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todd.o.callen 12-12-2002 04:59 PM

In installation step #9, I am instructed to find :


and add a large code snippet after it.

That code line is repeated several times in the misc.php file. Do I insert the new snippet after each original occurence?

NTLDR 12-12-2002 05:02 PM

Add it after one of them, it doesn't matter which, I should have put a larger chunk of code to look for in the instructions :)

todd.o.callen 12-12-2002 05:20 PM


Originally posted by NTLDR
Add it after one of them, it doesn't matter which, I should have put a larger chunk of code to look for in the instructions :)
WOW! I landed a not-so-dumb question on page 81!

BTW, is this what you mean in step 11?

<a href="$bburl member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$userid">$username</a>$invisibleuser

Also: There is no <A in the head_newpm template. What am I missing here?

NTLDR 12-12-2002 05:44 PM

It should be:


<a href="$bburl/member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$userid">$username</a>$invisibleuser
And there isn't a <a href in head_newpm but there are references to private.php which need to be $bburl/private.php :)

todd.o.callen 12-12-2002 07:20 PM

3 more observations/problems:

1) My news titles show, but no characters from the post do, regardless of how I set the options.

2) My news forum is moderated, but unvalidated posts are not filtered out of the vBindex news view.

3) Are you planning to support vB3.0 when available? (I can't imagine you won't.)

PS. You are amazingly responsive as a developer, even to "stoopid" questions. We really appreciate it!!

NTLDR 12-12-2002 07:26 PM

1) Update the counters in the ACP (ACP -> Update Counters and the one with that says add postids)

2) Check back a page or too, you need to add AND thread.visible=1 to the WHERE clause of the news query

3) More than likley vB3 will be supported.

todd.o.callen 12-12-2002 07:51 PM


Originally posted by NTLDR
1) Update the counters in the ACP (ACP -> Update Counters and the one with that says add postids)

2) Check back a page or too, you need to add AND thread.visible=1 to the WHERE clause of the news query

3) More than likley vB3 will be supported.

1) Done. Some of the posts showed content characters. The ones that don't show content are actually moved/redirects. Any ideas?

2) Done. Appears to resolve issue !!
3) Good !! :nervous:

New 4) I happened to notice that "My Subscriptions" only displays subscribed threads, not both threads and forums. Was this intentional?

New 5) Can I remove the option counts (not the %) from the poll results for the vBindex page only (not from the rest of the boards)?

PS. I think that your support thread needs to be a subforum. It's getting way too long, and you are having to answer too many questions over and over again. When a thread has over 1K posts, it's time to re-evaluate. Think the board-keepers might consider it??

flup 12-13-2002 01:50 PM

Sorry, maybe this question is already asked, but i wont go look true 81 pages for the question.

But can any1 explain me how to make the templates.
So please Quote them and make yellow where the code is.

Thx in advance,

kreftt 12-13-2002 05:08 PM

the installer makes the templates automagically. after you have run the installer, you have th etemplates.


flup 12-13-2002 05:22 PM

Also the editted ones?

flup 12-13-2002 05:23 PM

Or, aren't there any "to edit" files?

todd.o.callen 12-13-2002 05:23 PM

Nope, you still have to edit those.

You might have some other hacks installed that would change where the edits should go.

Check my posts in this thread, because NTLDR has been helping me with my new install. The confusing parts are explained in his answers.

NTLDR 12-13-2002 09:22 PM


Originally posted by todd.o.callen
1) Done. Some of the posts showed content characters. The ones that don't show content are actually moved/redirects. Any ideas?
Add thread.open<>10 in the WHERE Clause of the news query, that should prevent those from appearing I think.


New 4) I happened to notice that "My Subscriptions" only displays subscribed threads, not both threads and forums. Was this intentional?
Yes this was intentional, the way to view both is via the User CP link as they are both on that page.


New 5) Can I remove the option counts (not the %) from the poll results for the vBindex page only (not from the rest of the boards)?
In the home_pollresult template remove:


        <td bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" align="center"><smallfont color ="{tableheadtextcolor}" ><b>$pollinfo[numbervotes]</b></smallfont></td>
And in vbindex.php remove:

PHP Code:

<td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" width=\"20\" align=\"left\"><smallfont>$option[votes]</smallfont></td> 

That will remove the number of votes coloumn.


PS. I think that your support thread needs to be a subforum. It's getting way too long, and you are having to answer too many questions over and over again. When a thread has over 1K posts, it's time to re-evaluate. Think the board-keepers might consider it??
Indeed this is currently I think the third largest thread in this forum, if and when I get the time I may try to put together an FAQ. However there is an option to search single threads, however may users don't use it or even read the first post or instructions ;)

KingLouis 12-14-2002 04:15 AM

after installing on my VB version 2.2.9:
parse error in line 411 (is the last line, the "?>")

// only allow home_extra_ templates for security reasons
eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("home_extra_$page") ."\");");


any idears?


tweak 12-14-2002 05:38 AM

Is there a way to RUN 2 VBINDEX's??? What i mean is say u want a GAMING news Index and a RADIO news index can this be done?

flup 12-14-2002 06:56 AM


Originally posted by todd.o.callen
Nope, you still have to edit those.

You might have some other hacks installed that would change where the edits should go.

Check my posts in this thread, because NTLDR has been helping me with my new install. The confusing parts are explained in his answers.

nevermind, I've found the hack i was looking for (Welcome Panel)

Kohhal 12-14-2002 11:43 AM


Originally posted by NTLDR
...However there is an option to search single threads...
Tell me about it, I only discovered this last week and it would have been great to know about it when I first found this hack :eek:

KeneticKangaroo 12-14-2002 11:34 PM

I re-did it all and im getting this message:
Parse error: parse error in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/**********.co.uk/httpdocs/forums/vbindex.php on line 113

Its jumped from 112 to 113 a few times everytime i do it

Here are the files i edited, please look to see what is wrong...

From what i see i have edited it fine, could be a silly mistake, gone over it a few times, if anyone could help m that would be brilliant.
I Bet people are fed up with people like me,
Sorry :confused: :confused:

im using Vbulletin 2.2.9

NTLDR 12-15-2002 04:40 PM

Please remove the attachment from you post as you are not allowed to post full vBulletin files.

NTLDR 12-15-2002 04:42 PM


Originally posted by tweak
Is there a way to RUN 2 VBINDEX's??? What i mean is say u want a GAMING news Index and a RADIO news index can this be done?
If you wish to use two polls and news forums then you either need to hack the installer to use different variables for the setting or edit vbindex.php and set the variables at the top on your second instantance of it.

Zr0 Designs 12-16-2002 12:07 AM


Originally posted by Buddha

in addition to the url redirect that NTLDR suggested above, you can also make copies of vbindex.php as i have done. rename the copied file 'generalrules.php', and have it pull from a seperate forum. that way, you can populate your entire off-forum site with vbindex copies that pull from different forums. ntldr explained all of this in previous posts if you are interested. makes for an excellent, dynamic site that can easily be administered from the forum. works great on my site.

Would you (or anyone else for that matter) care to explain this a little further? Its an option that I could really use but I'm not sure how to :bored:

todd.o.callen 12-16-2002 01:37 PM


Originally posted by NTLDR

Add thread.open<>10 in the WHERE Clause of the news query, that should prevent those from appearing I think.

I decided that I want to include the redirects, but I wanted to strip each post in the news list down to a linked title. I was using PluhHeadlines hack for this, but I like the way yours adds the post icon (and I am still considering leaving the bi-line info as a sub-header. ) Your code (tweaked) eliminates the need for the Pluh stuff. Cool :)

What code should I replace/add in the threadbits to show who just added the latest post to the thread. Now the thread starter appears (I think).

PS. You really rock. Too bad we are on different continents.

todd.o.callen 12-16-2002 02:11 PM

I think it would be cool if you would template up the three main columns if the home template and also add a template for the welcome box. This would make it a bit easier to really move things around. I really like how the rest is done. I am learning how to really use templates from your example, but this would just be icing on the cake.

I want to move the contents of the welcome panel into the left column where the user navigation sits in the default layout, but I am having great trouble. When I try to call the avatar image with $avatar, but it obviously isn't that easy. Hints?

Again, great hack, great support.

PS. Feel free to thin out my posts as you see fit.

NTLDR 12-16-2002 06:36 PM


Originally posted by todd.o.callen
also add a template for the welcome box. This would make it a bit easier to really move things around.
The welcome panel part is all in the home template, I didn't see a great deal of point seperating it out. You can use $avatarimage in other templates that are evaluated after the users avatar is found. If adding $avatarimage doesn't display your avatar in the template move all the code between these two lines:

PHP Code:

// welcome panel by trilOByte
// -------------------------

-- TILL --

// -------------------------
// end welcome panel 


PHP Code:

// check if user is logged in or not and select the correct templates 

They can then be used in the menu specific templates.

NTLDR 12-16-2002 06:39 PM


Originally posted by todd.o.callen
What code should I replace/add in the threadbits to show who just added the latest post to the thread. Now the thread starter appears (I think).
Use $lastposter in the home_threadbit template instead of $starter

todd.o.callen 12-16-2002 06:47 PM


Originally posted by NTLDR

The welcome panel part is all in the home template, I didn't see a great deal of point seperating it out. You can use $avatarimage in other templates that are evaluated after the users avatar is found. If adding $avatarimage doesn't display your avatar in the template move all the code between these two lines:

PHP Code:

// welcome panel by trilOByte
// -------------------------

-- TILL --

// -------------------------
// end welcome panel 


PHP Code:

// check if user is logged in or not and select the correct templates 

They can then be used in the menu specific templates.

I have been trying this in the home_logout template, and I can't seem to get it working. Actually, none of the dynamic stuff seems to show up. Here is my current code:

:classic: Never mind.... I got it working.

BTW, the $lastposter thing works fine.

Elly 12-16-2002 08:54 PM

I have installed this about three times I followed all the directions as best as I could. I did all the aditions stated but when I try to view the page I get this series of errors

Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ultimaforce.net/httpdocs/vbindex.php on line 26

Warning: Unable to access ./global.php in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ultimaforce.net/httpdocs/vbindex.php on line 27

Warning: Unable to access ./global.php in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ultimaforce.net/httpdocs/vbindex.php on line 27

I am not running it on the forum directory I want it to be at http://www.ultimaforce.net/

when ever I click that link it tells me forbiden but when I enter http://www.ultimaforce.net/vbindex.php I get the series of errors shown above

Can you please help me ?

Darkmeteor 12-16-2002 11:25 PM

I installed this great hack on my site, but the news content does not show up, only the title of threads. I've read this thread about this problem, and tried everything in ACP -> Counters things (couldn't find the one with postid), using vbb 2.2.9

thanks for helping :)


KeneticKangaroo 12-17-2002 12:51 AM

if anyone who has just installed VB and this hack could they pm me their edited files?
cos i cant get it 2 work :(

Imprezer 12-17-2002 05:20 AM

Hello, great hack!

Which templates do I need to modify if I want to add more tables with diff content on the sides?

Also, what addons are available and where can I see them/

Thanks a lot,

Once again, great job,

- Alex

Darkmeteor 12-17-2002 09:05 AM


Originally posted by Elly
I have installed this about three times I followed all the directions as best as I could. I did all the aditions stated but when I try to view the page I get this series of errors

Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ultimaforce.net/httpdocs/vbindex.php on line 26

Warning: Unable to access ./global.php in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ultimaforce.net/httpdocs/vbindex.php on line 27

Warning: Unable to access ./global.php in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ultimaforce.net/httpdocs/vbindex.php on line 27

I am not running it on the forum directory I want it to be at http://www.ultimaforce.net/

when ever I click that link it tells me forbiden but when I enter http://www.ultimaforce.net/vbindex.php I get the series of errors shown above

Can you please help me ?

Line 26 of vbindex.php , you have to change the chdir to the dir of your forum. It must be chdir('./forum'); (if you haven't corrected the path, it's written forums)

Elly 12-18-2002 03:03 AM

I have edited that line this is what I have it set too

PHP Code:

// relitive path to forums directory
// un-comment and set the path if vBindex is not run from the forums root directory

garoboldy 12-18-2002 03:42 AM

I have just updated my index to 2.1 and for some reason now...my news in the middle doesnt show my text from the post..

on the front page it just shows the title if the post, and then the real full post..blah blah...but there isnt any of the posts text..I have it set to 60 characters for each one.

Thanks for any replies.

Darkmeteor 12-18-2002 09:40 AM

I have the same problem : http://www.lifestone-recall.com/vbindex.php :(

NTLDR 12-18-2002 09:49 AM

You know if you read the thread its been answered god knows how many times :rolleyes:

NTLDR 12-18-2002 09:51 AM


Originally posted by Elly
I have edited that line this is what I have it set too
Try using:

PHP Code:

// relitive path to forums directory
// un-comment and set the path if vBindex is not run from the forums root directory

Instead, perhaps the full path will work, I'm asuming thats your full path ;)

colicab-d 12-18-2002 01:15 PM

erm i got a prob all i get is a blank page :S http://www.artorg.co.uk/vbindex.php and if followed the hack thru :p

Is i becuase im using vb 2,2,9? plz help

also i have the

todd.o.callen 12-18-2002 01:26 PM


Originally posted by colicab-d
erm i got a prob all i get is a blank page :S http://www.artorg.co.uk/vbindex.php and if followed the hack thru :p

Is i becuase im using vb 2,2,9? plz help

also i have the

vBindex 2.1 work fine with 2.2.9

Probably a syntax error somewhere.

colicab-d 12-18-2002 02:43 PM


if i remove the cupboards from the above i just get mysql errors :S

colicab-d 12-18-2002 03:12 PM

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL: SELECT u.username, u.userid, s.shoutid, s.shout_text FROM user u, shoutbox s WHERE u.userid = s.userid ORDER BY s.timestamp DESC LIMIT 1
mysql error: Table 'aov2.shoutbox' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Wednesday 18th of December 2002 05:05:56 PM
Script: http://www.artorg.co.uk/cupboards/vbindex.php
Referer: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...165#post332165

is the error i get :p

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