB35 version, I have added an extra permission 'can_access_links' which sits on top of the whole system and is per-usergroup. Using this, you can turn on/off access to all links for some user groups.

bhxtyrant 10-01-2005 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I've wondered about that a number of times - because people have had more difficulty understanding the forum-based permissions than anything else. It's not high on my priorities, as the forum approach works very well for our own purposes and anything else would require a full rewrite.

However --- in the VB35 version, I have added an extra permission 'can_access_links' which sits on top of the whole system and is per-usergroup. Using this, you can turn on/off access to all links for some user groups.

Ah i see,That sounds exactly like what i've been waiting for :) Will it be catagory based?for example if i have catagory 1 and catagory 2.I can set #1 to not allow guest usergroup to not view,and in #2 guest usergroup can view?

i have tried many types of link managers and so far yours is the best i have come across.The forum-based permissions took a bit of getting used to because alot of our forums allow everyone to view.Looks like i will be upgrading to vB 3.5.0 soon.Been holding off to wait for it to reach it's final build.

AndrewD 10-01-2005 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Ah i see,That sounds exactly like what i've been waiting for :) Will it be catagory based?for example if i have catagory 1 and catagory 2.I can set #1 to not allow guest usergroup to not view,and in #2 guest usergroup can view?

i have tried many types of link managers and so far yours is the best i have come across.The forum-based permissions took a bit of getting used to because alot of our forums allow everyone to view.Looks like i will be upgrading to vB 3.5.0 soon.Been holding off to wait for it to reach it's final build.

No, that's the point - the additional setting is all or nothing.

But the easy way to use the forum-based permissions is simply to create a few extra forums to which you give the required different group permissions, then assign category 1 to the first, category 2 to the second, etc.

NuclioN 11-03-2005 08:00 AM

-- edit -- wrong forum sorry

Flow Fusion 11-10-2005 11:29 AM


AndrewD 11-11-2005 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Flow Fusion


ChuanSE 12-08-2005 02:33 AM

so, what is the latest version of this hack for vB 3.X.X and are the install instructions bugfree now? ;)

seems like an awsome addition, but i'm not sure if it's safe to install :p

Boofo 12-08-2005 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
so, what is the latest version of this hack for vB 3.X.X and are the install instructions bugfree now? ;)

seems like an awsome addition, but i'm not sure if it's safe to install :p

Long time, no talk, my friend. ;)

You are perfectly safe to use this. I use the 3.5 version and wouldn't be without it. ;)

ChuanSE 12-09-2005 12:44 PM

Heya Boofo mate,

long time not seen allright. But i'm back in town ;)
I'll swing by the bearfacts board sometime again hu :)

simonsiegel 02-15-2006 09:02 PM

Thanks so much for this, it's great.

I've one question though:

Is there anyway to change the title "Links and Download Manager" this is after I click the links button on the header?

Thank so much

AndrewD 02-16-2006 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by simonsiegel
Thanks so much for this, it's great.

I've one question though:

Is there anyway to change the title "Links and Download Manager" this is after I click the links button on the header?

Thank so much

Hello - have you posted this in the right place? Are you using VBulletin 3.0 or 3.5? campusforum seems to be using version 3.5.3.

With the version of LDM that runs on vb 3.5, the title "Links and Download Manager" can be changed on the LDM admin/settings page, in General Settings, database_name

aussiev8 03-30-2006 10:45 AM

i'm following the install instruction, everything has been uploaded as requested, but when i try run the install file i get

nstall/Upgrade Links and Files 1.60
Checking installation status...

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /****/local_links_install.php on line 187

AndrewD 03-30-2006 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by aussiev8
i'm following the install instruction, everything has been uploaded as requested, but when i try run the install file i get

Are you trying to install this on a VB 3.5x board? This version is strictly 3.0 only

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Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete